super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 212 Experts are all weird

Chapter 212 Experts are all weird

"My God, you actually activated the Princess Jade!" As soon as the Tang family grandma and the Tang family's second grandma walked into the cave, they saw the Princess Jade on Chen Zheng's chest emitting a blood-red light. It is soft and soft, and there are two holy characters engraved on it. As the eldest grandma of the Tang family, the eldest grandma of the Tang family and the second grandma of the Tang family can tell at a glance that the princess jade of the Tang family has been activated!

Their eyes were full of surprise.

How did Chen activate this princess jade?This Princess Jade is the treasure of the Tang family, only the elders of the Elder's House know how to activate the Princess Lord.

Once the princess jade is activated, the female will become the saint of the Tang family, and the male will become the emperor of the Tang family.This Princess Jade is the symbol of the throne of the Tang family. It was on the old lady of the Tang family before. Because the old lady of the Tang family chose Huaxingbang, she was forced out of the Tang family by the third grandma of the Tang family. The princess jade was not activated. The old lady of the Tang family She also failed to become the saint of the Tang family as she wished, but soon, the third grandma realized that she regretted it.

Because Tang Feng did not become the saint of the Tang family, the Tang family was in a chaotic state of no rule for more than 40 years.

Now, a princess Huaying finally came out. They wanted to take Huaying back and make Huaying the princess of the Tang family. I got the jade of the princess of the Tang family from Huaying.

None of this matters.

Most importantly, Chen Zheng actually activated the Princess Jade of the Tang family, which meant that Chen Zheng was about to become the true emperor of the Tang family.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two grandmothers were full of anxiety. They looked at each other, and then rushed towards Chen Zheng, shouting: "Hand over the princess jade immediately!"

Chen Zheng saw that the two grandmas were approaching menacingly, and wanted to hand over the princess jade. He didn't want to waste it with the two grandmas, but Wang An behind him looked anxious and shouted at Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, don't give up this jade. Give the jade to them, it was given to you by my sister, you have to keep it safe!"

"I go!"

When Chen Zheng heard this, he blinked his eyes. Damn, he and Huaying have never even met face to face, so why should he lose his life because of Huaying?Although he could deal with the four disciples of the Tang family with one move, facing the two grandmothers, he still chose to retreat, took out the princess jade, and shouted at the two grandmothers: "You all stop, this jade is not mine!"

Li Yanran, Tiangong, the old village chief and Xia Lei were all taken aback when they heard that, with the princess jade of the Tang family, one could become the true emperor of the Tang family, Chen Zheng wasn't tempted at all?
Wang An felt aggrieved, and burst into tears with a wow.

Chen Zheng didn't care about Wang An, anyway, he didn't know Huaying at all, and he didn't covet the emperor of the Tang family. This jade was the princess jade of the Tang family. The princess jade was handed over.

"You are considered a hero!" The two grandmas snorted coldly, stretched out their hands, and took the princess jade from Chen Zheng's hand. They were just about to leave here, but Wang An behind him burst into tears. Hugging Chen Zheng tightly, with a pale face: "Brother Xiaozheng, please, don't let them take the jade away! This is our future!"

Looking at Wang Ansha's pale face, for some reason, Chen Zheng felt a twinge of pain in his heart, and he said to his two grandmas, "I've repented, give the jade back!"

"It's up to you!" The grandma of the Tang family thought that Chen Zhengshi's affairs were a hero just now, but now that Chen Zheng was coldly yelling at them, a murderous look flashed in the eyes of the Tang family's grandma, and she was about to strike and kill Chen Zheng. But Wang An opened his hands, stood in front of Chen Zheng, and said angrily, "Hand over the jade immediately! It's mine! If you don't hand it over, I'll go back and tell grandma to punish you! Not only that, We will never go back to the Tang family!"

"Princess!" A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the second grandma of the Tang family. She suddenly discussed with the grandma of the Tang family with her spiritual sense, then nodded, and threw the princess jade in her hand to Wang An.

"What's the situation..."

Everyone was taken aback, why are the two grandmothers so polite to Wang An?And still call Wang An a princess?What's happening here?
A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. Using the see-through technique, he probed towards Wang An's chest, and found that it was so flat. He shook his head, thinking that Wang An was not a woman at all!He looked up at the two grandmas, but saw that the two grandmas quickly fled away after handing over the princess jade, and disappeared into the depths of the woods in a short while.

"That's it." Wang Anle grinned, and handed the princess jade to Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, this jade belongs to you, and it will always be yours! You can't just give my sister's future to others."

"What future? The future with your sister?" Chen Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

What did Wang An say?

"That's right, it's the future of you and my sister." Wang Anle smiled grinningly: "You know, my sister is the granddaughter of the Hua family, and I need to find a man to go back and work hard with her to inherit the abilities of the Hua family." , and, my younger sister is the princess of the Tang family, and I need to go to the Tang family with you to become the existence of the saint and the emperor, hee hee..."

Looking at Wang An's cheerful little face, Chen Zheng was speechless.

what is this?His younger sister wanted to find a husband-in-law to go back to the Hua family to adopt him, and his younger sister became the princess of the Tang family. What did all this have to do with Chen Zheng?
Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An very much, but Wang An's face was blushing and he smiled cutely. Chen Zheng really couldn't scold him, so he shook his head and ignored Wang An.But when he just started to meditate, he saw a strong red light shining from the jade in his hand.

"This..." Chen Zheng had doubts in his eyes.

"Brother Xiaozheng, take a look, even this piece of pendant jade admits your relationship with my sister, hehe..." Wang An walked over and said with a smile: "Brother Xiaozheng, put the pendant jade on your chest quickly." Come on, this light is very precious, it will shine on you everywhere, and it will nourish you..."

Chen Zheng hesitated for a while, and finally took Peiyu with him.

A burst of sacred light shone out, and suddenly, the entire cave seemed very sacred, but Tian Gong, the old village chief, Xia Lei and others were illuminated by this light, and they couldn't help but kneel down, with expressions on their faces. Looking at Chen Zheng respectfully.

"What are you doing?" Chen Zheng was not used to seeing everyone kneeling towards him, but soon, he found that the consciousness of Tian Gong and others seemed to be in a coma, and he frowned: Damn, could it be that I Wearing this piece of jade, will you really become the real emperor of the Tang family?
"Brother Xiaozheng, that's great, if you wear this pendant, you will become the real emperor of the Tang family!" Wang Anle grinned.

Once brother Xiaozheng becomes the emperor of the Tang family, then she, Wang An, will be happy. Not only can she be with brother Xiaozheng forever, but she can also have the influence of the Tang family and the Hua family. Very excited, she glanced at Chen Zheng, and snorted in her heart: Brother Xiaozheng, you just took the initiative to hand over Peiyu, I was so angry, I almost didn't want to have a monkey with you in the Year of the Monkey, but I don't blame you now Yes, because you have become the true emperor of the Tang family!

"Xiao An, stop talking nonsense!" Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, but Li Yanran sighed faintly, then walked up, stroked Chen Zheng's clothes tenderly, and said, "No matter what you say, All good, as long as you become the true emperor of the Tang family, I will be happy for you!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Zheng sighed: "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense!"

He ignored Li Yanran and Wang An, and quickly meditated, activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, opened the see-through eye technique, and looked around. He always felt that the Tang family's grandma and Tang's second grandma would never be so easy I just gave up. After all, the jade of the princess of the Tang family is on him, and the two grandmothers will definitely come back.

Indeed it is!
At this time, far away in the depths of the forest.

The eldest grandma of the Tang family and the second grandma of the Tang family stood on the top of the mountain. They looked at each other, then pinched the magic seal with their hands, recited the magic formula secretly, bit their fingers, and flew away in the surrounding stone bushes, and stamped out with one blow and one palm. There are mysterious blood talismans on each stone, these blood talismans are very strange.

After doing all this, they returned to the original place, with a cold murderous look in their eyes.

"Grandma, the Princess Jade is on Chen Zheng's body. If you don't get it back as soon as possible, something will happen! The Princess Jade has been activated by Chen Zheng, and he will become the Emperor of the Tang family. Now our only hope is Squeeze out the light on the princess jade!" said the second grandma of the Tang family.

"That's right!" The great-grandmother of the Tang family nodded, "That's why I ask you not to kill Chen Zheng. It's useless to kill Chen Zheng. We need to pinch the light on the Princess Jade so that everything can be destroyed. All at peace!"

"And the only thing that can pinch the light on the Princess Jade is the magic circle!"

"Not bad!"

The two grandmas looked at each other and nodded.

They are doing it right now!

At this time, Chen Zheng didn't feel the aura of the Tang family's grandma and the Tang family's second grandma, and felt that they might have left here, so he planned to take back the clairvoyant eye technique, and then began to practice.After all, the two grandmothers won't come over tonight to cause trouble, so he doesn't have to tighten his nerves, but when he retracted the see-through eye technique, he found the four disciples of the Tang family outside the cave lying in a pool of blood. The disciples of the Tang family were pale and had already been seriously injured by Chen Zheng. Instead of going back, they sat there and waited for death.

"Brother, are we going to die?" A warrior asked with a pale face.

"Well, I should be dying..."

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't offend Chen Zheng..."

Hearing this, Chen Zheng withdrew his see-through eye technique. He lowered his head and glanced at the piece of jade on his chest. He was now the emperor of the Tang family, and he was very happy, so he walked out directly and came to this place. In front of the four warriors.

When the four fighters saw Chen Zheng, their faces changed drastically. They thought that Chen Zheng was coming to kill them, and they struggled to retreat one by one, but Chen Zheng smiled and said: "I am happy today, seeing you are so pitiful, Let's save you all!"

"What!" When the four warriors heard this, they looked at each other with surprise in their eyes: I'll go, isn't this Chen Zheng too weird?We just offended him, and he beat us half to death, and now he is happy, but came to save us?How come there are such wonderful people in this world?Could it be said that masters are all weird?

(End of this chapter)

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