super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 146 Hua Xingbang's Electronic Chapter

Chapter 146 Hua Xingbang's Call
Tiangong put down his mobile phone, walked behind him, came to the dining table, and said to Chen Zheng: "Boss, I just made a phone call to Leader Hua. He learned that someone was plotting against Wang An, so Immediately ask me to send Wang An back."

"Oh?" Chen Zheng didn't expect that such an assassination by the emperor last night would alarm Hua Xingbang, but Chen Zheng was 100% in favor of taking Wang An back, so he said with a smile: "Xiao Gong, you just take Xiao An back." Take it back, I have no objection."

"Okay." Tiangong nodded.

But Wang An next to him pursed his lips and looked at Chen Zheng angrily: "Brother Xiaozheng, you are too dishonest. My father and Sister Ying handed me over to you, but now you don't want to protect me. - Did I have an accident on the way back? Are you worthy of my father!"

Chen Zheng touched his nose: "There is a little worker to protect you."

"Even Tiangong can't protect me, only you can protect me, so I won't go back, I have to stay by your side, that's the safest way, my father is now stepping up research, and he will succeed in research soon , I will go back in person at that time, and I will not pester you anymore." Wang An also knew that Chen Zheng felt that she was troublesome, so he wanted to drive her back.

"Is it true? Your father has succeeded in his research, so you will go back?" Chen Zheng was so excited that he finally had a chance to let Wang An go back.

"It's true."

Wang An is not angry at all, because when the research is successful, she will return to normal, and then she will express her love to brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect side, and brother Xiaozheng will definitely fall in love with her by then, so She wasn't afraid at all that brother Xiaozheng would chase her away, so now she had to come up with a plan to delay the attack.

Thinking of this, Wang An smiled happily.

Tiangong glanced at Wang An, then at Chen Zheng, and said respectfully, "Master, this..."

"It's okay, let Xiao'an stay here, but the reason has to be explained clearly to the leader of Huaxia." Chen Zheng has been full of respect for Huaxingbang since he was a child. The thriving?So this aspect still has to be explained clearly to the Hua leadership.

"Okay, Master, I will call Leader Hua right now."

Tian Gong nodded respectfully, then walked out with his mobile phone, and came back after a while, and said nervously: "Master, Leader Hua is worried about Xiao An's safety, and said that he should be let back no matter what."

"Oh?" Chen Zheng guessed in his heart that Hua Xingbang was not so tough, whether it was a black gold killer or a Satanic organization. It seems that the director of the Energy Bureau has something to do with Hua Xingbang, which is why Hua Xingbang was so nervous about killing Wang An. After taking it back, thinking of this, Chen Zheng said to Wang An: "Xiao An, you should listen to your grandfather and go back."


Wang An pursed her lips, sulked for a while, and then walked out with her mobile phone. She probably knew that Chen Zheng could hear movements within a radius of 5000 meters, so she walked for half an hour and came to the back of Science City At the park, she finally took out her mobile phone and called her grandfather, Hua Xingbang.The phone was connected after a while, and Hua Xingbang's deep voice sounded, but trembling with excitement: "Xiaoying, is that you?"

"It's me, grandpa, woo woo..."

As soon as he heard Hua Xingbang's voice, Wang An burst into tears. Thinking of the past six months, she left the arms of her grandparents, wandered outside, suffered all kinds of grievances, and tears flowed out. It's not because of Hua Tianping's experiment, she is still acting like a baby in the arms of her grandparents.

"Xiaoying, grandpa is here, grandpa is here..." Hua Xingbang is also aware of the hardships his granddaughter has experienced during this time, and he is even more determined to bring her back: "Xiaoying, grandpa has ordered someone to bring you back , don't be afraid, as long as you return to the capital, it will be Grandpa's world, and Grandpa will not let you be wronged again!"


As soon as Wang An heard that grandpa was going to take her back, he stopped crying, wiped away the tears in his eyes, and quickly said: "Grandpa, I am not wronged, I just miss you and grandma, don't worry, I will soon I will go back, but not now, because brother Xiaozheng is protecting me, I am safe, so I called you to reassure you, don't send someone to pick me up, I am doing well."

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone, and it took a long time before he asked, "Xiaoying, tell grandpa honestly, is the elder brother Xiaozheng you are talking about Chen Zheng?"


"Then did he inherit the success of Gu Sha?" Hua Xingbang asked the important point.

"Grandpa, you are too smart. Brother Xiaozheng passed the ancient killer succession experiment, and finally he succeeded! He is now the strength of the ancient killer, so don't worry about me, grandpa. I am the safest with brother Xiaozheng protecting me." Yes." Wang Anle said with a grin.

On the other end of the phone, as soon as Hua Xingbang heard that Chen was the ancient killer, the old man he met when he was hunting in the Tianshan Mountains decades ago immediately appeared in his mind, the old man who had lived for more than 500 years. How terrifying is the killer!If there is an ancient killer protecting Huaying, Huaying is the safest, even safer than in the capital!Because of the strength of the ancient killer, Hua Xingbang suddenly thought of something again, and asked seriously: "Xiaoying, tell grandpa honestly, is the husband-in-law you chose this Chen Zheng?"

Wang An blushed a little, and finally said in a low voice: "Yes, this is Chen Zheng..."

"Hehe, that's good, that's good." Hua Xingbang breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what he said, Hua Ying should be the safest with Chen Zheng protecting Hua Ying.

"Hee hee, Grandpa, you also think Brother Xiaozheng is very good, right? Last night, the killer wanted to kill me, but Brother Xiaozheng pinched my wrist. Brother Xiaozheng is amazing, he is the only one A successful ancient killer! Uncle has been experimenting for four or five years, only brother Xiaozheng succeeded, and everyone else failed!" Wang An became more and more excited as he spoke.

When Hua Xingbang heard Hua Tianping, his face darkened: "Tianping hasn't answered my call for a year. If I hadn't heard you talking about him, I would have thought that bastard was dead!"

Hearing Grandpa's anger, Wang An quickly said, "Grandpa, Uncle also has his own difficulties."

"Difficulties? I haven't bothered with him yet. My granddaughter has become like this, which almost broke the Hua family. No matter how many difficulties there are, she is a wicked son!" The more Hua Xingbang said, the more excited he became, this For a year, Hua Tianping avoided him. Every time he called, he couldn't get through. angry.

"Grandpa..." Wang An was also terrified by Hua Xingbang's anger, she had never seen Grandpa get so angry.

Probably feeling the tension in Wang An's voice, Hua Xingbang looked out the window, suppressed the anger in his body, and then said, "Xiaoying, if you see Tianping, call him back."


Wang An nodded, but she also knew that the reason why her uncle didn't want to go home was largely because of her accident, and she hadn't returned to normal. If uncle went back, he would definitely be taught a lesson by grandpa. Secretly decided to return to normal as soon as possible.

"Xiaoying, you promised grandpa, when will you come back to the capital to see grandpa?" Hua Xingbang looked forward to this very much, after all, he hadn't seen his precious granddaughter for half a year, and now Huaying, the only granddaughter in the entire Hua family, could This brings hope. The youngest son, Hua Tianping, has no offspring for 20 years. His grandson had a car accident a few years ago and is still lying in a hospital in the United States. His other illegitimate daughter, however, suffered from various problems. The reason is that he has always refused to recognize him as a father, let alone extend the incense for the Hua family. The hopes of the entire Hua family can only be pinned on Huaying, the precious granddaughter.

So Hua Xingbang really wanted to meet his granddaughter and her chosen husband.

"Going back to the capital? It's almost time, Grandpa, look, the New Year's Day has just passed, and it will be the Spring Festival soon, and I will definitely go home to find my grandpa before the Spring Festival." Wang Anle smiled grinningly: "When the time comes, I can let Grandpa Look at brother Xiaozheng's strength."

When Hua Xingbang heard it, he smiled: "Grandpa said first, grandpa's standards are very strict!"

"Know it."

"By the way, you give me his mobile phone number. I have something to do with him." When Hua Xingbang thought of the group of people who assassinated Wang An, he felt very nervous. They were not black gold killers or Satan organizations. People, Li Danhong.

"Grandpa, what do you want Brother Xiaozheng's phone number for?" Wang An was a little nervous. She was most afraid that Grandpa would scare Chen Zheng away, and if Grandpa told Brother Xiaozheng that she was Huaying, then What a pity, Brother Xiaozheng will definitely think she is a monster, so she is very nervous.

"Don't be nervous. Grandpa and you have already made an agreement. You won't mess around. Grandpa just wants to tell him a few words." Hua Xingbang quickly dispelled his granddaughter's nervousness.

"Okay then, I'll send you Brother Xiaozheng's number now, Grandpa, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going back." Wang An and Hua Xingbang said a few words, then hung up the phone, and then she passed Chen Zheng's number The mobile phone number was sent to Hua Xingbang, and when she received a reply from her grandfather, she laughed heartily, walked out of the park, and walked back to the hotel. From a distance, she saw Chen Zheng standing there with a displeased face, and she ran away Go up: "Brother Xiaozheng, are you looking for me?"

Chen Zheng was a little worried that he couldn't find Wang An, and was about to go out to look for it, but saw this guy come back in a hurry. He was about to scold a few words, but Wang An's rosy little face was rosy and blown. It's so cute that it can be broken, and he couldn't bear to scold, so he gave Wang An a look: "Go back."


Wang An hopped and followed Chen Zheng to go out, but at this moment, the urgent phone rang, it was from Ling Ying, and said excitedly: "Xiao An, call Chen Zheng back immediately, the research is successful !"


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(End of this chapter)

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