super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 220 I Call You Master

Chapter 220 I Call You Master
"Haha..." Chen Zheng smiled. Looking at the granny of the Tang family, he knew that this bastard came to assassinate secretly. of the men.This blood-red dagger was cast by the two grandmothers of the Tang family. The two grandmothers were so careless that they directly hit the point of the knife, and they deserved their lives.

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng laughed heartily.

This great grandma of the Tang family deserves to die, and death is not a pity.

He wanted to play a sneak attack, but in the end he died under his own dagger by accident, he deserved it!
"You..." The grandma of the Tang family stared at Chen Zheng, her eyes were full of unwillingness, how could she have thought that stealing chickens would not pay off?If he wanted to kill Chen Zheng, he would lose his life.She stared fixedly at Chen Zheng, and wanted to stretch out her hand to hit Chen Zheng, and then tore Chen Zheng's face, but as soon as she moved, her whole body was in pain, and pieces of fresh flesh split out, and blood was stained on the blood-red dagger , the dagger emitted a strong light, swallowed the Tang family grandma tightly, and nailed it to the stone wall.

"I can not be reconciled……"

The grandma of the Tang family screamed for a while, and finally died in pain.

"Grandma of the Tang family, you don't regret your death, and you deserve to die. This is why you first thought of sneak attacking and assassinating Chen Zheng!" Tang San walked up, looking at the grandma of the Tang family with a cold face.

"Master, this grandma is from the Tang family, will she cause trouble if she dies?" Chen Zheng still didn't want to cause trouble, and kept it simple if he could, but seeing Tang San disapprovingly said: "It's okay, wait until you become Tang The emperor of the family, all troubles are not troubles!"

"The true emperor of the Tang family?"

Chen Zheng was speechless in his heart, why did he come again?He is not the emperor of the Tang family at all. To be honest, he doesn't even know where Huaying is, so how can he become the emperor of the Tang family through Huaying?And the most important thing is that he didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Huaying, why did everyone call him the real emperor when they met him?Forget about Tang Feng, after all, his status is low, but this Tang San is the elder of the Tang family, he speaks a thousand words, why even he calls Chen Zheng the emperor?
It's really strange.

Chen Zheng shook his head, but on the surface, he still had to respectfully say: "Master, did you admit it wrong? I'm not the real emperor of the Tang family at all!"

"Are you Chen Zheng?" Tang San asked.

"Yes, I am Chen Zheng."

"Then that's right, Mrs. Tang told me about you, Chen Zheng, you are the husband-in-law chosen by Huaying, and Huaying is the princess of the Tang family, and will soon become the saint of the Tang family, and you You will also become the true emperor of the Tang family!" Tang San said excitedly: "The Tang family is now in a state of powerless chaos, we very much need you to return to the Tang family to preside over the overall situation!"

"What? Master, old man, did you say something wrong? I don't even know where Huaying is." Chen Zheng shook his head hastily.

Although he also yearns for the Tang family.

After all, the Tang family is a big family in Huaxia Kingdom. It is a family accumulated for thousands of years. It is the source of martial arts. It has countless martial arts secrets, panacea, gold and silver jewels. If it really becomes the official emperor of the Tang family, He can definitely soar into the sky. Chen Zheng, who has just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers, also yearns for the Tang family very much.However, he is very aware of his situation, so he doesn't expect too much.

"There's nothing wrong with that. Mrs. Tang said that you have obtained her approval and acquiesced in making you the true emperor of the Tang family, and she also told me that only you in this world can save the princess of the Tang family!" Tang San said. So firm, how can a well-cooked duck make you fly away?

"No way?"

Chen Zheng muttered in his heart, is it really so good?I haven't met Hua Ying yet, so I've already been recognized as the real emperor of the Tang family?And with Tang Feng's acquiescence?
I'm going, this is too unbelievable, right?

Chen Zheng shook his head, and drove out the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Tang San startled suddenly, and looked forward: "I seem to feel the aura of Princess Tang!"


Chen Zhenggang wanted to say something, but Tang San had already moved forward, and moved forward first. In the distance, he saw a girl with fair looks and delicate features. His face was overjoyed. If this girl is good , it should be Princess Huaying of the Tang family, Tang San was very excited, as long as he found the princess of the Tang family, and brought her and Chen Zheng back to become the saint and emperor of the Tang family, the Tang family would not suffer tragedy!
Chen Zheng, who was behind him, also ran over, and when he saw Wang An, he laughed: "Anyone who sees Wang An for the first time will think that Wang An is Huaying, but Wang An is not Huaying, you are all fooled, haha ..."

"Brother Xiaozheng, what's the matter with you?" Wang An saw Chen Zheng from a distance, she cheered and ran over.

This Tang San stood there, looking closely at Wang An, excitedly said: "Princess, I finally found you, princess!"

Wang An stopped, looked up at Tang San suspiciously, and couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, who are you? I don't know you, why did you call me princess? Wait, could it be that you Is it the elder of the Tang family?"

Wang An is not stupid, he reacted immediately.

And Tang San just wanted to say something, but his eyes were fixed on Wang An's chest, he was taken aback.Since Wang An has only recovered half, her breasts are not fully displayed. Women can see them, but men cannot. Even a veteran ancient assassin like Tang San cannot see Wang An's breasts. I thought Wang An was a boy.

Chen Zheng laughed, walked up, and said with a smile: "Master, you see, this is not the princess of the Tang family at all, he is Huaying's elder brother Wang An."

"What!" Tang San froze for a moment, froze there, activated his divine sense, and probed towards Wang An's chest, and found that Wang An was really a boy. For a moment, he was completely disappointed. He thought he had found the princess of the Tang family. But in the end, it was nothing but fetching water from a bamboo basket. Where is the princess Huaying of the Tang family?Was it already killed by the second grandma?But Tang San shook his head again, giving the two grandmas a guts, not daring to kill the princess of the Tang family.

So, Princess Tang is not here anymore?
It must be so!
Tang San was a little disappointed. He originally thought that he would find the princess of the Tang family and bring her back to inherit the status of the Tang family's saint. Chen Zheng, his new apprentice, would also go back to become the emperor, assist the saint, and jointly manage the Tang family.But now everything is hopeless, and Princess Tang doesn't know where she is.

It seems that everything has been in vain again.

Tang San sighed in his heart.

"Brother Xiaozheng, who is this old man?" Wang An looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously.

Chen Zheng smiled: "Xiao'an, this is the elder of the Tang Family Elderly Home."

"Oh." Wang An nodded, with a smile in her heart, she finally understood, how dare the elder Tang family think she is Huaying?But when she saw that her chest was flat, she sighed, giggling, Wang An thought it was fun, and seeing Chen Zheng winking at her, she smiled happily: "Old man, I am not Huaying, I am Wang An, whee……"

"Well, I mistook the person." Tang San shook his head.

Chen Zheng smiled, seeing Wang An's cute smile, he quickly stretched out his hand to pinch Wang An's bright red face, and said with a smile, "You guys are really cute."

"I'm cute, hehe..." Wang An was not modest at all, and smiled happily.

Seeing Tang San's face darkened, Chen Zheng quickly said respectfully: "Master, please rest assured, we will definitely find Princess Tang."

"Yes, yes, as long as you protect us well, my younger sister will go back to the Tang family with brother Xiaozheng, and become the saint and emperor of the Tang family. Please don't worry, old man." Wang Anle grinned. road.

"En." Tang San nodded.

"Master..." But Tian Gong came up, looked closely at Tang San, and then asked Chen Zheng: "Master, is this old man your master?"

"That's right, you can call him Shigong." Chen Zheng gave Tian Gong a push, and this title still needs to be settled.

"Master..." Tiangong bowed respectfully to Tang San.

Tang San nodded, he looked at Chen Zheng on the side, heaved a sigh of relief, no matter what he said, as long as Chen Zheng was still there, everything would be easy to handle, Mrs. Tang had already said that Chen Zheng belonged to the Tang family Majesty, this cannot be wrong!Moreover, Chen Zheng respects teachers and loves children very much. He keeps calling him master, and his tone is full of respect. He likes apprentices like Chen Zheng from the bottom of his heart.

"Xiaozheng, come quickly and have a look, here is a sacred dagger!" Li Yanran's voice sounded from afar.

Everyone walked over, only to see a blood-red dagger crucified a corpse on the stone wall, nailed to the stone wall alive, everyone was familiar with the corpse, it was the Tang family grandma, Wang An took a look, and said He threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms: "Brother Xiaozheng, what's going on?"

"This corpse is none other than the great grandmother of the Tang family, and her blood-red dagger is also hers. She wanted to sneak attack, but died on her own blood-red dagger." Chen Zheng said.


Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and felt so happy.

"This dagger must be a divine weapon!" Xia Lei said, trying to pull out the blood-red dagger, but he couldn't move it. Tian Gong and the old village chief next to him also went up to try it, but they couldn't get it out. After a while, they were all stunned: "Damn it, this dagger is firmly stuck in the stone wall, it's hard to get it out!"

"This dagger belongs to the Tang family grandma and the others. It has been stained with blood and has the soul of a dead body. I am afraid that even the most peak ancient killers cannot pull it out!" Tang San said, and he stretched out his hand to hold the blood-red dagger , wanted to get it out but couldn't get it out, he pointed to the blood pattern on the dagger, and said: "You can see, it's all the blood of the Tang family's grandma, it's basically difficult to get it out!"

"Master, what should we do now?" Chen Zheng asked respectfully.

Chen Zheng felt that what Tang San said was right, so he felt that the dagger could hardly be pulled out.

"Don't want it!" Tang San shook his head.

"Then it's such a pity." Chen Zheng stretched out his hand to hold the dagger, but the mysterious martial arts in Peiyu came out and acted on his hand, and then he dialed it out. For a while, he couldn't help but shouted: "Master, I dialed out!"

Tang San next to him stared at the blood-red dagger in Chen Zheng's hand, his eyes were full of surprise: My mother, even I couldn't pull it out, but you did it!What qualifications do I have to be your master?I was the one who called you Master!
(PS: I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, hahahaha... the third update today... haha...)
(End of this chapter)

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