super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 278 Having such a brother is enough [Part 1]

Chapter 278 Having a brother like this is enough [Part [-]]

In the Armed Police People's Hospital, in the senior ward, Dalizhen was already out of danger after being rescued, and was placed in the senior ward. People took turns to take care of him 24 hours a day, and Chen Zheng also waited quietly outside the ward for seven days. Finally, Chen Zheng walked in and looked at Dalizhen who was tightly wrapped up on the sickness. Although all the wounds were bound up, the deformation of Dalizhen's head was still so clear.

Moreover, Dalizhen's face was bruised, and the flesh did not know when it would recover. Even if it could recover, it would inevitably leave scars.

Today, a week later, Dalizhen also woke up. He was sitting on the hospital bed, when he heard someone open the door, he looked up with difficulty.

"Don't look, it's me..." Chen Zheng hurried up.

"Damn you, I thought you had already been captured by Ye Shihao. Didn't expect you to visit me when you were free?" All paralyzed in bed.

"Don't move around, it's just recovering, and the injuries on your body haven't fully healed!" Chen Zheng said dissatisfiedly, and then asked the nurse next to him to quickly check whether Dalizhen was injured. The head nurse looked at her in a daze, looking at the nurse in a daze, and when the nurse left, Dalizhen hurriedly said, "Brother Chen, after going through this calamity, I decided to enjoy life to the fullest."

Chen Zheng smiled: "I'll take you to the big health care some other day! I invite you to ***!"

"No way? Brother Chen, your personality has changed?" Dalizhen looked at Chen Zheng in surprise.

"This is what brothers should do." Chen Zheng said lightly. Seven days ago, Dalizhen beat Chen Zheng because the instructor scolded him. Secretly decided to regard Dalizhen as his brother in this life.He had told Dalizhen to be patient, but Dalizhen did it, not because others scolded Dalizhen, nor because others scolded Dalizhen, but because others scolded Chen Zheng.

It is enough to have such a brother in this life!
"Haha, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed!" Dalizhen laughed, but the wound on his body twitched, causing him to grit his teeth in pain.

"Don't move around! Basically all parts of your body have been disabled by the beating, your face has been bruised, and your head has been deformed by the beating. Now I will help you recover!" Chen Zheng said firmly...

When Tian Gong, Xia Xue, Wang An, Liu Li, Xu Ying, Xia Lei and others came to the hospital one after another, they were all surprised to find that in the advanced ward, Chen Zheng was helping Dali Zhen to heal his injuries, and Chen Zheng was sitting there quietly, Run the spiritual breath in his dantian, then pour into Dalizhen's body, and heal Dalizhen's injuries little by little. One hour has passed, two hours have passed, three hours have passed...

Chen Zheng was sweating profusely, beads of sweat slid down and stained his body.

Chen Zheng felt very tired.

Paled face.

But what silenced everyone was that Chen Zheng was still sitting there motionless and treating Dali Zhen. It was unknown how long it had passed. Finally, five hours later, Chen Zheng collapsed from exhaustion and was paralyzed on the ground. Here comes Several nurses were able to help Chen Zheng onto the bed, while Dalizhen on the other end fell into a deep sleep. To everyone's surprise, Dalizhen's body was constantly recovering, and his deformed head Also returned to the original appearance...

At that moment, everyone froze at that moment. They knew that it was Chen Zheng who had consumed all his spiritual energy to revive Dali back to his original appearance!

It was already the second day after Chen Zheng woke up. As soon as he got up from the bed, Dalizhen who was on the bed next to him was alarmed. Dalizhen turned his head and looked at Chen Zheng excitedly: "Brother Chen, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I'm really going to be disabled and disfigured, but with your help, I'm almost recovering, as long as I continue for a few more days, I can be discharged from the hospital!"

Chen Zheng smiled, punched Dalizhen in the chest, and said: "Dalizhen, don't say anything, I'll wait for you to recover, let's find a time to talk!"

As for the brother, there is no need to thank him. When Dalizhen stood up for Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng secretly decided to treat this brother with care!

"Chen Zheng, what's the next plan?" Xia Xue looked at Chen Zheng: "If you want, I can let you stay in the armed police through my father."

Chen Zheng shook his head: "Forget it, we have already beaten the people there to the point of fear, and there is no point in going back. Although this incident was suppressed by Huang Gengzhen, we also made trouble after all, and going back will make it difficult for Huang Gengzhen , Let’s forget it, let’s come back and continue our business!”

Liu Li next to her smiled: "Xiaozheng, I have good news for you. The rough stone we cooperated with the jewelry group has been completed, and Wang Ting, the general manager of the other party, invited me to her banquet tonight. You are all ready Let's all go to Wang Ting's banquet tonight."


Chen Zheng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Liu Li to be so capable, right?In less than two weeks, the rough stone order with Wang Ting has been completed?Now that's all right, if you quit the armed police, you can immediately start your company's business.Chen Zheng smiled, and when everyone wasn't paying attention, he slapped Liu Li's upturned buttocks hard, making Liu Li's face turn red, and he felt aroused when he saw it.

At the moment, everyone went back to prepare, and then attended Wang Ting's banquet tonight.

Xia Xue was going to be on duty tonight, so she didn't go to participate, but vigorously recovering, she still needed to rest in bed, and Xu Ying heard that she was going back to prepare her graduation thesis, so she didn't follow her, only Wang An, Liu Li, Tian Gong and Chen are going to Wang Ting's banquet.However, when Chen Zheng drove that BMW back to the apartment, he ran into a familiar middle-aged man at the gate of the community. It was none other than Ye Shihao's father Ye Yongfu.

After not seeing him for a week, Ye Yongfu became much haggard. As soon as he saw Chen Zheng, he immediately ran up and said excitedly: "Mr. Chen, I finally waited for you to come back. Last time it was my son who was wrong. I came tonight for You apologize, in order to express my apology to you and the Hua family, I specially imported a sports car from the United States, and gave it to you as an apology!"

Chen Zheng moved and looked towards the garage next to him. Sure enough, there was a red Ferrari 599.

This car is worth at least more than 100 million. It seems that this Ye Yongfu is not as clean as he looks!

Ye Yongfu took out the car key from his pocket, and handed it up with both hands: "Please accept it, I will never offend you again from now on, please sir, please let us go, my son has died I was admitted to the hospital by you, everyone's fire will disappear..."

Chen Zheng didn't want to appreciate it at first, but when he thought of Dali Zhen's injury like that, accepting Ye Yongfu's gift now was just for atonement, so he snatched the car key, and then kicked Ye Yongfu hard. Ye Yongfu kicked it out on the abdomen, and said coldly: "Get out, don't let me see you again!"


Ye Yongfu quickly nodded and bowed, then ran out and disappeared into the community.

"Brother Xiaozheng, why is he so afraid of us?" Wang An asked suspiciously.

"It's because of the Hua family!"

"Oh, so that's how it is, hehe..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Zheng, Wang An, Liu Li and Tiangong drove their BMWs towards the Wang family's mansion. They didn't know what day it was at Wang Ting's side, and why was there a banquet?But Chen Zheng provided Wang Ting with rough stones, so it was appropriate to participate, and when Liu Li took out the invitation card, the two bodyguards gave way.

As the richest man in the East China Sea, the Wang family has a very wide social network.

At tonight's banquet, there are big figures from various industries, fields, occupations, and departments. On the contrary, the four of Chen Zheng seemed a little lonely walking among them. Men and women in suits, leather shoes, and jewels were everywhere, and these were big The main person in charge of the company and most departments is either rich or expensive. On Chen Zheng's side, only Liu Li used her communication skills to actively integrate into the upper class.

Feeling bored, Tiangong greeted Chen Zheng and ran away.

And Wang Anle smiled grinningly, pulled Chen Zheng, walked towards the dining table, picked up the grape marijuana cake, and ate it while talking, what made Chen Zheng puzzled was that this little guy Wang An Turned out to be a foodie?I usually don't see Wang An eating a lot, but today this guy leans against the dining table, tastes everything, and eats everything.And when this guy drank a few glasses of red wine, a few dizzy clouds appeared on his little face. If she was not careful, her whole body fell towards the cake next to her.

This cake is as tall as a person.

"Brother Xiaozheng, save me..." Wang An stretched out his hand to hold Chen Zheng when he was in danger, and the two of them fell on the cake, which attracted the ridicule of the upper-class celebrities around: "You can tell at a glance." It’s someone who has never seen the world, who came here to steal the cake!”

Chen Zheng pulled Wang An up and wanted to go out, but he found that men and women outside were rushing in, blocking all the way out. Chen Zheng frowned, and looked back, only to find a man and woman coming from the spiral corridor. After walking down, the man is handsome, tall and handsome, he looks like a tall, rich and handsome man, but everyone's eyes are on the female companion next to the man, this woman is wearing a pure white dress, looks elegant As for Yujie, she is extremely beautiful, a representative of the kind of pure and pure jade that comes out of the mud, but under the gaze of everyone, the woman looks a little lonely and lofty, like a proud fairy goose looking down on all living beings.

"This girl is Wang Fu's daughter, Wang Ting! She is the designated successor of the jewelry group!"

"I heard that she is a top student. She entered Tsinghua University at the age of 15, completed her bachelor's and master's degrees in less than three years, and then went to Harvard to study for a doctorate!"

"Last year, she was also named one of the top ten outstanding young corporate talents in Donghai!"

"No matter how strong and powerful she is, I think she is a woman, and what attracts me the most is her beauty. Her beauty is like otherworldly fireworks, and there is a kind of purity in her beauty! I heard that although she Already 24 years old, but still a virgin! Just because of this perseverance, I admire her very much, either she is sick, or she is pure and pure, but I only believe that she is the second type!"

Everyone discussed with each other, and then looked closely at the pair of men and women who walked down.

But what made everyone frown was that this woman didn't seem to be interested in that man. No matter how the man next to him flattered and talked, she just couldn't see the woman talking. Not only this man, but other young talents thought Went up to talk, but still couldn't get Wang Ting to speak. Wang Ting looked high above her, with a hint of arrogance down to her bones.

However, soon, Wang Ting noticed Chen Zheng not far away, and her eyes lit up.

So, to everyone's surprise, Wang Ting, who was as proud as a fairy, walked up to Chen Zheng, and then smiled sweetly: "Chen Zheng, are you here?"

At that moment, everyone felt their hearts were thumped: Damn, there are so many sons, rich second generations, and young talents here, but Wang Ting is not a bird, on the contrary, But Wang Ting walked towards a boy covered in cakes?This guy knew at a glance that he was someone who came to steal the cake!Actually got Wang Ting's initiative to talk?God, what's going on?
(Thanks to the book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for the two rewards of 1888 book coins! Today’s update is five, to repay his first 1888 book coin reward! This is the first update!)

(End of this chapter)

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