super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 269 I Miss You as a General [Part 2]

Chapter 269 I Miss You as a General [Second Update]

"We may be having a nightmare!" These soldiers were pale and trembling all over. They naturally knew who Huatian was, and they had heard before that the Hua family had suffered various tragedies. First, Huajie had a car accident. , became a vegetative state, then Hua Tianping was found infertile and had no offspring for life, and then Huaying disappeared. This series of tragedies deeply affected the Hua family.

The Hua family is a big family, and the entire Huaxia people know the situation of the Hua family.

What excited these soldiers now was that the Hua family had chosen a son-in-law, and it was Chen Zheng.

"Oh my God! Isn't this Chen Zheng too terrifying? He is an ancient assassin, and now he has climbed up to someone like Hua Tiandu and become Hua Tiandu's son-in-law. He will definitely become a great success!" A soldier trembled all over his body. .

"It's not just as simple as being successful. The Hua family is tragic. There is only one daughter. The Hua family should recruit a son-in-law. When Chen Zheng enters the Hua family, he will definitely inherit the incense and power of the Hua family. At that time, the Hua family will become a terrorist." existence!" The captain's eyes were full of fear, he was afraid that he would offend such a person, and he would definitely not be able to bear the rhythm of walking around!
"This is miserable, we are dead!"

Several soldiers trembled all over.

"Did you do something to offend Chen Zheng?" Xia Lei frowned, looking at the soldiers coldly.

But these soldiers shook their heads desperately: "No, absolutely not!"

If Xia Lei knew that they had assisted Dr. Smith and fought against Chen Zheng, Xia Lei would definitely submit them to Chen Zheng, and they would surely die by then. Thinking of this, they shuddered.

"You all come with me!"

Xia Lei felt that these soldiers were sneaky, so he led them all towards Chen Zheng, and when he saw Chen Zheng, he immediately said, "Xiao Zheng, these soldiers are sneaky and spy on you, look What's going on next?"


As soon as Chen Zheng saw these soldiers, he knew them. Just as he was about to speak, he saw these soldiers kneeling on the ground, trembling unceasingly: "Chen Zheng, please, let us go. It’s our eyes that don’t see Mount Tai, but we haven’t really set up tents for the tiger, please, let us go...”

Xia Lei frowned: "Xiaozheng, what did they do?"

"'s okay, they're just monitoring me, just let them go back, it's okay..." Chen Zheng waved his hand, anyway, these soldiers can't make trouble, and they just obey orders, and they didn't really mess up. Come.

"Thank you Chen Zheng!"

The soldiers were so excited. They originally thought that Chen Zheng would take them under the knife. After all, they had assisted Dr. Smith. Before they left, they sent them a message saying that Chen Zheng was a devil, a cold-blooded devil. They were kind, and they were very excited: this Chen Zheng is not like what he said, he is a devil, haha...

Several soldiers were excited, and then fell to their knees on the ground.

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Zheng waved his hand.


Several soldiers hurried out, and as soon as the soldiers left, Xia Lei couldn't help asking: "Xiaozheng, what's the situation with these soldiers?"

"It's okay." Chen Zheng shook his head.

"Oh." Xia Lei was about to say something. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and a group of people came in from outside. It was Hua Tiandu, Xia Wei, Wu Dan and Wang An. When he walked in, he looked towards Chen Zheng, saw that Chen Zheng was also there, Wang Anle grinned, ran up, and grabbed Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, my father and Grandpa Xia discussed it, and said that we should have a good time. Nurture you!"


There was doubt in Chen Zheng's eyes, how to cultivate him well?
But seeing Hua Tiandu and Xia Wei were seated, Hua Tiandu was the first to express his stance: "Xiaozheng, it's because we treated you badly and failed you. I appreciated you three months ago and asked you to help me go I'm looking for Xiaoying. I shouldn't ignore you these three months and let you wander around. I should nurture you well! And my father Hua Xingbang knew that Xiaoying and you are a couple in three months. , but did not promote you well, this is what our Hua family did not treat you well!"

"what's the situation?"

Chen Zheng was taken aback.

Wang An pulled Chen Zheng and smiled happily: "Brother Xiaozheng, my father has decided to nurture you well!"

"Really?" Chen Zheng was a little excited in his heart. He knew that if Hua Tiandu took the initiative to cultivate him, he would definitely be a great success, but he wondered, why did Hua Tiandu cultivate him?Could it be that Hua Tian really agrees with his relationship with Hua Ying?

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng felt very bloody.

Sister, I don't even know where Huaying is, I don't even know what Huaying looks like, but you are going to nurture me?
Chen Zheng felt that it was too bloody.

But Na Huatian smiled and said: "Xiaozheng, if you want to become a civil servant, I can't help you. After all, you have to enter the system first and become a well-established public servant before I can do it." Promote you within the system, but if you are an entrepreneur, I can cultivate you now, and make you an existence comparable to a series of giant companies such as Tenda, Alibaba, Huawei, and Baidu!"

Chen Zheng was very excited after hearing this.

If this is really the case, for him, it is definitely a chance to get ahead.

"Hmph!" Xia Lei snorted coldly, and said, "Heavenly Capital, why are you so rigid? Xiao is your son-in-law, why don't you let him enter the system? Let him go into business? Don't forget that with your current status, you can single-handedly promote Xiaozheng, it just depends on whether you have the heart!"

Wang An next to him also smiled and said, "Uncle, you can promote brother Xiaozheng."

"No!" Hua Tian shook his head firmly: "Unless Xiaozheng is admitted with his own strength, if not, I can't cultivate him!"

"You..." Xia Lei became anxious again, and wanted to scold Hua Tiandu, but Xia Wei, who was next to him, stopped Xia Lei with a smile, and looked at Chen Zheng who was beside him: "Xiao Zheng, tell us honestly, Do you want to be in politics or in business?"

"Politics is not suitable for me. On the contrary, I like to do business and build a big business empire with my own hands!" Chen Zheng said honestly.

"Hehe." Hua Tian laughed, he patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder, and said with admiration: "Xiao Zheng, I just like your plan. In today's society, not only in politics, but also in business, you can make a big difference. Come on! If you really put your heart into it, I can use my energy right now to make you soar, and become an existence that can resist big companies such as Tencent!"

"However, I still hope that Xiaozheng can enter politics. If he fails in politics, then join the army!" Wu Dan said suddenly.

"Oh?" A gleam of light flashed in Xia Wei's eyes, and he said suddenly: "If you join the army, I can drag Xiaozheng here! Tomorrow is the annual military general assembly. If Xiaozheng performs well at the assembly, I will You can make an exception and accept him into the army, and then join the army!"

"This is great!" Xia Lei's eyes were full of excitement: "If Xiaozheng really joins the army, I will support it [-]%!"

Chen Zheng was puzzled in his heart, looking at Xia Lei, Xia Wei, Hua Tiandu, and Wu Dan, these Hua family and Xia family figures, why are all of them thinking about his future?To be honest, even he himself doesn't know what the future direction is, he just knows to move forward, but now these two big families in China are thinking of him?
Wang Anle smiled and said to Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, I think you have become a general, hehe..."

Chen Zheng wanted to scold Wang An. It was because of Wang An that he was involved in the plans of the Hua family and the Xia family. Xia Lei, Xia Wei and other talents regarded Chen Zheng as Huaying's husband-in-law!But the problem is, he doesn't even know where Huaying is, so how can he become the son-in-law of the Hua family?Now Hua Tiandu and Xia Wei are thinking about his future everywhere, making Chen Zheng even more unhappy with Wang An's unreasonable troubles. He glared at Wang An and wanted to scold her, but he looked at Wang An, the red little His face was so cute that he couldn't bear to scold her.

Seeing that Chen Zheng's complexion was not good, Xia Wei smiled and said, "Xiao Zheng, you have to participate in tomorrow's martial arts conference, you know?"


Chen Zheng nodded, and then hurriedly backed out.

To be honest, he is really not suitable for the discussion and arrangement of the Hua family and the Xia family. He is just an outsider. What qualifications does he have to be cultivated and arranged by the Hua family and the Xia family?

"It's Wang An, who keeps saying that Huaying will be betrothed to me!"

Chen Zheng's eyes were very unhappy, this guy Wang An is simply messing around!
He shook his head, drove out all distracting thoughts, and then walked forward, seized the time to practice, anyway, he can't offend Wang An now, so he can hide, right?

He walked into the woods and practiced.

At the same time, he used the see-through eye technique to look around, and within a radius of 5000 meters, he would hear all the movements. He did this to prevent that Wang An from messing around.After finishing all this, he immediately entered meditation and began to practice.Time passed quickly, and he didn't know how long it had been. Chen Zheng suddenly felt a figure coming towards him, and the speed was a bit fast, which made him frown: "Someone is coming! Who is it?"

Just as he was about to use the see-through eye technique to explore, he saw this figure rushing up and landed in front of him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the other person was a woman, and she was taking off her clothes. It turned out to be Liu Li.

Liu Li smiled and said, "I told you to wait for me at night, but now it's dark, here I come..."

"Could it be that you want to..." Chen Zheng's expression changed.

(PS: The second update, ask for a monthly ticket and a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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