super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 153 Can You Still Make People Live?

Chapter 153 Can You Still Make People Live?

This woman was none other than Li Yanran, the leader of the Huaxia Dragon Team. She walked in, saw Chen Zheng and the others from a distance, and heard Xu Jun say that Gao Jun was the one who killed him, and Gao Jun had a great background. She smiled coldly, walked up and said, "This Gao Jun is a wanted criminal!"


Li Yanran's sound undoubtedly caused a thousand waves of shock, and everyone was shocked. Looking back, when they saw Li Yanran, Wang An gave a burst of cheers: "Sister Yanran, you are here!"

It was Wang An who called Li Yanran.

Wang An knew that Li Yanran was the captain of the dragon team, and he was familiar with his grandfather, so he should be able to find out Gao Jun's background. After all, he killed Gao Jun. Although it was a legitimate defense, he had to check Gao Jun.No, when Li Yanran came up and said that Gao Jun was a wanted criminal, Wang Anle grinned and said, "You heard me, this sister Yanran is the captain of the Huaxia Dragon Group! She is even more related to Hua Xingbang. As soon as she checked, she found out Gao Jun's background!"

Everyone gasped when they heard that Li Yanran was actually the captain of the Huaxia Dragon Team.

They know very well that in Huaxia's organization, there is a dragon group, which is full of agents and special forces. It has the power to kill first and play later. It is a mysterious organization affiliated to the highest level.As soon as this Li Yanran came out, everyone fell silent, even Xu Jun's face changed. He didn't expect such a big person to come tonight. Secretary Ma alone was enough for him to eat a pot, and now he came again A dragon team leader?
Xu Jun said in his heart: Li Danhong, I can only help so far, Chen Zheng and Wang An are not something I can deal with at all!
Li Yanran glanced at Xu Jun, snorted coldly, then walked towards Chen Zheng, and said, "Chen Zheng, is Xiao An not injured?"

Wang An is the only hope of the Hua family, so Li Yanran is most concerned about this!
Chen Zheng shook his head: "No injury."

"Brother Xiaozheng is protecting me, so I'm fine." Wang Anle next to her smiled, her eyes were dark and black, if it wasn't for the crowds here, she would have rushed towards Chen Zheng a long time ago.

"That's good, leave it to me!" Li Yanran took a deep look at Chen Zheng. When she saw the corpse on the ground, half of its neck had been cut off, she was extremely shocked. She quickly squatted down to check, Finding that the corpse's neck was cut off by a shopping card, Chen Zheng was even more surprised: Is this the horror of the ancient killer?
"This one……"

Then Xu Jun wanted to say something, but Li Yanran stopped him with his hand. Li Yanran inspected the body again, feeling more and more shocked, and finally stood up, looking at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, did you kill him with one move?" of?"

"That's right, I just hit it casually." Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

When Li Yanran heard this, she felt a little mad: I'm going, you cut his entire neck, and you still make sarcastic remarks?A subsequent blow caused this?Can you still make people alive!
"This..." Xu Jun behind him was about to say something, but Li Yanran turned around and said, "This Gao Jun belongs to the Tuo family!"


This time, even Chen Zheng was surprised, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, no wonder the other party knew him so well, and even came here tonight!It turned out that Gao Jun was from the Tuo family!Suddenly, Chen Zheng remembered that Gao Jun's right hand was disabled, and all members of the Tuo family were physically disabled!
"Is this from the Tuo family?" Xu Jun was shocked when he heard it.

If he is a member of the Tuo family, then he is a wanted criminal!
Because the entire Tuo family is wanted by the Huaxia Kingdom!

The Tuo family is entrenched in the south of the Yangtze River, killing people, setting fires, demolishing drugs, gambling, selling jobs, etc., doing everything!The most unacceptable thing is that they abducted and trafficked children, but not for sale, but to break their hands and feet, and then cultivate them into members of the Tuo family!
This has caused all regions in the Yangtze River Delta to join forces to eradicate the Tuo family.

In the Yangtze River Delta, as well as the entire Huaxia Kingdom, the Tuo family are wanted criminals.

"Haha!" Secretary Ma laughed: "This Gao Jun is a member of the Tuo family, and he is a wanted criminal of Huaxia Kingdom! They abduct and traffic children, either killing them or maiming them. They are the enemies of Huaxia Kingdom! It seems that Chen Zhengjin It’s time to eliminate harm for the people! But Xu Jun, you are negligent! The majestic Tuo family members, in your system, you didn’t even notice? If you say this, you will lose the face of the entire East China Sea!”

When Xu Jun heard this, he didn't care about it, and nodded and bowed directly: "Comrade, what happened tonight was done by Chen Zheng! Don't worry, we will go back now, prepare a pennant and give it to Chen Zheng!"

Now that the situation has become clear, Xu Jun immediately turned to the light.

Jin Zhongyuan next to him breathed a sigh of relief, and then spread the steps to let Xu Jun go down: "Yes, yes, Chen is my comrade in Tianhe District. I also received a call from Director Xu tonight, and asked Chen Zheng to arrest Gao Jun. !"

"Haha, let me just say, Zhongyuan, it's definitely a blessing for Donghai City to have a master like Chen Zheng in your game!" Xu Jun said haha.

Looking at Jin Zhongyuan and Xu Jun, Secretary Ma snorted coldly. Seeing that there was no trouble tonight, he didn't stay any longer, and said respectfully to Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, you want to come to our place to play when you are free, you know?" ?"

After tonight, Secretary Ma also fully recognized Chen Zheng's terrifying strength!
"Definitely go if you have time." Chen Zheng smiled.

"Hehe." Secretary Ma took a deep look at Chen Zheng and Xia Xue, and then left. As soon as Secretary Ma left, Xu Jun heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to stay, so he directly ordered Xu Jun to deal with the scene, and then left Full of apology, he said to Chen Zheng: "Young Master Chen, I am the one who is blind to Mount Tai tonight, and I will definitely pay a visit in the future."

After saying a word, he walked away in despair.

As soon as Secretary Ma and Xu Jun left, Jin Zhongyuan dealt with the scene with the director of the Baike district. Wang An saw that nothing happened, so he dragged Chen Zheng outside: "Brother Xiaozheng, I'm hungry, let's go eat. "

"Go, go." Chen Zheng pushed Wang An away: "If you want to eat, eat it yourself."

Wang An pursed his lips, sullen.

On the other hand, Li Yanran, who was next to her, giggled happily, walked up, and looked at Chen Zheng: "Master Chen, why don't we go have a meal, and treat it as my gift to you?"

Li Yanran came up to invite Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng couldn't refuse, so he hurried up and pulled Xia Xue, saying that he was going to eat, but after such a pull, the surrounding police officers looked over here again, so what happened to Xia Xue? Still thin-skinned, seeing so many colleagues staring at her, she couldn't leave first, so she hurriedly ordered Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, you go to dinner with Li Yanran and the others first, and I have to stay to deal with some problems."

Looking at Xia Xue's pink face, Chen Zheng also knew why Xia Xue was shy.

With a chuckle, he suddenly took Xia Xue's waist, hugged her in his arms, and kissed her fair face.

With such a kiss, Xia Xue was completely shy. She wished there was a hole in the ground so that she could disappear. She said in her heart: This is a disaster. The domineering image I created with great difficulty collapsed at this moment. Are you still obeying my orders?
Chen Zheng kissed Xia Xue, looked around at the police officers, and seeing everyone's eyes full of envy and hatred, he smiled in his heart, such a kiss was a declaration that Xia Xue was his wife!

At Li Yanran's urging, Chen Zheng walked out with Wang An and Xu Ying, and went to a nearby hotel for dinner.

Along the way, Wang An pouted his lips, sullen.

On the other hand, because of Chen Zheng's performance tonight, she feels that Chen is her Prince Charming. On the other hand, because Xia Xue is the daughter of the Xia family, she cannot compete with Xia Xue at all.

On the contrary, Li Yanran smiled inwardly.

She is not stupid, she can see that Chen Zheng loves Xia Xue, but Wang An loves Chen Zheng!

Wang An belongs to the Hua family, Xia Xue belongs to the Xia family, and both the Hua family and the Xia family are the two major guardian families of the Huaxia Kingdom. Chen Zheng doesn't know if it's his luck to get Wang An and Xia Xue. Xia Xue's favor.However, Li Yanran didn't say anything, she really wanted to see how Chen Zheng dealt with Wang An and Xia Xue's matter!
"Master Chen, hurry up and follow."

Li Yanran turned around and said something, but she felt the pain from the wound on her arm again.

Her face was very pale, and she knew that she was going to have an attack again!
But Xu Jun, after running out in despair, didn't go back to the police station, but called Li Danhong. When the call got through, he immediately cried bitterly: "I have tried my best. At the beginning, a secretary Ma came here, and now I am here again." Here comes a leader of the dragon team, I have really tried my best, Chen Zheng and Wang An are not something I can get!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Danhong's face was furious, and he didn't say anything.

Xu Jun heard that the other party hadn't spoken, whined a few times and then hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Li Danhong's face was extremely angry. She knew that the captain of the dragon team was her daughter Li Yanran!The reason why my daughter joined the dragon group was also because she was injected with a dose of virus by hostile elements when she was four years old!Thinking of this, Li Danhong's eyes were full of anger, she quickly called Hua Xingbang, and as soon as the call was connected, she scolded: "Hua Xingbang, you are a murderer! Our daughter has suffered so much because of you ,do you know?"

"What!" On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang's expression changed drastically.

"When Yanran was four years old, you took her back to the capital and was attacked by hostile elements, and Yanran disappeared for half an hour! Do you still remember?" Li Danhong cried: "Yanran was in half an hour. I was injected with a virus! Do you know this? Do you now know why I killed Wang An? You kill a thousand swords!!!”

Hua Xingbang froze there, only felt a roar in his brain: "Yanran, she..."

"No matter what I do, I can't compare to you! My daughter hates you, but she loves you! Tonight I ordered someone to kill Chen Zheng and Wang An, but my daughter helped them! Do you know? I hate you so much!!!" Li Danhong hissed and smashed the phone to the ground.

Right now, in the hotel.

Li Yanran's left eyelid kept twitching, she didn't know who was thinking about her, but the wound on her arm was hurting all the time, she turned her head to look at Chen Zheng and the others: "Hurry up, please?"

"Okay." Wang Anle smiled and walked up, but seeing Li Yanran's pale face, Wang An was stunned: "Sister Yanran, what's wrong with you?"

"It's fine, hurry up and see if there are any vacant rooms." Li Yanran said.

"Okay." Wang An hurriedly pulled Chen Zheng, and walked forward in a sprint, but after walking not far, she heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground behind her. She looked back with a big face Change: "Brother Xiaozheng, sister Yanran..."

(End of this chapter)

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