super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 186 Lianxiangxiyu!

Chapter 186 Lianxiangxiyu!

As soon as Xia Wei heard that it was Chen Zheng, he quickly dispatched and flew towards this side in a helicopter. Within two hours, the helicopter landed in the temporary barracks. As soon as Xia Wei walked down, Xia Lei and others greeted him. They came up, among them, Tiangong and the old village chief saw clearly the military ranks on Xia Wei's shoulders, they were very shocked, they didn't expect the majestic Jiangnan Commander to come.

And Xia Wei got off the helicopter, but searched among the crowd, and soon, he saw Chen Zheng.

This Chen Zheng once saved him, so Xia Wei remembers it very clearly. Now that he saw Chen Zheng, he hurried up: "Xiao Zheng, what's the situation?"

Xia Lei next to him glanced at Chen Zheng, and quickly said to Xia Wei: "Father, it's like this. Song Zhi colluded with the Satan organization and hurt our people. Now Song Zhi is hiding in the depths of the forest. I want to send someone into the forest." Capture Song Zhi, but what Xiaozheng means is to send all the fighter planes in Jiangnan to bomb the entire forest."

Xia Wei didn't say anything, but the faces of the chiefs of staff behind him changed: "Is there a mistake? This is not a national first-level danger signal. Why did you send all the fighters to bomb it? And this is the forest in the south of the Yangtze River. Why bomb this rare nature reserve? Why can't we just send people in to search for Song Zhi? Then arrest them all?"

Another chief of staff said: "There are regulations in the country, and all fighter planes cannot be dispatched unless foreign enemies invade!"

These chiefs of staff wanted to say something else, but at this time Xia Wei waved his hand to stop them. He looked at Chen Zheng and asked, "Xiao Zheng, I will give you a regiment of troops, can you arrest Song Zhi?" ?”

"Of course." Chen Zheng nodded, "Actually, I can arrest Song Zhi if I go out alone."

When everyone heard this, their hearts jumped up: My mother, you can capture Song Zhi by yourself, so why send all the fighter planes in the south of the Yangtze River to bomb for Commander Mao Yao?

A trace of doubt flashed in Xia Wei's eyes: "Xiaozheng, why did you send the fighter plane?"

"I don't want Song Zhi to die too easily, I want him to die without bones! Give me a day, of course I can find him, I can end his life in half a minute, but it's too cheap for him Now, doesn’t he like to hide very much? Well, I’ll send fighter planes to bomb, let him die without a place to bury him, let him have no bones left!” Chen Zheng’s voice was very cold, like a bottle of killing God: “Don’t Ask me why, I just want to send out all the Jiangnan fighters, and then bomb Song Zhi, let him die and die!"

There was dead silence all around.

Everyone looked pale and looked at Chen Zheng tremblingly.

How could they have thought that the reason why Chen Zheng asked to send a military plane was not because he couldn't find Song Zhi, but because he wanted to bomb Song Zhi so that Song Zhi would die without a place to bury him.

This is so scary!

This is not a human being, it is simply killing a god!
Even Li Yanran and Tiangong behind them thought they were familiar with Chen Zheng's character, but they never thought that Chen Zheng had such a cruel side.

There was dead silence all around, only Xia Wei looked at Chen Zheng quietly and asked, "Xiao Zheng, can you tell me why you did this?"

"Because he planted a time bomb on Liu Li!" Chen Zheng said coldly.

Xia Wei couldn't help asking again: "Who is this Liu Li to you?"

"I want to take care of a woman for the rest of my life." Chen Zhengdao.

"What!" Everyone around was startled. It wasn't until now that they realized that the reason why Chen Zheng sent out all the fighter planes in the south of the Yangtze River to bomb Song Zhi was because of protecting the beauty.This is too cruel, right?For the sake of a woman, he even disregarded the regulations of the military region and the value of the forest, and gave the bombing order forcefully.

Everything is just for one woman!
Thinking of this, everyone trembled: Chen Zheng is too terrifying, for a woman, he is so cruel and ruthless!

But when he heard Xia Wei laughing, he thought that Chen Zheng didn't know the general and the seriousness, but he didn't expect that it was because of Liu Li that Chen ordered the bombing of the forest. He smiled and said, "Xiao Zheng, I didn't expect that He is a man who loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, very good, very good, I am the commander of Jiangnan, and I especially allow your request this time!"


The chiefs of staff behind them were very surprised. They didn't expect the majestic Jiangnan Commander to agree to Chen Zheng's request. They still wanted to say something, but Xia Wei had already said: "Everyone, don't say anything, this is my order!"

Xia Wei's order was very firm.

After he issued the order, fighter planes flew over from the Jiangnan District, lined up in mid-air, and then bombed the forest ahead. The fighter planes flew across the sky, and bombs fell on the forest one after another, bombing A full half an hour.

At this time, deep in the forest.

Song Zhi hid in the cave with a few people. He was counting the time. He knew that the bomb installed in Liu Li's body was about to explode at this time. When he thought of this, he became very excited. He just wanted to call Dr. Smith , Said that some hands and feet have been solved here, but at this moment, there was an explosion in the air. He walked out of the cave and saw a bomber flying over from a distance. His face changed drastically: "This What's the situation! Oh my god, didn't that guy Chen Zheng come to look for me himself, but let fighter planes come and bomb him instead?"

"Boss Song, quickly hide in the cave."

The people behind shouted anxiously.

Song Zhi's face was pale, and he ran desperately towards the cave, but one bomb after another fell, and the entire mountain was leveled, let alone them.After a loud noise, Song Zhi and his group of men were blown to pieces.

When the surroundings became dead silent, the hills here had already been flattened.

And Chen Zheng practiced the invisibility technique and the flying technique, walked in mid-air, and then used the see-through technique to clearly see Song Zhi's death in the bombing. A murderous look flashed in his eyes, He flew back and landed on the ground, but he didn't notice that not far behind him, deep in the forest, two men and women were staring at Chen Zheng.

It was none other than the third grandma of the Tang family and Tang Feng.

"Although this Chen Zheng is an ancient killer, he is not good at using spiritual energy, and he doesn't even know the three retrograde spirits!" The third grandma of the Tang family smiled coldly.

"Third Grandma, what are the three retrograde spirits?" Tang Feng asked tightly.

"The Three Retrograde Spirits is a scripture. If you learn it, you can use the spiritual breath to make the world and everything work for us! For example, for those poisonous snakes, I use the Three Retrograde Spirits to spiritualize them for a while, and they will become spiritual, and then they will only listen to me Order!" The third grandmother of the Tang family said, took out a scripture book from her arms, and handed it to Tang Feng: "This is the scripture book, our Tang family's classic, you can study it."

"Thank you, Third Grandma!"

"Let's go to a good show later!"


At this time, Chen Zheng landed on the ground and walked towards the barracks. Knowing that Liu Li's situation had stabilized, he heaved a sigh of relief. He walked out of the barracks and informed Li Yanran, Tiangong and the old village chief to go deep into the forest. , to find Dr. Smith.

But when everyone walked out and passed the grass, Chen Zheng's expression changed, and he rushed towards Li Yanran...

(End of this chapter)

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