super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 162 You Must Be Chastity To My Sister

Chapter 162 You Must Be Chastity To My Sister
"Of course we're going!" Chen Zheng hung up the phone, and said to Wang An, "Xiao An, get ready. Let's go to Longxing Hotel. I heard that we have found an underground passage, which may lead to Song Zhi's lair!"

"What? That's great!" As soon as she heard that Song Zhi could be found, Wang An became excited. After all, the existence of Song Zhi, like the Satanic organization, is evil and brings her pain. If she finds Song Zhi They, she will never let them go!
Thinking of this, Wang An urged Chen Zheng to find someone.

Chen Zheng hurriedly said: "You all get in the car."

"Master, where are you going?" The king came out, he wanted to go to the scenery with Chen Zheng, after all, Chen Zheng was a terrifying ancient assassin, even the one-eyed dragon was beaten into a cripple, this is simply like a god Existence, following Chen Zheng, with a high air, might become the second ancient killer.

"I'm going to track down Song Zhi."

"Or let me follow." The king said respectfully.

"No need, just stay here, I'll tell you if there's anything else to do." Chen Zheng stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran forward. He went to Donghai University first, and put Xu Ying off the car. After all, Xu Ying was just a college student. No matter how you say it, Chen Zheng doesn't want Xu Ying to have an accident because of him.

But Xu Ying is not willing, she still wants to follow Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng is her Prince Charming, that handsome face, that strong figure, that superb skill, that terrifying ancient killer, all these make her thump However, her heart was moved, but looking at Chen Zheng's resolute expression, she was no longer attached, but kicked her feet and kissed Chen Zheng's face. Before Chen Zheng could speak, she ran out blushing and disappeared in the Inside the shade of the campus.


Chen Zheng touched the face kissed by Xu Ying, and was a little stunned: Could it be that this Xu Ying really likes me?

Chen Zheng shook his head, then got into the car, only to find that Wang An was sulking with his lips pursed, and he frowned: "Xiao An, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm angry!"

"Why are you angry? Could it be because Xu Ying kissed me?" Chen Zheng glared at Wang An: "Whether she kisses me or not has nothing to do with you? Don't you want to care about this?"

"I'm taking care of it for my sister, because I want to introduce you to my sister, so you have to be chaste to my sister!" Wang Anle said vigorously.

"I won't talk to you anymore." Chen Zheng shook his head. He had never met Huaying before, and he had never met Huaying, so how could they be together?So he felt that Wang An was talking nonsense, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped forward. Along the way, Wang An pouted her lips, sullen. She glanced at Chen Zheng's handsome face and said in her heart : Brother Xiaozheng, he is so handsome and powerful, I have to get back to normal quickly, and then confess to him with the most perfect side, if not, he will definitely be snatched away.

The car came to Longxing Hotel.

Chen Zheng and Wang An got out of the car, and saw Tiangong in front of him at a glance. Tiangong was on the phone. The call was for the king, but he learned from the king that Chen Zheng had just gone to challenge the Jingwu Tuomen. The king said that Chen Zheng saved people when he was happy, and killed people when he was not happy. The king's eyes were full of surprise: "Master, he is so moody? Save people when he is happy? Kill people when he is not happy? God!"

"Xiao Gong, what are you doing?" Chen Zheng and Wang An came up.

"Master!" Tian Gong saw Chen Zheng, quickly put away his phone, and asked cautiously: "Master, I heard that your old man taught the people of Jingwu Tuomen just now? Save people if you are happy, and kill people if you are not happy?"

Chen Zheng didn't speak, but Wang An beside him had already said, "Yes, Brother Xiaozheng saves people when he's happy, and kills people when he's not happy."


The shock in Tiangong's heart, just now he heard the call from the king, he still didn't believe it, now he heard Wang An's words, he felt a little trembling in his heart, and decided in his heart: Never do anything wrong to Master in the future!Save people if you are happy, and kill people if you are not happy. How can this be human?This is simply the moody King Yama!

For a while, Tiangong felt a little sympathetic to the one-eyed dragon of the Jingwu Tuomen. He became Chen Zheng's enemy and would make you regret coming to this world!

Looking at Tiangong's pale face, Chen Zheng smiled and patted Tiangong's shoulder: "Where's Captain Li? Where is she? Take me to find her."

"Yes." Tiangong respectfully took Chen Zheng and Wang An to the basement of the hotel. When they went down to the basement, Chen Zheng saw Li Yanran at a glance, and Li Yanran also saw Chen Zheng and Wang An. Said: "Chen Zheng, are you here? Please come inside quickly."

"Captain Li, what do you find?" Chen Zheng leaned forward and walked side by side with Li Yanran. Seeing that Boss Wang An behind her was upset, she walked up, pulled Chen Zheng away, and looked at Li Yanran warily. : "Li Yanran, you'd better not walk with my brother Xiaozheng."


Li Yanran smiled. She was very happy when she learned that Chen Zheng had promised her mother that he would help her find Dr. Smith, because Chen Zheng was the ancient killer. With his help, Dr. Smith would definitely be found. Wang An looked at her vigilantly. She was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Xiao An, don't worry, I won't snatch your brother Xiaozheng."


Wang An looked at Li Yanran suspiciously.

After all, brother Xiaozheng is her only belief in Wang An's life. When she was desperate and wanted to commit suicide, brother Xiaozheng gave her hope. She just wanted to return to normal, and then appeared in front of Chen Zheng with the most perfect side, and then confessed to him , I don't want Li Yanran to come out and win love.

"Of course it's true." Li Yanran smiled.

"Alright then." Wang An tilted his head, thought for a while, and then said to Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, let's help Yanran find Dr. Smith, so her mother won't come to kill us again."

"En." Chen Zheng nodded.

Li Yanran, who had been paying attention to Chen Zheng, was very happy to see Chen Zheng nodding, and smiled sweetly: "Then I would like to thank you in advance, Chen Zheng, you are an ancient killer, Dr. Smith will be very happy if you take action." Find it soon."

"Now take us to track down Song Zhi. After all, Song Zhi is the only person who has contacted Dr. Smith. If you find him, you can find out about Dr. Smith!" Chen Zheng said.

"Chen Zheng, it's really a pity that you don't join the dragon group! Not only are your skills and martial skills terrifying, but your thinking and detective abilities are also different from ordinary people!" Li Yanran said in admiration: "You're right! That's right, now we can only find Song Zhi first, then we can hope to find Dr. Smith!"

"Take us to find Song Zhi."

at the same time.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts, although the outside is very dilapidated, the inside is magnificently decorated. The two men sat in the lobby and waited. The two men were the one-eyed dragon and one-eared maniac. Zhi, while Cyclops said with a pale face: "Master One-Eared Crazy, do we really want to continue to deal with Chen Zheng? He is not a human, he is a devil, a moody devil! He saves people when he is happy, and kills when he is not happy. I dare not face him again!"

"Don't worry, we came here to ask Song Zhi to deal with Chen Zheng. After all, Song Zhi owes us a favor from the Tuo family!" One Ear Maniac said.

"Owing favors to your Tuo family?" At this moment, a burst of cold laughter sounded, and Song Zhi came out from the back hall. Seeing Song Zhi, the one-eared maniac said coldly: "Song Zhi, can you No, but you will always owe our Tuo family a favor! As long as I report the situation to the patriarch, he will definitely send someone to wash this place with blood!"


Song Zhi smiled coldly in his heart, full of sarcasm, first the Black Gold Organization, then the Tuo Family, did not dare to confront Chen Zheng directly, they all came to Song Zhi to fight!
Damn, a bunch of cowards!

I didn't dare to deal with an ancient killer like Chen Zheng, but came to force me to take action!

All cowards!

Of course, Song Zhi could only scold in his heart, but on the surface, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I, Song Zhi, owe you the favor of the Tuo family, and I will definitely pay it back!"

"I heard that you have contacted Dr. Smith from the Satanic organization?" One Ear Maniac asked suddenly.

"Yeah." Song Zhi nodded.

"Well, we can ask the Satanic organization to take action! Kill Chen Zheng!"

"Dr. Smith has already come to Donghai, and he will come here soon. Before he arrives, let Chen Zheng have a taste of my mechanism!" Song Zhi's eyes flashed a murderous look.

"Organ array?" One-eared maniac and one-eyed dragon both moved, looking at Song Zhi suspiciously: "Do you know where Chen Zheng is at the moment?"

"Of course I know, Chen Zheng and Li Yanran have already discovered the underground passage, and they are rushing here from the Longxing Hotel. They will arrive here in half an hour, but before they arrive, I have to let them try my The organ array that was laid out! This organ array was set up when the underground passage was opened at that time! Just watch the show!" Song Zhi said coldly.

"Oh." One-eared maniac and Cyclops looked at each other, with a glimmer of expectation in their eyes.


Chen Zheng, Li Yanran, Tian Gong and Wang An ran forward along the underground passage.This underground passage can only allow three people to pass through. There is no steel and cement, and there is a damp smell of loess and mud, and the sound of water can be heard.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you haven't arrived yet after running for so long?" Wang An's little face was red and rosy when he ran like this, very cute.

"I already feel the exit in front!" Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique, and looked around. He saw light 5000 meters ahead, but he frowned, and felt that it was 500 meters ahead. There are densely packed openings, which are only as thick as two fingers. At first, Chen Zheng didn't pay much attention to them. When the four of them ran up, Chen Zheng's face darkened: "Everyone, be careful, behind the openings in the wall are a series of The mechanism array is full of arrows!"


Everyone was shocked.


At this moment, the sound of mechanical starting sounded, and Wang An's face changed drastically: "Brother Xiaozheng, help!"

(End of this chapter)

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