super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 150 Pretending to be Smart, Courting Death

Chapter 150 Pretending to be Smart, Courting Death

"Don't leave, stay here!" A cold voice sounded, and a middle-aged man came in from the outside. This middle-aged man was tall and strong, with a red face, a full sky, and a wide and round place. , wearing a uniform and a police cap, his eyes were stern, reflecting his horizontal face, he looked very powerful, as soon as he came, he drank a few words at Chen Zheng, which made Chen Zheng frown Wrinkled, before he said anything, Jin Zhongyuan came out behind him immediately, and said with a surprised face: "Director Xu, why are you here?"

Director Xu?
Chen Zheng looked at Jin Zhongyuan's respect for the middle-aged man, and after a little thought, it became clear that this middle-aged man is the official director of the police department?When he was puzzled, Xia Xue behind him had already walked up, and said in a low voice: "Chen Zheng, this Director Xu is Director Jin's boss, Director Xu Jun!"

Sure enough!

It's just that this guy was murderous as soon as he came, so it's probably because he didn't mean to come!
Chen Zheng looked towards Xu Jun, but saw Xu Jun's dignified face, asked Jin Zhongyuan a few words, but suddenly looked at Chen Zheng, and asked, "Are you Chen Zheng from Zhengzhen Trading Company?"

When Chen Zheng heard it, he knew that the other party was coming after him. If not, would they know the company he opened?Chen Zheng was wondering, how did he get into trouble with someone like Xu Jun?But on the surface, Chen Zheng still nodded and said: "Yes, I am Chen Zheng, from Zhengzhen Trading Company, what?"

"Hmph." After confirming that the man in front of him was Chen Zheng, Xu Jun snorted coldly.

Jin Zhongyuan, who was standing next to him, saw that Xu Jun's face was unkind, and he asked Chen Zheng directly as soon as he came up, did he really come for Chen Zheng?Jin Zhongyuan quickly put on a smile, and introduced Chen Zheng to Xu Jun himself: "Director Xu, you came just in time. The police competition between our Tianhe District and Baike District has already been decided, and it is Chen Zheng who represents our Tianhe District. Zheng, he eliminated the opponent with one move, and carried forward the awe-inspiring righteousness of the Tianhe District Bureau! Chen Zheng's force, let us police officers be amazed, and aroused a learning atmosphere. It can be said that it is exactly Xiaozheng's participation allowed our Tianhe District to enter the next round of the competition."

After Jin Zhongyuan finished speaking, the police officers behind him hurriedly said: "Director Jin is right, it is Chen Zheng's mighty power that made us breathe a sigh of relief!"

Then Wang An also smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng is very good. If he goes to participate in the National Police Competition, he can get No.1!"

From the beginning to the end, Xu Jun had a cold face. He waited until everyone had finished speaking before he started to explode: "Zhongyuan, you are messing around! Is this Chen Zheng from the police station? You actually Asking him to represent Tianhe District in a competition? You are trying to be smart and seek death! When will the competition in the police system be reduced to outsiders to dictate? It is simply nonsense!"

"This..." Jin Zhongyuan never thought that Xu Jun would turn his back on him, and for a moment, his face was extremely embarrassed.

Behind them, the police officers in Baike District had planned to leave here in despair, but when they heard Xu Jun's words, their eyes flashed, and there was something to be done!And Director Wang Hao of Baike District hurried up, pretending he didn't know anything: "Director Xu, what's going on?"

"Xiao Wang, you came at the right time. Today's game, because of Zhongyuan's foul, allowed outsiders to participate in the game without authorization. Therefore, in this game, Tianhe District will lose the qualification for the game. Xiao Wang, your side will directly enter the next round. The game!" Xu Jun's face was extremely cold, and he turned the whole situation around with a few simple words, then he looked at Chen Zheng, and said coldly: "As for him, because he injured a police officer in our bureau , everything must be done in accordance with legal procedures!"

Such a sentence was for Jin Zhongyuan to hear.

A flash of surprise flashed in Jin Zhongyuan's eyes, he knew that Xu Jun was coming for Chen Zheng, and the last sentence undoubtedly meant that Jin Zhongyuan wanted him to punish Chen Zheng.

But Chen is the Masked Superman!And it's Xia Xue's boyfriend, Jin Zhongyuan dare not offend Chen Zheng!The only thing that puzzled Jin Zhongyuan was why did Xu Jun find fault with Chen Zheng?
"What are you talking about? Brother Xiaozheng will help you compete and show your police station what real martial arts is. Not only did you not praise Brother Xiaozheng, but you also punish Brother Xiaozheng? What are you?" After all, An still belonged to the circle in the capital city, and she had been edified in the system since she was a child. Because she was a big family, others always fawned on her. Now that Xu Jun scolded Chen Zheng as soon as she saw this, her boss was very upset.

But what she said made Xu Jun angry: "These are scoundrels! Where did they come from? Have you checked them all? Check their background immediately!"

The last sentence was of course directed at Jin Zhongyuan. After all, both Chen Zheng and Wang An were invited by Jin Zhongyuan, and Jin Zhongyuan's face changed, and he knew he was in trouble. He nodded and bowed quickly, and said to Xu Jun with a smile: "Director, You calm down, you calm down..."

"A bullshit bureau chief who scolds as soon as he comes up, probably under the instruction of the master! It's not a good thing!" Wang An's words were also very ruthless, hitting Xu Jun's vital point. Those who follow the instructions from above will make trouble.

An hour ago, he received a call from the Energy Bureau asking him to kill Chen Zheng.

But he knew Li Danhong, who was a member of the powerful family. When Li Danhong came to inspect a few years ago, Xu Jun personally entertained him, so he rushed over without saying a word, but what made him angry was that Chen Zhengdu was still there. Without opening his mouth, the little ghost next to him ran up and down, and saw blood every sentence. In a rage, he slapped Wang An with a slap.

Chen Zheng made a move!
He had been watching the situation quietly, but when he saw that Xu Jun was actually beating someone, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he squeezed Xu Jun's wrist, and as soon as he exerted force, Xu Jun let out a scream like a pig being killed.

"This is terrible..." Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Jin Zhongyuan quickly ordered Xia Xue to take Chen Zheng and others away, and then went to check on Xu Jun's injuries.

Seeing that Chen Zheng had made a move, Xia Xue also knew that today's matter could not be reconciled, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and called her father's secretary Ma. The work, rushed towards this side quickly.Secretary Ma is also very clear that Xia Xue and Chen Zheng are destined to be a couple. If nothing happens, Chen Zheng is probably the son-in-law of the Xia family. , as soon as he heard that Chen Zheng had an accident, he hurried over.

Xia Xue put down her phone and said to Chen Zheng: "Secretary Ma has already rushed over, let's not make a move."

Chen Zheng nodded and looked at Xu Jun, but his heart was cold. He was afraid that Xu Jun was ordered by others to make trouble.

But who is it?

Wang Dong?Li Huang?Song Zhi?

It is possible!

The situation is still unclear, and Chen Zheng continues to wait and see.

"What's the matter with you, Chief? Is there something wrong?" Jin Zhongyuan called an ambulance while checking Xu Jun's injuries, but Xu Jun was crushed by Chen Zheng's wrist bone, which made him pale. How could he have thought that Chen Zheng would so scary?He even crushed his wrist bone with a pinch, but when he recovered his breath, he started to get angry again, pointing at Chen Zhengli and shouting: "What are you all standing there for, why don't you go up and kill him!"

When the surrounding police officers heard this, they didn't know what to do.

They clearly saw Chen Zheng's attack just now, and just one move kicked Gao Jun flying a full six or seven meters. How can this be an ordinary person?I'm afraid that if I go up, I will be abused!But with the leader on one side, they didn't dare to disobey. For a while, their faces turned pale.

On the other hand, the police officer in Baike District sneered in his heart: It's time for revenge!No matter what kind of master he is, all go up, I don't believe he can't be killed!

Thinking of this, the group of police officers rushed up, first surrounded Chen Zheng and Wang An, and then prepared to attack. So many people surrounded Chen Zheng, but Chen Zheng was not nervous at all, which made everyone frown, but When Jin Zhongyuan saw Chen Zheng, he knew that Chen Zheng had lost his temper, and he was anxious. If Chen Zheng were to take action, there would be absolutely no way to reconcile what happened tonight!Chen Zheng is a masked superman, maybe even a hundred police officers surrounded him, they would all have to be abused by him!Moreover, Chen Zheng is Xia Xue's boyfriend, and he has met Xia Shangguo and got the approval. If there is no moth, he should be the son-in-law of the Xia family. Won't give up!
There must be a misunderstanding tonight!

Jin Zhongyuan shouted quickly: "You all stop! Don't do anything, he is Xia Shangguo's son-in-law!"

Such a sentence was quite lethal, and the police officers who wanted to rush forward were all stunned when they heard Xia Shangguo. They didn't dare to move when they heard that Chen was Xia Shangguo's son-in-law.

Even Xu Jun, who was instructed by Li Danhong to kill Chen Zheng, frowned when he heard Xia Shangguo: "What's going on?"

"Director Xu, this Chen Zheng can't be beaten, can't be beaten." Seeing that everyone stopped, Jin Zhongyuan hurriedly said to Xu Jun: "First, he is very terrifying. I am afraid that 100 people can't beat him. Second, he is Xia Shangguo son-in-law!"

When Xu Jun heard this, his expression was gloomy and unfathomable. He had received a call from Li Danhong before, and the other party explained that Chen was just a commoner from the mountainous area and had no background. Why did he suddenly appear as a son-in-law of Xia Shangguo?Xia Shangguo was the leader, not that he could fight. He cast a deadly glance at Chen Zheng, then hurried out, planning to call Li Danhong to confirm Chen Zheng's situation.

As soon as Xu Jun left, Jin Zhongyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Chen Zheng, "Tonight must be a misunderstanding."

"I hope so! If it's not, he must be too hungry to walk around!" Xia Xue was also quite angry. She finally asked her boyfriend to come to participate in the competition, but Xu Jun came to make trouble. I dare say that Xu Jun was instructed by others of!At the thought of this, a murderous look flashed in Xia Xue's eyes.

"My wife, I'm fine." Chen Zheng hurriedly comforted Xia Xue, seeing that Xia Xue's face was no longer so cold, he wanted to turn around and blame Wang An, but found that Wang An had disappeared.

"Where's Wang An?" Chen Zheng asked hastily.

"Ah!" Xu Ying looked around, her face became anxious: "Xiao An was still here just now? Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

"Chen Zheng, I want you to die tonight!!!" A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind, and everyone was shocked. Looking back, their faces changed drastically.

 Thanks to [Haze, blue_“sky] for the 100 gold coins!!! Thanks to [Prairie Wolf] for the reward of 1276 gold coins!!!!
(End of this chapter)

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