super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 197 Chen Zheng's Plan

Chapter 197 Chen Zheng's Plan

"What did you say!" At that moment, Dr. Smith's face changed drastically: "What did you say? You said Inesov is dead?"

Commander Lin turned pale, and nodded nervously: "Yes...Inesov is dead..."

"How did you die?"

"He...he was killed during the shootout with Chen Zheng!" Commander Lin's face turned pale.

"Gunfight? How is it possible? Inesov is the king of the Black Gold Killer Organization in Asia. He is very keen on guns. He has killed people with guns since he was three years old. From 500 meters away, he can blast people with a single shot of a pistol." How could he fail to kill a child? Commander Lin, are you lying to me?" Dr. Smith asked stubbornly.

" dare I lie to you...he really died, in the gunfight with Chen Zheng." Commander Lin gasped when he thought of the gunfight between Chen Zheng and Inesov.

"A shootout? How could Inesov lose to Chen Zheng? I heard very early on that Inesov was very keen on the western cowboy battles in the United States. When he was in the United States, he participated in more than 100 western cowboy battles." confrontation, but neither one is lost." Dr. Smith's eyes are full of doubts.

"He...he died in a cowboy shootout..."


Dr. Smith's face changed drastically, how is this possible?In his early years, he also saw that Inesov and others used western cowboy methods to resolve conflicts. Inesov was very fast, and his marksmanship was very accurate and ruthless. It can be said that Inesv is a master in the western cowboy shootout master.

But now, Inesov lost?

How can this be?

For a moment, Dr. Smith's eyes were full of surprise: "You mean, Inesov lost to Chen Zheng?"

"That's right, we lost to Chen Zheng!" Army Commander Lin's eyes were full of trembling: "Chen Zheng and Inesov used western cowboy gunfights to resolve the battle, but Chen Zheng's speed was very fast, and Inesov has not yet When he touched the gun, Chen Zheng had already fired, killing Inesov with one shot!"

"What!" Dr. Smith was startled, and said firmly, "What did you say? Inesov was shot to death by Chen Zheng before he even touched the gun?"


"This..." Dr. Smith's eyes were trembling: "Isn't this too exaggerated? Chen Zheng is so terrifying?" However, he thought of Chen Zheng as the ancient killer, his face darkened, and said: "Chen Zheng The Ancient Assassin should also have this strength, but once Inesov dies, he will be in big trouble... Sanyefu will definitely cause trouble..."

"Just don't let him know..." Commander Lin said.

"Don't let him know?" Dr. Smith frowned, and was about to say something, but a cold voice sounded from outside: "Smith, something happened to my nephew, do you still want to hide it from me? I just received Inesov's message was sent back before he died!"

"What?" Dr. Smith's eyes were anxious, but before he opened his mouth to speak, the Sanyefu had already pulled out the gun and pointed it at his forehead, and yelled, "You-he-damn, you actually killed me My nephew, I will destroy you now!"

Ten black gold killers died, and Sanyefu's heart bleeds.

Now, even his nephew Inesov is dead, and Sanyefu is about to make trouble. He opened the safety and saw two big men coming up behind Dr. Smith. He quickly fired two shots and beat them up. die.

Gunshots sounded, and the entire cave boiled up. One after another, big men rushed in with guns in their hands, and surrounded the cave, and the three killers brought by Sanyefu also took out their guns.

As soon as the flames of war are triggered.

Dr. Smith hurriedly said: "Mr. Sanye, please calm down. It is Chen Zheng who caused all this!"

"You-he-dammit! You forced us to do enhanced experiments, and you sent my nephew out. How dare you deny it? Damn it!" Sanyefu burst into anger, and shot at Dr. Smith shot, the shot was fired very suddenly, but Dr. Smith dodged quickly. Seeing that everyone around him was about to fire, Dr. Smith quickly shouted: "Everyone, stop! Don't be impulsive. ! Stop it!"

All the big men in the cave stopped.

Dr. Smith looked at Sanye Fu and said, "Give me a chance, and I will avenge you! It was Chen Zheng who caused all this! It was Chen Zheng who replaced the experimental product with the DNA of a poisonous snake, and it was Chen Zheng who killed Yi. Nesf, Chen Zheng is the person your black gold organization wants to deal with, so I will help you kill Chen Zheng! As long as you take Chen Zheng's head back to the headquarters, no one will say that you have lost ten killer elites!"

When Sanye Fu moved, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Not only will you not be held accountable, but you will be rewarded!" Dr. Smith continued.

Sanyefu put down the gun in his hand, and said firmly: "Okay, I will give you one chance, if you can't give me Chen Zheng's head, I will definitely kill you!"

Dr. Smith nodded and looked at the big men around him. These big men are all elites in the Satanic organization, all of which are his efforts, but now he issued an order: "All of you, get ready, follow the signal of Commander Lin, Hunt them all down!"


These big foreign men nodded.

At this time, far away in the depths of the forest.

Commander Lin hung up the line, put away his notebook, and walked back.Chen Zheng, who was not far away, also withdrew the see-through eye technique, and a sneer flashed in his eyes: It turns out that the reason why the killer found everyone so quickly was because Commander Lin's notebook was equipped with a positioning system. The notebook was specially provided by the Satan organization. No wonder it was possible to communicate in this forest without signal and GPRS. It turned out that Commander Lin had their equipment!

Because of Commander Lin's notebook, Dr. Smith over there knew the situation here.

Because of this positioning system, the killer Inesov could also chase him in a short time.

"This positioning system has to be cleared!" A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. If this positioning system is not eliminated, Dr. Smith will notice the situation here at any time.

"Brother Xiaozheng, what are you talking about?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously.

"It's okay." Chen Zheng shook his head and hurriedly urged everyone to continue on their way.

"Where's Commander Lin?" Xia Lei asked the two commanders, and the two commanders hurriedly saluted respectfully and said, "It's convenient for Commander Lin to go out."

Xia Lei frowned, and just about to curse, Chen Zheng stopped Xia Lei with a wave of his hand, and said with a faint smile, "Commander Lin is back."

Xia Lei looked back, and sure enough, following Chen Zheng's gaze, at the end of the grass, he saw Army Commander Lin walking back. It was really hard to spot if one didn't observe carefully, but Chen Zheng glanced at him. I saw it, which surprised Xia Lei: Can you observe everything within a few kilometers of the small square?Is every move of Commander Lin under Chen Zheng's surveillance?

Thinking of this, Xia Lei was shocked.

He remembered that since these days, every time Commander Lin was going to do something, Chen Zheng knew very well, and reminded everyone to prepare in advance.

Could it be said that Commander Lin's every move is under the surveillance of Chen Zheng?Could it be that Chen Zheng could observe every flower and grass within a radius of several kilometers?
Thinking of this, Xia Lei was very shocked in his heart, and secretly decided that in the future, he must not do secret things behind Chen Zheng's back, and don't think that Chen Zheng doesn't know, in fact, Chen Zheng is watching every move.Shocked in Xia Lei's heart, he sighed softly: Xiaozheng is a terrifying existence. As a rising star in the military region, I am already satisfied with Xiaozheng's ability.

"Commander Lin, where have you been?"

When Tiangong saw Commander Lin coming back, he stepped up and cursed.

Commander Lin quickly put on a smiling face: "It's convenient for me to go out just now, I hope you officers don't mind, I will take you to Dr. Smith right now!"

With that said, Army Commander Lin greeted the two soldiers and walked forward.And Tian Gong behind him scolded: "Damn it, I always feel that Commander Lin is a bit cunning, he must be an inner ghost, should I go up and shoot him down!"

But Xia Lei behind him patted Tiangong's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Let's not mess around, everything is under Xiaozheng's observation. Very clear."

"What did you say?" Tiangong was shocked.

"I think within 5000 meters, Xiaozheng can observe every flower and grass, and hear every sound." Xia Lei said.

"What!" Tiangong's eyes were full of shock, and he hurriedly ran towards Chen Zheng: "Master, Officer Xia said that you can hear any sound within 5000 meters, is that true?"

Chen Zheng coughed: "If I was really that powerful, would I still be here? I have already found Dr. Smith!"

"Really?" Tiangong's eyes were full of doubts: Damn, every time they want to act, you know it very well, let us prepare in advance, if you are not very clear, how can you notify us in advance?Just pretend, if the other party makes any moves, you will be the first to know!
Chen Zheng patted Tiangong on the shoulder, then walked forward, using the see-through eye technique to look forward to Commander Lin, but heard Commander Lin's conversation: "You two, get ready, Dr. Smith and Dr. Sanyefu is united and will send someone to kill him soon!"

Send someone to kill him?

A sneer flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes.

Dr. Smith really couldn't sit still.

And who is this Sanyefu?It is estimated that it will be related to Inesov, and it should be for revenge?

very good!

Chen Zheng used the see-through technique to look at the notebook in Commander Lin's backpack. Suddenly, a plan came to his mind, and he hurriedly urged everyone to continue on their way. At about noon, he asked everyone to sit down and rest, but he used the invisibility technique , Came behind Commander Lin.

"You guys rest and eat something." Army Commander Lin glanced at Li Yanran and the others in the distance. He couldn't see Chen Zheng. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't think too much. He untied the backpack and took He ate the compressed biscuits, but didn't realize that an invisible hand behind him stretched towards his backpack...

(PS: It's getting cold, everyone keep warm and remember to vote. Haha)
(End of this chapter)

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