super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 142 The only ancient killer is Chen Zheng!

Chapter 142 The only ancient killer is Chen Zheng!
"There's a killer!" Chen Zheng's face darkened. He thought the killer was coming towards him, and he was ready to act when the other party shot at him. However, the other party was not coming towards him, but Go straight to Wang An in the bedroom!
The killer came for Wang An?
Could it be the black gold killer?
A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he quickly rushed towards the bedroom. He had just practiced for one night, and the aura in his dantian was very full, so he came to the bedroom in a flash, and saw the black-clothed The man actually held a machete and stabbed at Wang An on the bed. Chen Zheng frowned, his figure flashed, and he had already come behind the man in black. pinch.


There was a clear sound of bone cracking, and the killer groaned in pain, and turned around and slashed at Chen Zheng.

But Chen Zheng could see clearly who the big man in front of him was. He was actually the No.5 emperor in the underground boxing ring. Chen Zheng could see the opponent clearly, but the opponent couldn't see Chen Zheng clearly, so the opponent still raised his hand. The machete came towards Chen Zheng.

"Stop immediately! Emperor, do you want to die?" Chen Zheng said coldly.

"Ah, Chen Zheng!!!" The big man was the emperor. When he heard Chen Zheng's shout, his face changed drastically. He immediately put down the machete in his hand, pulled off his mask, and looked closely at Chen Zheng in front of him. Zheng, after his eyes adjusted to the night, he saw at a glance that it was Chen Zheng in front of him. For a moment, the emperor's face was pale and bloodless, and he froze there.

"Emperor, why did you appear here!" Chen Zheng looked at the emperor coldly.

"I..." The emperor didn't say anything, he knelt down in front of him, and said repentantly, "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"Brother Xiaozheng..." At this moment, Wang An got up from the bed and saw Chen Zheng and a big man with a machete in his hand. For a moment, her face was pale and she shrank behind her. Go, and said with a pale face: "Brother Xiaozheng, what's going on?"

"It's okay." Chen Zheng hurriedly comforted Wang An, then glanced at the emperor, and signaled to go out to the hall to talk. The emperor received a call tonight, saying that he was coming to kill people. The other party only gave him an address, and he rushed over. How could he have thought that he wanted to kill Chen Zheng?Since he was defeated by Chen Zheng last time, the emperor has been very respectful to Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng solved him with just two moves, which made him terrified. How dare he be disrespectful?Now that the person who was going to be killed was Chen Zheng, the emperor turned pale, walked to the hall, knelt down there, and said with a remorseful expression: "Boss, I deserve death, I shouldn't have come here!"

Chen Zheng glanced at the emperor, but asked, "What's the situation? Don't kneel now, stand up and tell the truth."

"It's like this." The emperor didn't dare to stand up. After all, he came here to kill Chen Zheng tonight, which made him regret it. When he heard that Chen Zheng didn't blame him, he regretted it even more. He knelt there and said: "I received a call tonight. It was my former benefactor who asked me to kill people. He just gave me an address. I owed him a favor, so I rushed here overnight! Boss, I'm really sorry, I didn't know it was you, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come here even if I was killed!"

"Oh?" A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. Seeing the emperor kneeling there, he quickly said, "Get up first and then talk!"

But after talking for a long time, seeing that the emperor was still kneeling there, Chen Zheng could only continue to ask, "Is he from Hei Jin?"

"No, it's a big family in the capital!" The emperor owed favors to others, so he couldn't tell the background of the other party, but the person in front of him was Chen Zheng, which was different. When the emperor thought about that night, Chen Zheng displayed a strange With the technique, he was solved with two moves, and his heart was trembling. Even if he offended the family in the capital, he would not want to offend such a terrifying existence as Chen Zheng!So he quickly said: "This family's surname is Li, and the head of the family is a woman. The current official position should be the director of the National Energy Administration!"

"Oh? The director of the National Energy Administration?" Chen Zheng's eyes were puzzled, where did he mess with such a person?Suddenly he asked, "She asked you to kill me?"

"No, it's a man named Wang An."

"Oh." Hearing this, Chen Zheng suddenly realized that the other party came because of Wang An. However, in this world, isn't it the black gold organization and the Satan organization that want to kill Wang An?Why is there an additional Energy Bureau?Moreover, the other party sent the emperor over to attack, which was obviously a personal enmity, which made Chen Zheng even more puzzled: Who wanted Wang An to die?

Chen Zheng continued to ask the emperor, but after asking for a long time, he didn't ask any more questions, and seeing the emperor kneeling there, Chen Zheng simply called the emperor back.As soon as the emperor left, Wang An from the bedroom came out, threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms, and cried, "Brother Xiaozheng, I'm so scared..."

"You are a boy, what are you afraid of!"

Chen Zhenggang wanted to scold a few words, but it was obvious that Wang An was crying with tears in his eyes, and that little rosy face looked so cute that Chen Zheng couldn't scold him, so he had to pat Wang An's back, just touching his back. Looking at Wang An's smooth jade back, even through the pajamas, Chen Zheng still felt the smoothness and softness, and he cursed in his heart: This Wang An's skin feels super good!
After such a incident, it was difficult for Chen Zheng and Wang An to fall asleep, and it was almost dawn, so the two sat in the lobby chatting, and did not drive out of the village in the city until dawn, but they did not go to work , but went to Longxing Hotel, Chen Zheng always felt that the emperor was sent here because it was related to Longxing Hotel!
On the way, Chen Zheng called Xia Xue, only to find out that Xia Xue changed shift today, so he didn't go to Longxing Hotel.

However, Xia Xue told Chen Zheng that Li Yanran, the leader of the dragon group, was still on the scene.Thinking of Li Yanran, for some reason, Chen Zheng always felt a little strange, thinking that this Li Yanran had something to do with Hua Xingbang, could it be because of Li Yanran that Wang An was assassinated?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng hurried to the Longxing Hotel. The two entered the hotel and found that Li Yanran and Tiangong were researching those TC8 viruses in the basement. When Chen Zheng and Wang An saw Li Yanran from a distance, they asked directly: " Li Yanran, as the captain of the dragon group, do you know the director of the Energy Bureau?"

"Director of Energy?" Li Yanran's eyes flashed a hint of surprise, but she quickly concealed it, and asked, "I don't know him, what's wrong?"

"The Director of Energy sent someone to kill me." Wang An said, looking at Li Yanran expectantly: "Do you know the Director of Energy?"

Li Yanran was extremely shocked. She knew the director of the Energy Bureau, and that was her mother!But on the surface, she was still very calm: "I don't know."

"Oh." Wang An shook his head and walked away. She asked Chen Zheng to wait for her, then walked out of the balcony and called Ling Ying, intending to tell him that someone was going to kill her, but Ling Ying's phone was still disconnected. .

At this time, it was far away in the outskirts of Jiangnan.

In the underground R&D room, the phone in Ling Ying's pocket was ringing. She took out the phone and saw that it was Wang An calling. She was about to answer the call, but at this moment, the door was pushed open, and Hua Tianping was seen Walked in with a tired face, and said with a disappointed face: "Failed! In this world, only Chen Zheng can inherit the ancient killing skills! Even if you get Chen Zheng's blood, you can't let others inherit the ancient killing skills! In other words In other words, apart from Chen Zheng, there is no way to recover another ancient killer!"


(End of this chapter)

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