super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 173 Huaxingbang's Excitement!

Chapter 173 Huaxingbang's Excitement!

When Chen Zheng came to the science and technology room next to him, he saw a man and woman in white coats busy. On the iron platform, there was a magnetic optical machine. These men and women were busy producing the TC8 phosphor film machine. They didn't notice that Chen Zheng had come behind him and was looking at them coldly.

These men and women are the core personnel of Satanic organizations.

It was these ten people who followed Dr. Smith and then produced the TC8 phosphor tablet machine.Although both the TC8 phosphor chip machine and the secret weapon were destroyed by Chen Zheng, as long as they are still there, TC8 products can be produced again.

They labored desperately according to Dr. Smith's order.

It takes at least one month to produce a TC8 phosphor tablet machine, but Dr. Smith only gave them one week. In other words, they have to work hard.

A woman stopped, her face pale: "It really killed my dog. If I continue to give birth like this, I will really die!"

The man next to him said: "One month's workload, but completed within one week, is indeed killing us! If we all die, Dr. Smith will definitely regret it! Damn, in order to realize his ambition, he did not Don't care about our life or death!"

Hearing this, Chen Zheng smiled.

Before they actually produced it, we should act first!
Destroying secret weapons and core equipment will not work, but these scientific researchers must be eliminated!

Thinking of this, a trace of murderous intent flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He moved the aura of his dantian, then walked towards a man in a white coat, stretched out his finger, and pressed against the man's head. The spiritual breath entered the man's head. Then he killed the opponent in a moment, and he was directly brain dead.

The man in the white coat fell to the ground without making any sound.

"Jack, what's wrong with you?" The people around were puzzled. They couldn't see Chen Zheng at all, so when Jack fell to the ground, they were all very puzzled. The woman next to him bent over to check and found that there was no wound on Jack's body. , so she said: "Boss, Jack must have fainted from exhaustion."


Everyone was stunned, and the big man next to him scolded: "Damn, I haven't had a good rest for a day and a night. I was tired because I was rushing to give birth before, and now I am forced to give birth by Dr. Smith, and I am even more tired! Damn, I really want to sleep too!"

A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, he walked up, prepared according to the law, put his hand on the big man's head, the spiritual breath poured in, and then killed him, causing him to be brain dead.

The big man also fell to the ground.

"Damn!" The big black man next to him cursed: "Anthony also fell on the ground, I don't know if he is pretending to sleep or really sleeping!"

The leader glanced at Anthony who fell on the ground, and said: "Let's work first, and then wake them up and let them change shifts after we finish our work!"


Everyone nodded, and then continued to work, but after a while, the big black man fell to the ground again, followed by a woman. At first, the leader thought they were really tired, until 13 people fell down and [-] people Only then did he yell: "Damn it, these bastards are pretending to be asleep. We'll work for another half an hour and let them get up to change shifts!"


The remaining six nodded.

However, just half a minute later, the five men beside the leader also fell to the ground without any pain, screaming, or struggling. So cold.


Up to this moment, the leader had lost his consciousness. He had just seen the people lying on the ground without any pain, so he thought they were falling asleep, but when he observed carefully, he found that the faces of these men and women were very pale. The biochemical water was poured on it, but the other party did not wake up. It stands to reason that this biochemical water could make a person cry in pain, but that Jack was still lying there peacefully, and the leader finally realized the horror.

"Could it be that ghost..."

The leader thought of this, and then ran out, wanting to shout, but a fist had already hit him hard, he only felt a surge of liquid pouring into his head, and then dizzy, after a burst of colic, he fell down on the ground with a snap On the ground, he fainted to death. It wasn't until he died that he realized that his employees were not asleep, but dead.

clap clap!

Chen Zhenghong killed thirteen scientific researchers, and smiled coldly: "Although these beasts are highly educated, they want to kill the Chinese people, so it is not a pity to die!"

He killed everyone, and Chen Zheng was not in a hurry to leave here. He just stood there and tapped the alarm bell. Suddenly, the entire scientific research room called the police. Dr. Smith and Song Zhi hurried in. When they came to the scientific research personnel who fell on the ground, their faces darkened, and they went up and kicked a man's trousers heavily, but surprisingly, the man remained motionless.

"Jack, wake me up immediately!"

Dr. Smith yelled, and kicked up hard again, but after four or five kicks, Jack woke up, and his face changed drastically: "Oh my god, what happened to them?"

"Sudden death." Song Zhi said.

"Sudden death? How is it possible?" Dr. Smith shook his head desperately.

Song Zhi knelt down, checked carefully, and said, "You can check carefully if you don't believe it. Jack really doesn't have any injuries. In this case, it may be a sudden death. It's very possible that it's because you gave them The death order was issued, and the workload of a month was forced to be completed within a week, so they were overworked and died!"

"What!" Dr. Smith's face was pale, and he suddenly winked at Song Zhi.

Song Zhi reacted and nodded.

"It's a sudden death!"

"Yes, sudden death!"

The two said something, then walked out quickly, and then closed the door of the laboratory with a clap. After doing all this, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, this is not a sudden death. If it is a sudden death, it is also a sudden death." Something happened, all 13 of them died, don't think about it, it must be a ghost!"

A murderous look flashed in Song Zhi's eyes: "Now, the ghost is imprisoned by us in the laboratory. Dr. Smith, give the order to destroy it. Destroy the entire laboratory. I don't believe it is impossible for the ghost to show up!"

"Okay!" Dr. Smith nodded, then took out a black box, and then pressed the red button, only to see a stream of flames emanating from the laboratory, more and more flames, and finally engulfed the entire laboratory. All the things in the room, including the thirteen corpses, were all cremated at high temperature, which lasted for half an hour, until there was nothing in the laboratory, the two laughed excitedly: "The ghost is finally dead! "

And this time.

Chen Zhengzao had already escaped from the laboratory. He flew in mid-air, then flew down suddenly, and then dragged a soldier to fly in mid-air.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

There was a burst of panic, and the soldiers ran desperately into the base, shouting desperately: "Ghost! Outside, a soldier was caught flying in mid-air, it was a ghost!"


Dr. Smith and Song Zhi's expressions changed greatly: "Isn't the ghost burned to death? It's still outside? God, what should we do now?"

Chen Zheng threw the soldier down, then walked out quickly, landed in the depths of the forest, dispersed the invisibility and flying exercises, and returned to normal. He found that the breath in the dantian had disappeared. It seemed that Stealth and flying are used at the same time, which consumes a lot of spiritual energy!
However, after killing [-] scientific researchers, how can Dr. Smith make trouble now?
Chen Zheng yawned and was about to go back to practice.

But at this time, inside the base, Dr. Smith and Song Zhi's faces were pale, and they directed everyone to search everywhere, but they couldn't find anything at last. The two were relieved, and Dr. Smith's face darkened: "This is troublesome, die!" I killed 8 scientific researchers, I am afraid that I will be wiped out by the organization when I go back! No way, the Huaxia people have to pay the price! Boss Song, why don’t we release the TC[-] virus directly.”

"It's impossible, if you use it directly like this, even I will die! My family property is in the East China Sea, so I absolutely can't use it all!" Song Zhi shook his head quickly.


Chen Zheng returned to the cave, feeling very tired. He spent a lot of time flying and being invisible. He quickly entered the cave, and then meditated to practice, trying to replenish the spiritual energy in his body.He had already killed the thirteen scientific researchers, so he was not afraid that Dr. Smith would mess up again.The most important thing for him now is to replenish the spiritual breath in Dantian.

So he doesn't care about anything.

As soon as I came back, I immediately meditated and practiced.

"Master, he..." Li Yanran stopped what Tiangong wanted to say. Li Yanran knew that Chen was practicing, so she quickly called Wang An and Tiangong, and the three walked out. Then she ordered: "Tiangong , you stand at the entrance of the cave to protect Chen Zheng."

"Such a good job? Success!" Tiangong nodded quickly.

Li Yanran walked out, she glanced at Wang An, then took out her mobile phone, called Hua Xingbang, and as soon as the call was connected, she said excitedly: "Xiao An, she has already succeeded in half! Her chest has fully recovered, Women can see it, but men cannot see it due to the side effect of spiritual breath."


On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang's face was excited: "Yanran, are you serious? Xiao An has really recovered?"

"That's right! Before, her breasts would disappear during the day, but now, whether it's day or night, her breasts are normal! It's just that women can see her breasts, but men can't. As long as you keep working hard, you will succeed!" Li Yanran said.

But on the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang was extremely excited: "There is no need to work harder, tell Xiaoying to come back! As long as she returns to normal, it will be fine, and other men can't see it if they can't see it. I just want Xiaoan to come back now." By my side, because she has recovered her daughter's body!"

"This, I have to ask Xiao An to make a decision."

"Chengcheng, you go ask her now! Her grandma is really worried about her. Recently, she has been nagging in my ears, saying that the Hua family is going to be extinct. Now it's all right. Xiaoying has finally recovered as a woman. I will immediately Go tell her grandma!" Hua Xingbang was very excited, hung up the phone, and immediately walked towards the backyard...

(PS: There is a problem with the network, there will be another chapter before eleven o'clock!)

(End of this chapter)

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