super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 279 I like women more [Part 2]

Chapter 279 I Like Women Even More [Second Update]


At that moment, everyone was there, staring blankly at Wang Ting walking towards Chen Zheng, then smiled and started talking with Chen Zheng.At this moment, Chen Zheng is covered in cake all over his body, and the Armani suit he just bought is full of stains. He doesn't look like an upper-class celebrity who came to a banquet, on the contrary, he is a low-class person who came to steal a meal, but he is such a person, But it can make Wang Ting smile.

"What kind of authenticity is this? Do beauties like poor boys?"

"This Wang Ting is as proud as a crane, no one pays attention to her, but why did she catch up with this guy who came to steal food?"

There were bursts of surprised voices around, and the one who was most upset was the tall, rich and handsome man behind him. He was the grandson of the chairman of Shanda Group. He had already taken over the family group at a young age and became a general manager of the group. Today, he It was under the instruction of my grandfather that I came here to propose to Wang Ting, because Wang Fu, the chairman of the Jewelry Group, will soon abdicate, and it will be Wang Ting who will take over and sit on the chairman's seat, and the Jewelry Group and Shanda Group are Donghai The two largest groups have very frequent economic exchanges, and the parents of the two groups want to marry economically.

Wu Guanxi is the grandson of Chairman Shanda. He stood there, watching Wang Ting and Chen Zheng walking together, his eyes full of anger.

He scolded in his heart: Wang Ting, you pretending to be a noble bastard, I have been chasing you for three months, and you didn't even give me a smile, I thought you were a noble What about women, did you expect that you already have another man?Because of you, I haven't been to a nightclub for three months, and I've cleaned your body for three months, just to be worthy of you, but you're a fucking ****!

Chen Zheng noticed Wu Guanxi's murderous look behind him, he smiled and said to Wang Ting: "Manager Wang, long time no see."

"Long time no see, I miss you a little bit." Wang Ting smiled.

"You want me to die, right? You made an enemy for me just after I returned to East China Sea!" Chen Zheng's eyes flashed speechless.

Wang Ting turned her head and glanced at Wu Guanxi. Seeing Wu Guanxi's angry face and murderous eyes, she smiled and said in a low voice, "Let's go out and talk."

Before Chen Zheng said anything, he saw Wang Ting leaning forward, took his hand, and then walked out. Wang An behind him wanted to follow, but was stopped by Wang Ting's bodyguards. Walking forward, he found a pair of cold eyes staring at him in the entire hall. If eyes could kill, Chen Zheng would have died and died. When he passed the gate, Chen Zheng looked back at Wu Guanxi and found Wu Guanxi His eyes were full of murderous intent, Chen Zheng knew that he had already met Wu Guanxi.

As soon as he reached the back garden, Chen Zheng shook off Wang Ting's hand and said directly, "Tell me, why did you want to kill me?"

"Harm you?"

"Nonsense! Do you think I'm stupid? You smiled at me in front of such a person, held my hand, and said you didn't hurt me? I know your temperament very well. It is absolutely noble and arrogant. If nothing happened, would you run over and hold my hand? If not, you probably want to use me as a shield!" Chen Zheng said calmly.

clap clap!

Wang Ting patted her little hand lightly, a flash of appreciation flashed in her eyes: "Chen Zheng, you are indeed a smart person, what you said is correct, I did use you as a shield, and the purpose is to ask you to help me. "

"Help you get rid of that Wu Guanxi?"

"This..." Wang Ting was really surprised, and said sincerely: "You are really too smart, you already know everything before I open my mouth?"

"Nonsense!" Chen Zheng rolled his eyes: "You came out with him, which proves that he is interested in you, and you are very cold to him, which means that you don't like him. You deliberately held my hand, just to stimulate Him, and let him give up, but this is impossible, there is only one possibility, that is, you want me to help you drive him away! If yes, he should be your fiance or something!"

Wang Ting covered Taoying's small mouth, looked at Chen Zheng in surprise, and said after a long time: "You are really smart."

There was silence all around, and the two walked side by side towards the flower pavilion in the back garden. Along the way, Chen Zheng had a strange expression on his face, and he used the clairvoyance technique to explore the surrounding jungle, and found a couple of men and women playing wild. - War, the two continued to walk forward. From time to time, they heard the sound of undressing, slapping, and panting. Chen Zheng felt a little embarrassed, but found that Wang Ting in front of him was blushing. .

The two stood at the flower pavilion, not daring to leave.

And Wang Ting turned her back to Chen Zheng, and she didn't speak for a long time, because she thought of the scene when she met Chen Zheng for the first time. It was in the hotel. Her reputation was ruined. It was Chen Zheng who walked out and drove those thugs away. In order to calm her down, Chen Zheng even had a relationship with her.Although afterwards, she kept telling herself not to argue with Chen Zheng, but how many nights, when she thought about that night, her heart would be disturbed.

One part is longing and the other part is anger.

Now I heard a burst of panting, and the whole atmosphere became warmer.

Looking at Wang Ting's back, she looked a little thin in the autumn wind. Chen Zheng quickly took off his coat and put it on Wang Ting, but at that moment Wang Ting was shocked: "What do you want to do?"

Chen Zheng laughed in his heart: "You think I want to do that to you?"


Wang Ting quickly realized that she knew that Chen Zheng wanted to put on clothes for her, and she had misunderstood Chen Zheng, but looking at Chen Zheng's cheerful smiling face, Wang Ting was so angry that she walked into the grass, He kicked on the grass and shouted coquettishly: "All of you get out of here immediately!"

Couples of men and women in the grass heard that the voice should belong to the daughter of the Wang family, they gave a low cry, then ran away in panic, and disappeared after a while.

Soon the surroundings became quiet.

Wang Ting came back, then sat opposite, raised her small head, and looked at Chen Zheng proudly.

Chen Zheng smiled, sat down, and said, "Just tell me if you have any difficulties, and I will help you."

"Didn't you have a cold tone just now? Why did you change your mind?"

"Because I remember that in the hotel that night, I seemed to have bullied you, so I want to make it up to you." Chen Zheng smiled.

"You..." Wang Ting's face flushed for a while, and the arrogance that had finally gathered was suppressed by Chen Zheng, so she could only look at Chen Zheng with hatred, and then said: "That Wu Guanxi just now is the owner of the Shanda Group." Manager, Shanda Group is the second largest group in the East China Sea. Their chairman Wu Xianguang and my father engaged in an economic marriage and wanted me to marry Wu Guanxi to form the first alliance in the East China Sea! This is also a condition my father gave me. If I If you want to inherit Baoqi Group and become the chairman, then you have to marry Wu Guanxi."

Chen Zheng had already guessed that high-level celebrities like to play this trick, but looking at Wang Ting, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Wang Ting was puzzled and didn't know why Chen Zheng asked such a question, but she still shook her head: "No."

"Then why haven't you looked for it all this time? Isn't it good that Wu Guanxi is tall, rich and handsome?" Chen Zheng asked.

Wang Ting was silent for a long time before she said, "You really want to know why I didn't find a boyfriend?"

"En." Chen Zheng nodded: "You tell me the truth, and I will think about it before deciding whether to help you."

"Because I think I like women more." Wang Ting said calmly.

"What!" At that moment, Chen Zheng froze there, looking closely at Wang Ting: "But that night, you were very cooperative, it didn't look like it at all, why is it a piece of glass?"

"This..." Wang Ting's face turned red, and she didn't know why she took the initiative to cooperate with Chen Zheng that night, but since she was a child, she has a strong temper, and she must do everything perfectly. The elder brother also competes to the end, and has never had a soft and fragile side. With such a personality, she really likes women, but she did have a feeling when she and Chen Zheng were doing it in the hotel that night. How should I put it, she may be a double Sexually.

Glancing at Wang Ting, Chen Zheng said cautiously: "Are you twins?"

"That's right." Wang Ting nodded.

"Then you can go with Wu Guanxi, the three of you! Why do you have to find someone to drive him away? How troublesome!" Chen Zhengshi said.

Wang Ting's face sank: "To be honest, I'm not interested in him. In fact, I'm not interested in other men. If you didn't have sex with me to save me that night, I wouldn't be interested in you." Interested! But that's the way it is, that night I knew you were there to save me, so I opened up to you and accepted you, that's why I felt it, you made me realize my feminine side, but apart from you, I'm not interested in other men, if they touch me, I'd rather die!"

Chen Zheng was stunned. If it wasn't for saving her that night, he would have been beaten to death by her, right?
"If it's good, my father will give the family heirloom jade to Wu Guanxi later. If you'd rather help me, you can do it. If you don't want to help, forget it!" Wang Ting said, and then left, leaving behind Chen Zheng Standing there alone in a daze, it took a long time before he said cautiously: "If one day, I get Wang Ting in my hands, wouldn't it be possible for her to bring a woman for sex?"

Thinking of this, Chen Zheng quickly shook his head and drove out all the evil thoughts.

He walked outside, but his cell phone rang, and it was from Dalizheng. He hurriedly walked to the hotel door, and saw a Ferrari 599 parked there. Dalizheng was talking with two sexy girls. Chen Zhenggang left Going up, Dalizhen quickly stopped the two girls, then smiled, walked towards Chen Zheng, and said in a low voice: "Brother Chen, I can't stay in the hospital tonight, so I ran to find you, but I found a Ferrari car key on your desk, walked out of the garage, and there was indeed a Ferrari, Brother Chen, I know you are rich, can you lend me this Ferrari for a night? I just bought two Niu, I was just about to tell you to take them to open a house, please, brother Chen, don't take the car back..."

Chen Zheng smiled, and patted Dalizhen on the shoulder: "Go, leave me alone!"

"Brother Chen, I love you so much!" Dali Zhen cheered, then called down the fair-skinned beauty and pushed it to Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, this one is purer and should suit your taste, and that one is more coquettish." , I'm older, but I should know more flower guns. It's my food. Brother Chen, Ferrari can only seat two people. You take this girl to the wild-fight, let me drive my food to drive- Room..."

After finishing his sentence, Dalizhen's eyes lit up, he touched the hood of the sports car excitedly, his eyes were full of excitement, he said "Brother Chen, this car is really crazy", and jumped into the car , took the girl to the room, and Chen Zheng, who was behind him, sighed quickly: "Why do I have to make such bad friends?"

(PS: The second update, thanks to the book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for the two rewards of 1888 book coins, today the fifth update will repay him!)
(End of this chapter)

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