super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 147 Hua Tianping's Excitement

Chapter 147 Hua Tianping's Excitement
"What!" Hearing Ling Ying's voice, Wang An was overjoyed. She turned her head and said to Chen Zheng, "Brother Xiaozheng, let's go back. Sister Ying said that the research has been successful."

"Successful?" Chen Zheng's eyes jumped. If it really succeeded, it would definitely be a good thing!Just imagine, using one's own blood to turn Wang An and Xia Xue into ancient killers, what a sense of accomplishment would be like?He quickly made a phone call to Xu Ying, saying that he and Wang An were not at the company in the afternoon, and asked Xu Ying and Dalizhen to handle the company's affairs, then urged Wang An to get in the car, and then ran at high speed towards the red star in the suburbs The neighborhood is open.

The speed is very fast.

Going straight to the Red Star Community, along the way, Wang An's heart is full of longing, longing for the future, once she returns to normal, then she can appear in front of Brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect side, and then confess to Brother Xiaozheng!
She already felt that a happy life was waving towards her ahead.

Chen Zheng is also looking forward to it. If the research is really successful, he can make Xia Xue the second ancient killer!After all, the ancient killer can completely change a person's appearance and physique, and should be able to live longer.

Both of them were looking forward to it, and went straight to the Red Star Community. This time, when they were at the gate of the community, they saw Ling Ying.

"You're here?" Ling Ying looked excited. She never expected that Dr. Hua's experiment on ancient killers, which had been researched for ten years, was finally successful!Although the other experimental products have failed, as long as Chen Zheng succeeds, it is all right, because taking Chen Zheng's blood can make Wang An's blood boil!This is a great thing. She hurriedly took Chen Zheng and Wang An into the apartment, and when she opened the door, Hua Tianping's voice sounded excitedly: "Xiao An, you and Chen Zheng are here? Please come in, the experiment has already come out." It's done!"

"What's the result?" Wang Anle grinned, his expression full of anticipation.

Even Chen Zheng looked at Hua Tianping expectantly.

"The experimental results show that Chen Zheng's blood can make Xiao An's blood boil. Xiao An's blood originally repels the spirit of heaven and earth, but after neutralizing Chen Zheng's blood, it has a factor, which has a high degree of adhesion. It can absorb spiritual breath! In other words, as long as Chen Zheng's blood is injected into Xiao An's body, the factors in Xiao An's body can be activated, so that Xiao An can also absorb and store the spiritual breath of heaven and earth!" The more Hua Tianping said, the more excited he became.

"Once Xiao An completely becomes an ancient killer, she can return to normal! At that time, she..." Ling Ying looked at Wang An and Chen Zheng excitedly in her eyes, and said excitedly in her heart: At that time, Xiao An can be The most perfect side appeared in front of Chen Zheng, and then confessed to Chen Zheng!Wang An was originally a young girl, and the pursuit of love is what Wang An should enjoy most, instead of living in despair and confusion all day long.

"It would be nice if that was the case."

To be honest, Wang An is not uncommon to become an ancient killer, has the ability to fly, and is not as happy as being with Chen Zheng. She just wants to return to normal, and then appear in the most perfect and most self-image In front of Chen Zheng, and then confessed to him!

Chen Zheng on the side thought of Xia Xue, and hurriedly said: "Then what should we do now? Are you injecting my blood into Xiaoan's body?"

"Don't be in a hurry, come here to see the experimental results first." Hua Tianping brought Chen Zheng and others to the study room, where there was a simple experimental table with blood tanks, experimental basins, precision instruments, etc. on it. Under the magnifying glass are the blood samples of Chen Zheng and Wang An. The two blood samples have been fused and placed on the blood plate. Through the magnifying glass, Chen Zheng can see that Wang An's blood sample is stained with his own blood and starts to run faster. , there is a spirit-like object flowing in the blood, this should be spiritual breath!

Hua Tianping and Ling Ying didn't notice it, but Chen Zheng could see clearly that the surrounding spiritual energy was continuously absorbed by Wang An's blood and stored in it.

"It should be successful!" Chen Zheng's eyes flashed with excitement, he was thinking, if he put his own blood into Xia Xue's body, could it also make Xia Xue an ancient killer?
"Yes, it's a success!" Hua Tianping's face was very excited: "Using your blood can indeed make Xiaoan's blood boil, and then have the spiritual factor, which can absorb the spiritual energy of the world and preserve it! Now only The last step! It is to experiment on the two of you!"

"What Dr. Hua means is that he wants to inject Chen Zheng's blood into Xiao'an's body!" Ling Ying's eyes were full of anticipation.

"Oh?" Chen Zheng moved and looked towards Wang An, only to find that this girl was very excited. He was a little worried just now, and now he said quickly: "Then let's start."

"it is good!"

When Wang An was lying on the experimental table, her face was pale, she held Chen Zheng's arm tightly, and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, if something happens to me later, will you save me?" ?”

"It won't save you, so you better not do it!" Chen Zheng said.

"Ah! This is not possible! I must do this experiment! Because this is my only hope!" Wang An's eyes were full of anticipation, hoping that she would return to normal and that she could truly be with Chen Zheng then.

"Then just be quiet."

"Okay." Wang An closed his eyes, lay there quietly, and waited quietly.

Hua Tianping and Ling Ying had already changed into white coats, holding syringes in their hands. He had experienced Chen Zheng's blood long before, and there was no HIV or other viruses, so he could inject it with peace of mind. In Wang An's body, this was the only hope. He hurriedly urged Ling Ying to draw Chen Zheng's blood, then took Chen Zheng's blood sample, personally operated the knife, and injected the blood into Wang An's body.Blood poured into Wang An's arm, and Ling Ying who was beside him hurriedly operated the breath detector, observing the changes of the spirit breath in Wang An's body all the time.

When Chen Zheng's blood poured into Wang An's body, Wang An suddenly fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Wang An woke up, but heard Hua Tianping and Chen Zheng arguing: "Don't try again, it should have no effect! Although Xiao An's blood can be given some factors, it still cannot last for a long time. Preserve the spiritual breath, because there is no way to open up the dantian in her body! So I knew it was a failure at a glance!"

When Wang An heard this, she struggled to sit up, and asked with a pale face, "Brother Xiaozheng, did I fail?"

When Chen Zheng saw Wang An's pale face, he didn't say anything, but just stood there silently. Ling Ying, who was beside him, sighed, and said to Wang An: "Xiao An, I tried it. Chen Zheng's blood is indeed You can make your blood have spiritual factors, and you can absorb the spiritual breath between heaven and earth, but it still can't be stored in the body, in other words, it still failed!"


Hua Tianping sighed. He originally thought he could succeed in getting his niece back to normal, and then went back to Hua Xingbang to admit his mistake, but now, Wang An still failed!How to make him go back to see his ancestors?His face was full of helplessness.

"Failed? You can absorb spiritual breath, but you can't store it?" Wang An was taken aback suddenly. She thought of something, opened her hands, and said to Chen Zheng, "Brother Xiaozheng, I want to hug you."

"Hug?" Chen Zheng frowned.

Hua Tianping and Ling Ying next to her looked at Wang An very puzzled, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Yes, I want to hug." Wang An thought of the last time when she leaned against Chen Zheng, her heart beat faster, her face blushed, her ears were panting, and she clearly felt a warm feeling rushing through her heart, and then her chest returned to normal , Now, she heard that she could absorb spiritual energy, but could not store it, so she wanted to try the feeling of her heart beating faster.But seeing Chen Zheng's face was tightly wrinkled, she blushed: "Brother Xiaozheng, don't think about it, my body is a little numb, can you carry me back to rest?"


Chen Zheng also knew that Wang An's experiment had failed, so he didn't stimulate her any more, and hurriedly walked out with her on his back. However, he could feel the lightness, slenderness and soft skin of this guy while carrying her on his back, and smelled the smell of her body. With a faint fragrance, Chen Zheng scolded: "Damn it, if you were a girl, you would be absolutely stunning!"

Wang An blushed.

There was a feeling of electric current in her heart, being carried by Prince Charming like this, she felt the joy of happiness again, this is this joy, which made the spirit in her body boil violently, and then poured into her abdomen , formed a vortex, although the vortex was only as big as a rice point, but she made a joyful voice: "Brother Xiaozheng, I succeeded! I can clearly feel the dantian in my body!"


Hua Tianping and Ling Ying who were behind came out quickly, their eyes full of surprise: "Xiao An, you succeeded?"

"Not bad, brother Xiaozheng, quickly carry me back to the experimental bench! You can test it and you will know!" Wang An said hastily.

Chen Zheng didn't know what was wrong, so he just carried Wang An back, and Ling Ying also came over to help, and Hua Tianping, who was next to him, operated the breath image tester himself, and soon something surprising happened. According to the photo, on the instrument, there was a vortex of rice dots!

"Dantian!" Seeing the vortex of rice dots, Chen Zheng was startled.

"What? Dantian?" Hua Tianping and Ling Ying became excited when they heard this: "So, this is really a success? Oh my god, this is great! If Dantian really appears, then Xiaoan can make the world The spiritual energy is stored in the body!"

Chen Zheng observed carefully again, and then said: "This should be a success! Although this dantian is a bit small, it is already absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth! In other words, as long as the dantian continues to grow, then Xiao An will Will become a real ancient killer!"

"Hee hee." Wang Anle laughed happily, her small face was full of excitement: "Brother Xiaozheng, this is all thanks to you, hee hee, I already know how to make my dantian bigger!"

"Much more?" Chen Zheng's eyes were puzzled, why did Wang An open up a dantian in his abdomen after lying on his back for a while?Although this dantian is very small, once he knows how to make it grow, it is only a matter of time before he becomes an ancient killer. However, Chen Zheng is very puzzled, how did Wang An open up the dantian?

Hua Tianping and Ling Ying next to them also looked at Wang An suspiciously, not knowing how Wang An opened up his dantian.

"Hee hee." Wang An kept smiling happily, but she didn't say the reason for a long time. She couldn't tell Chen Zheng that it was because leaning on him made her heart beat faster, and then she opened up her dantian. ?If this is the case, Chen Zheng will definitely say that she is sexy, so she keeps smiling happily.

Seeing Wang An laughing there, Chen Zheng rubbed his aching temples: "Forget it, let's just forget about it."

On the other hand, Hua Tianping and Ling Ying looked at each other and laughed excitedly. They suddenly understood that if it was good, it should be Wang An and Chen Zheng who were influenced by Chen Zheng, so they opened up the dantian.Chen Zheng's blood allows Wang An to absorb the spiritual breath, and Chen Zheng's affection allows Wang An to open up the dantian and store the spiritual breath.Hua Tianping said excitedly: "Chen Zheng, it was you who asked Xiao An to open up her dantian. She has not yet fully become an ancient killer, so she needs your continued help!"

"How can I help him?" Chen Zheng wondered.

"Hey, just stay with her." Ling Ying also understood that it was Wang An's girl Huaichun who was enjoying the sweetness of first love with Chen Zheng, so she opened up her dantian!From now on, we only need to let Wang An and Chen Zheng stay together. Thinking of this, Ling Ying's eyes were full of excitement: "Chen Zheng, Xiao An's happiness is on you!"

"what's going on?"

Chen Zheng wasn't stupid either. He thought about it carefully, and suddenly thought of something. This Wang An likes to rush towards him. Is it because of this that Wang An was able to open up his dantian?If Wang An was a woman, Chen Zheng would be very happy to help, but looking at Wang An's flat chest, Chen Zheng shook his head: "Sorry, I can't help!"


Ling Ying smiled. Although Chen Zheng rejected Wang An, she knew very well that Wang An would not give up. Now that Wang An has found a life-saving straw, she will continue to pester Chen Zheng in the future!As long as he stays with Chen Zheng, Wang An can return to normal by then!Looking at Chen Zheng's depressed expression, Ling Ying smiled: "Help Xiao An, there will be times when you will be happy!"

Hua Tianping next to him didn't care, and pulled Chen Zheng and pleaded all over his face: "Chen Zheng, I only have one hope, I hope you can help me!"

Looking at Hua Tianping's pleading face, Chen Zheng had no choice but to say, "I'll do my best!"

"This is great! This is great!" A tear flashed in Hua Tianping's eyes, and now he finally found a way to bring his niece back to normal. As long as the niece stays with Chen Zheng, it won't take long for the niece to return to normal. It can return to normal, and then Hua Tianping will be able to go home and admit his mistakes to his father!

Thinking of this, Hua Tianping became excited: I still didn't let my ancestors down in the end!

Looking at Hua Tianping's moving, Ling Ying's excitement, and Wang An's shyness, Chen Zheng felt a headache, as if he felt something, but looking at Wang An's flat chest, he sighed again, feeling that his mind was still in chaos.If he couldn't figure it out, he simply gave up thinking about it, and went outside to get some fresh air, but at this moment, a phone rang in a hurry, it was a strange phone call, Chen Zheng frowned, and answered the phone quickly: "Who?"

"Wang An's grandfather, Hua Xingbang!"


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(End of this chapter)

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