super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 268 I'm Still Having Nightmare [Part 1]

Chapter 268 I'm Still Having Nightmare [First Update]

"So, I really lost to Xiaozheng?" Hua Tian even heard Xia Lei's scolding, but was unable to answer or refute. Chen Zheng was chosen by his daughter, and he also admitted Chen Zheng. Next , is to cultivate Chen Zheng well, but as Huaxia's most promising leader, Hua Tian is very decent in dealing with people. In fact, he can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. on his values.

"Don't you really want to promote Chen Zheng?" Xia Lei was really angry, and continued to scold: "What happened to your Hua family? Xiaojie got into a car accident and became a vegetable. He was sterile for life and had no offspring. Now There is only one hope left, and that is Xiaoying. Xiaoying has already chosen Xiaozheng, so Xiaozheng is the next hope. Don’t you really plan to nurture him? When you get old, there will be absolutely no successor what!"

Hua Tian nodded.

That's right, when he gets old, the Hua family will have no successors.

It's just that asking him to promote Chen Zheng is against professional ethics, but if he doesn't promote it, it will definitely fail, so he can only say: "Brother Lei, regarding the matter of Xiao Zheng, all this has to be done slowly. Ah! Xiaozheng definitely needs to be cultivated, but it has to be done slowly!"

"There is not much time left!" Xia Lei shook his head: "Xiaozheng is in his early twenties, he must be cultivated to become a minister or the richest man in China, so that he can be worthy of the Hua family! If you have the heart, you will definitely not Let Xiaozheng continue to go on alone! I think you already know about Xiaozheng and Xiaoying, why do you keep letting Xiaozheng sink into it?"

"This..." Hua Tian couldn't answer.

"Tiandu, to be honest, did you meet Xiaozheng as early as three months ago?" Xia Lei asked.

"Yes, exactly!"

"Did you appreciate Xiaozheng very much at that time?" Xia Lei asked again.

"Yes, Xiaozheng defeated me on the chessboard. He is indeed worthy of my appreciation. He is a rare young talent!" Hua Tian recognized Chen Zheng's strength from the bottom of his heart. He could even challenge two people in the capital, and The victory shows Chen Zheng's strength.

"Then why didn't you cultivate Xiaozheng? Why didn't you promote Xiaozheng?" Xia Lei looked closely at Hua Tiandu.

"This... I had nothing to do with Xiao Zheng at the time, why did I cultivate him?" Hua Tian frowned.

"It doesn't matter? Don't you appreciate Xiaozheng very much? And at that time, didn't you ask Xiaozheng to help you find Xiaoying? You asked him to serve you, and you appreciated him from the bottom of your heart, why didn't you cultivate him well?" Him? Let him wander alone in the East China Sea, can you justify it?" The more Xia Lei thought about it, the angrier he became: "Tiandu, it's useless for you to keep saying that you approve of Xiaozheng, but when it comes to nurturing and promoting, you have never Take action!"

Hua Tian became a little anxious: "Are you making too much sense?"

"Pretentious words? Then, let's go to Commander Xia!" Xia Lei and Hua Tian both found Xia Wei, and Xia Lei said directly: "Father, you judge the truth, Tiandu fell in love with Xiaozheng as early as three months ago , appreciated Xiaozheng, and felt that Xiaozheng was a rare young talent. At that time, he even entrusted Xiaozheng to help find Xiaoying, but within these three months, Tiandu ignored Xiaozheng and let Xiaozheng Working here alone, if Tiandu cared about Xiaozheng a little bit, nurturing and promoting Xiaozheng a little bit, Xiaozheng would have made great achievements! Now, Tiandu recognizes Xiaozheng and thinks Xiaozheng is his son-in-law. For a long time, he has ignored Xiaozheng, father, you judge, Tiandu, is he doing the right thing?"

Hua Tian hesitated to speak.

And Xia Wei took a look at Hua Tiandu, and then asked: "Tiandu, have you really admitted that Xiao is your son-in-law?"

Hua Tiandu nodded: "That's right, Xiaozheng is indeed a recognized son-in-law!"

"Then you already recognize Xiaozheng as your son-in-law, why don't you cultivate and promote him well?" Xia Wei said, "Lei'er was right when he scolded you. A father-in-law like you wants to get an excellent son-in-law, but he doesn't want to be a good son-in-law." I can't bear to spend my time cultivating and promoting him, and if I say it, I will definitely lose face of the Hua family!"

"This..." Hua Tian became anxious: "Although I am a leader, I cannot promote Xiaozheng. He must first pass the national examination and become a civil servant on his own strength before I can cultivate him!"

"You are a dead boss!" Xia Wei said quickly: "The national exam is for other people, so can't you make Xiaozheng the richest man in the country? Can't you cultivate Xiaozheng economically? Let him create a business empire?"

"This..." Hua Tiandu was speechless for a moment.

"For the past three months, Xiaozheng is still wandering in the East China Sea. He has no one to rely on, no background, no power, no place to pull. He is only better than a migrant worker. As a father-in-law, you don't care about him at all? Xia Lei couldn't help but cursed again.

Hua Tian was a little embarrassed. As a big leader, if he really wanted to cultivate a person, he also had his own methods, but he never started to cultivate Chen Zheng. It was only a few days ago that I found out that Xiao is the husband-in-law chosen by my daughter, don't worry, I will raise him immediately after I go back!"

"You met Xiaozheng three months ago, admired him, and asked him to help you find Xiaoying, but these three months you have ignored Xiaozheng, neither cultivated nor promoted him, if you really With a conscience, Xiaozheng has already become the richest man in the East China Sea!" Xia Lei said angrily.

Hua Tian was very embarrassed and couldn't answer.

Xia Lei changed the topic again: "Actually, your father, Hua Xingbang, already knew that Xiaozheng was the son-in-law chosen by Xiaoying, but he always ignored Xiaozheng and let Xiaozheng start his own business. How is your family doing?" What did you do? Xiaozheng is a talent. Once you nurture him, he will definitely shine, but your family is indifferent! You appreciated Xiaozheng three months ago, but you have been unwilling to cultivate him, and your father Hua Xingbang knew that Xiaoying had selected Xiaozheng for three months, and he has been refusing to promote Xiaozheng, so your family only cared about finding a son-in-law for Xiaoying, and now that you have found him, you don't care about nurturing him!"

The more Xia Lei talked, the angrier he became.

After hearing this, Hua Tian felt very embarrassed: Yes, I appreciated Xiaozheng three months ago, but I never nurtured him, and my father knew about Xiaozheng and Xiaoying three months ago, and has been Xiaozheng was not promoted, hey, so to speak, our Hua family really failed Xiaozheng!

"Tiandu, you really didn't do well!" Xia Wei also said: "You appreciated Xiaozheng three months ago, so you should nurture him well, and Xingbang knew Xiaozheng and Xiaozheng three months ago. Ying's business is over, we must promote Xiaozheng instead of ignoring him!"

Hua Tian was very embarrassed by what Xia Wei and Xia Lei said, and he said tightly: "Don't worry, I know what to do next!"

At this time, Chen Zheng didn't know that Hua Tiandu, Xia Lei, Xia Wei and others were already discussing his affairs, and he practiced as soon as he had time, so he left the camp, came to the forest, sat On the ground, he was practicing quietly, but he suddenly opened his eyes: "Since you are here, come out!"


There was a burst of laughter, and a woman came out of the woods. It was none other than Liu Li. Liu Li was wearing a fox sweater. She had a tall figure, a clean appearance, and a clear temperament. Walking over slowly, a fragrant breath rushed over.Chen Zheng stood up, held Liu Li in his arms, and said with a smile, "Liu Li, where have you been?"

"I'm going to burn Song Zhi's body!"

Liu Li said something lightly, then leaned into Chen Zheng's arms, very quiet, and she didn't know how long it took before she said: "Chen Zheng, thank you for helping me kill Song Zhi."

Chen Zheng smiled, stroked Liu Li's soft jade back, and suddenly asked, "Liu Li, what are you going to do next?"

"I promised you that I will return to you and be your lover after I have avenged myself!" Liu Li raised her head, took a deep look at Chen Zheng, and then kissed Chen Zheng proactively, and kissed him. Chen Zheng's lips, this shocked Chen Zheng, before he could react, Liu Li's penis had already broken through his jaw, and then protruded in, which made Chen Zheng froze there.

I don't know how long the kiss took, Liu Li let go of Chen Zheng, and smiled sweetly: "Chen Zheng, I'm going to prepare now, remember to wait for me tonight..."

"Waiting for you?" Chen Zheng froze: "What are you waiting for?"

"It's okay, you can just wait for me tonight..." Liu Liyan smiled, then walked out, and disappeared into the woods after a while, coming mysteriously and leaving in a hurry, leaving only Chen Zheng standing there, Doubt that Liu Li has never appeared?Before Liu Li tried to kill Song Zhi, but failed, Chen Zheng rescued her and put him in a camp outside the forest. Now that Song Zhi is dead, Liu Li appeared, but disappeared again, making Chen Zheng elusive Through: "Liu Li said to wait for her tonight? Why?"

Chen Zheng shook his head, stood up, and then walked into the camp.

From a distance, he saw a few soldiers hiding behind the stone bushes. If they were right, they should be the subordinates of Commander Wang. Chen Zheng smiled lazily, ignored these soldiers, and walked inside.

"Captain, why are we monitoring this ancient killer every day?" A soldier asked nervously.

"Let's see if he will call Officer Xia to catch us!" The captain hurriedly said, "If he calls someone to catch us, we can run for our lives immediately!"

"That's right, that's right!" The soldiers nodded.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, there was a stern shout, and Xia Lei walked over with a stern expression: "What are you sneaking around here, why are you staring at Chen Zheng?"

"Officer Xia..."

The faces of those soldiers were pale, and the captain came to his senses and quickly asked respectfully: "Officer Xia, in fact, we really want to know if this Chen Zheng is the ancient killer? Why did he appear here? We are here to monitor Chen Zheng, just want to prevent him..."

"Spy on him? Are you idiots? Chen Zheng is Hua Tiandu's son-in-law, why are you spying on him!" Xia Lei shouted.


The faces of these soldiers changed drastically, and they stared at Xia Lei firmly: "Chen Zheng is Hua Tiandu's son-in-law? Hua Tiandu is...but a great leader... Oh my God, Chen Zheng is too scary, right? Knowing that he was the ancient killer, we lost sleep all night, now we know that he is Hua Tiandu's son-in-law, we will not only suffer from insomnia, but also have nightmares..."

(PS: Thanks to the book friend [Don't make noise] for the monthly ticket, today is still the fourth update, repay this book friend! The first update!)

(End of this chapter)

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