super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 221 Lovely Wang An

Chapter 221 Lovely Wang An

"Master, look, I've already pulled out the blood-red dagger." Chen Zheng raised the blood-red dagger and raised it towards Tang San, his eyes were full of excitement. He thought it would be difficult to pull out the dagger, but he pulled it out unexpectedly. , haha, it's not difficult at all.


Tang San froze there, not feeling well in his heart, this blood red dagger was the Tang Grandmother's weapon, it was already stained with Grandmother's blood, logically speaking, no one could pull it out, not even Tang San. He couldn't pull out the dagger in the first time, but to his surprise, Chen Zheng pulled out the dagger with just one easy push.

Moreover, Chen Zheng kept calling Tang San his master, which made Tang San very uncomfortable.

These days, powerful people are so humble?How can this make people live?

Tang San really didn't have a good feeling in his heart.

On the other hand, Wang An and the others cheered, especially Wang An, who clapped his little hands excitedly and smiled happily, but she suddenly thought of something, and all of them came together, their little faces pale, He said pitifully: "Brother Xiaozheng, I like this dagger very much, can you give it to me?"

Chen Zheng smiled, pinched Wang An's cute little face, and said with a smile: "You can just say it if you like it, why are you so pitiful? This dagger is for you to protect yourself!"

"Great." Wang An cheered, and took the blood-red dagger from Chen Zheng's hand. The whole person was very excited, and Li Yanran was very envious. As Chen Zheng's woman, she also hoped that her lover Give it to her as a gift, although she is self-righteous, but her feelings for Chen Zheng are real, she is hesitant to grab the blood-red dagger from Wang An directly?

Anyway, Wang An was weak and inexperienced, if he really made a move, Li Yanran would definitely be able to snatch it.

Li Yanran gestured to Wang An's chest. If she squeezed hard, Wang An could lose consciousness.

But Li Yanran was just thinking about it, and would not really mess around at all.

"Master, are you too powerful? Even Grand Master said he couldn't pull out this blood-red dagger, but when it came to your hand, he pulled it out immediately. Master, you are really too powerful!" Tiangong also said. He didn't think too much, usually he drank a lot, said whatever he had, and didn't pay attention to Tang San's feelings at all.

And Chen Zheng didn't realize that Tang San's face was a little ugly, he laughed, and patted Tian Gong's shoulder: "I'm just lucky."

When Tang San behind heard this, he felt a little embarrassed, and sighed: Such young people are all very powerful, not only powerful, but also humble!This Chen Zheng looks like an ordinary person, but his ability to pull out the blood-red dagger shows how terrifying he is!
However, Tang San was also very curious, why could Chen Zheng pull out the blood red dagger?
He probed into Chen Zheng's body with his spiritual sense, and found that Chen Zheng was just an apprentice cultivator, it was impossible for him to be so strong.

Could it be that he concealed his strength?

Thinking of this, Tang San stretched out his hand and pressed Chen Zheng's shoulder, feeling something carefully, soon, he opened his eyes and looked closely at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, I want to ask you, what is inside your body? The spiritual breath is only equivalent to an apprentice among cultivators, why can you pull out the blood red dagger?"

This is bad!
Chen Zheng cried out in his heart, if Tang San knew about the piece of jade in his arms, would he have evil desires?Although this pendant jade represents the highest power of the Tang family, it contains a mysterious martial art. This martial art is so terrifying that Chen Zheng pulled out the dagger as soon as he held it. If Tang San knew it, would it cause trouble? Evil desire?
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng took a careful look and said, "Tell Master, I don't know why it can be allocated!"

Chen Zheng was still full of respect for Tang San. After all, Tang San was the elder of the Tang family, and he spoke clearly and logically. If Chen Zheng didn't have the mysterious martial arts in Peiyu, he wouldn't be able to pull out the dagger.

So, Tang San is still very powerful.

"Is it true?" Tang San looked at Chen Zheng suspiciously, but seeing Chen Zheng's clear eyes, not escaping or evading, he nodded, thinking that it was impossible for Chen Zheng to lie, the only explanation was that he occasionally dialed out .Tang San was very firm, no one could pull out this blood-red dagger, Chen Zheng could only be regarded as a coincidence!

"It's true!" Chen Zheng nodded firmly.

"Yeah." Tang San didn't doubt anymore, even Chen Zheng, an ancient killer who was half a year old, couldn't pull out the blood-red dagger!
"Master, let's go back first." Chen Zheng said respectfully, and with a wave of his hand, he led the crowd forward, while Wang An behind him kept waving the blood-red dagger, making a wow-wow sound: " Brother Xiaozheng, I am also a hero now, no one can defeat me!"

Chen Zheng turned his head and looked at Wang An's glowing red face, feeling speechless.

Wang An is fair-skinned, very cute, but also an egomaniac?Holding a blood-red dagger and thinking that you are invincible?It's a big world, and there are many tall people!

"What kind of skills does this little boy have?" The old village chief didn't care.

As soon as Wang An heard this, he became anxious, waving his small hand, and sprinkled the dagger, not to mention, it was well sprinkled, and Li Yanran, who was behind him, smiled, walked up, and squeezed Wang An hard. The chest that Yingying grasped, and then squeezed.


Wang An uttered a cry of pain, fell to the ground, and cried out for pain. She was a girl, but she was so shamelessly pinched by Li Yanran. She was exhausted and glared at Li Yanran angrily: "Bad sister, smelly sister, what did you do before you?" Brother Xiaozheng who wanted to steal from me, I haven't bothered with you yet, but now you are pinching my chest, are you courting death?"

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and subconsciously looked at Wang An's chest. Seeing that Wang An's chest was flat, they shook their heads.

They just saw Li Yanran walking up and pinching Wang An's chest, Wang An was exhausted, really strange.

But Li Yanran smiled cheerfully and said provocatively: "Your is too small!"

"You..." Wang An became anxious, and it was also very scary. She crossed her waist, pointed at the tip of Li Yanran's nose and scolded angrily: "Smelly sister, bad sister, if you talk nonsense again, I will kill you!" You are tied to the bed, let brother Xiaozheng fuck you until you can't get out of bed for a few days!"

I go!

Chen Zheng was surprised, he didn't expect Wang An to be so barbaric?

But Li Yanran smiled cheerfully, then pinched Wang An's chest hard, and then squeezed hard.


Wang An let out another cry of pain, glanced at Li Yanran angrily, and then rushed forward, using the three-legged cat kung fu, trying to fight against Li Yanran, but Li Yanran was a special soldier after all, so how could Wang An be able to fight against him? After being busy for a long time, she couldn't touch Li Yanran. Seeing Li Yanran open her hands and gesture towards her chest, her face turned pale, and she quickly retracted behind Chen Zheng, her face pale and pale. : "Brother Xiaozheng, you have to help me vent my anger, this Yanran is sick! She likes to pinch other people's breasts!"

"Breasts? Let me go, you brat, you actually said you have breasts, let me see..." Chen Zheng dragged Wang An over, patted Wang An's chest, and cursed: "Look , flat!"

But Wang An's face was blushing, full of embarrassment.

She was patted on her chest by brother Xiaozheng, but she felt it. Chen Zheng was restrained by the spiritual breath and didn't feel her chest, but she really felt that her chest was touched by Chen Zheng. Time, she was extremely shy.

"I'll go, your chest is flat, are you still shy?"

Chen Zheng glared at Wang An, then stretched out his hand and patted Wang An's chest, it was flat, this is a man!

"Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An felt a little weak when he was patted by Chen Zheng, and a feeling like an electric current surged through his heart. His face was red, and Li Yanran, who was behind him, frowned, felt jealous, and cursed. , Sister, Chen Zheng didn't even touch my old lady's breasts, but you took the lead and let Chen Zheng touch them?
Li Yanran came up and pulled Wang An out.

Seeing that Wang An's face was flushed, his feet were weak, and his whole body looked weak, Chen Zheng stared, "Damn, I slapped your chest, and you still reacted? Are you sick?"

Wang An felt so shy, wishing there was a hole in the ground so that she could jump into it and disappear.

On the other side, Tang San suddenly glanced at Wang An, and said: "This blood-red dagger belongs to the Tang family. The descendants of the Tang family can stain it with blood, and dissolve the blood on it, so that it can be unsealed!"

"Really?" Chen Zheng hurriedly shouted at Wang An: "Didn't you yell all day long that you are a descendant of the Tang family? Use your own blood to see it!"


Wang An really hoped that his blood could activate the dagger, so that he would have a protective weapon, and then he would be able to drive away all the mad bees and butterflies around Brother Xiaozheng. For example, Li Yanran beside him, unexpectedly A man who dares to steal her in broad daylight, if she activates the blood-red dagger, the first thing she wants to do is to let Li Yanran taste the dagger, hehe...

Thinking so, Wang An was about to activate the dagger.

But thinking of biting her own finger, she shivered, stretched out her hand and looked at Chen Zheng pitifully: "Brother Xiaozheng, can you bite the blood for me, I'm afraid of pain..."

Chen Zheng wanted to scold a few words, but Wang An was pitiful and very cute. He really couldn't scold, so he had to bite Wang An's white jade-like finger, and after biting, a drop of blood dripped on the blood-red dagger. above.

Chen Zheng originally wanted to retract his mouth, but Wang An's fingers were too white, icy and translucent, and the blood was very pure, which is a good place, so Chen Zheng kept sucking a few mouthfuls Seeing Wang An looking at him pitifully, he let go of Wang An's fingers and cursed: "Damn, your fingers are so white, they lead people to commit crimes!"

Wang An was still in great pain, but when Brother Xiaozheng said that she was leading people to commit crimes, she laughed happily. Just as she was about to say something, she saw a burst of dazzling light from the blood-red dagger in her hand.


Everyone froze, their eyes widened, and they stared closely at the blood-red dagger in Wang An's hand.

I go, it really works!
Chen Zheng glanced at it, and cried out in his heart. Unexpectedly, Wang An's little boy is really a descendant of the Tang family. Now it's all right, with such a weapon for self-defense, Wang An will definitely be safe.

Tian Gong, the old village chief, and Xia Lei looked at each other, and they were all shocked.

But Tang San stared at Wang An, trembling all over, his eyes flashed with excitement, others didn't know, this was actually him testing!To test who Wang An is, Tang San was ordered by Mrs. Tang to come here, thinking that Hua Ying was here, but it was Wang An who he saw, but he was puzzled when he saw Wang An flirting with Chen Zheng just now Thinking of Mrs. Tang saying that Huaying is in trouble now, she suspected that Wang An was Huaying.

That's why he asked Wang An to stain the dagger with his own blood.

In the Tang family, all weapons belonged to the saintess, and the blood of the saintess could undo all the seals. In other words, Tang San did this to test whether Wang An was Huaying or not.

Unexpectedly, such a test was really right!
Wang An is Huaying!

Tang San's eyes were full of excitement, as long as he found the princess of the Tang family, he could take her back and become the saint of the Tang family!Now the Tang family has hope!

The more Tang San thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Chen Zheng noticed Tang San's emotional change and asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Tang San shook his head, and didn't startle the snake.

On the other hand, Wang An picked up the blood-red dagger and kept shouting at Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, I finally have a weapon, I finally have a weapon..."

"With weapons, you will be safer in the future!" Chen Zheng smiled.

"Hee hee... With the weapon, my first thing is to drive away all the women around you, Brother Xiaozheng..." Wang An said, and then rushed towards Li Yanran behind him, waving his hand The blood red dagger: "Bad sister, smelly sister, I want to fight with you, whoever loses will leave Brother Xiaozheng..."

Wang Anjiao yelled, and then rushed forward.

But Li Yanran stretched out her hand and patted Wang An's little head, then leaned forward, pinched Wang An's chest, pinched it hard, and with a snap, Wang An fell to the ground, exhausted all over, wow Crying bitterly: "Bad sister, smelly sister, you are playing a hooligan!"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating." Li Yanran looked at Wang An contemptuously, how dare he compete with his old lady for a man?
"Woooo..." Wang An burst into tears as soon as he threw himself into Chen Zheng's arms.

At this time, not far behind, the second grandmother of the Tang family was staring at the corpse on the stone wall, her eyes were full of anger, and when she heard Wang An's crying in the distance, a murderous look flashed in her eyes: "Chen Zheng, you killed Grandma, I want to die with you!!!"

Chen Zheng felt a murderous aura coming over him, he looked up at Tang San, seeing Tang San's calm face, he also relaxed.

At this time, Tang San also felt a murderous aura behind him, but he didn't pay attention to it, but walked up and said to Wang An in a low voice: "Princess, I know you are the princess, you are Huaying... "

"What!" Wang An's face changed drastically...

(PS: Barbecue all night today, haha, I will continue to write a few chapters when I am full, please don’t wait... I have a barbecue with my former classmates... haha...)
(End of this chapter)

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