super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 244 Wang An is My Daughter

Chapter 244 Wang An is My Daughter
"It's you!" Chen Zheng looked closely at the woman behind the stone wall, this woman was naked, it was none other than Li Yanran.I don't know why Li Yanran is here, but she is naked, covering the top with her left hand and the bottom with her right hand, looking at Chen Zheng with a smile on her face, at that moment, Chen Zheng froze: "Li Yanran, you How did you get here? Impossible, no one can pass through that protective shield except us, how did you get in here?"

Chen Zheng was really surprised.

He and Tang San used protective shields to prevent Li Yanran and others from entering, but now, Li Yanran actually appeared here!
"Heck!" Looking at the surprise in Chen Zheng's eyes, Li Yanran smiled. She walked out and said with a smile, "Chen Zheng, you want to leave me behind and go on an adventure alone, but am I so stupid? I have a thousand dollars!" There is a way to catch up with you, hehe..."

"How did you get in?" Chen Zheng was most concerned about this.

"Hehe, I took off my clothes and walked in naked. Your protective cover is only binding on the clothes, and you can walk through it naked!" Li Yanran smiled.

"I'm going, you discovered this? Are you too smart?" Chen Zheng was speechless. This Li Yanran is the captain of the dragon team, full of tricks, and she is a female genius. Originally, I thought that the protective shield It was possible to prevent the woman from following in, but unexpectedly, she discovered the weakness of the shield.


Li Yanran smiled, and she was very happy when she heard Chen Zheng say that she was smart.

It's just that when she smiled, she let go of her hand, revealing her body. No, Chen Zheng looked at her body closely, his eyes were full of heat, and he swallowed hard.When Li Yanran noticed Chen Zheng's strangeness, she blushed and quickly covered her body with her hands. Although she had already agreed with Chen Zheng, she was not so open after all, and was stared at by Chen Zheng hotly. She is still somewhat shy.

And Li Yanran's half-covered, shy answering is the most exciting.

Chen Zheng's heartbeat accelerated, and at that moment, he almost couldn't hold back and rushed towards Li Yanran, but he heard footsteps behind him, it should be Tiangong's return, and quickly put away the fire in his heart, saying: "Yanran, Hurry up and hide, Xiao Gong is back!"


Li Yanran's face changed, and she was about to say something, but she saw a figure in front of her, and she didn't want to, she threw herself into Chen Zheng's arms as soon as she gritted her teeth, and stuck her whole body on Chen Zheng's body.


Chen Zheng was stunned for a moment, feeling Li Yanran's warmth, he cursed in his heart: What the hell, I hugged a naked beauty?Li Yanran threw herself on me?She's not shy at all?
"Master..." Tiangong saw Chen Zheng in front of him, his eyes were filled with excitement, and he was about to run over, but Chen Zheng had already said: "Xiaogong, don't come here, just tell me if you have anything to do!"

"Master said that there is a situation ahead, and told you to go over and have a look!" Tian Gong said.

"En." Chen Zheng nodded, hugged Li Yanran in his arms, looked down, looked at Li Yanran's red face, smiled, and said: "Xiao Gong, you go first, I will come over later .”

"But master, why can't you go there with me? Besides, is there something puffy in your arms?" Tiangong is not stupid, seeing Chen Zheng with his back to him and puffy in his arms, It seems to be holding a woman.

I go!

Chen Zheng scolded in his heart, this Tiangong is too skilled, he shouted: "Xiaogong, are you courting death? Get the hell out of here immediately!"

"Hehe..." Tiangong laughed, triumphantly: "Master, I know who is in your arms. If it is good, it should be Li Yanran! Haha, I never thought that Master, you are deliberately lagging behind by half a step, just to be with Li Yanran. It's Yan Ran's tryst, Master, next time you can speak directly."

I go!

Let this Tiangong discover it!

Chen Zheng sullenly said, "You still don't get out!"

"Yes yes yes...Master, it's my fault, you continue to act...haha..." Tiangong nodded and bowed quickly, and then walked behind. As soon as Tiangong left, Li Yanran heaved a sigh of relief and thumped fisted Chen Zheng's chest, and said: "Chen Zheng, you have ruined my reputation!"

"You have no reputation."

"You..." Li Yanran punched Chen Zheng's chest, blushing and said, "Take off your clothes now and put them on for me."

"Of course!" Chen Zheng quickly took off all the clothes on his body without saying a word, and then handed them to Li Yanran. Li Yanran picked up the clothes and put them on with her back to Chen Zheng. Those who wanted to turn around, but after glancing at Li Yanran, they were deeply attracted, especially Li Yanran's slender waist and white legs made Chen Zheng swallow hard.And hearing Chen Zheng's swallowing sound, Li Yanran blushed, quickly put on her clothes, pretended nothing happened, and said calmly: "Chen Zheng, let's follow! Don't blush here. !"

I go!

It's obviously your blushing, okay?Did you say I blush?

Chen Zheng rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I said Yanran, you don't seem to have a small underwear? Are you used to wearing it?"

"You..." For a moment, Li Yanran, who was pretending to be calm, blushed again, and Chen Zheng smiled when she saw it: How dare you fight with me?
Hearing Chen Zheng's laughter, Li Yanran walked up, punched Chen Zheng's chest, and said angrily, "You are too bad."


Chen Zheng smiled, he didn't know if his brain was short-circuited, or he was hanged too hard, at this moment he opened his hands and gestured towards Li Yanran's dick: "There are worse ones."

Li Yanran didn't expect that Chen Zheng would catch her butt, and Chen Zheng's speed was too fast, for a while, she couldn't stop her at all, so she was caught just like that.

"Ah..." Li Yanran was frightened, her face turned red, she was stunned for half a minute before quickly running forward, leaving Chen Zheng standing there alone, stunned for a long time: "I'll go, I just What's the matter? You can't help but act badly? If Xia Xue finds out, she must kneel down on the keyboard!"

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng quickly chased after him.

After running around a few corners, I saw Tiangong in front of me, and said to Li Yanran very respectfully, "Master, Tiangong pays his respects to you."

I go!

Chen Zheng scolded in his heart, isn't this Tiangong too good?Even in a blink of an eye, I called Li Yanran my teacher's wife, but I like this character, haha.Chen Zheng walked up, patted Tian Gong on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Gong, let's continue on our way!"


Tiangong nodded respectfully.

Next, Chen Zheng, Li Yanran and Tiangong rushed forward. Along the way, Li Yanran kept peeking at Chen Zheng, her face was flushed, and she didn't know what to think.

Chen Zheng walked forward, and soon saw Tang San, he was puzzled for a while, and asked: "Where's Xiao Jin?"

There was a roar of tigers, and the purple-gold-eyed tiger jumped out from the nearby stone bushes, came to Chen Zheng, and gently rubbed its head against Chen Zheng's trousers.Chen Zheng smiled, patted Zijin Eyed Tiger on the head, and said: "There is no danger here, Xiaojin, you should rest first."

I saw the purple-gold-eyed tiger nodding its head meekly.

On the top of the mountain, Wang An, the old village head, Xia Lei, Xia Wei and Hua Tian all heard the roar of the tiger. They all frowned, knowing that the roar of the tiger came from below the cave. , Xia Wei made a decisive decision: "There are tigers here!"

"Grandpa Xia, don't be afraid, this tiger belongs to brother Xiaozheng!" Wang An laughed quickly.


Both Xia Wei and Hua Tian looked at each other, and they were both very shocked. Who would have thought that Chen Zheng would take a tiger just after he came to the forest?This is too powerful, right?

"Xiao An, Xiaozheng, is he looking for Dr. Smith now?" Hua Tian looked at Wang An.

"That's right." Seeing that Hua Tian called her Xiao An, and no longer doubted that she was Hua Ying, Wang An was very happy, and smiled happily: "Uncle, you are right, Brother Xiaozheng I'm going to find Dr. Smith, because Sister Yanran has been infected with the TC8 virus, so I'm going to treat Sister Yanran for the virus."

"Well, do you know where Xiaoying is?" Hua Tian looked at Wang An.

"I don't know about that." Wang An shook his head.

"Well, if you find Xiaoying, you must tell her, I miss her very much!" Hua Tiandu solemnly ordered.

Wang Anle grinned: "Understood, please don't worry, Uncle, as soon as I have news about Xiaoying's sister, I will notify you immediately, hehe..."

Wang An was really happy, because Hua Tian no longer doubted that she was Hua Ying, which greatly reduced her pressure. Next, she had to get back to normal, and then confess her love to Brother Xiaozheng with the most perfect face. Shi Zai and Brother Xiaozheng called Hua Tiandu's father!
Dad will be very surprised then.

Wang An was overjoyed, as long as her father didn't doubt her, she could follow her own plan.

"Xiao An, come here, let's go find Captain Li!" Xia Lei called out in front of him, and Wang An cheered after hearing this, and followed happily, smiling happily: "Uncle Lei, wait for me!" ..."

Looking at Wang An's cheerful figure, Hua Tian once thought that this Wang An was not Hua Ying, but for some reason, he remembered the phone call Hua Xingbang had made before, saying that Hua Ying should be protected regardless of whether she was a man or a woman. Hua Tian didn't pay much attention, now he took out his mobile phone, then walked out, made a call, it was to his father Hua Xingbang who was far away in the capital, the phone dialed and the connection was made, and Hua Xingbang's confused voice A voice sounded: "Tiandu, what's wrong?"

"Father, I have already found Xiaoying. She is Wang An, and Wang An is her, but now she is a man!" Hua Tiandu said in a deep voice.

"What!" Hua Xingbang was startled: "Tiandu, you already know?"

"This..." Hua Tian was startled suddenly, and excitedly said: "As expected! Wang An is Huaying, Wang An is my daughter, as expected!!!"

(PS: Four updates today, make up the chapters owed before! Please recommend tickets!)

(End of this chapter)

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