super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 190 Stealing the Secrets of Martial Arts

Chapter 190 Stealing the Secrets of Martial Arts

When Chen Zheng saw the bloodshot streaks on Li Yanran's body, his face tensed up: "This happened to you this morning, why didn't you tell me earlier? Didn't I already tell you, I can tell you anything Me? Why didn't you tell me until now?"

Chen Zheng was really angry.

This Li Yanran doesn't take her own life seriously?
"I..." Li Yanran's face turned pale. In fact, she just didn't want Chen Zheng to worry about her. How could she have thought that these bloodshots would really erupt?For a moment, her face was a little gloomy.On the other hand, Wang An came up and glanced at the bloodshot streaks on Li Yanran's body. Her face was pale and pale, and she held onto Chen Zheng's clothes tightly: "Brother Xiaozheng, let's quickly find a way to save him." Sister Yanran."

Life is at stake.

Chen Zheng circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian and poured into Li Yanran's body, trying to get rid of the streaks of blood, but what made him frown was that, unlike the previous viruses, these blood streaks could not be cleared at all. Now, Chen Zheng Confused in the eyes: "These bloodshots should be the evolution of the virus in Yanran's body, which is very difficult to deal with."

"What!" Wang An's face turned pale, "Then what should we do now?"

Tian Gong, the old village chief and Xia Lei behind them looked at each other, and they couldn't help but sweat for Li Yanran. They didn't expect the virus to evolve in the human body, and Li Yanran survived like this?Although Li Yanran is the captain of the dragon team, everyone can still feel Li Yanran's pain.

"I'm thinking of a way..." Chen Zheng frowned.

Li Yanran's face was sad: "Don't worry about me, I don't feel how many days I can live."

"Don't say stupid things!" Chen Zheng pressed Li Yanran's shoulders tightly, and said sincerely: "No matter what you go through, don't give up hope for survival. You have to be clear that there are still many people who care about you in this world." For example, your father, if he knows that you are so decadent, it will be very painful, so please don’t give up your desire for survival no matter what!”

Li Yanran looked closely at Chen Zheng: "If I die, will you care about me?"

"Of course!" Chen Zheng nodded heavily.

"That's good." A gleam of joy flashed in Li Yanran's eyes: "Don't worry, no matter what happens next, I will never give up."

"Yeah." Chen Zheng nodded. As long as Li Yanran's hope of survival is revived, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices something. However, what makes him frown is how to remove the blood in Li Yanran's body?

"Brother Xiaozheng..." An anxious voice sounded, but Wang An behind him turned pale, pointed at Chen Zheng's wrist and said, "Brother Xiaozheng, your hands are also bloodshot."


Chen Zheng lowered his head and looked, as expected, there were streaks of blood on his wrist. If these bloodshots were not bad, they should have been infected from Li Yanran. This surprised Chen Zheng, he didn't expect that he just touched Li Yanran casually. , was infected by the blood in Li Yanran's body.

The evolution of this virus is too scary, right?
A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

"Chen Zheng, I'm sorry for you..." Li Yanran's face was pale and her whole body was trembling, she kept stepping back.

"Don't blame yourself, it's none of your business." Chen Zheng hurriedly comforted Li Yanran. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a panicked cry from Tian Gong behind him. Swimming over here, these poisonous snakes are very spiritual, they swam up and surrounded the crowd. For a moment, Wang An shrank into Chen Zheng's arms with a pale face.Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei quickly drew out their guns and stood in front of them.

A poisonous snake swam in suddenly and came towards Chen Zhengyou. Chen Zheng recognized at a glance that it was the poisonous snake he had spiritualized.

Tiangong, Village Chief Cai and Xia Lei next to him were about to shoot, but Chen Zheng stopped him with his hand: "Everyone, don't shoot, this poisonous snake..."

Chen Zheng paused.

Of course, he couldn't tell everyone that the poisonous snake had been spiritualized by him. If so, wouldn't his stealing of the Tang family's martial arts secret book be exposed?At that time, Tang Feng and the third grandmother of the Tang family will have a reason to kill him, and Hua Xingbang will not be able to explain it.Thinking of this, Chen Zheng didn't dare to tell everyone that the poisonous snake had been spiritualized by him.

But the poisonous snake jumped up and bit Chen Zheng's arm suddenly. What was surprising was that the blood on Chen Zheng's wrist was sucked up by the poisonous snake.

For a moment, Chen Zheng's eyes were excited. Could it be that this poisonous snake can suck blood?
That's great too, right?

The faces of the people behind turned pale. When they saw the poisonous snake biting Chen Zheng, they thought something serious had happened, but they saw that the bloodshot streaks on Chen Zheng's arm had been sucked away. For a moment, they were stunned. For a moment: "What's the situation? It seems that all the blood on Chen Zheng's wrist has been sucked up? What's the situation? And it seems that this poisonous snake didn't come to bite Chen Zheng, but to save him? What's the situation? , Are these poisonous snakes spiritized by the third grandma of the Tang family, so they came to surround and kill us?"

Chen Zheng became nervous when he heard everyone talking.

This is too bad. If everyone knows that the poisonous snake was spiritualized by him, wouldn't they know that he stole the Tang family's "Three Retrograde Spirits"?Let the people of the Tang family know by then, Chen Zheng will definitely cause trouble.

If you don't ask for it, you should steal it.

What's more, at that time, Chen Zheng approached Tang Feng stealthily and stole it.

Therefore, people must not let people know that he can spiritualize poisonous snakes.Thinking of this, Chen Zheng flung the poisonous snake from his wrist, and cursed: "Damn, I'm going to be bitten to death. This poisonous snake is too crazy. It's really a shame that it just pounced on it and bit it!" It's too violent!"

Everyone glanced at Chen Zheng, terrified in their hearts: Damn, this snake obviously came up to suck all the blood in your wrist and came to save you, but it was thrown away by you, making it even more frustrating. What hurts is that you didn't even say thank you. Instead, you scolded the poisonous snake. The poisonous snake came to help you, okay, but you actually called it violent?Can it still make people alive?
Chen Zheng ignored the crowd. He walked forward, circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, displayed the three retrograde spirits, and then poured it towards the pile of poisonous snakes in front of him. In the group, all the poisonous snakes fell to the ground immediately, struggling painfully.

"what's going on?"

Everyone's eyes were full of surprise: Why did all the poisonous snakes fall to the ground all of a sudden?
"Hurry up and hide, these poisonous snakes are about to hold back their big moves." Chen Zheng said.

When everyone heard this, they backed away quickly. They looked behind and saw Chen Zheng posted a few words of curses. Immediately, all the poisonous snakes got up and headed towards Chen Zhengyou. They came very quickly. When he got to Chen Zheng, he opened his bloody mouth and bit Chen Zheng.

However, Chen Zheng jumped up and hugged the branch to avoid the bite of the poisonous snake.

But these poisonous snakes snapped and bit Li Yanran, and then began to suck blood.Li Yanran was already in dizziness, but after being bitten like this, she passed out directly.


Wang An's face was pale.

But Chen Zheng was very calm. In fact, he spiritualized all the poisonous snakes and let them bite Li Yanran. The purpose was to suck out the blood from Li Yanran's body. Of course, he couldn't let Wang An and others know all this on the surface. He did it all.The reason is very simple. Chen Zheng stole the Tang family's "Three Retrograde Spirits". If people find out, he will definitely offend the Tang family.The Tang family is a huge family in the world, and Chen Zheng dare not offend easily.

"Master, save the captain quickly, she will be bitten to death..." Tiangong's face turned pale.

"Dead snake, get out!" Chen Zheng yelled, then jumped down, screaming anxiously a few times, he jumped around in the snake thicket, seeing that all the blood on Li Yanran's body had been sucked out, he jumped He carried Li Yanran out, pretending to be panicked and ran out: "It's bad, it's bad, Yan Ran was bitten to death, these snakes are too scary, I can't fight them alone!"

When everyone heard it, there was an urge to faint.

Damn, there are at least 100 snakes in this group of snakes, you are jumping and flying in it, you are safe and sound, these snakes can't even bite your trousers, and you still say that these snakes are too scary?You are too scary!

"Look at Yanran, she seems to be dying, alas, I'm really sorry, I can't save her, there are so many snakes, I can't fight, I can only watch her being bitten to death." Chen He was showing a very painful expression, and everyone was very nervous at first, but when they saw Li Yanran clearly, they were surprised to find that all the blood on Li Yanran's body had been sucked out, and Li Yanran was fine. Live well.

For a moment, they were all puzzled.

But Chen Zheng said with a painful face: "I'm really sorry, I didn't protect Yanran well!"

Wang An stared, and said: "Brother Xiaozheng, sister Yanran is fine, so stop talking nonsense."

"What? Yanran is fine? That's strange, why is she fine after being bitten by so many snakes?" Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts. When he said this, Tiangong, Laocun Both Chang and Xia Lei were puzzled: "And why did these snakes only care about biting Captain Li when they came up? Didn't it mean that these poisonous snakes were controlled by the third grandma of the Tang family? They should have come to kill us, why did they save Li? Where's the captain?"

The three were very puzzled.

Tian Gong couldn't help looking at Chen Zheng: "Master, are these snakes under your control? Why didn't all the snakes bite you?"

I go!

Chen Zheng scolded Tiangong in his heart, but on the surface, he was still very calm: "If I am controlled, then I can still stand here? I have already gone to fight with Tang Feng and the others."

Xia Lei nodded: "Xiaozheng is right. This Spiritualized Poisonous Snake should be the Tang Family's martial arts secret book, and it is impossible to pass it on to outsiders. The Tang family hunted him down."

"Then how to explain this?" the old village head asked suspiciously.

Tiangong and Xia Lei looked at each other, but they couldn't explain clearly, but Wang An, who was next to him, saw the poisonous snakes swimming away, and cheered: "Brother Xiaozheng, the poisonous snakes have already left, and sister Yanran has come back to life! "


At this time, Li Yanran woke up faintly, she opened her eyes, and seeing everyone surrounding her, her eyes were full of doubts: "What's wrong?"

"What happened just now is too weird." Wang An quickly told Li Yanran what happened just now, Li Yanran was also puzzled when she heard it, she couldn't help but look at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, what's going on? You mean those poisonous snakes rushed over to help me suck up the venom?"

"That's right, that's right." Chen Zheng nodded: "I want to drive these poisonous snakes away, but damn, these snakes suck you desperately, even I can't stop them."

"This is strange. Aren't these poisonous snakes controlled by the third grandma of the Tang family? Why didn't they come and kill us? It's strange." Li Yanran's eyes were full of doubts. Wang An on the side glanced at Chen Zheng, hesitant to speak, and Tian Gong, the old village chief and Xia Lei didn't know why the poisonous snake came to take drugs to save people.

Only Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what you say, it's fine, don't let people find out that he secretly learned the Tang family's "Three Retrograde Spirits".

After a pause, Chen Zheng said: "Everyone pack up and get ready to leave here. Let's catch up with Dr. Smith as soon as possible."

"En." Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei hurriedly started. They took instruments and equipment and walked towards the lake. After about half an hour, they came back: "Xiaozheng, this lake is very Huge, it should be Jiangyang Lake in Jiangnan Forest."

"Jiangyang Lake?" Chen Zheng frowned upon hearing this.

According to historical records, this Jiangyang Lake is tens of thousands of meters long, and it takes at least an hour to open a cruise ship, let alone swim across it. The most important thing is that this Jiangyang Lake is located in the center of the Jiangnan Forest. With a depth of several thousand meters, it is the deepest lake in China. I am afraid that there are all kinds of creatures in it, and it will be overturned by water fish before it passes through.

"I'm afraid this lake will be difficult. If we go around it, it will take at least a few weeks!" Xia Lei said.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded: "Let's think of a way."

"If it really doesn't work, let's go around." Li Yanran said.

"There will be a way." Chen Zheng thought for a while, but couldn't think of any good way, so he shook his head and ordered everyone to sit down and light a fire for lunch.Everyone was busy, but Chen Zheng noticed that there were two figures approaching in the distance, and after the two figures approached, they lost their breath, which made his face darken, and he stood up: "Since you are here Now, come out then!"


There was a cold snort, and Tang Feng and the third grandma of the Tang family came out from behind the tree.

"It's you!" Wang An and the others stood up. Thinking of being attacked by a poisonous snake just now, Wang An became angry: "How dare you let the snake bite us?"

"That's right, we released these snakes just to kill Chen Zheng! Because Chen Zheng stole our Tang family's martial arts secret book "Three Retrograde Spirits"!" Tang Feng said with a cold face.


Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Chen Zheng smiled coldly: "What evidence do you have? If you don't have evidence, you'll be spitting blood!"

"Hmph, I killed you today and took out "Three Retrograde Spirits" from your body, this is the evidence!" Tang Feng drank coldly, and then rushed towards Chen Zheng...

(End of this chapter)

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