super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 129 A Christmas Gift for Wang An

Chapter 129 A Christmas Gift for Wang An

"What did you say? You want to give all the real money to brother Xiaozheng?" At that moment, Wang An froze: "This is 10 billion yuan? Most people don't earn so much in their lifetime, and they say Just send it off?"

"That's right." Song Zhi's eyes were full of smiles. He didn't care about 10 billion yuan at all. In fact, his net worth was at least 50 billion yuan, and most importantly, Chen Zheng was the terrifying ancient killer. If Chen Zheng can be taken back with one billion, the price will be worth it!Looking at the whole of China, whether you are a Sanda champion, a special soldier, or a terrorist killer, you can't compare to an ancient killer!Because the ancient killer practiced martial arts, it was the internal classics, and there was a dantian in his body, which could absorb the aura of heaven and earth. However, Sanda champions, special forces, terrorist killers, etc., no matter how strong they were, were nothing more than mortals. How could they compare with the ancient killers? Woolen cloth?

Don't say it's one billion, maybe it's two billion. As long as Chen Zheng is willing to follow him, Song Zhi is willing to give it.

Song Zhi looked at Chen Zheng very seriously: "Xiaozheng, what do you think? As long as you agree, everything in this treasury belongs to you! Moreover, if you are willing to join me, I will let you be the second in command , and assure you that everything that is mine in this life will be yours!"

To be honest, Song Zhi has earned enough money in his life.

He would not be stingy at all to give half of his net worth to Chen Zheng, because he had no children and no worries, no matter how much money he had, wouldn't he just die and not take it with him?The reason why he gave Chen Zheng 10 billion yuan was because Chen Zheng was the ancient killer, and it was worth his cherishing and taking it back.

Looking around the world, how many ancient killers are there?
The legendary ancient killer who flew over walls, split the sky, and moved mountains and seas appeared in front of him. Song Zhi's eyes were full of trembling excitement. He just wanted to take Chen Zheng back, it was so pure.

"Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang Anle looked at Chen Zheng happily: "Look, are you happy that this boss gave you so much money?"

Chen Zheng didn't change his face and was not moved by money. A gentleman loves money in a proper way. Although Chen Zheng doesn't think he is a gentleman, he will never bow his head to Song Zhi for the sake of money. Song Zhi is a hero, so to speak No matter how good it is, it can't wash away the darkness and filth on his body. He is involved in pornography, gambling, poison, and killing. Such a person is very loyal, but to Chen Zheng, he is a scum. He came here to rely on Make money with your own strength, but you will never join the scum and act like a bully!
So he said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in your billion."

"What!" Song Zhi stood up in surprise. From the first time he saw Chen Zheng, he felt that Chen Zheng loved money very much, because Chen Zheng had been unemployed for a month and had no money. When Yiyi was placed in front of Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng was unmoved?Song Zhi suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale. If Chen Zheng did not belong to his organization, then the Black Gold Organization would continue to send people to assassinate Chen Zheng. I am fighting against the Luo family. Once I offend the Luo family, I will offend the martial arts forces in the entire Yangtze River Delta, and there are ancient killers in China. As the source of martial arts, the Luo family will definitely hide other ancient killers. At that time, there will be other ancient killers coming to kill Chen Zheng!

Thinking of this, Song Zhi felt very sorry.

Chen Zheng is a terrifying ancient assassin, so young, Song Zhi really didn't want Chen Zheng to offend the Luo family and attract other ancient assassins to kill him!

"My brother Xiaozheng said, I don't care about your one billion, you can distribute it to the poor!" Wang Anle grinned.

Song Zhi's expression turned cold, causing Wang An to take a step back in fright.

"Hmph." Chen Zheng hurriedly protected Wang An behind him, and said coldly: "Boss Song, I like money, but I like to earn it with my own hands. Tonight I will challenge the hunchbacked boy, but you have to give me money." I am 300 million!"

"What you like to make is money, so I have a billion here, can't you impress you?" Song Zhi is still trying to keep Chen Zheng, he really doesn't want Chen Zheng to leave.

"That's right, I don't care much about your money!" Chen Zheng said coldly, and then walked out with Wang An. After the two left for a long time, Song Zhi's face gradually turned cold: "Chen Zheng, you It's really stupid, if there is a way to heaven, you don't want to go, and if there is no way to hell, you just want to go, very good! Do you think you are the only ancient killer in this world? Let me tell you, the Luo family, as a member of the Yangtze River Delta The largest martial arts force, there must be ancient killers among them, just wait to be killed!"

Chen Zheng and Wang An took the elevator to the underground boxing ring.

"Brother Xiaozheng, are you really not interested in that one billion?" Wang An's dark eyes were fixed on Chen Zheng.


"If I have one billion, I will immediately distribute it to the poor so that they can live a good life." Wang An said purely.

Chen Zheng looked towards Wang An, and saw this guy's face could be broken, his skin was rosy, and his eyes were deep and charming. He smiled, stretched out his hand to pat Wang An's cute nose, and said with a smile, "You are so cute."

Wang An blushed brightly, and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, are you serious?"

Looking at Wang An's bright smiling face, Chen Zheng pretended not to hear it, and when he saw the elevator opened, he hurried out, but he stopped in the next second, because there was a young man standing in front of him, This young man is 28 years old, but his back is hunchbacked, and the hunchback is a full twenty degrees, like an angry tortoise, and the young man's eyes are extremely cold.

"Master Hunchback?" A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

"Are you what they call a madman?" The hunchbacked young master asked coldly.

"Hehe, so you're the enemy I'm going to face tonight?" Chen Zheng didn't expect to meet his enemy before the competition, but as soon as he met, Chen Zheng sneered a little: "I heard that you are No. .3? I don’t think so, tonight I can beat you into a cripple with only [-]% of my strength!”

"You!" The hunchbacked young master said with anger on his face, "You speak loudly!"

"It only takes [-]% of my strength to beat you into a cripple, but only [-]% of my strength is needed to beat you to death. But I'm very fair. It's enough to cripple you, I won't beat you to death. Yes." Chen Zheng said lazily.

"You!" The hunchbacked young master's eyes were full of murderous intent. He didn't expect Chen Zheng to be so arrogant. He said firmly: "Then let me see how powerful you are with [-]% of your strength!"

"Really?" Chen Zheng smiled lazily: "I'm sorry, I won't exert [-]% of my strength, because you are not qualified to be worthy of my killing!"


The hunchbacked young master stared at Chen Zheng, and suddenly said: "You are the most arrogant and domineering person I have ever seen! Very good, I will let you fight me with [-]% of your strength tonight!"

After finishing speaking, the hunchbacked young master gave Chen Zheng a hard look, and then walked out.

As soon as the hunchbacked master left, Wang An asked nervously: "Brother Xiaozheng, hunchbacks are very powerful, you have to be careful, and I think this hunchbacked young master didn't come down by himself, but was beaten into a hunchback by someone else." I'm afraid his temperament will be very cold, brother Xiaozheng, you have to be careful."

"Let's go, let's find Dali to shake them up." Chen Zheng smiled and led Wang An forward.

At this time, there were no spectators in the underground boxing ring, and there was still half an hour before the actual opening, and the spectators would pour in. So when Chen Zheng and Wang An walked into the underground boxing ring, Xu Ying, Dali Zhen and Tian Gong The three of them saw Chen Zheng at a glance, and they quickly leaned forward. Xu Ying said directly, "Xiao An, you have been to the world of two with Chen Zheng again, and you really envy me."

When Wang An heard this, his face turned red.

But Tian Gong said to Chen Zheng very respectfully: "God Chen, are you back?"

"Well." Chen Zheng saw that Tiangong was still very polite, so he patted Tiangong on the shoulder and said, "Don't call me Chen Shen, just call me Chen Zheng, or Brother Chen."

When Tian Gong heard this, he was so excited. He never thought that a mortal like him could be called a brother and brother with such a terrifying ancient assassin like Chen Zheng. How many martial arts practitioners would be envious of this?Others don't even have the chance to meet the ancient killer, but he Tiangong can call the ancient killer Brother Chen!Thinking of this, Tiangong was very excited.

Dalizhen next to him said, "Xiaozheng, are you going to play later? If you do, I'll bet all the money on you!"

When Xu Ying heard this, she got excited: "Brother Chen, I'll bet a hundred yuan on you too! But, you must not lose."

Hearing Xu Ying's voice, Dali Zhen quickly said: "Xu Ying, you are talking nonsense, Xiaozheng has been fighting in this underground boxing ring for a full month, from the last place to No.4 now, all opponents are Those who were dealt with by Xiaozheng in one move, needless to say later, Xiaozheng will directly deal with the opponent as soon as he comes on stage!"

When Xu Ying heard this, her face became excited: "Then I will put all my wealth on Brother Chen."

With that said, Xu Ying hurriedly urged Chen Zheng and others to place bets. They came to the betting machine, took out their bank cards, swiped them into the machine, and then operated on the touch screen, putting all their money in the betting machine. On Chen Zheng, Xu Ying did what she said, and she really took out all the bank cards, and then swiped all of them on Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng who was standing next to him sighed a little: "Little girl, you really know how to make money!"

"Hehe." Xu Ying smiled and said to Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, you must win later."

When it was Dali Zhen's turn, he took out all the household items that were going to be sent to his parents, and then put them on Chen Zheng, and when he got the gambling ticket, his face was full of excitement: "Now I'm rich! "

And Tiangong also took out the money and put all of it on Chen Zheng, but when Dalizhen saw the 500 million in the Tiangong card, he gasped: "A rich agent!"

On the other hand, Wang An next to him didn't have any money or cards. She pulled Chen Zheng and walked to the side. After walking a certain distance, she said cautiously: "Brother Xiaozheng, I know the password of Song Zhi's treasury... "

"Oh." Chen Zheng smiled: "Then I will go down with you and steal the one billion, as a Christmas present for you."


 Thanks to book friends [Do not approach non-human beings] (100 gold coins), [Rainy season, whose eyes are blurred] (200 gold coins, rewarded many times), [Standable Food] (100 gold coins), [Reaper Karens] (100 gold coins, multiple rewards).

(End of this chapter)

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