super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 177 The fire is not swallowing poisonous gas!

Chapter 177 The fire is not swallowing poisonous gas!

The half-hundred old man fell to his knees in front of Wang An with a snap, and said excitedly, "I never imagined that I would be able to see the descendants of the old chief in my lifetime. I am really lucky."

A trace of doubt flashed in Wang An's eyes. Why did the village head in front of him kneel down without saying a few words?For a moment, Wang An was a little puzzled, but Li Yanran who was beside him hurriedly said, "Village Chief, you have already lived in seclusion here, which means you have long been far away from the battlefield and the military area, so naturally there is no need to be so polite."

But the village head said: "Although I am far away from the city, I am still very concerned about the news of the old chief. I heard that the old chief's grandson had a car accident and became a vegetable. disappeared, and since then, the Hua family has fallen into a predicament with no descendants, and so on..."

Having said that, the village chief looked closely at Wang An.

It stands to reason that the old chief should have no grandson, because the only grandson had a car accident and became a vegetable.And the Wang An in front of him looks very similar to the old chief's son Hua Tian. What's the situation?
Chen Zheng saw the doubt in the eyes of the old village chief, he smiled and said: "Old village chief, this Wang An is Hua Tianping's son."

"Hua Tianping? The youngest son of the old chief? Didn't it mean that he will be sterile for life?" The old village chief's eyes were full of doubts.

"Hua Tianping is a scientist, as many children as he wants, can't they all be born through medical means?" Chen Zhengxiao asked.

When the old village head heard it, he suddenly realized: "So it's like this!"

"Hehe, everyone thinks that Wang An is Huaying when they see Wang An, but it's not. Wang An is Wang An, and Huaying is Huaying. The two have nothing to do with each other." Chen Zheng couldn't help laughing, while Wang An pursed her lips, feeling a little sullen, and said in her heart: Brother Xiaozheng, he is clearly Huaying.

Seeing that Wang An was sullen, Li Yanran smiled, "Although Wang An is Hua Tianping's illegitimate son, he doesn't intend to go back and recognize his ancestors."

"What!" The old village chief's face changed, and he became anxious: "Don't recognize the ancestors? This is impossible! The old chief's grandson had a car accident and became a vegetable. If Wang An doesn't go back to recognize the ancestors, then the Hua family will really be in tragedy. Yes! Although I have retired and lived in seclusion in this paradise, I am always concerned about the situation of the old chief. Although the power of the Hua family is in full swing, they are in a predicament with no descendants. At this time, there is an extra Wang An, the old chief The son of the youngest son, this is the hope of the Hua family! If Wang An doesn't go back to recognize his ancestors, then the Hua family will definitely collapse!"

"That's right! Xiaoan, you are the son of Hua Tianping, so you have to go back and recognize your ancestors! By the way, why is your surname Wang instead of Hua?" Chen Zheng asked.

Wang An said nothing.

Li Yanran next to him smiled: "The reason why Wang An's surname is Wang is because he has been betrothed to Hua Tianping's wife! In other words, Wang An will not join the Hua family. On the contrary, only Wang An His younger sister, Hua Ying, will join the Hua family! Didn’t Xiao An say that he would betroth his younger sister, Hua Ying, to you? He just wanted you to become the son-in-law of the Hua family, and then inherit the power of the Hua family and extend the incense of the Hua family.”

"What!" Chen Zheng was startled, and couldn't help but said, "Are you talking nonsense? I haven't even seen Hua Ying, so why marry me? And the most important thing is, isn't Wang An the grandson of the Hua family?" Is it? Why can't he join Hua's family?"

Wang An was very nervous at first, but after hearing Li Yanran's words, she smiled: "Yes, brother Xiaozheng, I have betrothed my younger sister Huaying to you, to inherit the power of the Hua family and extend the incense of the Hua family. These are all up to you, hee hee..."

Looking at Wang An's cute red face, Chen Zheng really wanted to scold, but Wang An was so cute, he couldn't bear to scold, so he had no choice but to say: "Huaying is Huaying, you are you, you have What qualifications do you have to betroth your sister to me?"

"Because brother Xiaozheng is a good man, my sister will be very happy if she follows you. I love my sister very much, so I betrothed her to you. Anyway, my sister will follow my lead and will obey me and marry you obediently." Yes, hee hee..."

Wang An thought it was very fun and laughed happily.

Two cute little swirls appeared on that white and rosy little face, revealing white and neat teeth, which looked very cute.

If Chen Zheng didn't think Wang An was cute, he would have already slapped her: Damn, your sister is following your example, so you can betroth her to someone else without her consent?
Chen Zheng shook his head, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, if you have the guts, find Huaying first."

"Hee hee." Wang Anle grinned: "Anyway, you are my sister's husband. From now on, you will go back with my sister to inherit the Hua family's power and extend the Hua family's incense, hee hee..."


Chen Zheng was speechless, so he had no choice but to walk forward.

Wang An and Li Yanran behind them looked at each other, and laughed happily. The old village head on the side was full of doubts, and couldn't help asking: "Wang An, you really don't know how to join the Hua family?" Home?"

"That's right, my surname is Wang, not Hua, so the hopes of the Hua family rest on Brother Xiaozheng and my sister." Wang An is not a cheap lamp, knowing that the old village head is her grandfather's subordinate, she whispered Authentic: "Actually, my grandfather has promised to betroth my younger sister Huaying to brother Xiaozheng. From now on, brother Xiaozheng will be the son-in-law of the Hua family!"


When the old village chief heard this, his face was full of excitement. He walked towards Chen Zheng and said respectfully: "Little brother, the hope of the Hua family rests on you, so don't let the old chief down! Although I I have lived in seclusion in this paradise, but I am still a veteran of the old chief, you can call me if you have any orders!"

Then he bowed respectfully to Chen Zheng.

When Chen Zheng heard this, he was a little speechless, so he had to turn his head and stare at Wang An.

Wang An smiled happily, thinking it was very fun.

Chen Zheng glanced at Wang An, shook his head, and ignored this guy, because looking at this guy's red face, he was so cute, and Chen Zheng was often reluctant to scold him, so he couldn't afford to offend him. Will you hide?
He walked forward, looking at the grass in front of him, his heart moved.

This valley is surrounded by lush grass. If it is set on fire, it can burn the entire mountain in a short time.He walked to the valley again, and seeing that the fire had engulfed the entire village, Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. It would definitely be a big trouble if those infected humans and animals were allowed to escape.

Viruses are the fruit of modern science.

As early as 2005, the SARS virus broke out in southern China, which caused panic among the people.

Today, the latest TC8 virus developed by the Satanic organization is definitely not less dangerous than SARS. If it really detonates, it will definitely be a disaster for China.

"What's surprising is that these fires can swallow TC8 poisonous gas!" Li Yanran came behind Chen Zheng, staring intently into the valley.The poisonous gas spread over but was swallowed by the fire.

If there was no fire, the poisonous gas would have already spread outside.

Chen Zheng was also very surprised: "I am also surprised that this fire can swallow poisonous gas! I have a plan, as long as the entire mountain is set on fire, wouldn't it be possible to eliminate all poisonous gas?"

Li Yanran nodded, turned her head and smiled at Chen Zhengyan: "This is more effective than your spiritual breath."

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat. If fire can swallow poisonous gas, then I don't need to waste so much spiritual breath, and I am happy." Chen Zheng smiled.

"Hehe." Li Yanran smiled, but said again: "Master Chen, we need you very much now, we need to use spiritual breath to drive all the poisonous gas over, and then light a fire to burn it all! I am the leader of the dragon group, I wonder if I can Assign you a task?"

"I am happy to serve."

Chen Zheng smiled, quickly called Tiangong, and then walked towards the forest. There are lush grasses beside the valley, as long as the poisonous gas is driven towards this side, and then ignited, all the poisonous gas will be burned. He walked forward Go, run the spiritual breath of Dantian, open the see-through eye technique, and look around. In the depths of the forest, he noticed Tang Feng. Seeing that Tang Feng was on the phone, Chen Zheng didn't pay much attention to it.

And this time.

Tang Feng was indeed on the phone, and it was to Tang Feng, the old lady of the Tang family. As soon as the phone was connected, Tang Feng immediately said: "Old lady, I found them, but this Wang An is not Huaying, he It's a man."

"I know, you don't need to worry about this."

"Then I..."

"You stay there, and then evaluate Chen Zheng properly." On the other end of the phone, Tang Feng issued an order: "This Chen Zheng is the son-in-law of the Hua family, so you have to evaluate him!"

"Chen is the candidate for the son-in-law of the Hua family?"

"That's right, he is also the candidate for the son-in-law of Princess Tang! Xiaoying has already chosen him, and it just so happens that he is also an ancient assassin, and our Tang family can examine him!" Tang Feng said.

"But...but I have doubts! This Chen Zheng has never met the princess, so how could he be the son-in-law chosen by the princess?" Tang Feng asked suspiciously.

"You don't need to worry about this, as long as you know that Chen Zheng may be the son-in-law of the Hua family and the Tang family, and you need to examine him!" Tang Feng issued a death order: "Because Chen is the ancient killer, so you have to use gossip Go check him out!"

"Bagua Formation?" Tang Feng heard a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

The Eight Diagrams Formation is a terrifying existence.


Chen Zheng and Tiangong ran to the depths of the forest, ready to drive the poisonous gas back. They turned a corner, but saw Tang Feng ahead. Before Chen Zheng could speak, Tiangong had already rushed towards Tang Feng: "You Beast, I will teach you a lesson!"

Tang Feng turned his head and saw Tiangong culling coming up, just about to do it, but Chen Zheng had already sneered: "Tang Feng, if you dare to do it, you will regret it!"

Tang Feng smiled coldly, avoided Tiangong's attack, gave Chen Zheng a cold look, and ran into the depths of the forest. After Tang Feng disappeared into the depths of the forest, Tiangong couldn't help asking: "Master, What do you think Tang Feng is doing so fast?"

"Leave him alone, we will drive all the poison gas to the valley!"

Chen Zheng said something, run the spiritual breath of Dantian, pour out the spiritual breath, combine with the water mist in mid-air to form a protective shield, and then force the poisonous gas to rush into the valley.These poisonous gases are all TC8 poisonous gas, showing blood red. Chen Zheng forced them to rush towards the valley. As Chen Zheng walked forward, he said, "Xiao Gong, go back and tell Captain Li that the fire can be lit!"

"Good!" Tiangong ran out respectfully.

However, soon, he ran out with a pale face: "Master, the big thing is not good, the big thing is not good! After we lit the fire, instead of making the poisonous gas disappear, on the contrary, it activated the poisonous gas! In other words, before The fire didn't swallow the poisonous gas at all, but contained them under the flames, and waited until the fire burned out before bursting out!"


A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

No wonder the fire can swallow the poisonous gas in an instant. It turns out that the fire does not destroy the poisonous gas, but dissolves the poisonous gas. After the fire is over, the poisonous gas will burst out again!
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng quickly ran forward...

(End of this chapter)

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