super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 195 Dr. Smith's Rage

Chapter 195 Dr. Smith's Rage
Chen Zheng took the hair from the objective lens of the DNA analysis machine, and then dripped the blood of the poisonous snake on it. After doing all this, he walked out without a sound. Since he was running the invisibility technique, there was no When people found him, even if he passed the infrared sensor in front of the door, Chen Zheng deliberately made himself hide his aura.


But the infrared sensor finally beeped.

"What's the situation!" Lin Junchang and the three were full of doubts in their eyes. They walked up, checked carefully, and even took out the electro-chemical probe and scanned it. They didn't find anything unusual. They shook their heads and continued. Guarding the test bench, he didn't realize that on the objective lens of the DNA analysis machine, Li Yanran's hair had already been replaced with the blood of a poisonous snake.

Chen Zheng walked back to the tent, took off the invisibility technique, and hurriedly meditated and practiced, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

At about five o'clock in the morning, the poisonous snake blood drop on the DNA analysis objective lens dried up, and the DNA data came out. Commander Lin was very happy, and quickly sent the data to Dr. Smith through the communicator.

At this moment, on the other side of the forest.

Inside a stone cave, a big man with a cold face was guarding, and inside, Dr. Smith was standing with a middle-aged foreign man. This middle-aged foreign man was the member of the Asian branch of the Black Gold Killer Organization. The person in charge of the board of directors Sanyefu, this Sanyefu is from the North Bear, and he is tall and tall, asked: "Smith, why did you ask our black gold organization to come here?"

"Hehe, we have a potion here. After people take it, they can become a strengthened person!" Dr. Smith said with a smile.

"Strengthened person?" A trace of doubt flashed in Sanyefu's eyes: "You mean, a strengthened person who can compete with the ancient killers of Huaxia Kingdom?"

"Exactly!" Dr. Smith nodded, his eyes full of murderous intent: "What about the ancient assassins in China? If my enhanced human experiment is successful, one enhanced human can kill ten ancient assassins! After all, enhanced human It is the most terrifying and powerful. His existence can resist the attack of a machine gun! Have you ever heard of a biochemical man? Frogmen in America? Icemen in Languo? These are all terrifying existences, but they are not as good as My Enhancer!"

"Since you have already researched the enhancer, why don't you let your own people apply it? Why do you call my people?" Sanyefu asked.

Dr. Smith laughed: "This is because your body can withstand strengthening. Your killers are the most professional in the world. They have been bred for more than ten years. They have been placed in the deep mountains and wild forests since they were young, and let them compete with wolves. , tigers and lions fight each other, and when they grow up, let them kill each other. Only the one who survives to the last is a qualified killer. No one can compare to your people, whether it is physical fitness or willpower. It can be used by you people."

"Really?" Sanye Fu smiled: "You are right. These ten killers were all selected by the Black Gold Organization in Asia, and they have been cultivated for ten years. They are very precious and very strong!"

"Let me strengthen them and make them a terrifying existence!" Dr. Smith said with a smile.

But Sanye Fu hesitated: "But what if something happens? The headquarters will definitely kill me! Because these ten people are very difficult to cultivate!"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

"Okay then, start strengthening them now!"

"Okay!" Dr. Smith nodded, and quickly ordered people to produce according to the data sent by Commander Lin. After a while, more than ten medicines were produced. Dr. Smith looked at Mitsuo Fu: "It's time to start!"


Sanyefu nodded, and went out to call the ten killers in. However, with doubts in his eyes, he asked, "Where is my nephew Inesov?"

"Hehe, I just sent him out on a mission."

"What task?" Sanyefu frowned, looking at Dr. Smith suspiciously.

"Hehe, I just went out to kill someone." Dr. Smith smiled, and quickly ordered the staff behind him to take the medicine and inject the ten killers. After a while, the staff finished the injection, but after less than half a minute, the ten killers The killers all fell to the ground, trembling violently, their hands and feet were cold, their lips were purple and black, and they were foaming at the mouth.

"What's the situation!" Sanyefu's face changed drastically, and he yelled at Dr. Smith: "What the hell did you do! If something happens to them, I will let your Satanic organization die and die!"

Dr. Smith frowned. At first he thought it was a normal phenomenon. After waiting for a while, he saw that the ten killers were all dying in pain. He realized the big trouble. After looking at the data for a while, his expression changed drastically: "Damn, this is not human DNA, it is clearly the DNA of a poisonous snake, we were fooled, Commander Lin, you bastard!"

Behind him, Sanyefu's face changed drastically, he took out his gun, pointed at Dr. Smith's forehead, and shouted: "You killed ten outstanding killers in Asia, and I will kill you with one shot!"

Inside the cave, all the big men took out their guns and pointed at San Yefu.

Dr. Smith said coldly: "San Yefu, do you dare to shoot?"

"You think I dare not? You killed ten elites of the Black Gold Organization! The Black Gold Organization will not let you go!" Sanye Fu yelled.

Dr. Smith's face was gloomy, and he quickly turned on the communication device. After seeing Commander Lin on the computer screen, he yelled, "Commander Lin, are you - he - mother - sick? You even sent the DNA data of the venomous snake Send it here? You have killed the ten black gold killers, and you have to bear the responsibility!"


Commander Lin's face changed drastically, and he quickly called the two soldiers to check the DNA analysis machine. To their surprise, the hair on the objective lens had already disappeared. When he picked up the data and looked at it, he found that it was human hair at all. DNA, but the poisonous snake's, for a moment, their faces were pale and bloodless.

"Commander Lin, we have been guarding here since last night, it is impossible for anyone to come in!"

"Check the surveillance video immediately!" Commander Lin yelled, and everyone walked towards the surveillance screen, quickly checked the surveillance video, and called out all the videos from last night to now, but still did not find anything suspicious, but When they zoomed in on the video and looked at the DNA objective lens, they were horrified to find that Li Yanran's hair disappeared for no reason, and then a drop of blood appeared on it. Suddenly, their expressions changed drastically: "There is a ghost! It was a ghost! Yes! God, there are ghosts!"

The three soldiers ran out desperately: "There are ghosts! There are ghosts!"

"What are they doing!" Xia Lei's eyes flashed with doubt.

Chen Zheng chuckled, and waved his hands to stop Xia Lei and others from chasing after him: "Stop chasing them, they've lost their nerves, it's okay, let's have breakfast and continue on our way."


Everyone nodded and got busy.

But at this time, the three soldiers who ran out came back again. Their faces were pale and bloodless, and they were trembling all over. They glanced at the tent with horror in their eyes, and finally came to Chen Zheng cautiously. The army commander said with a pale face, "Brother, there are ghosts here, can you drive them away?"

"Ghost? You are talking nonsense, how can there be ghosts in this world?" Chen Zheng smiled.

"Please believe us, there really are ghosts!" said the two soldiers behind them hastily.

Chen Zheng smiled and said, "Okay then, show me the evidence. If there are ghosts, I will help you expel the ghosts."

"This..." The three of them looked at each other. Of course they didn't dare to bring Chen Zheng to the surveillance video, so they had to calm down obediently, but their pale faces still told everyone that their hearts were trembling.Chen Zheng on the side smiled coldly, seeing that the time was almost up, he stood up and urged everyone to continue on their way.

The faces of the three soldiers were pale, and Commander Lin tremblingly said: "Please wait for us, we are going to pack our things now."

The three of them walked into the tent with pale faces. Seeing that the communication video was still on and Dr. Smith was still on the other side, Commander Lin walked up with a pale face: "Dr. Smith, there is indeed a problem on our side... A ghost tampered with our analysis machine last night... really a ghost..."

On the other side of the screen, when Dr. Smith heard Commander Lin's explanation, his face became furious: "You bastard, all my experiments are based on the data you gave me, now something happened, kill Hei Jin The ten members of the organization offended the black gold organization, and you actually told me that all this was done by ghosts? Commander Lin, you are all dead!"

Dr. Smith shatters the screen with a fist.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of Sanye Fu behind him, and he said, "Dr. Smith, don't worry, I will tell the Black Gold Organization exactly!" He then made a phone call, but he didn't see him for a long time When the phone was connected, he became anxious and yelled at Dr. Smith: "Where is my nephew? Did you also experiment on him? Let me tell you, if something happens to him, I will have nothing to do with you." Already!"


The three of Commander Lin packed up their things, and then followed out. Commander Lin looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face: "Brother, can I join your organization?"

"What? You were kicked out?" Chen Zheng smiled.

"" Commander Lin quickly shook his head: "I'm just bored, so I'm just asking this question. Let's continue on our way. I'll bring you to Dr. Smith."

A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. This Army Commander Lin was obviously in collusion with the Satan organization, and he was not a good person. However, he would not kill Army Commander Lin for the time being, because Commander Lin was still useful.Army Commander Lin behind him glanced at Chen Zheng, wondering what he was thinking, one thing is clear, he can no longer go back to find Dr. Smith, unless he goes back with Chen Zheng's head, wait a minute, Dr. Smith was not Did you say you were going to send someone over?

Commander Lin thought of something, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

But at this time, Chen Zheng in front of him stopped suddenly. His hearing was very sensitive, and he clearly heard a rustling sound in front of him, walking towards this side...

(PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket!)
(End of this chapter)

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