super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 152 Do You Dare to Kill Chen Zheng?

Chapter 152 Do You Dare to Kill Chen Zheng?

Xu Jun looked back, his expression changed, and he saw Secretary Ma, who was next to Xia Shangguo. A few years ago, when Xia Shangguo was transferred to be the Secretary of Donghai City, Xu Jun often visited the door, and he had a fight with Xia Shangguo. Face to face, I recognized Secretary Ma who was next to Xia Shangguo at a glance.He hurried up to greet him, nodded and said, "Secretary Ma, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see if you have the guts to arrest Chen Zheng!" As soon as Secretary Ma came up, he showed that he came for Chen Zheng.

When Xu Jun heard this, his face changed. Jin Zhongyuan told him before that Chen Zheng was Xia Shangguo's son-in-law. For this reason, Xu Jun called Li Danhong to verify, but Li Danhong insisted that Chen Zheng was just a commoner in the mountain area. Secretary Ma, who was next to Xia Shangguo, ran over, and it was for Chen Zheng. No matter how stupid Xu Jun was, he knew that Li Danhong was lying to him!

Here's to trouble!
Li Danhong wanted Chen Zheng and Wang An to die, but Xu Jun was just a bureau chief after all. He really offended the Xia family, and it would be difficult to mess with him in the future. Maybe he would even lose his official dress!
Thinking of this, Xu Jun quickly nodded his head and bowed his head: "This Chen Zheng, is Secretary Ma's?"

"Hmph!" Secretary Ma snorted coldly, and said coldly: "If it was my man, of course you can kill him at will! But, he is Boss Xia's son-in-law! Chen Zheng has already met Boss Xia Yes, and Boss Xia’s approval! Not only that, Chen Zheng also had a relationship with the Xia family, got the approval of Fourth Uncle Xia, saved Commander Xia’s life, and was completely connected with the Xia family. His son-in-law! The Xia family is one of the two largest families in China, how dare you kill Chen Zheng?"

This Secretary Ma is not a fuel-efficient lamp. As soon as he comes up, he directly uses the big family of Huaxia Kingdom to suppress Xu Jun.

Xu Jun was panicked at first, he received Li Danhong's order to kill Chen Zheng and Wang An, but he didn't know Chen Zheng's background!Li Danhong wanted to kill Chen Zheng wholeheartedly, so she didn't tell the truth. When Xu Jun found out, she was already getting deeper and deeper. Now she can only shout at the police officers surrounding Chen Zheng: "You stand here What are you doing? Get out of here immediately!"

Those police officers saw that Xu Jun changed his face so quickly.

A second ago, everyone wanted to escort Chen Zheng back.

It was like this in the next second.

These police officers cursed in their hearts: You old ghosts who are useless to ghosts!Just take it out on us!
As soon as Jin Zhongyuan saw Secretary Ma coming, Xu Jun was scared. He felt ridiculous, but after all, he was Xu Jun's subordinate, and he had to help Xu Jun down the steps. No, Jin Zhongyuan came up, said haha, and said with a smile : "Secretary Ma, you came just in time. Chen Zheng represented our Tianhe Police Department to participate in the competition in the city. He just won the police station in Baike District. Our Chief Xu came here to present the award to Chen Zheng!"

"Yes, yes." Then Xu Jun also hit the snake with the stick: "Secretary Ma, Xiao Jin is right. I am here to present an award to Chen Zheng!"

Jin Zhongyuan felt it was ridiculous in his heart, but on the surface he had to pave the way for his boss: "The situation was dangerous just now. A colleague in Baike District wanted to kill someone, but Chen Zheng solved it with one move. The crime was prevented and the hostages were rescued. Our chief Just want to award Chen Zheng for his bravery!"

Then Xu Jun didn't care about it, he just nodded and smiled and said: "Secretary Ma, what Xiao Jin said is right, Chen Zheng is a hero who acts bravely when he sees justice!"

Seeing that Xu Jun turned his face faster than the book, Secretary Ma snorted, and didn't continue to attack. He just told Xu Jun that the award must be implemented, and then walked towards Xia Xue and Chen Zheng with a smile: "Xia Qianjin, Chen Zheng!" Young Master, I didn't expect you to be here, it's really easy to find."

"Finally, I let you find it. If it wasn't for you, there would really be trouble tonight!" Xia Xue said coldly, for Xu Jun.

Then Xu Jun hurriedly made a haha, and walked out, saying that he was going to prepare for the awards, but he called Li Danhong from the Energy Bureau. As soon as the call was connected, Xu Jun made a crying voice: "My director, Mr. Chen He is the son-in-law of the Xia family, why are you lying to me? I was almost killed! Director Li, I can’t help you with this job! Chen Zheng is walking with the daughter of the Xia family, and Secretary Ma is here Guard, even if you come here in person, you may not be able to kill him! So I advise you, if you don't have any serious hatred, just give up."

On the other end of the phone, Li Danhong's face darkened when she heard what Xu Jun said.

She just wanted Xu Jun to go and kill Chen Zheng and Wang An tonight. Wang An is Hua Xingbang's granddaughter, and Chen Zheng and Wang An are in the same group. If she wanted to kill Wang An, she had to kill Chen Zheng first, but she didn't expect this Chen Zheng still has some background!However, it is absolutely impossible for her to give up harming the Hua family!
She said coldly: "Director Xu, you continue to kill Chen Zheng and Wang An! I don't care what your reason is, I just want the result!"

After finishing her sentence, Li Danhong threw her mobile phone on the sofa. She stood up and looked at the night scene outside the window, but her face was extremely cold: "Want me to give up my hatred? Hua Xingbang, let me tell you, it is impossible in this life Yes! Yanran suffered from infertility because of you, if I don't let you lose my granddaughter, how can I be reconciled?"

She thought that 20 years ago, because of Hua Xingbang's negligence, Li Yanran was captured by a group of hostile elements. Poor Li Yanran, who was only four years old, was injected with an unknown liquid, which caused lifelong pain.

Back then, that group of hostile elements went towards Hua Xingbang.

But all the disasters fell on Li Yanran!
Thinking of this, Li Danhong's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Hua Xingbang, you owe us two mothers and daughters, pay me back one by one! Yanran, don't worry, mother will avenge you!"

A sneeze!

At this moment, Li Yanran, who was rushing towards the gymnasium, sneezed. She was just about to call Wang An, saying that she had rushed over and that Gao Jun deserved to die, but when she took out her phone, Touching the wound on her arm, her face paled for a moment, and she quickly parked the car on the side of the road, pulled down her sleeve, and saw a shocking scar on the white elbow joint of her left arm. It's a little small, but it hasn't clotted. If you look inside, you can still see blood clots inside.

This scar has been there since she was four years old.

For more than 20 years, she has been tortured by this scar very painfully!

She was four years old that year, and she doesn't remember what happened, only that she was captured and injected with a liquid.She didn't know what kind of liquid it was, only that it came from the Satanic organization!So she has joined the dragon group since she was six years old. Over the years, she has been chasing down the Satanic organization, on the one hand to kill the people, and on the other hand because of the wound on her arm.

It was the Satan organization that injected an unknown liquid into her arm back then!

She joined the dragon group precisely because of the Satan organization.

Li Yanran took a rest on the side of the road, then continued to rush towards the gymnasium.

Right now, in the gym.

Secretary Ma learned that Chen Zheng directly killed Gao Jun in order to save Wang An. He hurried up to observe, and seeing that half of Gao Jun's neck was cut off, he couldn't help asking: "Xiaozheng, are you What weapon was used to do this?"

Before Chen Zheng could speak, Wang An beside him had already smiled happily and said, "Brother Xiaozheng is using an expired shopping card!"

"What? Shopping card? How could it cause such terrifying damage?" Secretary Ma's eyes were full of surprise.

Wang Anle grinned: "Because brother Xiaozheng is very nervous about me, he was worried that something would happen to me, so he used his nirvana. To him, I am very important, hehe."

"What nonsense are you talking about! I just hit him casually!" Chen Zheng quickly glared at Wang An.

When the people around heard it, they were extremely mad: Damn, you cut off Gao Jun's entire head with such a blow, and you still said it was just a random blow?Damn, I've seen someone pretending to be aggressive, but I've never seen someone as scary as you!

"So, Xiaozheng really made the move?"

Secretary Ma was very shocked. He suddenly thought of Xia Lei. Xia Lei is a major-level existence in the Jiangnan Military Region and the most powerful existence in the entire Jiangnan region. However, he still has to obey Chen Zheng. What are Chen Zheng's tricks? At that time, Secretary Ma didn't believe it. Now when he saw the corpse on the ground, his heart was full of panic. To Chen Zheng's panic: It seems that when dealing with Xia Lei, Chen Zheng didn't use all his force!

"Secretary Ma, this Xiaozheng is definitely the hero of the East China Sea! He is our guardian!" Jin Zhongyuan who was beside him also came up to appreciate him.

Chen Zheng was the masked superman, and only Jin Zhongyuan knew this, so Chen Zheng killed Gao Jun with one move, he had no doubts, because it was as easy as Chen Zheng drinking water and eating.

"By the way, is this gangster in your system?" Secretary Ma asked suddenly.

"It's from Baike District."

"Oh." Secretary Ma frowned, realizing the trouble. If the person who died was a gangster, the situation would be very easy to handle, but the person who died was someone from the public security system?This Gao Jun doesn't have any background, does he?

"Gao Jun, the deceased, is an expert in our system! Although he is right-handed, he has been very outstanding since he joined our police station. He was rated as a third-class meritorious service every year. In the early years, he represented our city to participate in the I won the second prize in the National Armed Police Competition, and was received and praised by the superiors!" Director Wang from Baike District came over.


When everyone heard that Gao Jun had such a background, they all frowned.

Chen Zheng also frowned, but saw Wang An next to him winking at him, telling him not to worry, looking at Wang An's fair little face, frowning looked very cute, Chen Zheng smiled, holding back He couldn't help reaching out and pinching Wang An's cute little face.

When Wang An was pinched, he pursed his lips and sulked.

On the other hand, Xu Jun, who was outside the crowd, had just finished the phone call, and was ordered to kill Chen Zheng by Li Danhong. As soon as he came back, he observed Chen Zheng and Wang An, walked out at this moment, and said, "This Gao Jun is dead!" Yes, it is indeed a trouble! He has been interviewed by the superiors!"

Xu Jun didn't dare to kill Chen Zheng, but he could take advantage of Gao Jun's death to put pressure on Chen Zheng.

Everyone frowned when they heard Xu Jun's words, realizing the trouble.

When everyone was silent, an SUV was parked outside the museum, and a woman jumped out of the car and walked in quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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