super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 189 Why Didn't You Tell Me Earlier?

Chapter 189 Why Didn't You Tell Me Earlier?
"What!" Hearing that there was a terrifying creature here, everyone's expressions changed, and they ran back desperately. After all, Li Yanran had a virus on her body, so she couldn't run fast.Chen Zheng hurried up, helped Li Yanran up, and ran forward.He was running very fast, and while running, he looked back, only to see huge water waves swaying in the lake behind him, and then, a huge python escaped from the lake.

Seeing this python, Chen Zheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

No wonder the egg was so big, it turned out to be a boa constrictor's egg.This boa constrictor is as big as ten people hugging, with a diameter of up to four meters, and its length cannot be seen, but when it jumped out of the water, it was more than six meters high. The snake's head was as big as a locomotive, and it spit blood red Xinzi, this Xinzi is six or seven meters long, and his blood-red eyes are as big as two lanterns.

Seeing this python, Chen Zheng was very shocked.

I didn't expect to encounter such a python in this forest. However, the forest is the most mysterious place. It is normal for some exotic animals to appear, after all, this is a forest.But what made Chen Zheng nervous was, would such a python attack people?
The answer came out quickly.

However, the boa constrictor neighed, and then rushed towards Chen Zheng with a loud sound. It was very fast, and it hit the tent in less than a moment. On the ground, the python neighed and rushed towards Chen Zheng and the others.

" a snake..."

Wang An's face was pale and bloodless. She was taken aback when she encountered such a huge python. She let go of her feet and slammed it forward fiercely. It fell to the ground, her face was pale and pale.

Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei also looked back, and when they saw the python, they were also taken aback. They really couldn't understand why there was such a huge python in this world.

Seeing that everyone's speed had slowed down, Chen Zheng helped Wang An up and shouted, "What are you still doing? Are you still running?"

"I can't run away, the snake has already attacked."

Li Yanran's face was pale and bloodless.

I saw the huge boa constrictor behind him spitting out fiery red letters, and then rushed towards the crowd. It was very fast, and it rushed to more than ten meters behind the crowd in a short while.

"Everyone disperse to the surroundings immediately!" Chen Zheng also knew that he couldn't dodge, so he shouted, and then rushed towards the python. He rushed towards the boa constrictor, circulated the spiritual energy in his dantian, condensed it on the palm of his hand, and hit the big head of the boa constrictor heavily.Chen Zheng exerted [-]% of his strength, so his speed was very fast, and he hit the snake's head heavily with his palm.

With a muffled sound, Chen Zheng's palm sent the boa constrictor flying heavily. He landed on the stone, and was surprised to find that his palm with [-]% strength was unable to kill the boa constrictor. It was really surprising. Yes, from this we can know that this python is very terrifying.


The boa constrictor spit out its letter and bit towards Chen Zheng. The snake's head opened its bloody mouth and bit hard.The speed of the boa constrictor was very fast, before it could bite, the fiery red letter had already attacked.This made Chen Zheng unable to dodge in time, so he had no choice but to stretch out his hand.


The fiery red letter suddenly encircled Chen Zheng's arm, and then the snake head bit down hard.

Chen Zheng flipped quickly and jumped onto the snake's head, avoiding the python's attack. His palms were tightly entangled, and Chen Zheng couldn't move. His left hand quickly clenched into a fist, and then punched fiercely at the snake's head. call up.


A roar sounded, but the boa constrictor neighed and struggled fiercely, trying to throw Chen Zheng away.But Chen Zheng firmly grasped the python's fiery red letter, and pulled hard, pulling the python until it was dripping with blood.The boa constrictor was in pain, retracted the fiery red letter, threw Chen Zheng up, and rolled up the whole snake body, trying to hang Chen Zheng to death.But how could Chen Zheng let the python succeed?With a low snort, he raised his fist and hit him hard.

This fist hit the boa constrictor hard, although it couldn't hurt the boa constrictor, but it stopped the boa constrictor from moving forward. The boa constrictor is also a smart master. After suffering a bit of pain, it roared, swung its huge snake head and hit it hard. come up.Because the distance was too close, Chen Zheng couldn't stop it at all, and was hit hard.

Chen Zheng could only feel the blood in his body boiling up.

He fell from mid-air and landed on the ground. He quickly used his spiritual breath to calm down the blood in his body. Although he was not injured, he couldn't help being surprised by the horror of this boa constrictor.

In this forest, there are really all kinds of animals.

This boa constrictor alone is a terrifying existence, an existence that no one can resist.


There was a burst of gunfire, and Tiangong, the old village head and Xia Lei behind them fired at the boa constrictor, and the bullets fired hit the boa constrictor heavily.But what makes people frown is that these bullets can't break through the skin of this boa constrictor at all, which shows how strong the python's skin is.

Chen Zheng glanced at the boa constrictor, and then said: "Stop standing still, all of you should flee, separate and escape!"

Seeing that Chen Zheng was unable to kill the python, Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei knew how terrifying the python was. They looked at each other and fled desperately, all running separately, very fast.Li Yanran is also a special soldier. She glanced at Chen Zheng and ran out, but Wang An's face was pale and his calves were trembling. Brother Zheng, help me..."

With such a cry, the big boa constrictor was alarmed, and with a whistling sound, the boa constrictor opened its mouth wide and bit Wang An.

At this critical moment, Chen Zheng's face turned pale, and he felt his mind go blank. He quickly struck a spiritual breath, which was condensed by the three retrograde spirits, and struck towards the big python. It hit the boa constrictor heavily.

With a snap, the python froze in mid-air.

With such a froze, Chen Zheng could save people. He rushed up quickly, hugged Wang An and ran out, very fast, but the boa constrictor behind him paused for a while, but then quickly bit him up again.

At this moment, Chen Zheng stopped.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the matter?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face.

"Xiao'an, keep running, I'll stay and deal with this beast!" Chen Zheng said, and then activated the aura of his dantian in the way of the three retrograde spirits. He wanted to take the python back!

He just practiced "Three Retrograde Spirits" and he can take back the creatures of nature. Although this python is strong, it can also take it back. The blow just now made the python stop for half a minute.Chen Zheng's speed was very fast, he stepped on the boulder in front of him, jumped, and flew towards the boa constrictor, and the spiritual breath condensed in his palm hit the boa constrictor.

The boa constrictor was struck by Chen Zheng and froze.

Chen Zheng was agitated, and quickly struck up with two palms. These spiritual breaths quickly penetrated into the body of the boa constrictor, and spiritualized the boa constrictor. It only took Chen Zheng one minute to spiritualize the seven-step snake before, but Now it is such a huge boa constrictor, he needs more time, and when the spiritual energy pours into the boa constrictor, it will be cleared by the boa constrictor, so it needs even more time.

Chen Zheng hit the boa constrictor with his palm, but was swept away by the boa constrictor's poisonous tail.Chen Zheng took a step back to avoid the attack of the boa constrictor. Afterwards, he stepped on the ground and a tree trunk, and his whole body flew up, gushing out his spiritual breath, and slammed hard at the boa constrictor. go.With a slap, he backed away quickly.

But at this time, far ahead, Tiangong, the old village chief, Xia Lei, Li Yanran and others couldn't help but look back, seeing that only Wang An ran out, but Chen Zheng was not there. Big trouble: "Could it be that Chen Zheng was entangled by a boa constrictor?"

Wang An ran up and said with a pale face, "Go back and save brother Xiaozheng, he's been entangled by a boa constrictor."

"Let's go back and have a look!"

Everyone was very worried that something would happen to Chen Zheng, so they hurriedly ran behind.Soon, they ran back and saw Chen Zheng confronting the big python from a distance. The big python was very fierce, but at the moment it was frozen in mid-air, only the snake's head and tail were attacking. Confuse.But he saw that Chen Zheng kept running towards the boa constrictor, hitting the boa constrictor hard with one palm after another.Every palm strike made the boa constrictor stiff.

Their eyes were full of doubts: "What's the situation?"

"Didn't it say that Master was entangled by a snake? Why did he dominate?" Tiangong's eyes were full of doubts.

The old village head on one side couldn't help but said: "This little guy is very strong. We thought he would be bombarded and killed by the python, but what is surprising is that this young man can safely fight against the python and beat the python to death." You can't move, from this you can see how terrifying this young man is!"

Everyone nodded their heads, their eyes full of admiration for Chen Zheng.

But a trace of doubt flashed in Xia Lei's eyes: "I think this snake is controlled by Xiaozheng? Only the tail of the snake can swing. What's the situation?"

Everyone also saw the strangeness of the snake at a glance, and their eyes were full of doubts: "It's really like this, what's the situation?"

"Brother Xiaozheng!" Wang An called out.

Chen Zheng turned his head and saw that everyone had come back. He nodded and ignored them. He flew towards the boa constrictor and struck out the last palm. This palm condensed a powerful spirit and hit the boa constrictor. Just this one action completely spiritualized the boa constrictor.

The huge python fell to the ground, trembling.

Chen Zhengyue jumped on the boulder, his face was icy cold.

"What's the situation?" Everyone's eyes were full of doubts. They didn't understand why the python fell to the ground and trembled.

After a while, I saw the boa constrictor suddenly get up, lying on the ground and spitting out letters, like a defeated general kneeling down and begging for mercy, or like a courtier worshiping.This made Tiangong and the others froze, and they were all dumbfounded: "What's the situation? Why did the boa constrictor kneel down towards Chen Zheng when it was beating?"

Seeing this kneeling boa constrictor, Chen Zheng's eyes flashed with excitement.

He finally spiritualized the boa constrictor.

He glanced back at the crowd and saw that their faces were pale. He smiled in his heart, but he didn't let the boa constrictor stay here to scare people. Swimming towards the outside, it disappeared without a trace in a moment.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the situation? Why did the boa constrictor kneel down on the ground and run away?" Wang An walked up, his eyes full of curiosity.

Chen Zheng smiled and said: "It lost, of course it has to run."

"But how did this python lose?" Tiangong's eyes were full of surprise: "I only saw this python stiff in the air, how did it lose?"

The old village head, Xia Lei and Li Yanran looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously. They really couldn't figure out why the snake would freeze in mid-air, then lay down on the ground begging for mercy, and then ran away in despair. what is happening?
Chen Zheng smiled and didn't tell everyone that it was because he practiced the Three Retrograde Spirits and transformed the boa constrictor into spirits.

If he really told everyone everything, firstly, these people would definitely not be able to bear it, and secondly, if he said everything, what secret would there be?Thirdly, if he told about the fact that he can spiritualize living beings, he would definitely be regarded as a monster, right?
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng smiled: "I slapped it a few times, and it took the initiative to admit defeat."

At the same time, on the mountain not far behind, the third grandmother of the Tang family and Tang Feng looked at Chen Zheng angrily, and Tang Feng's eyes were full of anger: "If it's not bad, it should be Chen Zheng who stole my martial arts secret book! The boa constrictor didn't admit defeat just now, but was spiritualized by him!"

The eyes of the third grandma of the Tang family were full of surprise: "This kid has a very strong sense of perception. If he is really allowed to marry the princess of the Tang family and become the official emperor of the Tang family, it will definitely be an unfortunate thing for the Tang family, so We must kill him!"

The eyes of Tang Feng next to him were full of murderous intent: "Third Grandma, why don't you let me fight against him! Although he broke my eight trigrams martial arts formation, he has not defeated me yet. He stole my martial arts Cheats, then you have to die!"

"Yes." The third grandma of the Tang family nodded: "Don't worry, after I set up the martial formation and let you fight him, your task is to blast him to death!"


at this time.

Chen Zheng sensed the aura of the third grandma of the Tang family and Tang Feng. A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly urged everyone: "Let's clean up and set off on our way! People from the Tang family are here!"


As soon as they heard that people from the Tang family were coming, everyone's eyes were full of nervousness, they packed their luggage quickly, and then walked out.But Li Yanran suddenly turned pale, fell to the ground, her whole body twitched, her body was covered with bloodshots of all sizes.

When seeing these bloodshots, Chen Zheng's face changed greatly: "Yanran, when did you have bloodshots?"

"On my morning..."

"My God! Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

(PS: I’m sorry, I’ve been running away from relatives these days, and starting tomorrow, I’ll be back three times a day!!! I’m really sorry, there are a lot of shit in the Chinese New Year, everyone should be clear about it, right? So I’m really sorry.)
(End of this chapter)

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