super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 174 Hua Xingbang's Wife Tang Feng

Chapter 174 Hua Xingbang's Wife Tang Feng
Tang Feng is Hua Xingbang's wife. The two met during college, and they formed a deep relationship after just meeting each other.Tang Feng married Hua Xingbang as Tsinghua's number one talented woman, and became Hua Xingbang's most powerful virtuous wife. During Hua Xingbang's career as the head of state, there were many obstacles, and any one of these obstacles could make Hua Xingbang fall. Going down to the abyss, but no matter how dangerous and dangerous the obstacles are, they are solved one by one by Hua Xingbang's virtuous wife.

It was Tang Feng.

Tang Feng was born in a mysterious family, the Tang family.

This family, even Hua Xingbang doesn't know how huge it is, nor does it know why the Tang family exists on the earth. It only knows that the Tang family is extremely huge when looking at the entire earth. It is difficult for Huaxingbang to know how huge it is. up.

Hua Xingbang only knew that in order to marry Tang Feng, he almost lost his life.

However, after getting Tang Feng, his official career has been smooth sailing. To this day, he is very grateful to Tang Feng.

Hua Xingbang quickly walked to the backyard to find his wife Tang Feng.

And Tang Feng was in the backyard, kneeling down to worship a bottle of gods. She burned the incense and said devoutly: "The ancestors of the Tang family are here. Today, my grandson has become a vegetable. The younger son is sterile for life, and the granddaughter Huaying has been missing for half a year. I am here to ask you to give me some instructions, so that I can turn danger into good fortune, and now the entire Hua family is in a distressed predicament and needs your rescue."

As she said that, Tang Feng worshiped the ancestors of the Tang family devoutly.

After three kneelings and nine knocks, Tang Feng stood up, but she felt dizzy for a while, and almost fell down. The old woman next to her quickly came up to support Tang Feng: "Ma'am, you have to be careful."

"Old lady, my health is getting worse and worse, and I'm dizzy even when I offer incense sticks to my ancestors."

"Ma'am, you did this because you were worried about Xiaoying." The old lady said hastily.

"Hey." Tang Feng sighed, and sat down with the support of the old lady, but her face turned pale: "How can I feel at ease when tragedies occur in the Hua family? Let's not talk about the grandson and son, just this My granddaughter Xiaoying made me worry so much, why did she disappear for half a year? There is no news at all, it is really worrying, if something happens to Xiaoying, then the Hua family will really be in tragedy."

Having said that, Tang Feng sighed.

The old lady also had a sad face, and she knew very well that Tang Feng was not feeling well, and it was all because of Huaying's disappearance. In the past six months, Tang Feng had a lot more white hair on his head.There was no news from Huaying, which made Tang Feng sad for a long time.

"If we don't find Xiaoying again, the Hua family will really suffer a tragedy." Tang Feng sighed suddenly.

At this moment, footsteps sounded from outside, and Hua Xingbang walked in with an excited face. When he saw Tang Feng, he said excitedly: "Madam, I finally found Xiaoying!"

"What!" Tang Feng was stunned, and looked closely at Hua Xingbang: "Old man, what did you say?"

"I found Xiaoying!" Hua Xingbang was very excited. In the past six months, he and his wife have been worried about the future of the Hua family, especially when Huaying disappeared. After all, something happened to their grandson and son. , at least one person is still there, and Huaying disappeared completely as soon as she left. They don't know how they are going, life or death, suffering or happiness, all of which make the two of them sad.

And a month ago, Hua Xingbang knew that Wang An was safe.

But he didn't tell his wife.

It was because something happened to Huaying, he was afraid that it would irritate his wife, and he had already promised his granddaughter to keep her secret, so he never told her.

Just now, when he heard Li Yanran say that Wang An had returned to Huaying, he couldn't bear it anymore. Tang Feng was his wife, and he knew very well the blow to his wife when his granddaughter disappeared, so he immediately Inside, he immediately rushed over to find his wife.

When Tang Feng heard Hua Xingbang said that he had found his granddaughter, she stood up excitedly: "Old man, you really didn't lie to me?"

"I really didn't lie to you!"

"This is great, great! The Hua family is not in despair, there is still hope for the Hua family!" Tang Feng was very excited, she didn't say anything, she just knelt down in the lobby, facing the ancestors of the Tang family, three After kneeling nine times, she stood up, with tears streaming down her face: "As long as Xiaoying is still there, the Hua family will not be in despair."

"Yes, as long as Xiaoying is still there, the Hua family will not despair!" Hua Xingbang also had tears in his eyes.

"Where is Xiaoying? Tell her to come back immediately. Grandma only has her as a granddaughter. Call her back quickly." Tang Feng looked closely at Hua Xingbang: "As long as you call her back, I will immediately find a son-in-law for her. Then get married and have babies, adding incense to the Hua family! Now we will have three fat and white male dolls, the Hua family really needs boys!"

Hua Xingbang nodded.

How much the Hua family needs men!

His grandson was in a car accident and became a vegetable, and his youngest son was sterile for life. The entire Huaying family had only one hope, Huaying. The incense of the family can be continued, so that the power of the Hua family can be inherited.Thinking of this, Hua Xingbang quickly called Wang An, not Li Yanran, but Wang An directly.

At this moment, far away in the mountains and wild forests in the south of the Yangtze River.

Wang An's cell phone rang quickly, and she quickly took out the cell phone to check, but it was her grandfather calling, she was taken aback, and couldn't help but look at Li Yanran in front of her: "Sister Yanran, did you tell grandpa?" ?”

"Well, I called Hua Xingbang just now. Think about it, how could I not inform him of such a good thing? After all, he is your grandfather and he cares about you the most!" Li Yanran smiled.

"You..." Wang An pouted his lips, annoyed, "I haven't fully recovered yet, why did you tell grandpa?"

"Hehe, you should tell him yourself about this." Li Yanran smiled.

"I hate it." Although Wang An was unhappy, she still answered the phone. Before she could speak, Hua Xingbang's voice sounded excitedly: "Xiaoying, where are you now?"

"I'm on a mission, Grandpa, what do you want from me?" Wang Anming asked knowingly.

"Grandpa came to you just to ask, have you fully recovered? I heard from Yanran that you have returned to being a woman. Since you are normal, then come back. Grandpa and grandma said that she is the most I want to see you!" Hua Xingbang said excitedly.

"Grandpa, did you even tell grandma?" Wang An felt very guilty when she thought of the grandma who loved her so much. She had run away for half a year and hadn't called grandma yet. Thinking of this, she couldn't help it. Asked: "Grandpa, how is grandma doing recently? When I left last time, grandma's waist hurt. Is it better now?"

Hua Xingbang smiled: "Xiaoying, you care about grandma so much, come back immediately."

Tang Feng, who was next to him, couldn't bear it any longer when he heard this, and directly signaled Hua Xingbang to give her the phone. Feng, and Tang Feng picked up the phone, her voice trembling: "Is it Xiaoying?"

"Ah! Grandma is you..." Wang An panicked.

"Xiaoying, where are you now? Grandma wants to see you very much. Can you come back as soon as possible? Grandma just wants to see you now." Tang Feng thought of the worries of the past six months, and she was very eager to hold her precious granddaughter in her arms. In my arms, and then love well.

"Grandma..." Wang An rolled his dark eyes, and then said, "Grandma, I haven't fully recovered yet, and most importantly, I love a man now, and I want to return to normal, and then show up with the most perfect side In front of him, then confess to him, and bring him back."

"What!" On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng was a little excited: "Xiaoying, you mean, you have already chosen your son-in-law?"

"That's right, I've already picked a good guy. He's Brother Xiaozheng, hehe." After all, Wang An was still a girl, and when he mentioned Brother Xiaozheng, his face turned red. On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng heard, His face became excited: "The Hua family has hope, the Hua family has hope, the Hua family finally has hope..."

Hua Xingbang, who was next to him, also laughed when he heard it. If it is true, the granddaughter should tell his wife that she has fallen in love with another man, and this man is Chen Zheng.

"Grandma, please give me some time, I will go back soon! At that time, I will bring my beloved man back, grandma, please don't worry, take care of yourself, I am doing well now, Because brother Xiaozheng protected me, and I suffered from the sequelae of the ancient killer before, and I suffered from pain, but I am almost recovering now, so grandma, please don't worry, I will go back to you immediately after I fully recover Yes, I will apologize to you face to face, and I will ask you to nurture my brother Xiaozheng well..." Wang An also knew that grandma was in a hurry, so she said everything she thought in one breath.

On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what his granddaughter said.

Now that my granddaughter has called back to report her safety, everything will be in a good direction!She glanced at Hua Xingbang, and suddenly smiled and said to the other end of the phone: "Xiaoying, grandma is busy now, I will call you later, grandma is going to press your grandpa, because your grandpa seems to know everything!"

"Hee hee, grandpa already knew I was safe."

"It's unreasonable!" Tang Feng hung up the phone, and looked at Hua Xingbang angrily: "Old man, tell me everything you know!"

"Hehe." Hua Xingbang was also in a very good mood, so he told Tang Feng everything he knew this month, but he didn't expect that when Tang Feng heard about the ancient killer, his face became silent. After a long time, she suddenly said : "So, Xiaoying is suffering from the sequelae of the ancient killer, and the man she likes is Chen Zheng, who is an ancient killer?"

"Yes, exactly!"

"Very good, very good!" Tang Feng nodded, and suddenly told the old lady next to her: "Old lady, you send Tang Feng to pick up my granddaughter, and meet Chen Zheng for a while."


Far away in the Jiangnan forest.

Wang An hung up the phone, and ran into the cave, and when he saw Chen Zheng, he smiled happily and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, my grandma also promised to marry my sister Huaying to you. Are you happy?"

Chen Zheng was cultivating originally, when he heard Wang An's voice, he opened his eyes and glared at Wang An: "Not happy!"

"Why? If you marry Huaying, you will become the son-in-law of the Hua family! You can enter the Hua family, inherit the power of the Hua family, and extend the incense of the Hua family. Why are you unhappy?" Wang An was puzzled.

"I'll be happy if you don't bullshit!" Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An a few words, but Wang An's red face was so cute, he really didn't want to scold him, so he simply shook his hands, and then walked out. However, as soon as he walked out of the cave, his face suddenly sank: "The virus has broken out!"

"What? Virus? Where did the virus come from?" Wang An's eyes were full of doubts, and she followed Chen Zheng's gaze, only to see puffs of blood-red gas floating over the forest in front of her. Big change: "Is this the TC8 virus? How did it appear?"

"I have destroyed the core equipment and killed all the scientific researchers! Isn't this the TC8 virus?" Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts.

"It may be that Dr. Smith released the virus, and the virus can be released without the core equipment." Li Yanran said suddenly.

"What!" Wang An's expression changed drastically.

(PS: Thanks to the book friend [Prairie Wolf] for rewarding 688 book coins, because there is a problem with the home network, so the update is so late! The third update is over!)
(End of this chapter)

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