super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 252 Want me to submit to you?Next life!

Chapter 252 Want me to submit to you?Next life!

"Stop!" I saw a figure walking out from inside, it was none other than Tang San, carrying bags of beef in Tang San's hands, all of which he took from the barracks in the tent of the military camp, he Just standing behind him, seeing that Chen Zheng had left, only the Zijin-eyed tiger stayed here, he walked out excitedly, and shouted at the Zijin-eyed tiger: "Zijin-eyed tiger, please stop, I have Something for you!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger turned its head, looked at Tang San impatiently, and let out a low growl.

It means, if you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I will follow the boss in!
Tang San took out a piece of beef from the cloth bag, then raised it and said, "Purple-gold-eyed tiger, look, what is this?"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger glanced at the beef in Tang San's hand, then swooped up, came to Tang San, stuck out his tongue and tasted the beef.

"Haha, do you like beef very much? I have a lot here! As long as you listen to me and recognize me as the boss, I will feed you beef every day. You know, you worked so hard for Chen Zheng, It’s just getting a piece of beef jerky from the other party, and you have to be angry with him, how bad it is, but now, I have more fresh beef here, and I can give you as much as you want!” Tang Sanyue said more and more Excited: Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng, don't think that you are the only one who takes out beef jerky, I will snatch the purple-gold-eyed tiger from you right now!
Tang San raised the beef in his hand.

But what made him frown was that the purple-gold-eyed tiger took a sniff, then yawned and walked out.

"What's the situation?" Tang San was anxious, didn't Chen Zheng use a piece of beef jerky to tame the Zijin-eyed tiger?Why doesn't the purple-gold-eyed tiger want my beef?He became anxious, and threw out all the beef in the bag: "Zijin-eyed tiger, eat as much as you want! I just want you to leave Chen Zheng, come to my side, and become my little brother!"

But he saw the purple-gold-eyed tiger lifted its leg, and then urinated on the beef on the ground.

At that moment, Tang San froze: "My mother, I failed? Didn't you say that you can subdue it with beef? Why didn't I use so much beef to make it tempted?"

When the purple-gold-eyed tiger heard this, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes: The beef jerky my boss gave me is full of mysterious martial arts. Eating it can improve your cultivation. You bastard, this is all rubbish. Do you want me to submit to you?Next life!

The purple-gold-eyed tiger walked forward with its head held high.

Tang San became anxious, and knelt down on the ground: "Zijinjinghu, please accept me as an apprentice, that fellow Chen Zheng only wants to be your boss, but I want to be your apprentice, to be filial to you, please accept me. Let me be your apprentice! You are willing to be Chen Zheng's younger brother, why don't you accept me as your apprentice? It's unfair of you!"

But the purple-gold-eyed tiger turned his head, held his head up, and said in human language: "Because you don't have the aura of a king like Chen Zheng! You are just a waste!"

At that moment, Tang San spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, trembling, his eyes full of pain. He had worked hard all day, but in the end he was told by Zijinjinghu that he didn't have Chen Zheng's kingly spirit. Painful.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" At this time, Chen Zheng came out from the inside, saw Tang San who was lying on the ground vomiting blood, he hurried over to help Tang San up, and asked suspiciously: "Master, what are you doing?" What's the situation? I didn't see you just now, I thought you had left, but I didn't expect you to fall here and vomit blood, what's the situation?"

"I'm fine..." Tang San struggled to get up.

When Chen Zheng saw the beef on the ground, he was stunned: "Master, what are you doing with so much beef? Could it be that you want to feed it to the purple-eyed tiger?"

" is it possible..." Tang San shook his head hastily.

Chen Zheng picked up a piece of beef, used the spiritual breath of Dantian, poured it into the beef after being transformed by Peiyu, and then threw it to the Zijin-eyed tiger: "Xiaojin, dinner is ready! Eat enough, I will send you to fight later !"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger pounced on it, and then devoured the piece of beef in one gulp. After swallowing it, it lay down at Chen Zheng's feet, wagging its tail as a gesture of goodwill.Tang San next to him glanced at it, then picked up a piece of beef, threw it to the Zijin-eyed tiger, and winked at the Zijin-eyed tiger, then he stared at the Zijin-eyed tiger, but what made him depressed was that The purple-gold-eyed tiger sniffed the beef, then lifted its leg, and shot Tang San a piss.

Tang San was shot all over the head by the tiger urine, he felt pain in his heart, fell to the ground, vomited blood, trembling all over, his eyes were full of pain: "Sure enough, I don't have Xiaozheng's aura of king, people compare with others, qi Dead man..."

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Chen Zheng yelled at the purple-eyed tiger while supporting Tang San, "Bastard, you actually pissed on my master? Hurry up and apologize!"

The purple-gold-eyed tiger lowered its head docilely, as if apologizing.

At that moment, Tang San looked at it, and felt extremely unbalanced in his heart. Looking at the Zijin-eyed tiger apologizing to him meekly according to Chen Zheng's intentions, thinking that he had been busy for a long time, but in the end he was only treated by the Zijin-eyed tiger. San felt a pain in his heart, and spat out another mouthful of blood. He pushed Chen Zheng away: "Xiaozheng...the bastard spirit in your body is too strong...don't come close to me again...please..."

Seeing Tang San's face in pain, Chen Zheng had no choice but to order Tang San to rest here, and then rushed in with a tiger with purple eyes: "Xiaogong, Yanran, Yelang, Xiaojin, all of you listen, although these are Chinese, but They are all the claws of the Satan organization, I want you to do it and kill them all! Except for Dr. Smith, no one will be left!"


Tiangong and Li Yanran took out their pistols and shot in all directions.

The wild wolf roared and plucked at the crowd, biting anyone it saw, while the purple-gold-eyed tiger was very lazy, lying on the ground, as if it didn't bother to make a move.

At this time, in the research room, Dr. Smith heard that Chen Zheng gave the order to wash the place with blood, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "Chen Zheng, he is so cruel to his own Chinese people? He is simply a devil!" !"

Boss Wu, who was standing next to him, looked at the screen and saw that Chen Zheng shot and killed a soldier and a scientific researcher. His eyes were trembling: "Isn't he too scary? After all, everyone is from China, and some people have already He knelt down and begged for mercy, why did he kill him so hard? Isn't this too scary?"

"Please let us go..."

In the underground hall, a number of soldiers and scientific researchers knelt down, begging for mercy. They spoke pure Chinese, and they were all Chinese. Li Yanran next to him pulled Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, these People are just accomplices, can we be lenient?"

"No, kill them all!"

Chen Zheng gave an order to let those wild wolves pounce on them and kill them all.

Although these are Chinese people, they are willing to become Dr. Smith's accomplices, and they deserve to die!Chen Zheng will never relent!If you are not cruel to them, are you worthy of those children who were killed?
Looking at Chen Zheng's cold and cruel face, Tiangong shuddered in his heart, and secretly decided that he must never do anything to offend Chen Zheng in the future!
But Li Yanran glanced at Chen Zheng, but she smiled in her heart. For these Huaxia people, she would not care about their life or death. She was worried that killing them would lead to investigation by the organization, but now Chen Zheng has already taken action. , Li Yanran only needs to ensure that everyone dies.In fact, as the captain of the dragon team, what she longs for is to be straightforward, but there are too many constraints at ordinary times, so she is very envious of Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, I really envy you, you can be straightforward, You can be unrestrained! These are beasts, and I really want to kill them, but I dare not, so I envy you!"

"Don't envy me!"

"No, I must envy you, because your own strength is too strong, so you can go straight!"

"Hehe." Chen Zheng shrugged his shoulders, but saw the purple-gold-eyed tiger in front of him slowly walking over, opened his mouth wide, revealing a golden bead inside, and said something to Chen Zheng respectfully with his eyes. sentence.Of course Tian Gong and Li Yanran couldn't hear it, but Chen Zheng heard it: "Xiao Jin, you mean that these wild wolves are controlled by this golden bead? Whoever gets the golden bead can control all the wild wolves? What? You also said that this golden bead is already stained with my blood? This is great!"

Chen Zheng put away the golden beads.

On the other hand, Tiangong stared blankly at the golden bead in Chen Zheng's hand, wondering what he was thinking...

Under the attack of wild wolves, the audience was soon empty, and everyone died, bitten to death by wild wolves.Chen Zheng clapped his palms to express his encouragement to the wild wolf, then walked inside and began to check, but found that Dr. Smith was not here at all.

"Chen Zheng, have you found Dr. Smith?" Li Yanran came up from behind.

"No." Chen Zheng shook his head.

"Then where is she?" Li Yanran's face turned pale.

Chen Zheng looked back at Li Yanran and knew why Li Yanran was so pale. She had lived for more than 20 years, and what she longed for most was to return to a normal person, so the disappearance of Dr. Smith was undoubtedly the biggest blow to her. Chen Zheng smiled, After comforting Li Yanran, he used the see-through technique to look around. Soon, behind the stone wall in front of him, he saw Dr. Smith and a middle-aged Chinese man. He smiled and said, "Yanran, Dr. Smith It's inside!"

"What? Great! Chen Zheng, I love you to death!" Li Yanran kissed Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng's face turned red rarely, and he walked forward quickly. Li Yanran was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw Tian Gong behind her staring at her in surprise, she became angry: "What are you looking at? Didn't see it?" Is your captain chasing the handsome guy?"

I go!

When Chen Zheng heard this sentence, his heart was agitated, and he hurried forward.

He had just arrived at the stone wall, and was about to break it, but at this moment, he heard a low growl coming from below, and his face sank...

(PS: For the fourth change, please recommend tickets!)

(End of this chapter)

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