super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 143 Li Yanran's Mother

Chapter 143 Li Yanran's Mother
"What!" Ling Ying's eyes were full of surprise when he heard Hua Tianping's words, and he hung up the call from Wang An, then looked at Hua Tianping: "Dr. Hua, you mean that only Chen Zheng can do it in this world." Through the inheritance of the ancient killer? No one else can obtain the terrifying ancient killer ability through experiments?"

"That's right, that's right." Dr. Hua sat down, untied his biochemical gloves, and just ran out of the laboratory. He looked a little anxious, sat down and took a few breaths of air, and then gradually calmed down. Ling Ying said: "I have also found the reason why other people failed, because only Chen Zheng's bloodline has no factors that reject the ancient killers! These factors are what make the ancient killers different. If they are good, they should be The so-called spiritual breath! Not everyone can absorb the spiritual breath, only Chen Zheng's blood can absorb the spiritual breath!"

"You mean to say that those experimental products failed because they didn't absorb spiritual breath?" Ling Ying asked tightly.

"It should be like this! The previous experiments, because they couldn't absorb and dissolve the spiritual breath, were damaged by the powerful spiritual breath to destroy the tissues and organs in the body, causing the organs to mourn and die." Hua Tianping said.

"Then Chen Zheng..."

"Chen Zhengzheng is the only existence! His blood can absorb these spiritual breaths, so he succeeded! This is the disadvantage of inheritance. It is unacceptable for an ordinary person to inherit a powerful ancient killing technique, and he will die in an explosion. , because everything is done according to the law, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step, our experiment is to let people have the skills of the ancient killer overnight, this is against the laws of nature, so it will continue to fail until Chen Zheng's Appear! I am afraid that only Chen Zheng in this world can become an ancient assassin through the ancient assassin experiment!" Hua Tianping said excitedly.

When Ling Ying heard this, she was very shocked. Unexpectedly, Chen Zheng was the only one!She thought that everyone could inherit through the ancient killer, but she didn't expect that only Chen Zheng could inherit in this world!This is what sets Chen Zheng apart! ! !
No wonder she always felt that Chen Zheng was very powerful, because this was his blood!
But she thought of Wang An again, and looked closely at Hua Tianping: "Dr. Hua, what about Xiaoying?"

"Xiaoying?" Hua Tianping was silent for a while, and said, "I think using Chen Zheng's blood can restore Xiaoying to normal! Xiaoying succeeded halfway, but she couldn't absorb the spiritual breath. Every morning, the spiritual breath enters her body. It will disperse at noon, that's why there are sequelae, but Chen Zheng's blood can absorb spiritual breath, so let's go to Donghai again, find Chen Zheng, use Chen Zheng's blood to let Xiaoying try!"

"Okay then, when shall we leave for the East China Sea?"

"Clean up, just today!"

At this moment, far away in the Longxing Hotel in the East China Sea, Wang An couldn't get through Ling Ying's movie after calling for a long time. She pouted her lips and sulked, put away her mobile phone and walked into the lobby. When she saw Chen Zheng and Li Yanran, she forgot the phone number Depressed that he couldn't get through, he walked up and said with a cheerful smile: "Brother Xiaozheng, sister Yanran, are you talking about me?"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, and saw that this girl's face was red and cute, and he said, "It's about you, since you moved to live with me, I haven't had a single day of peace. "

"Hee hee." Wang Anle grinned, not ashamed of it, on the contrary, proud of it, which made Chen Zheng very dissatisfied, but looking at Wang An's flamboyant little face, his face was white. The red one is really cute, so Chen Zheng couldn't scold it.

On the other hand, Li Yanran who was beside her smiled inwardly.

Chen Zheng didn't know that Wang An was Huaying, but she knew it well. Looking at Wang Anle's smiling face, she smiled inwardly, knowing that Wang An lived with Chen Zheng, so she was very happy, but, Li Yanran thought that someone was going to kill Wang An, and the other party was sent by the Director of Energy, who was none other than her mother, Li Danhong.Thinking of this, she was very nervous, and looked towards Chen Zheng: "How was the killer last night? You didn't get hurt because of it, did you?"

"No." Chen Zheng shook his head.

On the other hand, Wang Anle next to him smiled, hugged Chen Zheng's arm, and said, "I'm not injured, brother Xiaozheng is very powerful, that killer wanted to kill me as soon as he came in, but he was pinched by brother Xiaozheng." The arm was blocked! And brother Xiaozheng rushed in from the hall, very fast, just a pinch, and the killer's arm was crushed, with brother Xiaozheng protecting me, I'm fine."

Li Yanran was very happy when she heard this.

If it is true, the killer last night should have been sent by her mother, Li Danhong, to kill Wang An. If something really happened, Li Yanran's conscience would definitely be offended!But fortunately, Wang An has Chen Zheng by his side!It was Chen Zheng's terror that drove the killer back!Thinking of this, Li Yanran couldn't help asking: "Where did that killer come from last night? Do you know?"

"He's the fourth emperor in the underground boxing ring, not bad." Chen Zheng shook his head.

But Li Yanran who was next to her was shocked when she heard it, and she froze there. She remembered that this emperor was her mother's former bodyguard, and he was a special soldier. There is a connection, this emperor, Li Yanran has also met, is a strong person she recognizes, she did not expect that her mother sent the emperor to kill Wang An, and what was even more unexpected was that Chen Zheng actually said that the emperor is not good?
The Emperor is the fourth-ranked existence in the underground boxing ring!
Wang Anle on the side smiled and said: "Sister Yanran, the emperor was dealt with by brother Xiaozheng with just two moves! It's really not good!"

"This..." Li Yanran was calm on the surface, but she was extremely shocked in her heart. Unexpectedly, even a special lunatic like the emperor could not fight against Chen Zheng. This Chen Zheng was really terrifying!She knew the emperor. She was the top player in the dragon group before, but Chen Zheng solved it with two moves. How terrifying is this Chen Zheng!

But no matter what you say, with Chen Zheng protecting Wang An, Wang An is safe!
"Anyway, Brother Xiaozheng is the most powerful." Wang Anle grinned, leaned forward again, stretched out her hand to hug Chen Zheng's arm, and was about to cling to Chen Zheng's body.

Chen Zheng's nose is very sharp, and he smelled the faint fragrance from Wang An's body. He frowned, and seeing that Wang An was almost lying on top of him, his boss became very upset, and shouted: "Why are you holding me?" !"

"I..." Wang An was scolded by Chen Zheng, his little face was blushing, full of embarrassment.

"Hehe." Li Yanran was originally nervous because her mother sent killers to deal with Wang An. Seeing Wang An's bright red face, she smiled inwardly. Seeing Chen Zheng's depressed face, she giggled happily and said, "Xiao An The guy is an acquaintance, an ordinary person, she wouldn't hug like this."

"So, I have to take the initiative to let him hug me?" When Chen Zheng heard this, the boss became upset, and just about to scold Wang An, it can be seen that this guy's little face is rosy, and the red is very cute. Moreover, he pursed his small lips and looked sulking, which was not a good idea. For a while, Chen Zheng couldn't bear to scold him, so he could only stare at Wang An, and then walked out: "My wife is coming soon, Xiao An, you can stay here. "

As soon as he heard that his wife was coming, Wang An became anxious.

If Xia Xue came over, she wouldn't be able to hug brother Xiaozheng, so she walked up, took Chen Zheng's arm, then raised her heels, kissed Chen Zheng's face lightly, and said with a blushing face: " This is what I thank you for saving me last night."

After saying one sentence, the little girl ran away, leaving Chen Zheng with a helpless expression on her face, and Li Yanran who was giggling happily.

However, Chen Zheng soon waited for Xia Xue's arrival, swept away the depression of being kissed by Wang An, walked out, hugged Xia Xue with open arms, and said with a smile: "My wife, I miss me so much."

Surrounded by colleagues in the police station, Xia Xue's face was a little pink, and she punched Chen Zheng's chest. Just as she was about to say something, she noticed a faint mark of lips on Chen Zheng's face. Smelling a fragrance, she sullenly asked, "Are you stealing other women behind my back?"

"No, my wife, why do you say that?" Chen Zheng was taken aback.

"Look, there is a faint lip mark on your face!" Xia Xue said relentlessly, pointing to the lip mark on Chen Zheng's face.

Chen Zheng wiped away the lip marks left on Wang An's face with his hand, his face was extremely angry: "This damn Wang An! He has been pounced on me all day, and now he even kissed my face. It is simply unreasonable!!! If you have the opportunity, you must teach him a lesson!!!”

"What? You got it by Wang An?" Xia Xue laughed when she heard it, feeling ridiculous: "Unexpectedly, you were kissed by a man. I can understand your feelings."

"Then wife, don't you doubt me?" Chen Zheng hit the snake with the stick, reached out and hugged Xia Xue's small waist, and smiled happily: "I'm not a heartless person, and I will never steal women outside behind your back." Yes! I will never be irresponsible to you! Because you are the most beautiful, my wife."

"Forgive you." Xia Xue blushed and punched Chen Zheng in the chest: "Let go of me, we are all colleagues here!"

"Okay." Chen Zheng kissed Xia Xue's fair little face, then let go of Xia Xue, and walked inside. From a distance, he saw Wang An and Li Yanran standing there talking, looking at each other. Seeing Wang An's bright red face, Chen Zheng felt weird. He suddenly thought of Liu Li and Wang Ting. These two women had something to do with him. Could this be deceiving Xia Xue?

For a moment, Chen Zheng felt a headache.

It was an accident to have a relationship with Wang Ting, but it was Liu Li's brother who had promised to be with Liu Li.This was not guided by his subjective thoughts, so he shook his head and told himself in his heart that he would not let Xia Xue down in the future, and let the rest take its course!

"Brother Xiaozheng." Seeing Chen Zheng, Wang An ran towards him.

And Li Yanran next to her was just talking to Wang An about the killer last night. When she saw Chen Zheng walking in, she went out and took out her mobile phone to call her mother Li Danhong. Yan Ran quickly said: "Mom, did you send someone to kill Wang An?"

"That's right! I sent people to kill Wang An! I want Hua Xingbang to have no descendants!"


(End of this chapter)

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