super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 149 The Blessings From My Previous Life

Chapter 149 The Blessings From My Previous Life
"Husband, so you promised me to go to the competition instead of me?" Xia Xue's voice was a little excited on the other end of the phone. She wasn't afraid of the competition, but she was afraid that losing would make the Tianhe District Bureau lose face. It was a competition that all the police stations in the city participated in. She wanted an ancient killer like Chen Zheng to participate!It will definitely be No.1 at that time!

Thinking of this, Xia Xue was very excited: "Husband, then come here quickly, it's in the gymnasium next to our police station."

"So fast? Doesn't it mean tomorrow?"

"Because today is the challenge match, it's moved to tonight earlier, husband, come here quickly." On the other end of the phone, Xia Xuele giggled: "Now the whole world is waiting for you."

"Okay." Chen Zheng walked into the company quickly, ordered Xu Ying to get off work, and then urged Wang An to watch the game. Xu Ying heard that there was a game to watch, and said quickly: "Brother Chen, I am idle anyway, and I am also idle. Let me go to the game?"

Chen Zheng didn't want to agree, but Wang An next to him also wanted to find a companion, so he persuaded Chen Zheng to let Xu Ying's sister go to watch the game. Chen Zheng had no choice but to urge the two to get into the car, and then went straight to the Tianhe District Police Station. Next to the police station is the gymnasium. Chen Zheng parked his car outside the parking lot, and then walked in with Wang An and his daughters. However, just as he entered the gymnasium, he saw a middle-aged man cheerfully greet him. , it was Jin Zhongyuan, director of the Tianhe District Bureau.

"Xiaozheng, you are finally here!" Jin Zhongyuan saw Chen Zheng, his eyes were full of excitement: "Tonight is the match between Tianhe District and Baijiang District. At the end, so I have been looking forward to your coming! Unexpectedly, you finally came!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Zheng suddenly asked, "Tell me honestly, did you force Xia Xue to call me here?"

"Haha, you are a masked superman, you can fly around the sky, if you are not called over, Tianhe District will definitely lose! I also know that Xia Xue is your girlfriend, so I said hello to her and asked her to come over. , Xiaozheng, don't blame me for being troublesome, tonight's scene is up to you!" Jin Zhongyuan laughed happily.

When Chen Zheng heard this, he felt extremely helpless: How could I be entangled by such a traitor?
Director Jin said a few words, and hurriedly urged Chen Zheng to go in, saying that the competition would start soon. Chen Zheng quickly walked in with Wang An and Xu Ying, and saw Xia Xue who was warming up at a glance. Wearing a women's police vest, she showed her curvaceous and sexy figure to the fullest. After warming up, her fair skin was covered with a stream of fragrant sweat, and she looked very charming. When she saw Chen Zheng, she hurriedly He walked up and said with a smile, "Chen Zheng, are you here?"

"Wife, do you want to play?"

"I'll see the situation. If you play for me, I won't play." Xia Xue smiled.

"Then let me play, my wife, you are so sexy, I'm afraid of being caught by others, only I can get caught by you in this world." Chen Zheng said, and then put his arm around Xia Xue's waist, Caressing Xia Xue's white waist, Chen Zheng was very happy in his heart. Being able to get Xia Xue's girlfriend is really a blessing he cultivated in his previous life.

However, Chen Zheng soon discovered that the originally bustling gymnasium was dead silent.

He looked up, only to find that no matter whether it was the police officers from Tianhe District or Baike District, everyone stopped, looking at Chen Zheng and Xia Xue in surprise, their eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Can kill people, Chen Zhengzao is already dead, these police officers all regard Xia Xue as the goddess in their hearts, when Xia Xue appears, these people's eyes are focused on Xia Xue, during this process, there are people who don't know what to do. They went up to strike up a conversation, but they were all repelled by Xia Xue with a cold look.

But now, when they saw Chen Zheng coming, he held Xia Xue's waist, and Xia Xue didn't resist, and took the initiative to help Chen Zheng straighten his collar. Everyone was angry.

Seeing Chen Zheng's fair-skinned, handsome and suave appearance, they all cursed in their hearts: Damn, so white, he must be a pretty boy!How could such a character be able to attract the majestic Xia Xue?This is simply unreasonable!
At that moment, all the police officers looked at Chen Zheng and Xia Xue with envy and hatred. Our Young Master Chen didn't realize it at all. Instead of showing everyone face, he hugged and kissed Xia Xue lightly. Snow lips, nurturing nurturing feelings.Seeing this, the faces of the surrounding police officers were extremely angry, but what surprised them was that Xia Xue, the dignified fire and storm police flower, did not resist?Could it be that this little boy is really Xia Xue's fancy boyfriend?
What's wrong with women now?Everyone likes the boy!
For a moment, everyone was a little angry.

On the other hand, Wang An behind him pursed his lips, walked up and pulled Chen Zheng away, and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, the other party is already waiting for you at the Wutai, don't kiss sister Xia Xue anymore, go to the competition!"

Chen Zheng looked up, and when he saw the big man on the Wutai, a trace of doubt suddenly flashed in his eyes. For some reason, he always felt that this big man had a familiar murderous look on him. He looked at the big man carefully, but It was found that the whole arm of the big man was dry, and he was a right-handed person.For a while, Chen Zheng was curious, why is there a right-handed person in the police station?
Probably seeing the doubt in Chen Zheng's eyes, Xia Xue said hastily: "This big man is a representative of the Baike Branch Bureau. He is born right-handed, but his military strength is very powerful, and he can graduate from the police academy. And entering the Donghai Baike Division, which is full of talents, shows his strength, so, Chen Zheng, you can't underestimate him later."

"En." Chen Zheng nodded.

After a while, Jin Zhongyuan and a middle-aged man came out from the backstage. The middle-aged man should be the director of Baike District. After talking to Jin Zhongyuan, he laughed loudly: "Old Jin, don't worry, I have already told Gao Jun not to attack so hard, after all, everyone is a police officer in Donghai City, and if you don’t look up and look down, you have to give this face, Lao Jin, don’t you think so?”

"Haha. Old Wang, the Gao Jun you are talking about is the big man on the Wutai? I heard that he represented your police station in the capital to participate in the national competition? From this point of view, he is indeed a strong existence! But , the Chen Zheng I sent tonight is my most beloved subordinate, just let your men come over, because my men can take out Gao Jun with only [-]% of their strength!" Jin Zhongyuan did not show weakness at all. .

"Then let's see."

The two persons in charge had a verbal confrontation, and then they each came back. As soon as Jin Zhongyuan came up, he said to Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, Gao Jun is the representative of Baike District, you have to act harder and let them know that we are The Tianhe district is amazing!" After a pause, he lowered his voice: "I've bet [-] on you, you can't let me lose!"

When Chen Zheng heard it, his eyes were extremely helpless: When did I become someone else's tree-shaking?
"Honey, you have to pay attention to safety later!" Before the game started, Xia Xue tenderly straightened Chen Zheng's collar, and gave Chen Zheng an encouraging look, which made the surrounding policemen yell in their hearts: Damn, even All the dignified police girls have taken a fancy to the little boy, can people still live in this world?
Chen Zheng smiled and said that I will not let everyone down, and then he jumped onto the martial arts platform, and with just one jump, everyone around him exclaimed: "My God, this guy jumped up to the two-meter jump alive!" High martial arts stage? Isn’t this too scary? I thought that even if he is very powerful, he should be more humble, or pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but what is surprising is that when he comes on stage, he shows his sharpness!"

"You are Chen Zheng?" Gao Jun asked suddenly.

Chen Zheng frowned, his eyes full of doubts, how did this Gao Jun know his name was Chen Zheng?He came here to participate in the competition tonight, it was only a temporary decision, and it was impossible for anyone to find out. The only explanation was that the right-handed man in front of him knew him a long time ago!
"Let's get started!" Chen Zheng said without too much nonsense, and then stood there waiting for half a minute.

As soon as half a minute was up, Chen Zheng shot immediately, because he felt that Gao Jun in front of him was very suspicious, so he directly exerted [-]% of his strength and rushed out like a cheetah. In front of the army, and then kicked up hard.With a snap, this kick directly hit Gao Jun's chest. How did Gao Jun know that Chen Zheng's speed was so terrifying?It was impossible to dodge at all, he was kicked directly, and then flew backwards heavily, such a blow was like a BMW-like horsepower, knocking Gao Jun backwards and flying out of the competition platform.


In the entire gymnasium, more than 100 police officers were stunned. They looked at all this in surprise. How could Chen Zheng get rid of Gao Jun with one move?Originally, they thought they would at least have to fight inextricably, but to their surprise, Chen Zheng solved the opponent with one move.What's more, to everyone's horror, they couldn't watch Chen Zheng's attack at all just now, they only felt Chen Zheng's figure flashing rapidly, and then Gao Jun let out a cry of pain, and smashed it out heavily.

"I won."

Chen Zheng clapped his hands and glanced at Gao Jun. Seeing that the other party could stand up from the ground, Chen Zheng was even more puzzled. This Gao Jun is definitely not as simple as a policeman!
"Brother Xiaozheng, you won!!!" As soon as Chen Zheng stepped off the martial stage, Wang An immediately ran up and threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms.

"You!" Chen Zheng saw Xia Xue was stunned, he quickly pulled Wang An out, glared at Wang An sullenly, and then hurried up to explain to Xia Xue: "Honey, don't mind, Wang An There's something wrong with this guy!"

Xia Xue glanced at Wang An, who was sulking, and giggled, "It's okay, I don't take jealousy from boys."

"Xiaozheng, you won!!!" Jin Zhongyuan came up, his eyes full of excitement, he patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder, and said: "Xiaozheng, you made our Tianhe District enter the next round In the game, and most importantly, you let me win one hundred thousand tonight!"

When Chen Zheng heard it, he felt helpless: It seems that he has really become someone else's cash cow!
"This little boy looks gentle on the surface, but he is a murderous existence! Damn, no wonder the dignified police lady is attracted to him! So it's because of this!" The eyes of the surrounding police officers were full of envy.

When Chen Zheng heard it, he smiled and didn't explain. He wanted to go to the world of two with Xia Xue, so he greeted Jin Zhongyuan and walked out. However, just as he walked out of the gymnasium, a middle-aged man suddenly Walked in, stared at Chen Zheng, and said coldly: "You can't leave yet!"

 Thanks to [Haze, blue_“sky] for the 100 gold coins!!! Thanks to [Prairie Wolf] for the reward of 1276 gold coins!!!!
(End of this chapter)

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