super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 211 Having a Monkey with You in the Year of the Monkey

Chapter 211 Having a Monkey with You in the Year of the Monkey
Chen Zheng's finger was cut with blood, and the blood dripped on the piece of jade on his chest. A surprising thing happened. The icy and translucent jade actually emitted a red light, which was very soft. When it shines out, it makes people feel very warm.

This ray of red light illuminated half of the hole, and Li Yanran and the others behind them were all attracted, and they all looked closely at the jade on Chen Zheng's chest, with surprise in their eyes: "This What's the situation? Why does this jade emit red light?"

Chen Zheng's eyes were also very strange.

He hurriedly used the technique of see-through eyes to probe towards Peiyu, which made him frown. This jade is just a piece of Hetian jade, not a ruby, but why does it emit a dazzling light?
Could it be my blood?

Just now, Chen Zheng's finger was cut, and blood dripped on Peiyu.

Could it be that this jade has been activated?
Chen Zheng's eyes were full of doubts, while Wang An on the other side looked very curious, and pressed her face up with a blushing face, staring closely at the jade on Chen Zheng's chest, seeing that the jade was full of red light, her eyes Li opened his eyes wide, and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, I think it's very possible, this piece has already admitted your relationship with my sister!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Zheng felt that Wang An was too messy sometimes.Even if it's her sister's business, it's none of his Wang An's business!
"I'm not talking nonsense. This piece of jade is a family heirloom of the Tang family. It is specially given to my sister. Once she gets it, she will become the princess of the Tang family! I give it to you so that you and my sister can love each other well. , get together well, this matter also angered the two grandmas, the reason why they rushed to kill you is because this piece of jade is related to their interests!" Wang An said clearly, and finally shook his little head and said: "Actually, they are afraid that you will be with my sister!"

"Is it?"

Chen Zheng murmured in his heart, could it be that he is really destined to be with this Huaying?
He is just a son of a commoner, and Huaying's family is too large. Whether it is the Hua family or the Tang family, Chen Zheng can't climb high. Along the way, the three eldest grandparents of the Tang family all came to chase him down, which made him full of doubts. Now seeing this piece of princess jade emitting a sacred light, he felt very strange: Could it be that this Is Huaying really related to me?

"You don't need to think too much, my sister will marry you anyway! You don't know how much she loves you!" Wang An said seriously, all she said was a reflection of her own heart, Being with Chen Zheng for the past few months, she was full of Chen Zheng in her heart, wishing she could return to normal one day, and then confess her love to Chen Zheng with the most perfect side.

"She has never met me, and you know she will like me?" Chen Zheng glared at Wang An.

"I told her about you before, and I told her that you are handsome, with a face as sharp as a knife, with delicate features, and a handsome guy. Since then, my sister has never thought of you, I don’t want to, I just want to come here to reunite with you, and then confess to you! She told me that she misses you very much, and all she thinks about is you, and you are the one who gave her the hope of living! When she was most desperate in her life, It's your appearance that gave her a little thought of surviving!" Wang An said seriously, and at the end, tears welled up in her eyes.


For a moment, Chen Zheng was stunned. He didn't want to believe the bullshit Wang An said, and felt that Huaying was too far away from him, and there was no way they would meet, but Wang An's words were too emotional, and Chen Zheng had to Believe it: Could it be that Hua Ying is really interested in me?But she is the granddaughter of the Hua family and the princess of the Tang family, so how could she fall in love with a commoner queen?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng shook his head, drove away distracting thoughts, and glared at Wang An: "Don't cry and be pitiful!"

Li Yanran on the side looked at it, and felt a little unbearable. Hua Ying is Wang An, Wang An is Hua Ying, and the sister Wang An said is herself!What Wang An said was a disguised confession to Chen Zheng, so how could it be crying for pity?

When she didn't fall in love with Chen Zheng at the beginning, she also felt that the love was on TV.

But when she fell in love with Chen Zheng, she became clear about how she felt about Chen Zheng. It was indeed like what Wang An said, she didn't think about tea or food. It could be seen that Chen Zheng was indifferent. Li Yanran was also a little angry and couldn't help it. Hit Chen Zheng's head with the handle of the gun.

"I'll go, why are you beating me!" Chen Zheng glared at Li Yanran. This guy is usually cool, but sometimes he messes up?Hit people at every turn?

"I want to wake you up!" Li Yanran became angry when she thought of all the feelings she had for Chen Zheng during this period of time, so she knocked on Chen Zheng's head, but this time, she didn't Seeing Chen Zheng gritted his teeth, Li Yanran felt a pain in his heart, and quickly stroked Chen Zheng's head, nervously said: "Just now I hit harder, are you okay?"

Chen Zheng was speechless, what happened to this woman?Hitting him on the head for no reason, and then asking him if he is okay after the pain, can this make people live?
Chen Zheng stood up and simply walked out, ignoring Li Yanran.

But Li Yanran pressed Chen Zheng's shoulder, and then pressed it up, carefully observing the jade on Chen Zheng's chest, and after a while, she raised her head and said: "The reason why I hit you is because you suspect that a woman is right Changes in your feelings after you fall in love! If a woman falls in love with you, it will naturally be like what Xiao An said, and she will not think about tea or food for you, instead of crying and pity!"

What Li Yanran was talking about was herself!

Ever since she fell in love with Chen Zheng, she never thought of tea or food!

"Okay, okay!" Chen Zheng quickly waved his hand to indicate that he knew this.

Li Yanran pointed to the jade on Chen Zheng's chest and said, "Look for yourself, this jade has your and Huaying's names written on it!"

"What!" Chen Zheng moved, and quickly checked the jade on his chest, only to find that there were two words on it, Zheng and Ying!
For a moment, Chen Zheng froze: I'll go, is this still true?I'm married to Hua Ying?

Wang An, who was aggrieved next to her, also posted it. When she saw Zheng Heying on Peiyu, her face was filled with joy, and she was so excited. Her greatest wish in life was to restore her most perfect side, and then she confessed to Brother Xiaozheng, Take Chen Zheng back and tell grandpa that this is the husband-in-law I chose, you should nurture him well, and tell grandma that this is the husband I chose, you should make him the real emperor of the Tang family!

But now, what excites her is that her and Chen Zheng's names appear on this piece of jade.

Zheng, it's Chen Zheng, Ying, it's Huaying!
Wang Anle laughed happily, sweeping away the previous depression and grievance: "Brother Xiaozheng, that's great, I told you that you and my sister are a couple!"

"I'll go!" Chen Zheng took a serious look at Peiyu in his hand, and couldn't help saying, "Huaying and I don't know each other. She is the granddaughter of the Hua family, with golden branches and jade leaves. She is the princess of the Tang family. She is high above me. This Diao Si is just a commoner, how did he get involved with her? It's really strange!"

Wang An felt refreshed.

She just likes to look at Brother Xiaozheng's puzzled look: Hehe, Miss Ben is the granddaughter of the Hua family and the princess of the Tang family. It is your blessing to marry you, so you have to be happy. If you are not happy, Miss Ben will not have a monkey with you in the Year of the Monkey, hum!

Chen Zheng glanced at the triumphant Wang An, ignored this guy, and hurried to practice.

But Li Yanran who was behind came up, and said with a bit of sadness: "Congratulations, you can be with sister Xiaoying, become the son-in-law of the Hua family, and become the emperor of the Tang family!"

Chen Zhenggang wanted to say a few words, but he heard bursts of sourness in Li Yanran's tone. How should I put it, Chen Zheng felt that Li Yanran seemed a little jealous.This made him curse a few times in his heart: I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I seem to be promiscuous?Xia Xue alone is enough for me, and now there are two more girls who seem to have something to do with me?Can this still make people alive?

He shook his head, and then went to practice.

As soon as he sat down, he performed the see-through eye skill and looked around. Not far from the cave, the four Tang family warriors fell in the rain. They struggled to get up and walked towards a big tree. They climbed up the tree, they were severely injured by Chen Zheng, their faces were pale, they looked at each other, and then said: "Since they have been severely injured, it will be embarrassing for us to go back to the Tang family, why don't we just kill ourselves and die?" Sorry!"

The four of them said something, their eyes became very firm, and they walked outside: "That Chen Zheng, it's too scary! I saw him being oppressed by the grandma and the second grandma before, and I thought he was a waste. Unexpectedly, he actually One move will solve us!"

When the four of them said this, they all sighed.

They go out.

Hearing this, Chen Zheng smiled coldly. It is not a pity for these people to die, but just as he was about to take back the see-through eye technique, at this moment, he felt two familiar auras, which turned out to be the second grandma of the Tang family and the grandma's...

The grandma of the Tang family and the second grandma of the Tang family were still far away in the forest before, but after feeling a strong wave of aura, they rushed back immediately. When they saw the four disciples who were seriously injured, their expressions changed , hurriedly shouted: "What's your situation? Who was injured?"

But seeing the pale faces of these four warriors: "It's Chen Zheng!"

"What!" The faces of the Tang family grandma and the Tang family's second grandma changed drastically. They didn't expect that Chen Zheng had seriously injured these four Tang family disciples. They looked at each other, and then flew forward. They found the cave where Chen Zheng was, and they walked in quickly.

"They're here, you all back away!" Chen Zheng opened his eyes and hurriedly urged everyone to hide behind.

Everyone retreated quickly, only to see the Tang family's grandma and the Tang family's second grandma appear at the entrance of the cave with two swishing sounds.

The two grandmothers walked in, but their eyes were attracted by the jade on Chen Zheng's chest. When they saw the jade emitting red light and the sacred characters had been printed on it, their expressions changed greatly: "Oh my god, you How could it be possible to activate the Princess Jade!!!”

(PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket.)
(End of this chapter)

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