super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 274 Dare to Scold Brother Chen?die! 【Part 1】

Chapter 274 Dare to Scold Brother Chen?die! 【First update】

"Shihao, are you saying that these trash offended you?" Liang Hong looked closely at Ye Shihao. The instructors under Yongfu are like this. If he wants to be promoted, he must rely on Ye Yongfu.

If Chen Zheng and others offend Ye Shihao, Liang Hong can take the opportunity to climb up to Ye Yongfu.

"That's right, especially that bastard who dared to hit me. If I don't make him regret in pain, my surname will not be Ye!" Ye Shihao said with a cold face.

"That's good..." Liang Hong patted Ye Shihao on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Shihao, you can leave it to me, and I will help you play them to death. They came up at the gunpoint this time." , I will help you kill them!"


A murderous look flashed in Ye Shihao's eyes, didn't Chen Zheng and the others just come for a trial training?And Liang Hong was their instructor, as long as Liang Hong made a move, he would definitely kill them.Thinking of this, Ye Shihao's eyes were full of excitement: "Chen Zheng, you dare to hit me? You are dead!"

"Shihao, you can just watch the show here." Liang Hong said, and then walked out, and from a distance, he shouted at Chen Zheng, Tiangong, Dalizhen and Wang An: " What are you doing standing here? Why don't you keep running?"

"Report to the instructor, we have finished running!" Dalizhen said hastily.

"Don't you need to run after finishing the run? You will be fined another [-] kilometers. If you don't run enough before evening, you will not be able to have dinner tonight!" Liang Hong said with a stern face.

"You..." Wang An became anxious, and said angrily, "You clearly want to play us. None of them have run five kilometers. We have finished running twenty kilometers. You punished us. You clearly want to play us. !"

"I'm doing it for your own good! Don't you want to become an armed policeman? If an armed policeman doesn't have excellent physical fitness, how can he serve the people? You pampered waste, if you don't have excellent quality, what qualifications do you have to become an armed policeman? Of course, You don't have to run, you can get out now!" Liang Hong said with a cold face.


Wang An was a little annoyed, she is a majestic princess of the Hua family, how could she endure such a punishment?Her eyes were a little angry, but Chen Zheng who was next to him hurriedly grabbed Wang An and said, "The instructor is right, he is for our sake, if you don't have strong physical fitness, you will not be able to serve the people if you go out to society." Service, even your own survival is a problem! After all, the armed police is not something ordinary people can do!"

Under Chen Zheng's explanation, Wang An, Dali Zhen and Tiangong's faces were no longer so angry.

But Wang An couldn't help but said: "This instructor is thinking about us on the surface, but in private he is deliberately trying to trick us!"

"No, how could the instructor play with us?" Chen Zheng hurriedly greeted Wang An, Dali Zhen and Tiangong, and then ran forward. He operated the spiritual breath in his dantian, acting on Wang An, Dalizhen and Tiangong. , Now everyone ran more smoothly. After running for a few kilometers, Chen Zhengcai said: "In order not to disappoint Leader Hua, you all have to listen to me and try to endure everything. The three-month trial training period is very fast." It will pass."


Wang An, Dalizhen and Tiangong looked at each other and nodded emphatically.

Dalizhen glanced at Liang Hong in the distance, and cursed in a low voice: "This grandson is probably a hard-headed one, the only one who wants to mess with us, but we have no grudges against him, and there is no need to argue with him. Even if he wants to mess with us, as long as we do what we need to do, he can't do anything with us!"

"Exactly!" Chen Zheng patted Dalizhen on the shoulder.

Next, everyone continued to run, except for Chen Zheng, the other three were a little out of breath, especially Wang An, a girl, how could she run?In the end, he could only lean on Chen Zheng's shoulders, and Chen Zheng used the spiritual breath in his dantian to restore Wang An's strength.This time, Wang An was able to persevere, while Tiangong and Dalizhen next to him couldn't bear it after running for ten kilometers, but when they thought of Chen Zheng's words, they could only grit their teeth and persist.

After running twenty kilometers, it was already five hours later.

Chen Zheng, Tiangong, Dalizhen, and Wang An sat down on the ground, their bodies covered in sweat. Except for Chen Zheng, the other three had lost their lives. If it weren't for Chen Zheng's spiritual breath, they wouldn't be able to hold on. .

Instructor Liang Hong glanced at Chen Zheng and the others, snorted coldly, left without saying anything, while Ye Shihao hid in the building and kept staring at Chen Zheng and the others. Seeing that these four had run the entire twenty kilometers, A murderous look flashed in his eyes, he ignored Liang Hong, and went straight to find his father Ye Yongfu.That Ye Yongfu was the captain of the East China Sea Armed Police Force. He was on the phone. This call was made by his superior. His superior was Huang Gengzhen, Director of the East China Sea Armed Police Force. Isn't Huang Gengzhen already on a business trip?I didn't expect to call him at this time.

"Leader Huang, during your business trip, everything in the army is going according to the procedures." Ye Yongfu said respectfully.

"Old Yong, I'm not calling you on business." On the other end of the phone, Huang Gengzhen smiled.

"Haha..." Ye Yongfu's eyes flashed with excitement. It's not a business matter, so is it a private matter?Talking about personal affairs with the leader will definitely lead to the relationship with the leader. Thinking of this, Ye Yongfu quickly smiled and said, "Boss Huang, what orders do you have?"

"It's like this. Recently, the Armed Police Force has tried out a few new recruits. I want you to help me cultivate them well!" Huang Gengzhen said.

"What? Cheng Chengcheng, Leader Huang, please rest assured, I will definitely train you well, please rest assured..."

"I will send you the information of these people later."

"Okay okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yongfu's face was full of excitement. He didn't expect the leader to ask him to cultivate a few newcomers. Now, if he performs well, he will definitely get the attention of the leader...

Meanwhile, in the dormitory.

Chen Zheng, Tiangong, Dalizhen, and Wang An reported to the new dormitory after eating, and found that it was a collective dormitory with 50 people in a big room. As soon as Dalizhen walked in, he immediately found his bed , fell asleep, but Wang An stood up and said to Chen Zheng: "Brother Xiaozheng, I want to go out and buy some daily necessities."

"Well, I'll go with you."

At that moment, Chen Zheng and Wang An went out to prepare daily necessities, but a gleam flashed in Tian Gong's eyes. One person was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. He usually sat in the office and was already exhausted. After a burst of excitement, he opened his eyes and saw several instructors sitting opposite him, the leader of which was Liang Hong.

Dali frowned, stood up, and looked around: "Where's Brother Chen?"

"Sit down!" An assistant coach next to him kicked Dalizhen directly on Dalizhen's abdomen. Dalizhen took a deep breath from the pain, and sat down on the bed. Dalizhen was not stupid, and looked around Looking around, he found that he was the only one in the dormitory of Nuo University, did he really find him?
Instructor Liang Hong looked at Dalizhen with a sneer on his face: "Do you know that someone wants me to kill you recently?"

Dali raised his eyebrows and frowned: "Who?"

"Did you offend someone last night?" Instructor Liang Hong suddenly asked again.

Dalizhen is not stupid, he immediately realized, could it be that Ye Shihao from last night?In a panic, he stood up, but was pressed firmly on the bed by the two teaching assistants next to him.

Instructor Liang Hong smiled and said, "He wants me to kill you guys! But I'm very friendly, as long as you pay me a little money, I'll consider letting you go and not getting involved in this matter!"

"How much?" Dalizhen asked.

"Not much, just 300."

"Get out!" Dalizhen cursed, and then walked out, but was knocked down on the ground by Liang Hong's kick. Dalizhen's eyes were full of anger, but he remembered that Chen Zheng had ordered him to have a trial training here. It's only been a month, and everything will be over if you bear with it. As soon as he gritted his teeth and lay there without saying a word, he didn't believe that these people dared to beat him to death.

And Liang Hong saw Dalizhen lying there without saying a word, he smiled coldly: "I said you are too useless, right? Who would not follow, but why would you want to follow that Chen Zheng, that Chen Zheng offended someone, He will be killed sooner or later, is he worth your life for him as a waste?"

"Say it again!" The suddenly silent Dali opened his eyes and stared at Liang Hong.

"Hey, are you angry?" Liang Hong mocked for a while.

"You can scold me, you can beat me, I will never fight back, I can bear it, but if you dare to scold Brother Chen, I will kill you!" Dalizhen didn't know where the courage came from, his eyes were fixed Staring at Liang Hong.

Liang Hong also got angry, and slapped Dali Zhen on the face, yelling: "You fucking dare to be fierce to me? Who do you think you are? I'm going to kill that Chen Zheng now, what are you? What can you do to me?"

"I want you to die!" Dali Zhen punched Liang Hong fiercely.

Liang Hong was punched, touched his hand, and found a line of nosebleeds. His expression changed drastically, and he yelled at the teaching assistants on both sides: "Go up and kill him, damn it, you dare to hit me! Go up and kill him!" "

The four teaching assistants were also furious. Unexpectedly, a student of Dalizhen dared to hit the instructor with his hands. They rushed forward, and hit Dalizhen's face with a fist, until Dalizhen fell to the ground, and then they rushed forward and kicked him. Kicking on the ground, the kind of kicking to death, either on the abdomen or on the face, the vigorous vibration usually sits in the office, struggled a few times at the beginning, and was beaten completely after a while There was no way to fight back, and blood gushed out from the nose, mouth, and ears.

Dalizhen continued to say: "You scold Brother Chen...I can't bear it anymore...I want you to die..."

"Damn it, you're still stubborn, pull the belt!"

Liang Hong snorted, immediately pulled off the belt, and slammed it towards Dalizhen's face, with a muffled slap, the flesh on half of Dalizhen's face was completely reddened.The four assistants behind him also tore off their belts, and they twitched Dalizhen's head violently. After a few minutes of twitching, Dalizhen's face was completely bruised, and blood gushed out, staining the ground, covering the entire body. Everywhere.

Liang Hong was not satisfied with the beating, and shouted outside: "Everyone come in for me, this bastard beats the instructor, all come in and kill him..."

(PS: Thanks to the book friend [Unable to Love] for the reward of 588 book coins, today the fourth update repays him! This is the first update! The protagonist will explode later, everyone look forward to the next chapter!)
(End of this chapter)

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