super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 130 You Are Qualified To Be Worthy Of Me Killing You!

Chapter 130 You Are Qualified To Be Worthy Of Me Killing You!
"Let's go." Chen Zheng called Wang An, and then walked forward. He performed the see-through technique and looked around. With him as the center, he could have a panoramic view of all the existences within a radius of 5000 meters. Chen Zheng found that Song Zhizheng was walking with the hunchbacked young master, and on the third floor of the basement, there were guards guarding the place, and they had already surrounded the place tightly. If the two of them went down, Song Zhi would definitely be alarmed, so Chen Zheng didn't think about it. Go through the front door.

When he went underground, he found that there was a sewer next to the hotel parking lot, which had just passed the third floor, only half a meter away.

"Go, I know where to go!"

Chen Zheng quickly called Wang An, walked out of the hotel quickly, and came to the parking lot next to him. Along the way, Chen Zheng kept observing his surroundings, deliberately avoiding the monitoring of the camera, and soon came to the sewer.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what are we doing here?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously, her little pink face was full of nervousness.

Chen Zheng didn't say anything, and came directly in front of a wall. He used the see-through technique to know that behind the wall was the hotel's vault, which was only half a meter thick. As long as he broke through the wall, he could enter.

Chen Zheng was running the spiritual energy of his dantian, resting his hands on the wall, and there was a burst of shaking. To Wang An's surprise, Chen Zheng pushed out a big hole in the wall, which made Wang An feel nervous. Frozen there: "This... brother Xiaozheng, this... this is so fun..."

This guy's face was red, he ran up, hugged Chen Zheng, put his head against Chen Zheng's shoulder, and said with a cheerful smile: "Brother Xiaozheng, it's so fun, I want to move mountains and seas too , you teach me."

Chen Zheng had the urge to faint, and now he came to steal something, so it was for fun?He wanted to yell, but he looked at Wang An's red face, which was so cute, he couldn't bear to yell, so he just snorted, moved the wall to the side, and walked into the cave first.Wang Anle behind him smiled and hurriedly followed in.

The two walked into the vault like thieves.

The entire lobby was dead silent, and the guards were all concentrated in the corridor outside the lobby. In the corridor leading to the elevator, there was a strong man standing guard every half a meter. They all had guns in their hands and stood there with cold faces. He never expected that in the lobby behind him, in the vault, two thieves would actually break in through a hole.

"Brother Xiaozheng..."

Wang An, who was behind him, wanted to say something, but Chen Zheng hurriedly made a silence gesture. Looking at the lobby, he found that there was no camera here. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous for Song Zhi's arrogance. Song Zhi thought it would be fine to send heavy troops to guard it ?Hehe, Chen Zheng smiled coldly, and turned around to tell Wang An: "Keep your voice down, go and open the vault."

"It's time for me to play." Wang An's small face was full of excitement, and she hurriedly ran to the password system of the vault, but just a few steps away, she slipped and fell forward.


Chen Zheng hugged Wang An quickly. If Wang An fell to the ground and made a strange noise, it would definitely alarm the guards outside.This guy Wang An is really troublesome. Bringing her here to steal things is not even a moment's reassuring.Chen Zheng glared at Wang An.

Wang An's face was completely red, wishing there was a hole in the ground for her to disappear.

She walked out of Chen Zheng's arms with a blushing face, and then went to the password device to enter and press. After a while, the iron door opened slowly, making a clicking sound. Chen Zheng was afraid of being alarmed. The people outside quickly activated the spiritual breath of Dantian, which condensed into a layer of spiritual breath outside the iron gate, preventing the sound from spreading.Soon, the iron door opened, revealing all the gold and banknotes in the vault inside.

"Brother Xiaozheng, am I very good? Only I know the secret." Wang An ran over to ask Chen Zheng for credit.

Chen Zheng was very satisfied with Wang An's performance in his heart. He stretched out his hand and pinched Wang An's red face, and said, "I won't blame you this time. Let's go, let's move the gold, and move it all to the sewer outside." .”

"Okay." Wang An was praised by Chen Zhengyi, and he felt that he was very light and handsome, so he hurriedly followed Chen Zheng into the vault and moved the gold.

The vault was full of gold and banknotes. Chen Zheng ordered the gold to be moved first. He was so powerful that he carried a box of gold bars and stuffed them outside the cave. After moving for a long time, he found that Wang An was following closely behind him. Beside him, there were a few gold nuggets in his hand, and Chen Zheng felt that this guy was lazy, and being followed by this guy, Chen Zheng was really uncomfortable, so he told Wang An to sit at the entrance of the cave, Responsible for stuffing the gold bars out.

This time the speed is much faster.

Chen Zheng was in charge of removing the gold from the vault, moving it into the entrance of the cave, and handing it over to Wang An, who asked Wang An to stuff the gold bars out.

The two worked for half an hour, and finally moved out all the gold bars in the vault. Wang An was still thinking about the banknotes in the vault, and Chen Zheng was also very greedy, so the two continued to move, and Chen Zheng used the banknotes in the vault. The ropes were tied up to form a bunch of strings, and Wang An dragged them out until there were only hundreds of thousands of banknotes left in the vault. Chen Zhengcai called Wang An out of the underground vault, and he activated the spiritual breath in his body again. Moving the stone back to the entrance of the cave, the spiritual breath flooded over, sealing the cracks of the cave one by one, and the entire wall returned to its previous appearance.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you are too powerful."

When Chen Zheng was busy with everything, he didn't expect that Wang An would jump up from the side, put his arms around his waist, leaned forward, and kissed his face.

This time, Chen Zheng was stunned.

Damn, he was actually kissed by a big man!
Looking at Wang An's bright red face, Chen Zheng really wanted to yell at him, but he still couldn't, because the little face at the moment was so cute, the little face was red and rosy, and his smile was so bright like a flower, Those dark eyes are very deep, and they bend into a crescent moon when she smiles, and the two small swirls on her small face are particularly charming.For a moment, Chen Zheng, who wanted to yell at him, didn't do so in the end, because Wang An is really cute!
Chen Zheng had no choice but to stare at Wang An, then walked to the opposite side of the sewer, made a hole according to the law, and used his spiritual breath to open up a big hole, then called Wang An, and moved all the gold bars and banknotes into the hole.

When Wang An saw that she had kissed Brother Xiaozheng, and Brother Xiaozheng didn't scold her, she was even happier, and happily stuck to Chen Zheng's side, moving all the gold bars and banknotes into the pit.

With one effort, the two moved all the gold bars and paper money into the big pit. Chen Zheng was afraid that it would get damp, so he blessed a spiritual breath in the big pit, wrapped the gold bars and paper money, and formed an airtight The wall, after doing all this, he sealed the wall, and then said to Wang An: "Let's go, let's go back."


Wang Anle grinned, and followed Chen Zheng, hopping forward, seeing helplessness in Chen Zheng's eyes: Why did I find such a freak as an employee?

The two walked out of the sewer, and then went straight to the underground boxing ring of the hotel. When they passed the lobby, they saw the anxious Xiaojie at a glance. The little Jie also saw Chen Zheng and Wang An, and ran up quickly, and said anxiously: "Brother Chen!" , where did you go just now? I’m so anxious, the game is about to start, but I don’t see you, Boss Song told me to come up here to guard, if you see you, please notify him immediately..."

"No need to notify, I'll go down now."

Chen Zheng and Wang An followed Xiaojie and walked towards the underground boxing ring. As soon as they entered the battle hall, Chen Zheng frowned. Why is the underground boxing ring so dead tonight?If it is normal, this place is overcrowded. Urban white-collar workers are depressed at work during the day, and they will come here to vent at night. Whether it is the race or warm-up, this place will be full of shouts and roars, but why is it so quiet today?

"Master Hunchback is already ready, and I'm just waiting for your challenge, Brother Chen!" Xiaojie said as he walked forward.

When he walked down the battle hall, Chen Zheng was puzzled. Looking forward, he saw one audience after another. The entire underground boxing ring, all the seats that could be seated, were full of people, and the seats at the back, The audience was also standing, but why weren't they shouting and roaring?If it was normal, with so many people, the noise would have been deafening, but today is it so dead silent?What's the matter?

Chen Zheng looked towards the audience suspiciously. What made him puzzled was that these audiences lacked fanaticism and violence, and some of them were just calmly appreciative.

However, it is this calmness that makes people feel weird.

"Xiaozheng, you're back!"

When Dalizhen saw Chen Zheng and Wang An, he quickly leaned forward and breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally saw you, I thought something happened to you."

"Brother Xiaozheng and I went out to play." Wang Anle grinned.

Chen Zheng asked suspiciously, "Where are Xu Ying and Tiangong?"

"They went out to find you, and I just searched for it, and then came back."

"Then go and tell them to come back, the competition is about to start, and I will let them make a lot of money!" Chen Zheng said.

Dali Zhen heard it, but his eyes lit up: "Xiaozheng, you said that, I will use all my strength later, and then knock down the hunchbacked young master!"

"You don't need to use all your strength to defeat the hunchbacked boy." Chen Zheng smiled and looked up at the main control room on the second floor. When he saw Song Zhi and the hunchbacked young master, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Zheng's mouth.

"Master Hunchback, I'll act first and kill Chen Zheng!" Song Zhi said coldly behind the glass window of the main control room on the second floor.

"Yeah." The hunchbacked young master nodded coldly, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes: "I heard that Chen Zheng only used [-]% of his power to deal with me, and I'm not worthy of [-]% of his power! Boss Song, please invite me personally!" This boxer who came here is very arrogant!"

"It's not arrogance, but strength! To be honest, Chen Zheng can solve most of the people with [-]% of his strength! Unless you are an ancient killer!" Song Zhi said, but looked at the hunchbacked young master, and the hunchback When the young master heard Song Zhi's words, a murderous look flashed in his eyes: "Very good, very good, even you think I'm only worthy of a madman giving [-]% of his strength? I want to see, how can he show [-]% of his strength? I don't have the qualifications to be so insolent!"

Saying that, the hunchbacked young master walked down the second floor, but when he walked out of the Wutai, there was an extra woman in his hand!
"Brother Xiaozheng, it's Sister Ying!" Wang An saw the hunchbacked young master on the Wutai, her face changed drastically, and Chen Zheng and Dalizhen looked back at the same time, but saw the hunchbacked young master on the Wutai, but at this moment, the hunchback The young master pinched Xu Ying's neck.

Xu Ying's face was pale. She searched among the crowd, and soon found Chen Zheng and the others. She shouted in panic, "Brother Chen, come and save me, come and save me..."

"Dalizhen, didn't you say that Xu Ying went out to find me? Why was he caught by the hunchbacked young master!" Chen Zheng asked hastily.

"I...I don't know..." Dalizhen was also panicked.

And the hunchbacked young master on the Wutai had a murderous look in his eyes, his hand turned into a knife, and he slashed fiercely on the back of Xu Ying's head. With a bang, Xu Ying fell to the ground in response, and the hunchback The young master said coldly: "Chen Zheng, I don't know if I am qualified to accept your [-]% challenge now?"

"Very good! Very good!" A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Young master hunchback, you actually beat my people! Very good, very good! You are worthy of me killing you!"

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(End of this chapter)

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