super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 161 Moody Devil!

Chapter 161 Moody Devil!

clap clap clap!
There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a group of young men came in. These men were all about 25 years old, holding a long stick, more than two meters long. These men were from Jingwu Tuomen, and they were all one-eyed. , as soon as he came in, he immediately surrounded Chen Zheng, Wang An and Xu Ying. The first man was bald, with a scar extending from the corner of his eye to his chin. It was very shocking. He stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, and said : "Chen Zheng, today is your death day!"

"You trash, in order to join Jingwu Tuomen, you actually blinded one of your eyes. I'm just curious, did you blind yourself, or Jingwu Tuomen?" Chen Zheng asked curiously.

These young people are not very old, it is impossible to blind themselves, right?
"Hey." There was a sinister laugh, and a middle-aged man walked in. It was the one-eyed dragon. He smiled sinisterly and said, "You think I blinded their eyes? Wrong, they did it themselves." Blind your own eyes!"


Chen Zheng was surprised.

Blind yourself?Are there such stupid people in this world?

But I heard the fifty one-eyed disciples say with a serious face: "One-eyed world, I am the only one! Jingwu Tuomen, the world is invincible!"

When Chen Zheng heard this, he frowned, and then looked at these one-eyed disciples carefully, and suddenly felt very sad. These people did not hesitate to blind themselves, in order to join the Jingwu Tuomen, they just fell in love with the horror of the one-eyed dragon!Because the one-eyed dragon has the aura of the ancient killer in his body!

Chen Zheng probed into Cyclops' body, only to find that the aura in Cyclops' body had been exhausted. It was probably used for healing. If not, Cyclops could still stand up?

"Master, look at us!" The king shouted, waved his hand, and led all his disciples towards the fifty one-eyed disciples, and those fifty one-eyed disciples began to perform the tuo's stick formation, and suddenly, the wind suddenly Like a knife glow, like a sword tip, disrupting the air flow of the entire martial arts hall, and kept killing out, but saw the two-meter-long stick flying up, forming a macroscopic and tragic scene.

The Tuo's stick array hit the king and others.

Surprisingly, the king and the others were all hit. Except for the king, everyone else was thrown into the air, flying five or six meters away. Even the king was beaten back a few steps Only then did he barely stand still, and Chen Zheng frowned. Others didn't know, but Chen Zheng could see clearly that this stick formation was an existence that could not be explained by science. Gained the power of 50 people.

It was just a stick that hit the king and the others, but it was the joint efforts of fifty one-eyed disciples.

This is the horror of this stick array.

"Brother Xiaozheng, this stick formation looks terrifying..." Wang Ansha was pale, and he held onto Chen Zheng's clothes so tightly that he was almost trembling. Even Xu Ying, who was next to him, looked pretty Surprised.

Chen Zheng also realized the strength of the stick formation, so he ran forward first, "Xiao'an, Xiaoying, follow up!"

"Do it now!"

The one-eyed dragon stared at Chen Zheng, and seeing that Chen Zheng wanted to escape, he immediately ordered everyone to use the stick formation. This stick formation was handed down by the Tuo family, and the one-eyed dragon knew its terror. They were all made by the same person. The spiritual breath made Cyclops a strong man in the East China Sea, but it was unexpectedly solved by Chen Zheng with one move, but this Luo's stick formation is not so easy to break!

Fifty one-eyed disciples once again used the Tuo's stick formation, attacking Chen Zheng and the others.

Chen Zheng's figure was fast, and he kicked the two one-eyed disciples in front of him flying away, only to find that Wang An and Xu Ying behind him were caught in the attack. If they were hit, they would surely die!Such a stick is equivalent to the combined force of 50 people, and its power is terrifying!

Chen Zheng rushed forward quickly, stretched out his arms to hug Wang An and Xu Ying, and raised his hands to block them.

clap clap!

There were two muffled sounds, and two wooden sticks hit Chen Zheng's arms. A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He first hugged Wang An and Xu Ying, kicked the two one-eyed disciples in front of him, and then escaped. After being beaten twice, he became murderous, put down Wang An and Xu Ying, turned around and jumped into the stick formation, and said coldly, "Which two beasts beat me just now?"


When everyone saw Chen Zhengyi go out and come back by himself, they all sneered.

"Don't tell me, right? That's it, everyone will die!" Chen Zheng used the spiritual breath of his dantian and exerted [-]% of his strength. When the Tuo's stick formation came out, he jumped up and hit two fists on both sides. A one-eyed disciple hit his chest, knocking them out, spitting blood, and Chen Zheng also killed them, so he beat them to death with one fist!


When the rest of the people saw that Chen Zheng had killed two companions with two hands, their faces turned pale: "He... He actually broke our stick formation... and killed two companions... This is too much. Is it scary?"

Chen Zheng said coldly: "Which two beasts hit me just now?"

This time, the crowd no longer dared to be negligent, and pointed to the two men in the crowd and said, "That's them!"

These people are also afraid of death. After all, Chen Zheng smashed the Tuo's stick formation that Jingwu Tuomen is proud of, and two companions died. They are also aware of Chen Zheng's horror. If they don't answer Chen Zheng The right question is that if you don't die, you have to be disabled.

"very good!"

Chen Zheng nodded, and rushed up towards the two men, hitting each with a fist. This fist was full of strength, and he sent the opponent flying with one punch. When the two men fell to the ground, they were already dead. When he died, Chen Zheng's powerful punch could kill even ten cows, let alone two young men.

There was dead silence all around.

Those one-eyed disciples didn't expect Chen Zheng to be so decisive. If you hit him with a stick, he would directly kill you. How can this be human?He is simply Yama!
For a moment, everyone was pale and bloodless, trembling all over. They wanted to escape but were afraid of offending Chen Zheng, and wanted to stay but were afraid that Chen Zheng would get angry. Even the one-eyed dragon behind him gave Chen Zheng a pale look, daring not to speak.

Chen Zheng looked around and said coldly: "Do you think you can become strong by blinding your own eyes? In this world, there are people who are much stronger than you. You think that by blinding your own eyes, you can beat Have you passed them?"

A dead silence.

Chen Zheng suddenly pointed at the two one-eyed disciples: "Come out!"

The two one-eyed disciples came out trembling, their faces pale.

Chen Zheng asked with a cold face: "Do you want to restore your eyesight?"

When the two disciples heard this, they nodded desperately. In order to join the Jingwu Tuomen, they were forced to blind their eyes, put lime into their eye sockets, and corroded their eyes. Over the years, they also regretted it. Chen Zheng said that the light can be restored, and the two nodded desperately.

"Untie the gauze!"

Chen Zheng ordered the two of them to untie the gauze, revealing the white eyeballs inside. He circulated the spiritual breath of Dantian, condensed into two clusters of spiritual breath, and hit them into the eyeballs of the two.



The two fell to the ground in response, covering their eyes and struggling desperately. The cry of pain made everyone pale, but after struggling on the ground for more than ten minutes, they suddenly stood up. Just when everyone thought they were going crazy, the two But the person exclaimed: "Ah, I can see a ray of light in my eyes! I can see a sliver of blur!"


In the entire martial arts hall, everyone froze there, staring at Chen Zheng: "This... how could he do it?"

Surprised, everyone was trembling. They had blinded themselves when they joined Jingwu Tuomen, and they regretted it very much afterwards. Now they saw that Chen Zheng could restore their light, they were all excited, and fell to their knees with a snap On the ground, said respectfully: "Please, save me! Help me restore the light!"

Even the one-eyed dragon trembled all over.

Cyclops was abducted by the Tuo family when he was young, and then he was blinded and became a member of the Tuo family. Over the years, he has done everything for the Tuo family, including pornography, gambling, poisoning, killing, etc. Even though Chen Zheng could recover, he knelt down on the ground and said tremblingly: "Please, save me too, as long as you heal my eyes, I will be able to recover my eyesight in the future." Never do anything bad again!"


Chen Zheng snorted coldly, stepped up, and kicked each of them. This kick used [-]% of his strength. Although he couldn't kill these Jingwu hunchbacks, he severely injured them. Chen Zheng beat them They walked around, clapped their hands, and said coldly, "Get lost!"


Everyone trembled all over, ran outside, and disappeared without a trace in a moment.

After tonight, they fully understood the terror of Chen Zheng. The one-eyed dragon was originally ordered by his superiors to cause trouble. He knew that Chen Zheng had offended the Tuo family, and the family had issued a death order to kill Chen Zheng. He led Chen Zheng out, but how could he have thought that Chen Zheng was so terrifying?
He ran out, jumped into the car and drove for half an hour. When he came to a villa, he rushed in and knelt down in the lobby with a snap: "Master One Eared Crazy, please forgive me, I really don't Dare to face Chen Zheng again! He is a devil! A moody devil!"

In the lobby, a middle-aged man was sitting. This middle-aged man had only one ear, the other ear was cut off, and even the piercing was sealed. He frowned: "Chen Zheng is really so scary?"


When Cyclops thought of Chen Zheng's cold blood, he trembled all over: "Chen Zheng is a devil, a moody devil! He hit two disciples with one punch, and when he was happy, he saved two disciples and brought them back to light. When he is unhappy, he beats us badly! He is a moody devil!"

"What!" One-eared maniac exclaimed when he heard it: "He saves people when he is happy? Kills when he is not happy? Is he so moody?"

"Yes, he is a moody devil..."

"Yeah." One-eared Maniac's face was cold: "Let's go to Song Zhi first. Song Zhi has connections with the Satanic organization in the United States. Find Song Zhi, and then let the Satanic organization deal with Chen Zheng!"


Far away in Wutang.

The king ordered everyone to clean up the martial hall, and then came to Chen Zheng's side, and said respectfully: "Master, what are your orders?"

Just now, when Chen Zheng was happy, he saved the two youths, and when he was unhappy, he killed the two youths. This is simply a moody ancient killer!As soon as he thought of this, the king secretly decided in his heart: In the future, he will never do anything to offend Master!
"You clean up the martial arts hall, let's go back and rest."

Chen Zheng called Wang An and Xu Ying, but found that their faces were pale. Just as he was about to say something, the two women threw themselves into his arms and cried loudly: "It was too dangerous just now, I was scared to death .”

Chen Zheng wanted to comfort the two girls, but his cell phone rang at this moment. He saw that it was Li Yanran calling, and he quickly answered, Li Yanran's excited voice sounded: "Chen Zheng, will you promise my mother? Say you want to help me? I have found Song Zhi's lair now, there is a passage under the hotel leading to Song Zhi's lair, do you want to come over?"

"of course yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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