super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 175 People in the Village

Chapter 175 People in the Village
"What! What should I do?" Wang An's face was pale and bloodless. If the TC8 virus really spread, it would be extremely dangerous for Donghai and the entire Huaxia.

"Act immediately to prevent the TC8 virus from spreading around." Chen Zheng was decisive. He ran forward, activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and splashed it towards the virus. The spiritual breath moved forward and condensed the air. The mist in the air formed a protective shield, tightly trapping the virus in it.This spiritual breath is very effective. Just a splash, it immediately prevented the virus in midair from spreading forward. Chen Zheng concocted it according to the law, and operated the spiritual breath of Dantian, spreading out one by one. After a while, the forest in front All previous viruses were condensed.


Wang An was stunned, and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, are you too powerful? Is this okay?"

The eyes of Tian Gong next to him were full of respect: "Master, if you have any orders, just ask me to do them!"

Tian Gong's eyes were full of excitement.

When Chen Zheng splashed it casually, the aura in his body gushed out and caught the virus above the forest. What kind of skill is this?Absolutely the terror of the ancient killer!
Tiangong looked up and saw the protective cover, which firmly prevented the virus from spreading around. He took a look and sighed in his heart: the ancient killer is the ancient killer, a terrifying existence!

"Chen Zheng, what orders do you have?" Li Yanran glanced at Chen Zheng's aura, and was very shocked. She felt that compared with Chen Zheng, the Huaxia Dragon Team was redundant, although the ability to track and stop the TC8 virus It should be the Huaxia Dragon Group. Now that the virus has spread, the Huaxia Dragon Group is at a loss. Only Chen Zheng can stop the spread of the virus.

I don't know what kind of gas was released, but it trapped all the viruses.

This is the horror of the ancient killer!
"Yanran, Xiaogong, go prepare the stream, I'll be useful!" Chen Zheng said hastily.

"Yeah." Li Yanran hurriedly took Tiangong and Wang An to the stream to fill the water and came back, while Chen Zheng walked forward quickly. Although he sealed the virus in this forest, other places , the virus is still spreading. Chen Zheng ordered everyone to fetch water because water can greatly improve the efficiency of spiritual breath. When the three returned with water, Chen Zheng immediately ordered them to splash the water to form a mist, and then He gushed out his spiritual breath and quickly condensed with the water mist to form a protective shield.

The air was filled with blood-red poisonous gas.

Chen Zheng ran along the front, constantly casting out his spiritual breath, trying to seal all the poisonous gas, but just as he walked to a mountainside, he saw a mountain village in front of him. However, the lush greenery made the mountain village look very poetic, but Chen Zheng's expression sank: "There is a village here, if the poisonous gas spreads here, the whole village will surely die!"

"What's the situation?" Li Yanran walked up to take a look, but her expression changed: "There is a village here!"


Tiangong's face also changed, realizing the big trouble, the poisonous gas has spread from behind, but the village is in front, if the poisonous gas pours in, the whole village will die.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what should we do?" Wang An's face was pale: "If the poisonous gas floods into the village, the whole village will die!"

"Go down immediately and evacuate the whole village!" Chen Zheng made a decisive decision. He rushed to the valley first, and there was a sound of dog barking. It was early in the morning, and the village was very quiet. Chen Zheng walked up, He knocked on the door fiercely: "Is anyone at home? Viruses are coming here, please leave here immediately!"

Chen Zheng wanted to save people, but the door opened, and a burly man came out. Seeing Chen Zheng's face, his face darkened: "Where did you find this village? What are you yelling when you come here early in the morning!"

"A virus is about to spread here, get out of here immediately!" Chen Zheng said.

"Virus?" The big man thought it was a fantasy, and he smiled coldly: "This village is located deep in the forest. We people came here to live away from the modern city, but now you come to tell me that there is a virus spreading and killing you." Come? Are you a fool, or an idiot?"

Chen Zheng frowned.

Li Yanran who was behind had already walked up, and said coldly: "Please show some respect, we are here to save you! Get out of here immediately! There is a virus spreading over here!"

The big man is also irritable, and he is a person who is weary of the world and escapes. When he heard the virus, he smiled coldly: "You think I'm an idiot? There will be viruses in this forest? This is the cleanest place in China, you guys The shemale who came from the city to confuse the crowd, damn it, get lost!"

As he said that, the big man punched Chen Zheng with his fist.

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to pinch the big man's fist, and then squeezed it hard. With a bang, the big man croaked in pain. When he yelled, other people in the village heard the news and came, all of them dressed plainly. The men and women lived in seclusion in the mountains and didn't hear about the world. They rushed over, and they were a little displeased when they saw Chen Zheng and other modern people, and when they saw Chen Zheng beating people, their faces became angry: "What are you doing? Where did you come from?" What? This village is isolated from the rest of the world, you urbanites are not welcome! Get out immediately!"

Chen Zheng frowned.

Why is there a village in the deep mountains and wild forests?Chen Zhenggang was puzzled at first, but now he understands that these people are all weary of the world and escaping.

"Do you have any conscience? We came here to save you, but you don't appreciate it, and you still want to drive us away! There is really poisonous gas pouring in from outside!" Wang An's face became anxious, but when these people heard the poisonous gas, But he smiled coldly: "In this paradise, there will be poisonous gas? The poisonous gas is your city! Do you live in a big city? There is the most poisonous gas there, this is the paradise, you are not welcome, get out immediately!"

Wang An was in a hurry and wanted to say something, but Chen Zheng had already held Wang An, shook his head, and said, "Xiao An, Yan Ran, Xiao Gong, let's go."

"But..." Wang An was a little anxious.

"Leave them alone! Let's go!" Chen Zheng waved his hand and walked out, because he knew very well that the poisonous gas had already rushed over, and these people were desperate. Staying here to persuade them was simply courting death, so Chen Zheng After leaving, Wang An behind him wanted to say something, but Li Yanran waved her hand to signal Wang An to follow.

A group of four ran out of the valley.

In the village, the big man was still cursing: "Damn it, a group of urbanites came out of nowhere and said there was poisonous gas! I guess they want us to leave this paradise so that they can come and monopolize it!"

The people around all smiled coldly: "There is only poisonous gas in the metropolis, this paradise is the safest!"

But I saw an old man of half a hundred walking out of the crowd. He was the village chief. He asked suspiciously, "What happened just now?"

"Four urban men and women ran over and asked us to leave the village, saying that poisonous gas was spreading!" The big man hurriedly said: "Village chief, tell me, we have lived here for decades, far away from the modern city, isolated from the world , Xanadu, how could there be poisonous gas?"

When the village head heard it, he was about to say something, but at this moment, there was a sound of dog barking, and he saw a big yellow dog running towards this side not far away. The big man smiled and greeted him, just barking There was a sound of rhubarb, but the big yellow dog roared, jumped up, bit his neck, and tore it fiercely. Immediately, blood splashed out and smeared all over the ground.The big man was bitten mad, and desperately shouted: "Help!"

When the people around encountered such a situation, their faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly went up to beat the dog.

But soon, they discovered to their horror that the big yellow dog had become very violent and had its head broken by the villagers. It was still so fierce, and it rushed forward and bit several villagers.

"Get out of the way!" But the village chief jumped up, pulled out a sharp knife, stabbed the big yellow dog's neck fiercely, and then pulled it hard, cutting off the big yellow dog's head, rotting blood It splashed out and painted all over the floor. After doing all this, the big yellow dog fell to the ground and trembled for a while before dying.

"Village Chief, what's going on!" Everyone's faces were terrified.

"Did those few just say that poisonous gas has spread over?" The village chief asked anxiously.

"Yes, they came here to tell us that there is poisonous gas! Could it be that the big yellow dog was infected by poisonous gas..." Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"What they said should be true!" The village chief's face was pale and bloodless: "Why didn't you believe what they said just now? This big yellow dog should be infected by poison gas!"


Everyone's face changed greatly.

The big man who was bitten and seriously injured also regretted it very much, his face was pale and bloodless: "So, those people just came to save us?"

"They should have come to save us!" When everyone thought of driving Chen Zheng and others away just now, they regretted very much: "If we knew it earlier, we should trust them and don't drive them away! What should we do now?"

"Look up!" the village head shouted anxiously.

Everyone looked up, their faces changed drastically, and they saw a blood-red gas floating in the sky. Wherever they went, the dogs, chickens and ducks in the village became violent, and then rushed towards the people, the poisonous gas spread The speed was very fast, and in a short while, more than 20 villagers were infected by the poisonous gas, all of them lost their humanity and became violent.The village head kicked the mad dog flying away, and while retreating, he shouted: "Run for your life immediately!"

"This is a terrible situation. If I knew it earlier, I would have believed the words of those four people just now!"

"There's no time to run, I just believed the four of them, it's still too late, there's no time now!"

"I'm going to be here today! Oh, I really regret that I didn't believe them!"

Everyone was pale and ran out desperately, but the village head was very skilled, while retreating, he beat the mad dog flying towards him.

"This village chief is very skilled! He doesn't look like a villager." Far away on the mountain wall, Chen Zheng saw what was happening in the village and knew that the poisonous gas had spread. He immediately said: "Prepare firewood and burn the whole valley It’s gone! Because some live animals are infected, don’t let them escape!”


Tiangong and Li Yanran immediately started to set fire to the grass in the valley. Suddenly, the wildfire started.

After finishing all this, Chen Zheng hurriedly said: "Let's go, the valley should be fine, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

A group of four ran out, but didn't notice that, not far behind, a helicopter flew towards us...

(PS: Sorry, the Internet has been disconnected since yesterday, and it is only fixed now.)
(End of this chapter)

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