super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 253 Are You Wiping Blood, Or Taking Advantage?

Chapter 253 Are You Wiping Blood, Or Taking Advantage?

A low growl sounded from below, Chen Zheng's face sank, he took a step back, and then raised his voice: "Yanran, Xiaogong, there is danger down here, it should be a terrifying existence, let's be careful, don't come up Already!"

"what's the situation?"

Li Yanran and Tiangong's eyes were full of doubts. They stopped, took out their instruments, and then carefully inspected, and found that the surroundings were dead silent, and there was no horrible existence at all, and Tiangong was even posted on the On the floor, he listened carefully to everything below, but he still didn’t hear anything. He was about to ask Chen Zheng, but at this moment, there were bursts of rumbling machine beeps, and the floor in front of the stone wall was slowly opened. One young man with blood-red eyes walked out of it.

At that moment, Tiangong jumped up: "I'll go, Master, you are right, there really is a terrifying existence! But how did you test it? I can't feel any existence with instruments!"

Of course Chen Zheng would not tell Tian Gong that he discovered it with the see-through technique, and he shouted: "You all back down!"

There were bursts of deep roars, and this young man with blood-red eyes came out. They were all infected by the TC8 virus, and they were extremely ferocious, with murderous looks in their eyes.

"Chen Zheng, what is this?" Li Yanran looked nervous.

"It should be a mutant, an existence infected by Dr. Smith's TC8 virus!" Chen Zheng said, and then punched the red-eyed young man in front of him, knocking him out hard. He was just about to turn around. He quickly dodged away, but saw the red-eyed young man behind him spit out a mouthful of venom, and with a whoosh, the blood stained Chen Zheng's body. Chen Zheng frowned, and quickly took off his shirt, revealing his firm chest.


Li Yanran glanced at Chen Zheng's strong chest, and for some reason, her heart was agitated.


With a sound of brushing, the red-eyed youth on the other end spit out a mouthful of blood and splashed towards Li Yanran and Tiangong. After all, Li Yanran was the leader of the dragon team, so he quickly avoided it, but Tiangong was hit by the blood. Dipping, he wanted to take off his clothes, but it was too late, the blood stained his body and corroded away, causing Tiangong to scream in pain.


Chen Zheng frowned, the blood spurted out by these red-eyed youths should be poisonous!
If it touches the human body, it will inevitably cause a strong killing effect on the human body.

Li Yanran also noticed this, her face turned pale: "Xiao Gong, how do you see?"

"I'm in so much pain!" Tiangong desperately wanted to shake off the blood on his chest, but found that the blood kept sticking to his body, causing his face to twitch in pain, but what made him more desperate than the pain was Death, stained with blood, will surely die!

Because these young people are all infected by the TC8 virus!
It's dead now!
Tiangong's eyes trembled.

"Yanran, you cover!" Chen Zheng said, leaning forward quickly, activating the spiritual energy in his dantian, and hitting Tiangong's wound with a palm, the pain made Tiangong tremble all over, but seeing Chen Just as his face was solemn, Tian Gong trembled all over: "Master, am I hopeless?"

"As much as possible!"

Chen Zheng circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian and poured into Tiangong's body. Seeing that the spiritual breath sealed Tiangong's wound, Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't seem to hurt anymore..." Tiangong's eyes were full of excitement and trembling. He quickly checked his chest and found that the wound had been coagulated, and the blood could no longer get into his body. His eyes were full of excitement , pulled Chen Zheng, and cried bitterly: "Master, I really thank you. If it weren't for you, I would die here today! Huh, Master, you are simply my benefactor in this life!"

"Let's go back and talk about the extra words, now let's fight against these blood-eyed youths!" Chen Zheng shouted.

Tian Gong quickly stood up, looked forward, and saw the blood-eyed young man slowly approaching him, his face became extremely angry, he gave a low shout, took out his pistol, and rushed to kill him, kicking him first. A blood-eyed young man hit the chest, and then fired a shot at the blood-eyed young man, but the bullet hit the opponent, but it had no effect at all. On the contrary, the blood-eyed young man punched hard, hitting Tiangong on the chest , knocking Tiangong out.

Tiangong fell to the ground, spitting blood: "Master, we are not their opponents!"

Chen Zheng looked at the blood-eyed young man with a cold face: "It's really surprising. I didn't expect Dr. Smith to create so many mutants! After these young people were infected by the TC8 virus, they became even more violent. Whether it is Explosive power, or speed, are different from ordinary people!"

Li Yanran fired a shot, and the bullet hit a blood-eyed young man in front of her fiercely, but she frowned, the blood-eyed young man was not knocked into the air, and suddenly rushed towards Li Yanran.Li Yanran felt a breath of death, she wanted to avoid it sideways, but it was too late, she could only subconsciously raise her hands to protect her face, she was willing to die, and she was unwilling to be disfigured again. If blood gets on it, it will definitely be disfigured!

Li Yanran heard Chen Zheng's voice. The next second, when she opened her eyes, she found herself leaning against Chen Zheng's arms. She froze and stared blankly at Chen Zheng. , she could see Chen Zheng's focused and handsome face, and she was touched in her heart, feeling that Chen Zheng's embrace was so warm and firm.

Chen Zheng hugged Li Yanran with one hand, and kicked the blood-eyed youth away with one kick.

"Haha..." At this time, in the research room inside the stone wall, Dr. Smith saw the performance of Chen Zheng, Li Yanran, and Tiangong through the monitoring screen, and forced to kill those blood-eyed youths as soon as they came out. The three of them pressed towards Chen Zheng in an overwhelming posture, making Li Yanran, Tiangong and Chen Zheng extremely embarrassed. Dr. Smith became excited: "You see, this is the horror of the TC8 virus! Even if Chen Zheng So what if he can deal with wild wolves? These youths are all infected by the TC8 virus, can Chen Zheng deal with them? Haha..."

The Chinese middle-aged man next to him stared at everything on the screen, and suddenly said: "Dr. Smith, do you think these blood-eyed youths can kill Chen Zheng? If they can't be killed, I will quit. There is no need to do this again." Muddy water!"

Dr. Smith's face became angry: "I tell you, if these blood-eyed youths can't kill Chen Zheng, I will have my arm cut off by you!"

The middle-aged Huaxia frowned: "Why do I think you might be lying to me!"

"Damn you!" Dr. Smith cursed, and suddenly took out a TC8-91 medicine from the device: "This is TC8-91, which has a strong bombardment effect. , if there is no antidote, you will die immediately, if you don't believe me, I can promise you now!"

As he spoke, Dr. Smith slapped the TC8-91 potion on his body, threw another bottle of yellow liquid medicine at the middle-aged man, and said, "I'll give you the antidote, if Chen Zheng doesn't die after three hours , don’t give me the antidote and let me die!”


The middle-aged Huaxia froze there.

"How? Do you believe our sincerity now? Our Satan organization is a 300-year-old mysterious organization, occupying a huge market in the fields of biology, medicine, and genetics. We will never cheat you! We need a Spokesperson of China, you were chosen by us, of course we have sincerity towards you!" Dr. Smith said.

The middle-aged Huaxia glanced at the yellow liquid medicine in his hand, and nodded: "Okay!"

"Let's just watch the show. Within three hours, Chen Zheng will definitely die!" Dr. Smith said with a cold expression.

At this time, in the grotto, Chen Zheng hugged Li Yanran, and then drove away by mistake. He stood on the stone wall, looking coldly at the blood-eyed youths below. Suddenly, he felt that these blood-eyed youths seemed to be As if under control, he looked around and found four cameras around the lobby. These cameras were still moving. Dr. Smith should be monitoring the place.Chen Zheng smiled coldly, took out four stones, and smashed all the cameras.

Dr. Smith and the middle-aged Huaxia looked at the white screen in horror: "Damn, this Chen Zheng is too accurate, right? He smashed the camera with a stone!"

The Chinese middle-aged man was a little anxious: "Dr. Smith, can you kill Chen Zheng? If you let him in, we will definitely die!"

"Don't worry, Chen Zheng will definitely die! I've already given you my life's guarantee!" Dr. Smith said.

"All right!"

After Chen Zheng smashed the camera, he hugged Li Yanran and fell to the ground. He wanted Li Yanran and Tiangong to retreat, and then he personally killed all these blood-eyed youths, but found Li Yanran in his arms. His face was flushed, as if hurt: "Yanran, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm hurt..." Li Yanran said with a flushed face.

"Oh?" Chen Zheng put Li Yanran down carefully, and then took a step forward: "Yanran, Xiaogong, you all step back, and I can leave this place to me!"

"Master, it's so dangerous! These blood-eyed youths are not human, they are mutants infected by the TC8 virus, they are terrifying!" Tiangong became anxious, and Li Yanran's face turned pale: "Chen Zheng, you can't do that! Don't be brave, these should be Dr. Smith's last weapon! But don't be tough!"

"With these blood-eyed youths, do you dare to fight me?" Chen Zheng smiled coldly, and he rushed forward, and then launched an attack. Every time he struck, he would kill the opponent. Another blood-eyed young man was killed by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng's speed was so fast that he seemed to be in no man's land. Even though these young people had been infected by the TC8 virus, they were killed by Chen Zheng one by one.Chen Zheng blows the opponent's head with each palm and punch, so what if you are a mutant?No brains, all rubbish!


Tian Gong froze there, he just rushed forward, and was directly hit by the blood-eyed young man so that he vomited blood, but now, Chen Zhengruo entered the flock of sheep and killed invincible, which is too frightening.

"It's amazing! I thought Chen Zheng would be surrounded by these blood-eyed youths, but I didn't expect him to kill him, and he washed everything with blood in a short time!" Li Yanran's eyes were full of surprise: "This should be Dr. Smith's last weapon , but they were all bloodbathed by Chen Zheng, Dr. Smith is not Chen Zheng's opponent at all!"

Chen Zheng washed all the blood-eyed youths with blood, and for the few remaining youths, he directly issued an order: "Wild wolves, jump on them and kill them!"

The pack of wild wolves pounced on them, and bit the remaining young men to their bones. After doing all this, these wild wolves slammed into the stone wall again, trying to make a breach.Watching the pack of wild wolves hitting the stone wall crazily, Tiangong froze there: "Having this pack of wild wolves is really cool! Master, you are really amazing. Not only do you have a pack of obedient wolves, but you also have You also have terrifying skills, Dr. Smith's last weapon was washed by you, and Dr. Smith will vomit blood and die after knowing it!"

"I'm not that good!" Chen Zheng shook his head: "Although I can explode the heads of blood-eyed youths, these are poisonous people infected by TC8, and they can only be washed clean by wild wolves going up and devouring them. At most, it’s just soy sauce.”

Hearing this, Tiangong felt very mad: Sister, you jumped on it just now, and bloodbathed all the blood-eyed youths in less than 5 minutes. Of course, these young corpses are poisonous and need to be swallowed by wild wolves. If it weren't for you, these young people would have died so quickly?You even said that you are soy sauce?Just now these wild wolves were scared to the side by the blood-eyed youth. If you play soy sauce, aren't these wild wolves trash?You are so humble, do you want to let people live!
Chen Zheng saw the pack of wild wolves bumping into the stone wall in front of him, and said, "Okay, don't bump into it! Dr. Smith and the others won't be able to escape!"

The wolves quieted down obediently.

Chen Zheng felt that the spiritual breath in his body was a bit empty, so he quickly sat down to practice, wanting to replenish his strength, and then went to find Dr. Smith. He sat down and began to practice, but he didn't notice that Li Yanran also sat down, staring at him with fiery eyes. Chen Zheng's bare chest.

Chen Zheng was full of muscles, and Li Yanran was staring at Chen Zheng's body from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, she leaned even closer, leaning on Chen Zheng's shoulder, reaching out her hand to touch the skin of Chen Zheng's body, and seeing Tiangong's whole body froze: "I said, what do you want to do, Captain?"

Li Yanran glared at Tiangong, feeling that Tiangong was too much of a hindrance: "What are you looking at? Can't I wipe Chen Zheng's blood?"

After speaking, Li Yanran rubbed Chen Zheng's chest muscles with her hands.

Tiangong's eyes were full of suspicion: "Are you wiping blood, or taking advantage?"

"You..." Li Yanran's purpose was exposed, she stared at Tiangong fiercely, and then backed out. As soon as Li Yanran left, the surroundings became quiet, and Tiangong sat beside him, staring blankly at him. Chen Zheng's pockets and eyes were full of excitement.

Chen was practicing, hoping to recover his strength, and then went to catch Dr. Smith, but at this moment, he felt a hand reaching into his coat pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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