super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 194 Dr. Smith's Plan

Chapter 194 Dr. Smith's Plan
"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the situation?" Wang An came out in doubt. She heard a burst of gunshots and was very puzzled. When she came out, she saw a soldier running in front of her. Looking at Chen Zheng and others, his eyes were full of murderous intent: "You all don't move!"

"Brother Wang, what's the situation?" The two soldiers left behind asked in confusion when they saw the soldiers rushing over.

That brother Wang was called Wang Badao, and his character was full of domineering just like his name. He pointed a gun at Chen Zheng, and then said to his two companions, "Let's do it, the task has been completed."

The two companions nodded and pointed their guns at Chen Zheng and the others. This behavior angered Xia Lei. Xia Lei was about to explode, but was stopped by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng smiled lightly and took a step forward: "Unexpectedly In the end, you are still showing your appearance, why don't you continue to pretend?"


A murderous look flashed in Wang Badao's eyes, unexpectedly Chen Zheng knew about them, he fired a shot, and the bullet quickly hit Chen Zheng's heart.

Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the flying bullet. He squeezed it hard, and the bullet turned into powder, and then scattered in the wind. In this way, the faces of the three soldiers changed greatly in fright. , looking at Chen Zheng in horror, how could anyone in this world be able to hold a bullet?And it shattered as soon as it was pinched. How could this be human?It is simply a god-like existence.

Chen Zheng took a step forward and said coldly: "How dare you be arrogant in front of me? Tell me, why do you think you can kill me?"

"Hmph!" Wang Badao took out a bottle of liquid from his arms, which was the venom of poisonous spiders, and smashed it fiercely at Chen Zheng, while he yelled, "I will kill you with this venom!" , if you have the guts, don't block it!"

"Ha ha!"

With a smile in Chen Zheng's eyes, he raised his arm and slapped the venom bottle to pieces. The cloudy liquid was on Chen Zheng's body, but what made Wang Ba Dao's face change drastically was that the venom had no effect at all. Domineering eyes were full of surprise: "How is this possible? Didn't these venoms kill all existences in the world?"

"Who said that?" Chen Zheng asked lazily.

"You said it!" Wang Badao said firmly: "This morning, you told us to collect the liquid of poisonous spiders. You also said that these liquids can kill even you!"

"Did I say that?" Chen Zheng asked lazily.

"You said it, it was you who said it!" Wang Badao said anxiously: "Obviously it was you who said it!"

Chen Zheng smiled, and looked back at Wang An suspiciously: "Xiao An, did I say such a thing?"

Wang An nodded: "Of course, you did say this morning, saying that collecting the liquid of poisonous spiders can fight against all existences in the world."

Li Yanran, Tiangong, the old village chief, Xia Lei and others also nodded: "Chen Zheng, you did say that."

"Haha!" Chen Zheng laughed, and looked back at Wang Badao: "Okay, I admit it, I did say that, but I just wanted to draw you out at the time, how could there be spider venom in this world? It's just me I want to test you guys, sorry, but I tricked you."

When the king heard it, his face was pale and bloodless, and his legs were shaking.

Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei became mad: sister, you keep saying that this liquid can kill you, causing them to come here to die. If you don't lie, they will definitely not openly confront you Yes, well now, you killed them, but can you give them some dignity?I kept saying I'm sorry, I'll go, I crushed people's beliefs, and I pretended to be sorry, can people live?
"You bastard, I want you to die!!!" Wang Badao knew that today's matter could not be reconciled, so he took out his gun and shot at Chen Zheng.

Two bullets came towards Chen Zheng to kill him.

Chen Zheng sideways avoided the attack of the bullets, then jumped out, and kicked Wang Badao hard in the chest, killing him with just one kick.The faces of the two Xiaohuang and Xiaoniu behind him changed drastically. Before they had time to react, they were captured by Tiangong and the old village chief. Xia Lei asked Chen Zheng: "Xiaozheng, do you want to kill them?"

The two soldiers looked at Chen Zheng with pale faces.

Chen Zheng said like a god of death: "Kill it!"

Two shots were fired, and the bullets killed the two soldiers. Li Yanran came up with doubts in her eyes: "Chen Zheng, why don't you keep one, and then press for Dr. Smith's whereabouts?"

"There's no need to stay, because there are still a few ahead." Chen Zheng said.

"That's right, and that Commander Lin!" Wang An said with a cold face, "They are not good people!"

When Xia Lei heard this, a murderous look flashed in his eyes: "These trash that popped out of nowhere, actually pretended to be a soldier to do evil, destroying the image of the soldier, I'm going to catch them now!"

And far away.

Commander Lin was sitting there waiting for the news, but he saw one of his men running over in panic: "Commander Lin, it's not good, it's not good, Angkor and the others had an accident and were killed. It doesn't work, it was Chen Zheng who deliberately lied to us and lured us into it."

"What!" Commander Lin's face changed when he heard this.

"Commander Lin, what shall we do next?" The two soldiers looked at Commander Lin palely: "Chen Zheng and the others have already rushed over."

Commander Lin gritted his teeth, took out his gun, installed a whistle, and shot himself in the thigh. The two soldiers looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and said to Commander Lin: "Commander Lin , give us two shots!"

Two bursts of gunfire sounded, and two bullets hit the shoulders and thighs of the two soldiers. The three of them fell in a pool of blood. It was not until Chen Zheng and others rushed over that they made a weak voice: "Great... ...Finally see you guys...those three are traitors..."

Chen Zheng walked up and saw Commander Lin lying on the ground. An elusive light flashed in his eyes, and he stood there with a cold expression.


A flash of shock flashed in Xia Lei's eyes. He was about to say something, but Chen Zheng had already said, "They were injured by traitors. Let's help them up, go back to the tent to heal them, and then go on our way."

Xia Lei's eyes were full of doubts. He felt that there were many doubts, but seeing that the three of Commander Lin were pale and the gunshot wounds on their bodies were real, he had no choice but to listen to Chen Zheng's words and greet Tiangong and the old village chief, Commander Lin. The three sent them back.

After everyone had left, Li Yanran asked: "Chen Zheng, tell me the truth, why did you keep the three of them? The three of them can be seen as villains!"

Chen Zheng smiled. Unexpectedly, Li Yanran already knew that he had a plan. He said, "I want to see what they want to do when they approach us! They took a hair from your body before."

"What!" Li Yanran's face changed, and a murderous look flashed in her eyes: "It may be sent by Dr. Smith."

"Let's not startle the snake by making mistakes."

After saying a few words, the two walked back. Then, everyone set up a tent in the forest, lit a bonfire, and then rested after a simple meal. Chen Zheng also climbed into the tent, but he listened carefully to his surroundings. Sure enough, at three o'clock in the middle of the night, Commander Lin got up and ran to the depths of the woods. Chen Zheng didn't follow, because the other two soldiers were guarding outside the tent, so he used the see-through eye technique , Headed towards Commander Lin.

"Xiaotian, what's the situation over there?" Commander Lin ran into the depths of the forest with a laptop in his arms, while using a wireless wave communicator to ask about the situation over there in the tent.

"Commander Lin, our side is quiet, Chen Zheng and the others didn't find you."

"Very good!" Commander Lin hung up the radio communication, sat down, opened his notebook, and started communicating with Dr. Smith. After a while, Dr. Smith appeared on the screen, and Commander Lin immediately said respectfully: "Dr. Smith, We have obtained Li Yanran's DNA data!"

"Very good!" Dr. Smith nodded: "Li Yanran is the only one who can survive the injection of TC8 virus. Before this, TC8 virus injection into people would cause death and turn them into unconscious virus people, but we need to evolve , need to produce more powerful and terrifying enhanced humans with consciousness and thinking, that's why I need you to take Li Yanran's DNA."

"The DNA is being analyzed now and the data is expected to be sent to you tomorrow morning."

"Very good, you guys speed up, analyze Li Yanran's DNA data, and then send it to me." After a pause, Dr. Smith said again: "What's the situation with you? Can you assassinate Chen Zheng?"

"No, he's too powerful!"

"This..." Dr. Smith's eyes flashed a murderous look: "Very well, I will send a heavyweight killer to help you!"


After hanging up the video communication, Commander Lin quickly ran back. At this moment, Chen Zheng in the tent smiled coldly. Sure enough, these were not soldiers, but Dr. Smith's claws. They wanted to get Li Yanran's DNA, and then create more terrifying augmented humans?
Chen Zheng smiled coldly.

Commander Lin ran back, and hurriedly urged the two soldiers into the tent, but there was a laboratory table with equipment on it, including Li Yanran's hair, which was being scanned and analyzed by the objective lens of the DNA analysis machine. Commander Lin asked, "How much time is left before we can analyze Li Yanran's DNA and TC8 data? Dr. Smith is waiting to use these data to produce augmented humans!"

"It is expected to be completed by five o'clock in the morning."

"Very good, the three of us don't rest anymore, we all stay here and don't let others get close!"


At this time, at the other end of the tent, Chen Zheng opened his eyes. He performed the invisibility technique, walked out, then summoned a poisonous snake, and walked towards the tent. When he entered Commander Lin's tent, there was a sudden The infrared induction line lit up, and the faces of Commander Lin and the three of them changed in fright, but when they checked carefully and found no one, they were relieved, but they didn't find it. It replaced Li Yanran's hair and placed it on the objective lens of the DNA analysis machine...

(End of this chapter)

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