super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 196 He's Dead

Chapter 196 He's Dead

"Someone is here." Chen Zheng said suddenly.

"What!" Everyone was startled, stopped, and looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously, just about to ask something, but at this moment, Tian Gong's face in front of him turned pale: "A foreign ghost is coming, it seems to be from Eastern Europe. side."

"Brother Xiaozheng, who is this?" Wang An looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"If it's good, it should be the killer." Chen Zheng said, walked forward, came to the front of the crowd, looked up, and saw a tall and burly young man walking slowly in the depths of the forest, Holding an AK-47 in his hand, he stood down 500 meters away, looking at Chen Zheng and others with a cold face.This young man was tall and big, and he was indeed from Eastern Europe. He had a steel-like body, blade-like eyes, and stood there with a cold face.


When everyone heard this, they were all nervous.

Behind him, a glimmer of expectation flashed in the eyes of Army Commander Lin. With a wave of his hand, the three soldiers took a few steps back consciously, drawing a clear boundary with Chen Zheng and the others.He knew very well that this killer should be sent by Dr. Smith to deal with Chen Zheng. Before that, he was worried that if the killer killed Chen Zheng, he would be able to take Chen Zheng's head back to atone for his sins.

So Commander Lin is looking forward to it.

"Xiao An, you all back off and find a safe place." Chen Zheng said, "This killer is coming after me."

"But..." Wang An was still about to say something, but Li Yanran behind her had already stepped up and pulled her back, while Tian Gong, the old village chief and Xia Lei glanced at Chen Zheng and also backed away, but Xia Lei He took out his pistol, handed it to Chen Zheng, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Zheng, you have to be more careful."


Chen Zheng nodded, picked up the gun, and walked forward 100 meters, and the killer was Inesov sent by Dr. Smith. When he saw Chen Zheng walking 100 meters, he also walked up 100 meters. The people were 300 meters apart, looking at each other with cold faces.

Inesov asked, "Are you the Chen Zheng that Dr. Smith said?"

"You are dead!"


"Because any killer who knows my name will have his neck crushed by me!"

"Your tone is crazy, is it because you are a Chinese special soldier?" Inesov asked.

"I'm not a Chinese special soldier. I'm a Chinese. I want you to die under my hands today. I know how powerful the Chinese are. There are a group of descendants of dragons here. You can't come in." Chen Zheng said proudly.

"You..." There was a murderous look in Inesov's eyes, he suddenly pulled away his sleeves, exposing his injured arm, and said coldly: "Do you know where these scars come from? ?”

"do not know."

"Then let me tell you, these scars are all carved by those who died on my arms as souvenirs!" Inesov said coldly: "It's just that those who can leave memorials on my arms, There is only one kind of person, that is arrogant and arrogant, before I kill them, I will deliberately leave their scars as a souvenir!"

"This is good!"

"Today, I met another man with an arrogant tone, so I specially engraved his scars!" Inesov said coldly.

"Very well, since that's the case, I'm not afraid to tell you that you don't deserve me to carve scars on your arms!" Chen Zheng said, then raised his gun, pointing the black muzzle at Inesov, and Inesov Sifu also mentioned the AK47 and pointed at Chen Zheng, and said coldly, "Why don't we play a game."

"How to play?"

"We shot at each other at the same time, and we couldn't move around."

"Very good!" A sneer flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Then let's start."

Two bursts of gunfire sounded, and two bullets were shot out from Chen Zheng's pistol and Inesov's rifle respectively, bombarding and killing each other.What is surprising is that Inesov did not move, instead he picked up the AK47 and blocked it, blocking the bullet that Chen Zheng hit.

Afterwards, Inesov looked at Chen Zheng with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Xiaozheng, be careful!" Wang An's face turned pale.

A smile flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He knew that Inesov's plan was nothing more than seeing that his pistol was too small.When the bullet hit, Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and grabbed the bullet.


Commander Lin's face changed drastically, and he watched all this in horror. How could he have thought that Chen Zheng could catch bullets with his bare hands?Where is this person?It is simply a god!Looking around the world, who can catch a bullet with bare hands?


Na Inesov's face changed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He walked forward 50 meters and shouted, "Do you dare to compete with me again!"

Chen Zheng walked up to 50 meters and said, "Tell me, what's the comparison? I'll tell you, you really don't deserve me to leave a souvenir on your arm!"

"You!!!" There was a flash of anger in Inesov's eyes, he nodded heavily, and then said: "We put the guns five steps ahead, and then turned our backs to each other. After counting to ten, we simultaneously Go out and see who can catch the gun in the first time and shoot at the other party!"

"Very good." Chen Zheng smiled coldly. He knew that the other party wanted to resolve the battle in the way of American western cowboys confronting each other.

In the west of the United States, when cowboys encounter conflicts and hatred, they will resolve them in the most manly way. Everyone puts their guns five steps in front of them, and then turns their backs to each other. Pick up their respective guns, shoot at each other, and the winner will be defeated.

"Master, don't play with him, he is an old hand!" Tiangong said urgently.

The old village chief, Xia Lei, Li Yanran and others behind him all felt that this red-haired ghost often played this kind of gun battle, so he was naturally experienced. The red-haired ghost blocked the bullet with the handle of the gun just now, which was enough to see The strength of this red-haired ghost has been revealed.

Everyone was afraid that Chen Zheng would suffer.

"Brother Xiaozheng, let's just kill him one by one." Wang An said nervously, "We don't want to play with him in these gun battles he designed!"

"It's okay, he can't hit me." Chen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Your tone is very arrogant, I will make you regret it!" Inesov said coldly, took five steps forward, put the gun down, and walked back to its original position.

Chen Zheng also took five steps forward, put down the gun, and then walked back to its original position.The two looked at each other, each turned their backs, and then read together: "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... One... "

When the last number was read, Inesov turned around and rushed forward, wanting to reach for a gun and shoot at Chen Zheng, but just as he rushed forward, there was a burst of gunfire. Chen Zheng, who was in front of him, had already picked up his gun and fired a shot. The bullet came out and hit Inesov fiercely.At that moment, Inesov's face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were full of horror, and he stared at all this.

how can that be!

As soon as he turned around, Chen Zheng had already fired!

But what frightened Inesov was that he watched Chen Zheng go up, pick up the gun, open the safety, and catch the trigger. This series of actions was all completed when he turned back.

Before Inesov rushed to get the gun, Chen Zheng had already fired.

The bullet hit up hard and hit Inesov's chest. Suddenly, a stream of blood spattered out, and Inesov flew backwards heavily, his eyes full of horror: "What is this?" possible……"


Commander Lin's face was pale and his whole body was trembling. He looked at Chen Zheng in horror. Just now, Chen Zheng's speed was so frightening that people couldn't react.It just left an afterimage, and in the next second, Inesov was killed like this.

With a wave of his hand, Army Commander Lin took two soldiers up to check on Inesov, and found that Inesov had died, and his heart trembled.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you are so powerful!" Wang An cheered, and rushed towards Chen Zheng, hanging on Chen Zheng's body, which made Chen Zheng speechless. He called Wang An a few times, but he didn't see him When the guy came down, he slapped Wang An's butt hard, with a crisp sound. At this moment, Wang An blushed, stepped down, and stood aside with a shy face.

Chen Zheng ignored Wang An and told Tian Gong: "Xiao Gong, clean up the corpse."


Tiangong nodded respectfully, and he smiled inwardly: This Inesov is really an idiot, dare to play a gunfight with the ancient killer?He can even catch bullets, so if you play a western cowboy shootout with him, wouldn't you be courting death?
"Xiaozheng, you are too good!" Xia Lei's eyes were full of admiration, and he patted Chen Zheng's shoulder, but he was a little lonely, thinking of him as a dignified captain of the military region, who grew up under the halo of the commander's father, always They are all very strong and outstanding, but all of them are nothing compared to Chen Zheng.He sighed inwardly: The ancient killer is really terrifying!
Chen Zheng hurriedly ordered everyone to deal with the scene, but he looked at Commander Lin with a cold face, wondering in his heart: How did this killer find everyone so quickly?

They have been lost here for a week, lost their communication equipment, like a headless chicken running in the forest, but this killer quickly found everyone?
This made Chen Zheng doubtful.

But at this time, Commander Lin cast a glance at the two soldiers, and then he took advantage of the gap and walked out. After walking for about 10 minutes, he took out a notebook and a signal extender from his backpack, and put them in his notebook. Inside, a positioning system unique to the Satanic organization was installed. As soon as he turned on the computer, Dr. Smith would know where he was, so Inesov found Chen Zheng in half a day.

Now, Commander Lin has contacted Dr. Smith through his notebook.

As soon as the signal was received, Commander Lin immediately said, "Dr. Smith, did you send a killer named Inesov?"

On the other end of the video, when Dr. Smith heard Inesov, his face changed, and he nodded: "Yes, I did send Inesov to kill Chen Zheng. This Inesov is the head of the Asian region of the Black Gold Organization. Yefu’s nephew, ten people from the Black Gold organization died here. Sanyefu was very angry and almost confronted us. If this Inesov has another accident, then we will really have a conflict today, so you Tell Inesov to come back now, don't let him kill Chen Zheng, I'm afraid something will happen to him."

"What..." Commander Lin said with a pale face, "Dr. Smith...Inesov...he's...dead..."


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(End of this chapter)

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