super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 145 I Will Never Let God Down

Chapter 145 I Will Never Let God Down
"Sister Ying, what are you talking about? What are the research results?" Wang An was very excited when she heard Ling Ying's voice on the phone. Now she can only ask Ling Ying and her uncle to research a method as soon as possible, and then let her recover. Only then can he confess his love to Chen Zheng, and then he can take Chen Zheng home and tell his grandfather that Chen is the son-in-law she chose.

"The research results... It's hard to explain clearly on the phone for a while. Come back quickly and remember to call Chen Zheng back." Ling Ying said on the other end of the phone.

"Well, I will go back with Brother Xiaozheng immediately."

Wang An hung up the phone, and walked towards Chen Zheng with a blushing face, and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, sister Ying is calling and wants us to go back."

"What's the matter?" Chen Zheng was puzzled.

"It is said that the research has achieved results, and it is about the ancient killer." Wang An's face was full of excitement.

As soon as he heard about the ancient killer, Chen Zheng nodded, got into the car with Wang An, and went straight to the apartment in the suburbs. After all, it is very important for the ancient killer to inherit, and Chen Zheng also wanted to know about his skills. How it was inherited, and last time Hua Tianping said that Wang An had troubles, and he needed to study Chen Zheng to solve Wang An's troubles.Chen Zheng knew that both he and Wang An had been the successors of ancient killers.

Run all the way.

The car quickly returned to the Hongxing community in the suburbs, and as soon as it drove downstairs, it saw Ling Ying.

Wang An jumped out of the car, threw himself into Ling Ying's arms, and burst into tears.

Ling Ying quickly asked: "What's wrong? Did you feel wronged?"

"No, I'm not wronged at brother Xiaozheng's place. On the contrary, I feel very comfortable." Wang Anle smiled happily and wiped away her tears: "I cry because I will succeed soon and return to normal. Brother Xiang Xiaozheng..."

Confession, Wang An didn't say the word, because her little face was already blushing with embarrassment.

"Hehe." Ling Ying smiled, she hoped to see this kind of Wang An, without pessimism, despair, or escape, on the contrary, with persistent pursuit and longing for love.Ling Ying knew in her heart that it was Chen Zheng who brought Wang An all this.

"Has the research been fruitful?" Chen Zheng walked over, he was most concerned about the research inherited by the ancient killer.

"Well, now you two come in with me." Ling Ying led Chen Zheng and Wang An into the apartment. The lights in the apartment were not turned on, but there was a projector. Hua Tianping was busy. Seeing Chen Zheng and Wang An, Hua Tianping quickly smiled and said, "Are you back?"

"Dad, what's the situation now?"

Wang An intends to continue to hide from Chen Zheng. She is very afraid that Chen Zheng will call her a monster if he knows that she is Huaying. Now, so Wang An continues to call Hua Tianping his father.

"Dr. Hua, just show what research results you have." Chen Zheng pulled out his chair and sat down.

Hua Tianping glanced at Wang An and Chen Zheng, and then said: "A few years ago, I started the research on ancient killers, and wanted to pass on the terrifying skills of ancient killers to ordinary people, but all the experimental products failed. , the only ones who succeeded are Chen Zheng, you and Xiao An! But Chen Zheng was completely successful, while Xiao An was half-successful and half-failed, leaving sequelae!"

Hearing this, Wang An turned pale.

If it wasn't for this ancient killing inheritance experiment, she would still be acting like a baby to her grandparents now.

"What sequelae?" Chen Zheng asked suddenly. He always felt that Wang An was very strange. He knew that Wang An also passed the experiment of inheriting ancient killers. He was very curious. What kind of sequelae did Wang An suffer from?

"Xiao An's sequelae are that she can't absorb spiritual energy and store it in her body, because her blood rejects spiritual energy!" Ling Ying said quickly.

"Really?" Although Chen Zheng was still very puzzled, he shook his head and didn't say anything more.

But he didn't realize that Wang An next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

"According to my latest research results, Chen Zheng, your blood can help people absorb spiritual breath! In other words, I want to use your blood, and then fuse with Xiao An's blood, so that she can completely become an ancient killer! "Hua Tianping said excitedly, his only hope now is to get Wang An back to normal, and let him go back to find his grandparents!"Ever since Wang An's accident, Hua Tianping has no face to go back to see his elder brother and parents!
"Oh? Are you here to fuse my blood with Xiao An's blood?" Chen Zheng asked.

"That's right, that's right! You know, I've been researching for five years. In the past five years, I have been using other experimental products to inherit, but all of them have failed! Only you can really succeed! So now only Only you can save Xiao An, make her recover completely, and make her a terrifying ancient killer!" Hua Tianping said excitedly.

"Dr. Hua is right, only you can help Xiaoan! Because only you can successfully inherit the ancient killer technique!" Ling Ying looked at Chen Zheng excitedly.

Wang An on the other side also looked at Chen Zheng expectantly. She wished so much that she could return to normal. She didn't want to be an ancient killer. Bring brother Xiaozheng home and tell grandpa: Grandpa, this is the man I chose, you should nurture him well!

"Okay, okay." To be honest, Chen Zheng still felt a lot of doubts, but he was pushed hard by Hua Tianping, and he didn't think too much. He stood up quickly and urged Hua Tianping to draw blood, and he had to go back to work later. of.

Hua Tianping hurriedly drew the blood of Chen Zheng and Wang An respectively, and said with a smile: "Please continue to wait for my news, I believe the results will come out soon!"


Seeing that nothing had happened, Chen Zheng pulled Wang An out and hurried back to work, but before leaving, Ling Ying looked at Chen Zheng respectfully: "Chen Zheng! Dr. If you succeed in yourself, everything else is a failure, that is to say, you are a unique ancient killer, I hope that in the future, you will protect Xiaoan well! At that time, your happiness will come!"

Chen Zheng frowned.

Why did Ling Ying and Li Yanran say the same thing?

Happiness will come?
What happiness?
Chen Zheng wanted to ask Ling Ying, but Ling Ying had already walked back, so Chen Zheng had no choice but to ask Wang An next to him: "Xiao An, protect you well, what happiness will you have?"

"Well." Wang An's face was blushing, and then he leaned forward and gently kissed Chen Zheng's face: "There will be such happiness."

"I go!"

Chen Zheng quickly wiped away Wang An's saliva, and as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out.He originally wanted to go with Dalizhen to follow up on Baoqi's batch of rough stones today, but after such a toss, it was already noon when he returned to the company. Chen Zheng checked the time and quickly notified Dalizhen to come down for dinner.Soon, Dalizhen, Xu Ying, and Tiangong left. Of course, Chen Zheng didn't call the other employees of the company. Although the boss wants to invite the employees to dinner, he can't invite them every day, right?So he could just call Dali Zhen and Xu Ying, but he didn't expect Tiangong to come back.

When Tian Gong came back, he was concerned about Wang An's affairs.

After all, Wang An was assassinated by someone from the Energy Bureau, so it has a lot to do with it.

So Tiangong hurried back to protect Wang An.

"Let's go, let's go eat!" Chen Zheng took everyone to the Tiantian Express Kitchen in the opposite building, booked a table, and then ordered seven delicious dishes, chatting while waiting for the dishes to come, at first, Chen Zheng I wanted to ask about the latest situation of Baoqi's single raw stone, but gradually, Dalizhen talked about Chen Zheng's horror: "Xiaozheng, your blood is so powerful, can you let me suck it? I really want to be your Such a terrifying existence! You can be a hero, you can be a savior, and you can be sought after by everyone!"

When Chen Zheng heard this, he had the urge to faint: How could I have made such a bad friend?
And Xu Ying, who was next to her, took a sip of tea, and suddenly said: "Mr. Chen, you are so powerful, can you let me sleep with you? Having sex with you, maybe you can become such a terrifying existence like you?"


For a while, the surroundings became dead silent.

Dali Zhen and Tiangong looked at Xu Ying strangely, and even Wang An looked at Xu Ying suspiciously.

"This..." Xu Ying's face was pink, she was shy in her heart, and she quickly said, "I'm joking, I'm joking."

Everyone laughed when they heard Xu Ying's explanation. Only Xu Ying knew that she was not joking, but serious.

Everyone was talking, but they talked about the assassination incident that happened last night.Tiangong was most concerned about this, and quickly asked Chen Zheng: "Boss, do you know why people from the Energy Bureau came to kill Xiaoan?"

"You who are agents don't even know this, so how would I know?" Chen Zheng smiled.

Tiangong nodded.

On the other hand, Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suddenly and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, I think it has something to do with Sister Yanran!"

"Oh?" Chen Zheng put down his chopsticks and asked doubtfully, "How did you guess?"

"Anyway, I feel that this killer appeared after meeting Sister Yanran. Even if it wasn't sent by Sister Yanran, the one who sent the killer should have something to do with Sister Yanran." Wang An said.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded.

"Boss, please rest assured, I will find out as soon as possible!" Tian Gong said to Chen Zheng respectfully.

"Then, I'll leave it to you to investigate." Chen Zheng patted Tiangong's shoulder, which made Tiangong's heart full of excitement. Unexpectedly, he, a mortal, was entrusted by a god like Chen Zheng, and his heart surged. Feeling proud, he secretly said: I will not let God down!

Soon, a blind dish was served.

But Tiangong suddenly glanced at Chen Zheng, and then walked out with an excuse. After walking away, he took out his mobile phone and called Hua Xingbang. Now that someone is going to attack Wang An, Hua Xingbang must notify!After a while, the call was connected, and a deep voice rang out on the other end of the phone: "Xiaogong, what's the situation with you?"

"Chairman Hua, someone wants to kill Wang An! It's someone from the Energy Bureau!"

"Energy Bureau?" On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang was startled, and subconsciously said: "Go call Xiaoan, protect her from Donghai immediately, and come back to me!"


 Thank you book friend [InfiniteYouth] for rewarding 100 gold coins! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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