super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 267 Is This Son-in-Law Good? [Part 4]

Chapter 267 Is This Son-in-Law Good? [Fourth Update]


Everyone was shocked, completely frozen there, looking at Chen Zheng with a pale face. They didn't know what the black energy in Wu Dan's body was, but seeing Wu Dan fainted on the ground, they still felt nervous. Wang An Walking up, he held Chen Zheng's clothes tightly: "Brother Xiaozheng, hurry up and save her..."


Chen Zheng was also very nervous. He used the see-through eye technique to see clearly. Seeing that the black energy in Wu Dan's body was boiling up, spreading towards her internal organs, and gradually soaking her internal organs, he was anxious. , quickly said: "Help her up and put her on the hospital bed!"


Hua Tian knew that Chen Zheng was the ancient killer, so he listened to Chen Zheng's command. He quickly lifted Wu Dan up and laid him flat on the bed.

Looking at the pale-faced Wu Dan, Hua Tian was very nervous: "Xiaozheng, my wife also had such a situation a few months ago, and she was rescued after being sent to the hospital for rescue. As early as a year ago Before, she had such a situation..."

"She has a black energy in her body, which should have come out of years of hard work!" Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique to carefully observe the situation in Wu Dan's body. The spiritual breath in his body poured in, and the black energy had spread towards Wu Dan's internal organs. The spiritual breath poured in, and Chen Zheng immediately sealed the black energy and stabilized Wu Dan's condition first.

The black air mainly dissipated towards Wu Dan's body.

So when Chen Zheng sealed the black energy, Wu Dan's condition gradually stabilized, and his face was no longer so pale.

"Auntie is much better..." Wang An's face was pleasantly surprised, and he held Hua Tiandu's hand tightly: "Look, Auntie's complexion is much better, her complexion is much better..."

A flash of excitement flashed in Hua Tiandu's eyes. Unexpectedly, Chen Zheng really worked. He took Wu Dan to various hospitals in the capital, but he couldn't find out the cause of Wu Dan, and he couldn't prescribe the right medicine. Some vitamins, and then told Wu Dan to take a good rest and adjust his mood.Seeing that Chen Zheng stabilized Wu Dan's condition as soon as he made a move, Hua Tian was very excited, thinking that Chen Zheng should be able to remove the toxins from Wu Dan's body!
"Xiaozheng, what should we do next?"

Xia Lei looked closely at Chen Zheng, now only Chen Zheng can save Wu Dan.

"Take your time." Chen Zheng used the see-through eye technique to carefully observe the situation in Wu Dan's body. Seeing that the black energy was being suppressed and condensed inside, he nodded and moved the spirit in his dantian. Breath, and then rushed in, began to clear the black air in Wu Dan's body, but what made him frown was that these spiritual breaths could only press the black air to one point, but could not clear it.

In Wu Dan's body, the black air was suppressed back.

All the black energy concentrated on Wu Dan's heart, which was as big as a fist, and Wu Dan's condition stabilized, his face became ruddy again, and his fingers moved even more.

"Great!" A flash of excitement flashed in Hua Tiandu's eyes, he held Wu Dan's hand tightly, a tear flowed from his eyes, he cried, he knew that after Chen Zheng made this shot, he His wife will recover completely.


Wang An also knelt down beside the bed, looking closely at Wu Dan.

The corners of Wu Dan's eyes were twitching, she opened them slowly, and saw Hua Tiandu and Wang An's nervous expressions at a glance, at that moment, a tear flashed in her eyes, and she tightly held Hua Tiandu and Wang An together. Holding Wang An in his arms, he burst into tears: "I almost thought I was going to leave you... I never thought I'd see you at the end... It's good to see you..."

Hua Tian held Wu Dan and Wang An in his arms without saying anything.

Li Yanran and Xia Lei beside them both sighed inwardly. This family who had suffered so much was finally united tightly.

Only Chen Zheng was standing there, using the see-through eye technique to discover the cloud of black energy in Wu Dan's body. Can't stop saying: "Auntie, you should pay attention to rest more in the future!"


Wu Dan raised his head and looked closely at Chen Zheng.

"Madam, it was Xiaozheng who rescued you just now." Hua Tiandu said.

"What!" Wu Dan was shocked and froze there: "Xiaozheng rescued me? Is he a doctor? Even the doctor can't do anything about my illness, so I can only tell me to go back and have a good rest. Xiaozheng can save me. I?"

"That's right, exactly!" A smile flashed across Hua Tiandu's eyes: "Xiaozheng also knows medical skills, and he is a comprehensive talent!"

"Yes, yes, auntie, brother Xiaozheng is very powerful. He is a king and a genius doctor. He is the prince charming of sister Xiaoying, hehe..." Wang An was very happy. My mother's illness was cured. On the other hand, Chen Zheng was too good to make his parents happy.

"Ha ha……"

Wu Dan smiled, looking at Chen Zheng's eyes became liking, she never imagined that her son-in-law was so powerful, and at the critical moment, she still relied on his son-in-law to save her, looking at Chen Zheng, she smiled in her heart: I can't think of the first time When I met my son-in-law, I received such a big meeting ceremony from my son-in-law. This son-in-law is not bad!

Xia Lei had been watching Wu Dan's expression all the time, seeing that Wu Dan liked Chen Zheng very much, he felt excited: This is great!
At this time, Chen Zheng's face was a bit serious, because he knew that although the black energy in Wu Dan's body was compressed, it had not been completely cleared, and it would definitely burst out in time. The black energy is compressed, but it will explode sooner or later, so if you have nothing to do next, I would like to ask you to stay here so that I can heal slowly and completely clear this black energy !"

"of course can!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Wu Dan's eyes. He never thought that Chen Zheng cared so much about her. Where can I find such a son-in-law with a lantern?
"Xiaozheng, I really have to trouble you from now on!" Na Huatian held Chen Zheng's hand tightly, feeling very excited in his heart, now it's all over, the hopes of his daughter and wife are all in Chen Zheng's hands. The body is broken, the daughter must rely on Chen Zheng's aura to return to normal, and the wife must rely on Chen Zheng's aura to clear away the black energy. This Chen Zheng is destined to meet him, and he is destined to be a nobleman of his Hua family.Thinking of this, Hua Tiandu secretly decided that no matter what in the future, he would let Chen Zheng join the Hua family!
"Well, it's not troublesome at all to serve the leader!" Chen Zheng smiled.

"Hehe..." Hua Tian liked Chen Zheng more and more, he patted Chen Zheng's shoulder, and gave him an appreciative look.

After this time, Wu Dan also completely recognized Chen Zheng. Before, it was only Hua Tian who admitted that Chen Zheng and Wang An were in love with Chen Zheng. Fully recognized Chen Zheng.At the time of her life and death, it was Chen Zhengyi who rescued her without hesitation. This gift of meeting was very important, and it also deeply touched Wu Dan's heart.

"Okay, nothing else, I'll go back and have a good rest."

Chen Zheng said something, and then walked out. He just walked out of the camp, but he frowned, and found a few soldiers sneaking around.A sneer flashed in his eyes, he felt that there was something wrong with these soldiers, could they be Commander Wang's buddies, right?
That's true, these soldiers are the best friends of Commander Wang.

They waited for a long time, but they didn't see Commander Wang coming back, but they received a message from Commander Wang: You guys also ran for your lives, we shouldn't be in collusion with Dr. Smith, now I've been exposed and I'm fleeing to a foreign country, you want Pay attention to a man named Chen Zheng. He is a terrifying ancient killer. All the weapons developed by Dr. Smith, including TC8 pistols, virus dogs, mutants, etc., are not Chen Zheng’s opponents. If you don’t want to die , just run for your life, of course you can stay in the military area, but you must not fight against Chen Zheng anymore, he is not something we can fight against!

When they saw this message, their faces were pale and bloodless.

Seeing Chen Zheng from a distance now, their eyes were full of fear: "This Chen Zheng is an ancient assassin! Didn't ancient assassins only exist in history? But now, he appeared in front of him alive! He can even fight against the virus dogs and mutants developed by Dr. Smith!"

"Captain, what should we do? Will he kill us?" A soldier asked palely.

"I don't know..." The captain looked scared in his eyes.

Another soldier said again: "Captain, if we run for our lives, I can't sleep for the past two days. At night, I have nightmares, dreaming that an ancient killer like Chen Zheng is coming to kill us!"

The captain sighed: "Fleeing is death! Let's apologize to Chen Zheng honestly! After all, we were also forced to cooperate with Dr. Smith!"

When Chen Zheng heard this, a smile flashed in his eyes. So these soldiers belong to Commander Wang?He glanced at the soldiers and saw that they were trembling, shrugged his shoulders, and walked away.Behind him, Hua Tiandu and Xia Lei looked at Chen Zhengyuan's back, and Xia Lei smiled: "Tiandu, I really want to congratulate you for getting a son-in-law like Chen Zheng. How do you feel about the position?"

"You want me to arrange for Xiao Zheng to become a minister or something?" Hua Tian looked at Xia Lei.

"Of course!"

"That's impossible. Xiaozheng is not a member of the system. I can't arrange for him to be a minister. After all, the law is fair now. Civil servants need to take an exam. Only after passing the exam can they enter the system." Honest and honest.

"I'll go!" At that moment, Xia Lei scolded: "I said Tiandu, you are too stupid, right? Chen is the son-in-law you approve of, he is the husband-in-law chosen by your daughter, Don't you want him to join the Hua family, and then inherit the incense and power of the Hua family? Now you tell me that you can't arrange for Chen Zheng to become a minister, so what can you do? Chen is the son-in-law you approve of, He is the son-in-law of your Hua family, and you say that you have nothing to do? Are you still treating Chen Zheng as your son-in-law? Are you shameless? You want Chen Zheng to bear a child for your Hua family, but you Can you justify not letting Chen Zheng live a good life?"


At that moment, Hua Tian couldn't even refute it. He looked guilty and sighed: "In this way, I have really failed Xiaozheng! I have to pay him back!"

(PS: The fourth update is over! Thank you book friend [1674661171] for the monthly ticket, and I will repay you with an update! Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, and I will add an update to repay you!)
(End of this chapter)

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