super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 131 Husband No. 1 Candidate

Chapter 131 Husband No.1 Selection (for Subscription)
"Xiaozheng, come on, beat him to death!" Dalizhen said angrily.

Chen Zheng nodded, he walked forward, performed the see-through technique, and looked around, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, he jumped onto the martial stage, and said coldly: "Master Hunchback, today I will let you Know why I have been unwilling to use [-]% of my strength to deal with you!"

"Haha!" The hunchbacked young master laughed loudly: "Don't tell me, you don't want to use [-]% of your strength because you are afraid of killing me?"

"That's right! If I use [-]% of my strength, not to mention you, even ten cows can be killed directly!" Chen Zheng said coldly: "I just wanted you to get out of the way and lose the game , I still leave you a dog's life, but if you hit my people, then you have to die!"

"Really?" The hunchbacked young master's eyes were full of sarcasm. He leaned forward, and the bent hunchback came stealthily like a jet of black. It first punched Chen Zheng, and then it neighed again. , the bent hunchback straightened up alive, and a ghost claw killed it. Originally, the hunchbacked young master was only more than one meter high, but after he lifted his hunchback, it was one and a half meters, and it was this half meter. Ghost Claw cut Chen Zheng's throat.

"Xiaozheng, be careful!" Dali Zhen called out.

And Tiangong next to him, his eyes were full of anticipation, he knew that God Chen was terrifying!
In the main monitoring room on the second floor, Song Zhi stood there coldly, staring at Chen Zheng and the hunchbacked young master.

And just when the hunchbacked young master's ghost claws cut Chen Zheng's throat fiercely, Chen Zheng moved, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he took a step back, avoiding the hunchbacked young master's killing, and then he kicked He kicked the hunchbacked young master in the stomach.

There was a muffled sound, and the hunchbacked young master was kicked upside down, smashed onto the martial platform, and rolled to the bottom of the martial platform. Looking at Chen Zheng: "Why is your speed so fast?...How is this possible?...This is absolutely impossible!"


The spectators looked at the hunchbacked young master lying on the ground in surprise. They had just seen the hunchbacked young master's ghost claws cutting towards Chen Zheng's throat. Why did Chen Zheng kick the hunchbacked young master hard in the next second? body?The ghost claw had clearly cut Chen Zheng's throat, how did Chen Zheng avoid it?How did it work out?And the most horrifying thing is that Chen Zheng's kick actually kicked the hunchbacked young master five meters upside down, and knocked him off the martial arts platform. How did he do it?

For a moment, everyone froze there, their faces pale.

Tiangong knelt down on the ground, stretched out his hands to form a cross, and said tremblingly: "This is the horror of the ancient killer, this is the terror of the ancient killer!"


Dalizhen let out cheers, his eyes were full of excitement, and Wang An next to him was looking at Chen Zheng while rubbing Xu Ying's temples. Seeing that Xu Ying was just in a coma, she was relieved, and then her face became excited. Cheered towards Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, brother Xiaozheng..."

"This is the horror of the ancient killer!" In the monitoring room on the second floor, Song Zhi stared at the martial stage: "Master Hunchback, what else do you have, show it quickly, if not, you will definitely not be able to kill Chen Exactly!"

"He lost! The hunchbacked young master lost!" Dalizhen pointed at the hunchbacked young master who fell on the ground and shouted: "You all saw it, he lost! In other words, the madman has already won!"

"No!" Chen Zheng waved his hand, and said to the hunchbacked young master outside the Wutai, "Come up, you haven't seen [-]% of my strength yet, come up and let me beat you to death!"


The hunchbacked young master had never experienced such anger. He thought he was an elite of the hunchback family, but when he met Chen Zhenggang, he was directly dealt with by Chen Zheng with one move. Jumping onto the Wutai, his eyes were blood red, and he jumped up. On the way, he suddenly jumped and spun violently in mid-air. The hunchback spun violently like a gear, and then moved towards Chen It is coming.

"I will show you the power of [-]% of my power right now! I have warned you, but you are going to die, I can only fulfill you!" Chen Zheng said coldly, he did not want to kill The hunchbacked young master, but the other party forced him to do this!
Chen Zheng let out a low cry, circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then kicked.

This kick fully used [-]% of his strength.

He kicked heavily on the hunchback of the hunchbacked young master who was spinning rapidly.

There was a sound of bone cracking, and the hunchbacked young master was kicked out heavily, rolled in the air like a powerless kite, and finally hit the wall heavily. When he landed on the ground, he stared at him with a pale face. Chen Zheng was trembling all over, his eyes were full of panic: " is...[-]% power..."

There was dead silence all around.

They didn't expect that the hunchbacked young master confronted Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng solved it with just two moves. Chen Zheng only used [-]% of his strength for the first move, and [-]% of his strength for the second move. From the beginning to the end, the hunchback The young master didn't even touch Chen Zheng, he received Chen Zheng's kicks silently, just such two kicks, but they completely beat his internal organs to rupture, trembling and fell into a pool of blood, staring fixedly at Chen Zheng , eyes full of horror, said tremblingly: "Why...why are you so scary...why..."

"I have already said that your strength is at most [-]% of my strength. I can beat you into a cripple with [-]% of my strength. Why do you still favor me? I said, you Tuoshi The family is simply an idiot! You are an idiot for nothing! Even ten of you are no match for me! Do you know?" Chen Zheng said coldly.




But Tiangong heard this, trembling all over, lying on the ground, kowtowed his head towards Chen Zheng, and said in fear and trepidation: "God Chen, the ancient killer; God Chen, the ancient killer; God Chen, the ancient killer..."

"Hahahaha..." Dali Zhen's eyes were full of ecstasy: "Have you seen it? This little brother is my senior brother, and I am his senior brother!"

On the other hand, Wang An next to her clapped her little palms happily. Once she became happy, she didn't care about it. She climbed up to the martial stage, opened her hands, and threw herself into Chen Zheng's arms with a wow. The chick kissed Chen Zheng as if pecking rice, and said with a cheerful smile, "Brother Xiaozheng, you are my husband's No. 1 choice!"

When Chen Zheng heard Wang An's voice, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

He hastily dragged Wang An down, and dragged him alive to the Wutai, ordered Dalizhen to keep an eye on Wang An, not to make Wang An go crazy, and then walked towards the monitoring room on the second floor, ready to leave after receiving the money .Wang An behind her pursed her lips and sulked. She was clearly showing love to brother Xiaozheng, why did brother Xiaozheng say she was crazy?This made her boss unhappy, pouting her lips and sulking.

On the other hand, Dalizhen who was next to him suddenly turned around suspiciously, looked behind Wang An, and said, "Cui Yuanmu, why are you here?"

Wang An looked back and saw the Korean colleague. This colleague was very handsome, but he stared at Xu Ying and Huang Hong hotly when he came to work, so Wang An subconsciously felt that he was not a good person. When she arrived at Cui Yuanmu, she didn't even say hello, she walked to the side and waited for her brother Xiaozheng.

"Mr. Wang, I heard Xu Ying say that you are here, so I rushed over here. Unexpectedly, I missed Mr. Chen's fight!" Cui Yuanmu was full of disappointment.

"Haha!" Dali Zhen did not doubt that he was there, laughed loudly, patted Cui Yuanmu on the shoulder, and said: "You really missed a good show, you don't know Xiaozheng's horror, just two moves can solve it The opponent, and kicked the opponent upside down on the opposite wall, to be honest, Xiaozheng is a terrifying ancient killer!"

The South Korean Cui Yuanmu turned pale when he heard this.

Before he came to Huaxia, he was told by the coach of the organization that he must be careful of Chen Zheng, because Chen Zheng is a terrifying ancient killer!He will never forget the scene experienced by the female killer Maria before her death. Chen Zheng actually pinched the bullet of the female killer Maria alive, and it was still within half a meter!
This shows Chen Zheng's terror!
It is definitely not something he can fight against!

The Ancient Assassin is a terrifying existence!

Seeing Cui Yuanmu's pale face, Dalizhen thought he was intimidated by Chen Zheng's aura, so he said excitedly: "Just now the hunchback young master flew up, formed a spinning top in mid-air, and then blasted towards Chen Zheng. came, but Chen Zheng just kicked the opponent away with a light kick..."

Dali said excitedly.

And Cui Yuanmu's face was always pale, and he was well aware of Chen Zheng's horror!
"Brother Xiaozheng is out!" Wang An cheered and drew Dalizhen's attention back. Immediately, Dalizhen and Wang An went to meet Chen Zheng, but they didn't find Cui Yuanmu behind him hidden in the crowd. He glanced at Chen Zheng, and then fixedly stared at Wang An.

Chen Zheng walked out, only saw Wang An and Dalizhen, and asked, "Where are Xiaogong and Xu Ying?"

"They're in the lounge." Wang An said.

"En." Chen Zheng ordered Dalizhen to accept the award, and then walked to the lounge with Wang An. As soon as he entered the lounge, Tian Gong fell to his knees in front of Chen Zheng with a slap, and said respectfully, "Master, please!" Take my bow."

"Ha ha."

Chen Zheng patted Tiangong on the shoulder, signaling Tiangong to get up, but Tiangong wanted to learn martial arts from Chen Zheng, so he kept kneeling there, unwilling to get up.

Chen Zheng had no choice but to check Xu Ying first. Seeing that Xu Ying was just in a coma, he pressed Xu Ying's temple, and Xu Ying woke up faintly. As soon as she saw Chen Zheng, she asked tightly: "Brother Chen, am I dead?"

"Don't be stupid, I've already won 15 for you!"

"What!" Upon hearing that Chen Zheng had won the money, Xu Ying immediately sat up and said excitedly, "That's great! Brother Chen, I love you to death."

"Hehe." Chen Zheng smiled, and hurriedly urged Xu Ying, Dalizhen, and Wang An to collect the money. After a while, Xu Ying and Dalizhen came back. Chen Zheng saw that everyone was here, and said: "We Let's go, go back."

However, when everyone walked out of the lounge, they frowned, and saw more than 300 men in front of them standing there with machetes in their hands, with gloomy faces.

"Aren't these the spectators who came to watch the game? What are they doing with machetes?" Dali Zhen looked puzzled.

And Chen Zheng's face darkened, no wonder it was so quiet here tonight, the audience didn't shout or roar, they watched the game quietly, it turned out that these were all members of the Tuo family!Chen Zheng's face darkened. Looking around, there were at least three hundred people. He should have no problem, but what about Wang An and others beside him?Wait, if there is a fight, it will definitely be short-sighted!
Chen Zheng took a step forward, and said coldly: "People of the Tuo family, get out of Donghai, I won't pursue what happened tonight, if it wasn't..."

"Kill! The man will be disabled, and the woman will be fucked!!!"

The 300 people roared wildly, and rushed up with machetes in their hands.

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(End of this chapter)

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