super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 273 I Want You To Kill Them [Part 4]

Chapter 273 I Want You To Kill Them [Fourth Change]

"Stand at attention...Look forward...Look to the right...Slow down..." There was a powerful shout, and on the playground of the Armed Police Training Base, a young officer in a vest stood standing among a group of young men and women. In front of him, these men and women are all students who came to the military police. They either transferred from the army to the police, and then joined the police here after retiring from the army, or they were admitted directly from the police academy. Then come in for a tryout.

And Chen is the latter kind.

He came here to participate in the trial training according to Hua Tiandu and Xia Wei's plan. As long as he passed the trial training, Xia Wei could promote him into the armed police system, and then he could be slowly cultivated.

Most of the time, Chen Zheng is passive.

Because it was not his wish, but he respected Hua Tiandu and Xia Wei's plan, because if he really became an armed policeman, it would be cool.

He was wearing a military vest and standing in the team. In his company, Dalizhen, Wang An, and Tiangong were all there, while Xu Ying was a female soldier and was assigned to the women's volleyball team.This was their first day here, and as soon as they put down their luggage, they were immediately summoned here for a three-month trial training, and the officer standing in front of them was their instructor Liang Hong.

"Among you, some are retired from the military, some are formal exams, and some are based on connections. No matter what you are, I welcome you because you have the ability to come in!" Liang Hong raised his head and said with a serious face. : "But I tell you, if you fail the three-month trial training, you all have to go back! You come here in different ways, but one thing is the same, that is, you all have to pass the trial training Pass the test! I am your instructor, Liang Hong, and I was ordered to come here to assess you. During these three months, if you have any violations or dereliction of duty, you will be eliminated, and I will kick you out without hesitation! All of you There is a [-]-point assessment score, and if you fail to pass the various tests, points will be deducted, and once the assessment score is deducted below [-], you will be invited out of here!"

The whole platoon was dead silent.

"Okay, today is your first day here, run [-] kilometers immediately!" Liang Hong shouted.

"What? Twenty kilometers?"

At that moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically. The [-] kilometers is definitely a terrifying journey. They are all newcomers to trial training. Except for those retired soldiers, none of them have undergone systematic training. Difficult, but at this moment, the instructor asked them to run [-] kilometers?
This is absolutely killing people?
Dali Zhen turned pale, raised his hand and said, "Report to the instructor, we just reported for duty, can we run less?"

"Come out immediately!" The instructor shouted.

Chen Zheng realized something was wrong, but Dalizhen ran out, and said respectfully: "Report to the instructor, we just reported for duty, and it took a day's drive, can we run less?"

"What's your name?"

"Report to the instructor, my name is Wang Zhen."

"Very good, ten points will be deducted from Wang Zhen's assessment score!" The instructor shouted.

"What!" Dali Zhen's face changed drastically, and Chen Zheng and the others were also shocked suddenly. Isn't this too strict?He just made a suggestion, but he was deducted ten points?The assessment points are only [-] points, once they are deducted, they will be expelled!

Now, everyone's expressions changed.

"Run for me immediately!" The instructor shouted again.

Everyone turned pale and ran forward desperately. They no longer dared to question or confront. Even Dali Zhen ran forward desperately, but most of these people had not undergone systematic training. As a result, after running for three kilometers, he was out of breath, fell to the ground, and couldn't run anymore, especially Dali Zhen, who was sitting in the office, his body was a little fat, and he fell to the ground and stopped running, but saw the instructor Liang Hong waved his hand and walked away He came up and said coldly: "Wang Zhen, if you stay for 1 minute, you will have to add ten kilograms of sandbags to you!"


Everyone's face changed drastically, Dali Zhen's eyes were full of panic, he was added ten kilograms of sandbags, and it became more difficult to run, after running for a while, he began to vomit yellow water and white foam, his whole body was trembling, but He dare not stop.

And others dare not stop.

"Brother Xiaozheng, I'm so uncomfortable..." Wang An kept running next to Chen Zheng. Now, after running for three kilometers, she had already reached her limit. Her feet gave way, and she fell to the ground breathing heavily.

"Give him twenty kilograms of sandbags immediately!"


The faces of everyone around were pale, and Wang An was already dizzy, and didn't pay much attention to the instructor's words, until the instructor added sandbags to her and pushed her forward, she continued to run forward, but After all, she was a girl, and she passed out on the ground after running a dozen steps.

At that moment, Chen Zheng ran back anxiously, helped Wang An up, and shouted anxiously: "He has passed out, come and save him..."

But after calling several times, no one came to save him. Chen Zheng frowned, and was about to use the spiritual breath in his dantian to save Wang An, when the instructor came up and shouted at Chen Zheng: "You have stayed for 3 Minutes, immediately add thirty kilograms of sandbags!"

"I can add sandbags, but please send him to the police doctor!" Chen Zheng shouted anxiously.

"It's his business that he can't escape, it has nothing to do with you!" The instructor said coldly.

"But he's already fainted!"

"His fainting is the reason for his weak constitution. What qualifications does such a waste have to stay in the armed police system? He came here to participate in the trial training by himself, so he should take this situation into consideration. He is responsible for the accident!" The instructor said sternly: "What are you still doing here? Keep running, if you don't finish, you will be deducted ten points!"


At that moment, a flash of anger flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. Just as he was about to say something, the instructor said sternly: "If you don't accept it, you can just leave! This is the armed police, there is no need for trash!"

Chen Zheng clenched his fist tightly, he had better bear it, after all he had to pass the trial training!
Thinking of this, Chen Zheng activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, covered Wang An, pulled Wang An up, and ran forward. He knew that Wang An had reached his limit, so he pulled Wang An run.On the other hand, Tiangong was still able to persevere, Dalizhen vomited every few times he ran, and vomited out all the food he ate last night, it was all bitter yellow water, not only him, but other students, except those retired soldiers, The others had already fallen to the ground, but the instructor would run up to punish them at this time. The students dared not speak out, and continued to run forward as soon as they gritted their teeth.

Chen Zheng can bear it, but he is afraid that something will happen to Wang An and Dalizhen.

So he deliberately followed the two of them, using his spiritual breath from time to time to make them persevere.

After only running five kilometers, the instructor came over and shouted at Chen Zheng: "If you help them run, you will be invalid. Not only will you have to run again, but you will also be deducted ten points!"

"What!" Tiangong next to him was very angry, and shouted at the instructor: "So many people are running forward while supporting each other, you didn't punish, but now you want to detain Brother Chen , you clearly want to play with us!"

The instructor was originally a tough guy. When he saw Dali Zhen dare to question him, he became angry with Chen Zheng and his group. Later, when he saw that Chen Zheng ran for several kilometers without blushing, he planned to find Chen Zheng. Afterwards, when Chen Zheng helped Wang An up, he questioned him and made the instructor even more angry, so he deliberately came over to frustrate Chen Zheng's prestige. Now when he heard Tian Gong shout angrily, he sneered even more: "You really want to do this for me!" He's in his early years, right? OK, I'll punish you again, and you can only rest after running [-] kilometers!"


Tiangong, Wang An, and Dalizhen's faces changed drastically. They wanted to say something, but they were stopped by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng cast a wink at the three of them and told them to bear it. Then he raised his voice: "Report to the instructor!" , I am willing to accept an additional penalty of fifty kilometers!"

"Still running!" The instructor snorted coldly.

Tiangong, Wang An and Dalizhen wanted to say something, but they were pulled forward by Chen Zheng. After running far, Chen Zheng said in a low voice: "Remember, we are here for trial training, what's the matter?" Bear with it as much as you can, he is a public attack of the people, and he can't do anything against us! As long as he passes the trial training, he will live up to the expectations of Leader Hua!"

When the three of them heard Chen Zheng's words, they gritted their teeth and could only endure it.

After running for a while, Chen Zheng frowned, and found that the female soldiers had also started running, and Xu Ying was among them. After running for about three kilometers, Xu Ying couldn't hold on anymore, and saw that instructor Liang Hong was running towards the girls. Going to see Xu Ying lying on the ground, Instructor Liang Hong stretched out his hand to help Xu Ying up, and kept comforting Xu Ying, but everyone could clearly see that the instructor was taking advantage of Xu Ying, holding Xu Ying's hand in his arms. around the waist...

Seeing this, Chen Zheng, Tiangong, Dalizhen, and Wang An all felt a surge of anger in their hearts, and they all walked up. Chen Zheng pulled Xu Ying over, activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then It poured into Xu Ying's body, allowing Xu Ying to regain her strength.

"What are you doing? Don't you need to run anymore? What are you doing here? Run for me immediately! Each person runs an extra five kilometers!" Instructor Liang Hong sternly shouted.

"You are taking advantage of sister Ying! You still want to punish us..." Wang An was furious, but was stopped by Chen Zheng, who winked at Xu Ying, then pulled Wang An, and greeted Tian Gong and Dalizhen continued to run.

Xu Ying continued to run forward, deliberately avoiding Instructor Liang Hong.

Instructor Liang Hong originally wanted to wait until Xu Ying was tired from running, and then went up to take advantage of it, but seeing Xu Ying running more and more smoothly, his eyes were full of anger, and he kicked the can next to him viciously, towards Chen Zheng and the others. Walked over: "The four of you can run very well, right? All of you lie down and do push-ups! Each of you can do a hundred push-ups, and if you can't do it, you will lose ten points!"


Both Tiangong and Dalizhen were furious, but they were pulled by Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng used the spiritual breath in his dantian to act on the four of them, and the push-ups went very smoothly.

Seeing that the four of them actually made a hundred, the instructor could only give Chen Zheng a hard look, and then walked away.

As soon as the instructor left, Dali Zhen and Wang An were paralyzed on the ground.

And Chen Zheng and Tian Gong also sat on the ground to rest.

The instructor saw Chen Zheng and the others sitting on the ground resting in the distance, and was about to come up to find fault, but at this moment, the leader notified him of something, and he hurriedly ran towards the command room next to him, and saw a young man at a glance: " Shihao, why are you back? You joined the army three years ago, why are you back today? You didn’t even notify me when you came back!”

This young man is none other than Ye Shihao.

He glanced at Chen Zheng and the others in the distance outside the window, and suddenly asked, "Brother Liang, are these guys here for a trial training?"

"Exactly! What's the matter? Shihao, do you mean you know them?"

"Not only did they know each other, but they also became enemies. Brother Liang, I want you to play them to death!"

(PS: Let the protagonist kill this Liang Hong tomorrow! It’s already been four changes, keep asking for monthly tickets and rewards!)
(End of this chapter)

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