super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 245 Sure enough, the female university is not allowed to stay!

Chapter 245 Sure enough, the female university is not allowed to stay!
"As expected! Wang An is indeed Huaying, and she is indeed my precious daughter! Father, why did you lie to me? I am Xiaoying's father, why didn't you tell me about her experience? Why did you lie to me? "The more Hua Tian talked, the more excited he became. He was Hua Ying's father. He had been worried for a year, and finally found out that all of this was someone else lying to him, and his anger, displeasure and depression were concentrated in one heart.

"This... so you came to test my words..." On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang originally thought that his son already knew about Hua Ying, but he didn't expect that the other party came to test him.

"Father, you are really cruel!" Hua Tian's eyes were full of anger: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? Xiaoying is my precious daughter, why are you all hiding it from me, no tell me?"

Hearing Hua Tiandu's complaint, Hua Xingbang sighed, and said: "Tiandu, there is a reason for hiding it from you. The reason why Xiaoying became like this is because she went through a balance experiment and failed. , now she will hide her dick during the day, and she will return to normal at night. The reason why she left us is also because of pain. Now she has found a glimmer of hope. She doesn't want everyone to know about her and disturb her! "

"I'm her father, how could I interfere with her?" The more Hua Tiandu said, the more angry he became.

"Xiaoying, she wants to completely return to normal, and then tell you."

"Even so, you have to tell me what happened to Xiaoying. I'm her father, and I don't even know where she is!"

"Okay, Tiandu, it's useless to talk too much, now that you know Xiaoying's situation, then we have to look forward to the future!" After a pause, Hua Xingbang said directly: "I hope you will continue to help Xiaoying concealed her situation because she was under a lot of pressure, and she could only wait for her to recover slowly!"

Although Hua Tiandu was angry and complained, he was the leader after all. After his emotions calmed down, he began to think about his daughter: "You mean that Xiaoying is now a man or a woman?"


"Then how to recover?" After Hua Tian was angry, he was concerned.

"Let her fall in love with Chen Zheng!"

"What!" Hua Tian felt very bloody, what's going on?My daughter failed Hua Tianping's experiment, but she has to fall in love with Chen Zheng to recover?
"Chen Zheng also went through Tianping's experiment, but Chen Zheng succeeded!" Hua Xingbang said.

"What!" Hua Tian was startled suddenly, and asked tightly: "Father, are you serious? Chen Zheng succeeded in Tianping's experiment? Wait, is Tianping's experiment the ancient killer experiment? "


"What!" Hua Tian's eyes were startled, and he froze completely. He had heard of this ancient killer experiment, which was to make ordinary people become ancient killers. It was led by his younger brother Hua Tianping himself, but he heard that After tens of thousands of experimental products, none of them succeeded. Hearing that Chen Zheng had succeeded, Hua Tian was completely frozen there: "Chen Zheng is too good, right? No one has ever succeeded in an experiment. He It succeeded? How is this possible?"

"That's the truth! Chen Zheng succeeded, while Hua Ying and the others failed!" Hua Xingbang said.

"So, this Chen Zheng really has a lot of power, and he is definitely not someone to wait for!" Hua Tiandu's eyes were full of excitement, the excitement for Chen Zheng, the one-in-a-million existence, definitely came into being in response to the times. Yes, if this Chen Zheng is cultivated, he will definitely be a pillar of talent!
"Chen Zheng succeeded, so he is the ancient killer, and Xiaoying failed, and suffered sequelae! But Xiaoying gets close to Chen Zheng, and can get the spiritual breath of the ancient killer from Chen Zheng, so as to dredge the meridians and acupuncture points on her body "Hua Xingbang said very seriously: "The fact is that it is so bloody, only when Xiaoying is in love with Chen Zheng, can she get more spiritual breath from Chen Zheng, activate the meridians and acupuncture points in her body, as long as she is in her body Only when the meridians are opened up can she completely become an ancient killer, and then she will return to normal!"

"Ha ha……"

At that moment, Hua Tiandu laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Hua Xingbang looked puzzled.

"What I'm laughing at is, such a simple matter, why did you keep it from me? I had a good impression of this Chen Zheng at first, and thought he was a talented person. The ancient killer selected by Wanzhong, I am even more optimistic about him, I think he is a pillar of talent!" Hua Tian smiled: "Under such circumstances, if you tell me that Xiaoying is going to fall in love with Chen Zheng, I will I will definitely not object, on the contrary, I will support them!"


"So, you are all talking nonsense, and it is stupid to hide it from me. You should tell me directly that Xiaoying is my daughter. No matter what she becomes, she is still my precious daughter. How can I despise her? What? But all of you are messing around! You just know to keep it from me!" Hua Tian said angrily.

On the other end of the phone, Hua Xingbang smiled and said, "Actually, it was Xiaoying's request to hide it from you!"

"Why should she keep it from me?" Hua Tian became angrier the more he thought about it.

"Because she doesn't want others to disturb her! She's most afraid that you all will find out and tell Chen Zheng." Hua Xingbang smiled.

"What's the reason for this? Could it be that Chen Zheng knew it would be bad? Why did Xiaoying do this?" Hua Tian became more and more annoyed as he thought about it: "Tell Chen Zheng that she is a woman, but after experiments, she became a woman. Man, need to recover, isn't that good? Now there is only one daughter in the Hua family, Xiaoying, and I still want her to bring a husband back to inherit the incense and power of the Hua family! How can she lie to us?"

"Hehe..." Hua Xingbang smiled: "At first I said the same thing about her, but she told me that because she loved Chen Zheng, she didn't want Chen Zheng to know that she was a freak, and she wanted to restore the most perfect side, and then Confess to Chen Zheng!"


Hua Tian froze there, he never thought that his daughter would have such an affair?

"Haha, do you know what Xiaoying is thinking now? This granddaughter has already grown up, and she is no longer the little girl who leaned in our arms and acted like a baby. She now has her own ideas and pursuits. In our eyes, it is a very normal thing, but in her eyes, it is a very sexual thing! She has grown up, fell in love, and all she thinks about is her little brother Zheng, so of course she dare not tell others! And She chose Chen Zheng for the sake of the Hua family!" Hua Xingbang laughed.

"This..." Hua Tian froze for a long time, and finally sighed: "Sure enough, it's the girl who didn't get in!"

"Haha..." Hua Xingbang laughed loudly: "That day, what do you think? Is it to cooperate with Xiaoying, or something else?"

"Of course it is to cooperate with Xiaoying!" Although Hua Tiandu was reluctant in his heart, Huaying was his darling after all, and his daughter was devoted to Chen Zheng. If he came out to make trouble, she would definitely make her daughter hate her forever. Thinking so Then, he smiled and said: "It's fine no matter what you say, now I know that Wang An is my daughter, I'm not in a hurry, take my time! Now that I have found my daughter, the Hua family will not be in another tragedy. Wait until the daughter recovers." If it's normal, I will let her go back with Chen Zheng and inherit the incense and power of the Hua family!"

"That's good. With Chen by her side, she will be fine! Besides, Chen Zheng is very regal, and if Xiaoying pursues him, it will definitely not be a disadvantage to the Hua family!" Hua Xingbang said.


Hua Tian nodded, no matter what he said, his daughter's eyes would never be wrong, and her daughter would not even want him as a father for Chen Zheng, so it shows that Chen Zheng has this strength, but Hua Tian is Is it because he loves his daughter eagerly, or wants to reunite with his daughter!

"Okay, there is nothing else, I will hang up."


Hua Tian hung up his mobile phone, walked back, and saw Wang An's cheerful figure from a distance, a gleam of fatherly love flashed in his eyes, he walked up, stopped Wang An, and said with a smile: "Xiao An , are you so happy?"

"of course!"

Wang Anle grinned. On the one hand, Hua Tian no longer doubted that she was Hua Ying. On the other hand, Li Yanran's bad sister left here. Now that she was under no pressure, she could slowly get along with her. Chen Zheng has passed the world of two people, hehe...

"But we are not happy at all." Hua Tiandu said.

"Huh?" Wang An looked at Hua Tiandu suspiciously: "Why are you unhappy?"

"Your aunt Wu Dan, she is Xiaoying's mother. After Xiaoying disappeared, she has been depressed. How could she be happy?" Hua Tian looked closely at Wang An. Seeing Wang An's face was dark, he I breathed a sigh of relief, I'm afraid this daughter doesn't want them to worry.

Wang An lowered his head, thought for a while, and then said, "Uncle, please tell my aunt not to worry. Sister Xiaoying is nearby! And she has already selected her husband and son-in-law, and she is going to take her back to continue the incense of the Hua family." and power!"

"it is true?"

"it is true!"

"Then I called my aunt and said that Xiaoying is nearby!" Hua Tian laughed.

"Well, you should call her and tell her that sister Xiaoying is nearby, there is nothing wrong with it!" Wang An said firmly, don't let the mother and the others worry.

"Okay!" Hua Tiandu took out his mobile phone and called Wu Dan who was far outside the forest. As soon as the call was connected, Wu Dan's anxious voice rang out: "Tiandu, what's going on with you? You've been gone for a long time. Have you met Chen Zheng and Xiaoying?"

"I didn't meet Chen Zheng, but I met Wang An, Tian Ping's son, and he said that sister Xiaoying is nearby!" Hua Tiandu said.

"Is it true?" Wu Dan's eyes were full of excitement.

"It's true." Wang An snatched Hua Tiandu's mobile phone, and then said: "Auntie is true, please don't worry anymore, sister Xiaoying is nearby, and she has already chosen her husband and son-in-law. Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng is an ancient killer, very powerful, when sister Xiaoying recovers, she will go back with Chen Zheng to find you, so please don't worry any more!"

"is that true……"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Dan's eyes were full of excitement.

"It's true!" Wang An said, and then handed the phone to Hua Tiandu: "Uncle is all right, everything is done!"

"Well." Hua Tian took the phone and told Wu Dan: "Don't worry anymore, everything will be fine, maybe you will see your daughter when you come here, well, I have something else to do, so let's do it!"

After hanging up the phone, Hua Tiandu looked at Wang An quietly.

Wang An cheered and said, "Uncle, aunt is happy now?"

"I'm happy."

"That's great." Wang Anle grinned, and was about to leave here, but at this moment, Hua Tiandu suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Wang An...

(PS: The second update, save the recommendation ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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