super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 178 Regret not listening to his chapter!

Chapter 178 Regret not listening to him!
Chen Zheng ran forward quickly. When he came to the edge of the valley, he saw poisonous gas flying all over the sky. After the poisonous gas was swallowed by the fire, it was not cleared away. On the contrary, the poisonous gas became more violent. When Chen Zheng came back At that time, Li Yanran immediately said: "Chen Zheng, big trouble! The poisonous gas before was not swallowed, on the contrary, they were just dissolved in the flames. Now, after the flames burn out, the poisonous gas will appear!"

Chen Zheng nodded: "It is indeed a big trouble, maybe this poisonous gas will evolve!"

"Evolution?" Wang An's small face was pale: "I heard people say that those bird flu viruses also evolve step by step before they can infect humans. Could it be that this TC8 virus is also evolving?"

"should be!"

Chen Zheng performed the see-through eye technique and looked forward. He felt that the poisonous gas was boiling, and it was blood-red before, but now, the TC8 virus has turned yellow-orange. Seeing this, Chen Zheng knew Big trouble, he immediately said: "Everyone get out of here immediately!"


Everyone retreated quickly.

The few surviving villagers were still setting fire to the grass, and the old village head quickly shouted, telling them to run for their lives.

Everyone fled, but the fire burned along the side of the mountain. Wherever it went, the grass was burning loudly, and in mid-air, the poisonous gas driven back by Chen Zheng with his spiritual breath was swallowed by the fire, and all of them became It was blood-red before, but now it was yellow-orange.

"Master, you are right! These poisonous gases are really evolving! From blood red to yellow orange, and the flame is the catalyst!" Tiangong said with a pale face.

"I'm afraid that these viruses will have a stronger infectious ability after evolution!" Chen Zheng ran forward, while using the see-through technique to look behind him, making him frown, the evolved poisonous gas spread in the forest, Not only can it infect animals into a violent existence, but it can also infect woods and grass!
Chen Zheng can see very clearly with the see-through eye technique.

I saw the hare behind him running away and bumping into a thorn tree. The hare fell down, convulsed all over, and then fell ill and died.Seeing this, Chen Zheng became even more certain that these poisonous gases have evolved after being catalyzed by the fire. Not only animals, but also plants can be infected.

"Brother Xiaozheng, look quickly!"

At this moment, Wang An's exclamation sounded, and Chen Zheng came back to his senses and looked forward, but his face darkened, and he saw that the woods in front of him were full of yellow-orange poisonous gas.

In other words, everyone was surrounded by poisonous gas.

"What should we do now?" Everyone's faces were pale and bloodless. Li Yanran, the old village chief and Tian Gong were better, they were soldiers after all, but Wang An was spoiled with pride since he was a child, how could he encounter such a situation?For a moment, she panicked, so she threw herself into Chen Zheng's arms, trembling.

Chen Zheng felt helpless: This Wang An girl doesn't look like a man at all!
But he still operated the spiritual breath of Dantian, seeped a trace of spiritual breath into Wang An's body, and calmed Wang An's panic.

"What should I do now? What should I do?" The faces of the dozen or so escaped villagers were pale and bloodless. They had seen the poisonous gas infecting all the villagers and livestock into a violent existence, with protruding eyes, spitting blood, and rotting bodies. , became bloody, and now seeing the poisonous gas rushing over, their faces were pale.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Chen Zheng shouted.

Everyone stared at Chen Zheng, and now Chen Zheng was their backbone and lifeline: "Little brother, what should we do now?"

"Tear off the cloth!" Chen Zheng said, he immediately turned all the water droplets on the lotus leaf in front of him into spirits, and activated the spirit breath of Dantian, the spirit breath gushed out along the palm of his hand, and the clear water on the lotus leaf Then he tore off the cloth, dipped it in the spirit water, and handed it to Wang An. It can be seen that Wang An was already frightened. He sighed and had to tie the cloth to Wang An himself. Ann's little face.

"Chen Zheng, will this work?" Li Yanran asked.

"A dead horse should be treated like a living horse!" Chen Zheng hurriedly urged everyone to tear off their clothes, dip them in spiritual water, and tie them around their mouths and noses. The old village chief and the villagers were very hesitant, but Tiangong and Li Yanran knew that Chen It was the ancient killer who quickly tore off the cloth, then dipped it in spiritual water and tied it around his mouth and nose.The old village head behind him glanced at Chen Zheng, and hurriedly said to the villagers: "Everyone believe what this little brother says, and do it!"

The villagers saw that the poisonous gas was already spreading towards them, so they could only tear off their clothes, soak them in water droplets from the lotus leaves, and tie them on their faces as masks.

And when they finished all this, the poisonous gas had already rushed over.

Suddenly, the entire forest was full of poisonous gas.

Everyone thought they were going to be infected by poisonous gas, but after a while, they were still alive and excited: "Oh my god, this mask really works! It can actually block the invasion of poisonous gas! Oh my god, this is too amazing Isn’t it? This little brother is amazing, just doing it like this can make the water droplets block the poisonous gas, this is simply a terrifying existence!”

Both Li Yanran and Tiangong breathed a sigh of relief, showing respect to Chen Zhengquan.

Even the old village head on one side was shocked. When he first found out that Chen Zheng was the candidate for Huaying's son-in-law, he still had some doubts in his heart, but now seeing that Chen Zheng made a gas mask as soon as he made a move. Very surprised: I'm afraid he is Huaying's husband, there must be his reasons!

"Brother Xiaozheng, I'm fine." Seeing that the poisonous gas didn't turn her into a virus person, Wang An patted her small chest and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, I still have more of you. I want to become a disgusting and ugly virus person, I would rather die than become a disgusting and ugly virus person."

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An.

He didn't speak, he used the see-through eye technique, and looked around. Not surprisingly, the poisonous gas dispersed towards the surroundings, infecting all the flowers, plants and trees, making them poisonous. Just like this, Chen Zheng It was found that the escaped birds were scratched by the branches, and all of them were poisoned and died.

"Chen Zheng, what shall we do next?" Li Yanran looked closely at Chen Zheng.

Before she knew it, she had made Chen Zheng her backbone.

"Let's stand here and leave later!" Chen Zheng said, surrounded by infected flowers and trees, all poisoned, anyone who was stabbed, bruised, or bruised would die!So Chen Zheng wanted to observe clearly before speaking.

But the faces of the few villagers behind him turned pale: "My little brother, why are we standing here waiting to die? This mask can't last long, and if the virus dog pounces on us, we have to die here!"

"Wait a little longer." Chen Zheng said.

He performed the see-through eye technique, observed the surrounding flowers, plants and trees, and confirmed which direction to run would be safer, but at this moment, a dog barking sounded, and he saw a virus dog rushing up behind him, and the faces of the villagers Big change, quickly ran out.

"Don't run! Stand still and don't move!" Chen Zheng shouted.

But when those villagers heard Chen Zheng's words, they cursed: "Damn, are you stupid? Let us stay here to die? We won't do it!"

As they spoke, these villagers ran forward, but after running a few steps, they were stabbed by those virus thorns, fell to the ground trembling in pain, vomited blood, and rotted all over their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye. , Their faces changed drastically, and they shouted desperately: "What's the situation? What's the situation?"

"These flowers, plants and trees are all infected by the virus. Didn't I tell you not to run away?" Chen Zheng said, picked up a stone and knocked the virus dog that rushed up behind him into the air. It was smashed to pieces.

"What! Are the flowers, plants and trees infected?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. No wonder Chen Zheng told them not to move around. It turned out to be the reason.

"This..." The eyes of the few villagers were full of regret: "If we believed this little brother just now, we would be fine, and now we are doomed... Sigh... I really regret it... this little brother Masks can be used to isolate the virus, and he told us to stop, of course he has his reasons... But why don't you believe him... Sigh..."

Before these villagers died, their eyes were full of pain and regret, regretting that they did not believe what Chen Zheng said.

"Brother, what should we do now?" The old village chief looked at Chen Zheng closely, he was very shocked by Chen Zheng in his heart, and he also completely believed in Chen Zheng's strength.

"Let's get out of here, you follow!" Chen Zheng detected a relatively safe road with the see-through technique, and hurriedly led the crowd forward. Along the way, he kept using the see-through technique to observe the surrounding flowers and plants Trees, specially pick a safe place to walk.

At the beginning, everyone was very nervous.

Because these flowers, plants and trees are infected, they will have accidents at any time. It can be seen that Chen Zheng took them for a long time, and nothing happened, so they breathed a sigh of relief. Soon they found that the road Chen Zheng chose was free of thorns. Yes, I couldn't help being surprised: My God, Chen Zheng seems to know everything!Where is safe, which flowers, plants and trees are virus-free, which way to go, etc., Chen Zheng seems to know everything.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you are too powerful, you know everything, hehe..." The little girl Wang An was restless, and she was about to pounce on Chen Zheng as she spoke.

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, and quickly took out his cell phone.

"Brother Xiaozheng, who are you calling?" Wang An asked suspiciously.

"Call Xia Lei from the Jiangnan Military Region and ask them to send someone over. The virus is out of control!" Chen Zheng said, but after calling for a long time, the phone was still not connected. Li Yanran next to him quickly said: "Let me call, Chen Zheng Yes, you continue to lead the way."

"it is good."

Chen Zheng led the crowd forward, and heard Li Yanran call Xia Lei's cell phone behind him, and then notified Xia Lei that a virus leak had occurred here, and asked Xia Lei to notify the military region and the Chemical Defense Bureau. Hearing this, Chen Zhengcai relaxed In one breath, next, as long as you avoid those thorns and bushes and don't let the virus infect, everyone can survive, and then let the military region come over to deal with these viruses.

"Follow up quickly."

Chen Zheng told everyone to follow closely. He walked forward and came to a stone clump, and found that the clump of stones was full of wild vines. These wild vines had been infected by viruses. Anyone who stabbed them would die. Chen Zhenggang He wanted to tell everyone to turn around, but on the stone in front of him, he saw four large blood-red characters: Eight Diagrams Martial Arts Formation!

When Chen Zheng saw these four words, doubts flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, the sound of stones walking away sounded, and the virus-infected wild vines behind them suddenly dragged the stones and surrounded Chen Zheng and the others. At that moment, Chen Zheng's face darkened: "We entered Into the Eight Diagrams Martial Arts Formation!"

"What? Eight Diagrams Martial Arts Formation? What is this?"

"These wild vines are infected by the virus, and they will die if touched." Chen Zhengdao.

"What! Who exactly used this martial formation?"

"If it's good, it should be Tang Feng." Chen Zhengdao.


(PS: Thank you book friend [Major General Panda] for rewarding 588 book coins!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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