super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 187 Martial Arts Secrets

Chapter 187 Martial Arts Secrets
"Be careful!" Chen Zheng snorted, and rushed towards Li Yanran next to him, because he clearly saw the poisonous snakes behind him jumping out of the grass and biting towards Li Yanran. Poisonous snake, didn't Chen Zheng chase it once before?Why is it showing up again now?
Chen Zheng hugged Li Yanran and rolled on the spot, avoiding the attack of those seven-step vipers.

"Ah! There are poisonous snakes!" Tiangong and the old village head's expressions changed, and they recognized these poisonous snakes coming from the mountains. They quickly took out their guns and shot into the grass, and the bullets flew out. They hit the poisonous snakes, but to their surprise, the snakes kept jumping and avoiding the bullets. Tiangong and the old village chief turned pale after beating for a while: "Master, the big thing is not good!" , these venomous snakes have spirituality, wherever we shoot, they will avoid there!"

Chen Zheng supported Li Yanran, jumped up from the grass, looked at the poisonous snakes, and made him stunned. He saw that these poisonous snakes were really spiritual, spreading out along the grass one by one, lined up, but not Anxious to attack, walking back and forth non-stop.

"These snakes seem to have spirituality!" Wang An's face was pale.

But he saw three poisonous snakes swimming towards Wang An.

"Be careful!" Chen Zheng stepped forward, picked up a branch on the ground, and slashed at the three poisonous snakes. His speed was very fast. It stands to reason that he should be able to knock these poisonous snakes away, but it was surprising. Yes, but all the poisonous snakes lowered their heads to avoid Chen Zheng's attack, and then quickly swam up and bit Chen Zheng fiercely.

Chen Zheng took a step back, and the three poisonous snakes bit nothing, but surprisingly, the three poisonous snakes did not love to fight. On the contrary, they quickly retreated into the group and started guerrilla warfare.


Tiangong and the old village chief were all frozen there, where did they encounter such a spiritual poisonous snake?As soon as he missed a hit, he immediately retreated and waited for an opportunity to strike. I am afraid that even a fox is not so cunning.On one side, Wang An's face was pale and pale, and he tightly pulled the corner of Chen Zheng's clothes: "Brother Xiaozheng, what should we do now?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were full of astonishment. He used the see-through technique to look towards these snakes. What made him move was that there was an ancient killer's aura in the body of these snakes. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. That's right, these snakes have been given spiritual energy by the third grandma of the Tang family, thus becoming spiritual.

But how could a snake be spiritual?

Is it the effect of spiritual breath?

But how could the spiritual breath exert such a powerful effect?
Chen Zheng's eyes were full of shock. He glanced at the poisonous snakes, waved his hand, and backed away: "Everyone, don't confront these poisonous snakes. Back off, be careful!"

"Brother Xiaozheng, these snakes..."

"It has a strong spirituality! Let's go back as much as possible." Chen Zheng picked up a branch and used the spiritual energy in his dantian to act on the branch, making the branch have a strong spiritual energy. As he threw it forward, Forced back the poisonous snakes that were coming up, while urging everyone to retreat.Under the crisis, everyone didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly retreated, and ran to the top of the mountain in a short while. Chen Zheng waved his hand, and everyone stepped forward.

After running for half an hour, the poisonous snakes were finally thrown far away.

Everyone stopped to rest, Li Yanran's eyes were full of doubts: "Why are these poisonous snakes spiritual? Like human beings!"

Chen Zheng knew that it was the third grandma of the Tang family who did it, but he didn't say anything, because he was afraid that everyone would think it was a fantasy, so he rested for a while and urged everyone to continue on their way, but Xia Lei frowned and said: "Little Exactly, in that run just now, I lost the communication equipment, should we go back and look for it?"

"Don't go back, they are all poisonous snakes!" Wang An's face was pale, and what disgusted her most was poisonous snakes.

"No, let's continue on our way." Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique and knew that a group of poisonous snakes behind him were coming towards this side, so he hurriedly urged everyone to continue walking. Next, Chen Zheng led everyone in the Shuttle through the forest to find Dr. Smith. Song Zhi has been killed, but Dr. Smith is still alive. Dr. Smith is a member of the Satanic organization. If you catch him, you can get more information about the Satanic organization. More importantly, the virus on Li Yanran needs Dr. Smith to unravel it!

Xia Lei, Tian Gong, the old village head and Li Yanran are all special forces, and they are also very good at walking in the forest.

But due to the loss of communication equipment, they couldn't find the southeast and northwest, but they followed Chen Zheng for two days and two nights, and they were surprised when they saw the remaining camp ahead: it turned out that Chen Zheng had been Know the way?
"Dr. Smith and the others should be ahead, let's continue on our way." Chen Zheng said, and then walked forward.

Behind Xia Lei, Tian Gong and the old village chief looked at each other, they were all very shocked. They didn't see Chen Zheng exploring the way, closed their eyes and walked forward. After walking for two days and two nights, everyone thought they would Lost in the forest, they found that Chen Zheng had brought them to the camp left by Dr. Smith.

This Chen Zheng is too scary, right?
He didn't use any equipment, how did he know that Dr. Smith would be here?

They were very shocked.

"Please hurry up and follow me." Chen Zheng walked forward, passed through the grass in front of him, but saw a large lake in front of him, he frowned: "This is troublesome, this beard is so big, go around it , at least three days away!"

The people behind them also saw the endless lake in front of them.

Li Yanran frowned: "If it's true, Dr. Smith and the others may have crossed the lake by boat!"

"Let's see if there is a signal here. We are asking for support from the military region." Chen Zheng took out his mobile phone to check, but found that there was no signal at all deep in the forest.

Tian Gong, the old village chief and Xia Lei also checked the mobile phone and found that it was in airplane mode without any signal. Then Xia Lei said: "When we came out, we only brought communication equipment with us. Now these devices are lost. Difficult to reach the barracks."

"En." Chen Zheng nodded, just about to say something, but his eyes moved, and he noticed a stone-like existence in the reeds next to him, exuding a blue-gray light. Pushing aside the reeds, he found an egg as big as a face on it. Seeing this egg, Chen Zheng had doubts in his eyes: "It's strange, what animal's egg is like this?"

"Is this egg too big?" Li Yanran was puzzled.

"This egg must be fun." Wang An wanted to go up and fetch it, but was stopped by Chen Zheng: "This egg looks weird, how dare you take it?"

Wang An stuck out his cute little tongue, made a face, and retreated obediently.

"Xiaozheng, I think this egg may be a goose egg." Xia Lei said.

"Maybe, let's not worry about it. It's getting dark. Let's set up a tent and rest there. Tomorrow morning, we'll go around the lake." Chen Zheng made a decisive decision.

Immediately, Tian Gong and the old village chief started to set up tents, and Wang An and Li Yanran helped to arrange some outdoor meals.

Chen Zheng took some time to practice hard. The heaven and earth spiritual energy here is abnormally abundant. As soon as Chen Zheng sits down to meditate, the spiritual energy from the heaven and earth will flow in, and after being spiritualized by the meridians and acupuncture points in his body, it will condense in the dantian.He didn't know how many small and big cycles passed, and suddenly, he found that he could detect the situation 5000 meters away.

This situation is a breakthrough!
His clairvoyant eye technique has entered a distance of 5000 meters from the previous breakthrough of [-] meters. This breakthrough made him very excited.

He used the see-through eye technique to look around, and soon, what made him move was that 3000 meters behind him, he saw a man. This man was none other than Tang Feng.Seeing Tang Feng holding a book in his hand and catalyzing the three poisonous snakes in front of him, Chen Zheng was shocked: Could it be that these poisonous snakes were spiritualized by Tang Feng?
These venomous snakes are highly spiritual.

It was spiritualized by the ancient killer.

But how did the ancient killer become spiritual?

Now seeing Tang Feng holding on to the book while spiritualizing poisonous snakes, Chen Zheng was very shocked. Could it be that these poisonous snakes were all spiritualized by Tang Feng?
Chen Zheng used the flying technique and flew forward, then he used the stealth technique to make himself invisible, and came to Tang Feng's midair, and saw Tang Feng squatting on the ground with a spiritual breath gushing out from his body, This spiritual breath rushed towards the three poisonous snakes, like a young eagle learning to dance, this spiritual breath vividly turned into an afterimage that was the same as the poisonous snake, but the poisonous snake danced with the shadow, emitting a dark light.

But just like this, the three poisonous snakes fell silent, lying on the ground like a docile dog.

Chen Zheng was surprised in his heart: Could it be that this poisonous snake has been spiritualized like this?
But Tang Feng laughed loudly: "The martial arts books that my grandma gave me are really powerful. Once the three retrograde spirits are mastered, I can control poisonous snakes! It really works!"

Chen Zheng was startled: So these are the three retrograde spirits?Once practiced, can control poisonous snakes?so smart?

At this moment, Chen Zhengcai knew that in the mysterious world of ancient killers, there were still many martial arts secrets and the like, such as the spiritual poisonous snake, Chen Zheng couldn't do it.However, looking at the martial arts secret book in Tang Feng's hand, Chen Zheng was very eager.

He has just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers, and what he needs most is martial arts secrets.

He continued to fly in mid-air until Tang Feng threw the martial arts secret book on the stone behind him. A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he landed. Then he reached out to pick up the martial arts secret book and flew out, because he He used the invisibility technique, so Tang Feng didn't know his existence at all.

It wasn't until Tang Feng found out that the martial arts secret book behind him was missing, his face changed drastically: "What's the situation? Why is the martial arts secret book missing? Where did it go? It's obvious that I'm the only one here!"

(End of this chapter)

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