super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 282 She's a Woman

Chapter 282 She's a Woman

"This..." Those young people froze. How could they have thought that this Ye Yongfu would actually help Chen Zheng?Didn't it mean that Ye Yongfu is the uncle of the leader Ye Tianhao?Why is Ye Yongfu facing Chen Zheng?
"Tianhao, tell me the truth, what's going on?" Ye Yongfu snorted.

The young man quickly pointed at Chen Zheng and Dali Zhen and said, "The two of them played with my girlfriend! Give me a cuckold!"

Ye Yongfu slapped Ye Tianhao's face fiercely, and roared angrily: "Damn it, your girlfriend was played by someone else, it's useless for you, how dare you come to pester me? Get out of here! "

"But he..." Ye Tianhao was still about to say something, but Ye Yongfu slapped Ye Tianhao up again, knocking Ye Tianhao down to the ground, and shouted: "You fucking give me to Chen immediately!" I am apologizing, but he is an ancient killer, you are not something you can offend, you trash, how dare you ask me to offend him? Get down on your knees immediately!"

Saying that, Ye Yongfu slapped Ye Tianhao's face heavily again.

Ye Tianhao was beaten into a daze, and he didn't dare to go against his uncle's wishes, so he quickly knelt down on the ground. After all, he had to rely on his uncle to get into the armed police system, and as soon as he knelt down, the young people behind him also knelt down.That Ye Tianhao looked a little unhappy, but he still apologized: "Please, forgive us, it's our fault, we shouldn't offend you!"

Chen Zheng's face was cold, but he asked Dalizhen beside him: "Dalizhen, what do you think?"

Dali smiled: "It's okay, anyway, we beat his son and played with his nephew's girlfriend, so it's even, haha..."

There was a flash of anger in Ye Yongfu's eyes, but when he thought of the Hua family behind Chen Zheng, he shuddered all over, and then pulled his face and said: "This Mr. Chen, I have asked him to apologize to you, please Please, stop blaming us..."

"get out!"

Chen Zheng gave a cold shout, and saw Ye Yongfu pat Ye Tianhao on the head, then ran out, and disappeared in the parking lot after a while.

"Brother Xiaozheng, you and Dazheng went to play with his girlfriend just now?" Wang An leaned forward curiously, staring at Chen Zheng closely with his dark eyes, his face full of suspicion, which made Chen Zheng nervous. It's like being caught and raped, but what is this Wang An?What right do you have to meddle in your own business?Thinking of this, Chen Zheng stretched out his hand and pushed Wang An out, but with such a push, he pushed it onto Wang An's chest.

Chen Zheng felt very calm.

But Wang An blushed, because she clearly felt her breasts being pushed hard by Brother Xiaozheng, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes.

"What's wrong with you guy? You blushed after being pushed by me?" Chen Zheng glared at Wang An.

"I..." Wang An's whole face turned red, and he lowered his head shyly: "She is a woman, if you push her to her chest, of course she will blush..."

Seeing that Wang An was blushing more and more, Chen Zheng shook his head, and then told everyone to get in the car, ready to drive back. After the BMW and Ferrari started, they drove towards Tianhe District, but when they just got off Phoenix Mountain, Chen Zheng frowned He frowned, because he clearly felt that there was a very strange truck in front of him, so he used the see-through technique to look inside the truck, which made him frown, only to see a few pale women inside the truck.

"There is a problem with the truck ahead!" Chen Zheng said.

"What?" There was a burst of doubt in everyone's eyes.

"There are a few pale-faced women inside, who may be human trafficking!" Chen Zheng said.

"What!" When Na Dazhen heard this, his whole body became excited. He quickly stepped on the accelerator, and the whole Ferrari drove towards the truck. , we suspect that you are abducting human beings!"

At that moment, Chen Zheng was speechless.

Who are you?If there was really someone in the car, you would have already been alarmed!

That's true, the truck stopped, the door opened, and an old man jumped out: "I brought a few girls home, and you came to obstruct it? I haven't fought for a long time, come on, let me I will fight with you!"

"Good time, good time!" Dalizhen parked the Ferrari on the side of the road, and shouted, "Come on!"

However, Chen Zheng felt that the aura of the old man turned out to be an ancient assassin, which made him frowned, and hurriedly said: "Strike hard, be careful, this old man is an ancient assassin, you can't fight it, come back immediately !"

"Damn, if you walk along the side of the road, you can meet an ancient killer?" Dalizhen yelled, and then ran back, but the old man came up with a whoosh, slammed hard, and slammed his palm Hit Dalizhen behind him, knocking Dalizhen upside down and flying four or five meters, now, Dalizhen turned pale, and kept shouting: "Brother Chen, teach him a lesson!"

"Of course!"

Chen Zheng let out a low cry, then escaped up, circulated the spiritual breath in his dantian, acted on his hands, and then struck up with a palm, this palm swept up a strong wind, whistling towards him, before the palm arrived, the breath had already killed, then A trace of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes: "Okay, I met a practitioner here? Very good, very good..."

The old man slapped out a palm, and together with Chen Zheng's palm, a strong aura spread out to the surroundings, and Chen Zheng thumped back four steps in a row, while the old man did not move at all. Standing there, but the old man's eyes are full of surprise: "Good boy, you can block my palm, come again!"

The old man flew up again, and punched Chen Zheng heavily in mid-air.

Chen Zheng felt that the old man's terror was beyond his ability to resist, but when the opponent hit him, he could only face it bravely. He punched the old man, and with a muffled bang, Chen Zheng He backed away, three steps in a row.But the old man was surprised again and again: "Unexpectedly, you have learned so much? You took four steps back just now, and now you only take three steps back? It seems that you have already comprehended my aura!"

Chen Zheng shouted coldly: "Smelly old man, come if you want to fight!"

"Okay!" The old man's eyes were full of excitement. He let out a roar and then jumped up, and then launched an attack with Chen Zheng. The more the old man fought, the more he liked it. But gradually, Chen Zheng hit more and more smoothly, although he couldn't hit the old man with every blow, but he was orderly and excellent, which surprised the old man in his eyes: "Not bad, you are indeed a martial arts genius! This can stop it!"

"Old man, stop talking!"

Chen Zheng let out a low cry, stepped up, and continued to fight, but the more he fought, the more mysterious he felt the old man was. Many times he had already hit the old man, but he was knocked away by the opponent. Chen Zheng could still block the attack, but it was very difficult.

"Boy, give me another palm!"

The old man gave a low drink, and then slapped Chen Zheng with a palm.

Chen Zheng raised his palm and hit the old man together.

Deng Deng Deng!
This time, Chen Zheng took three steps back before barely standing up.He stood there, but saw the old man pounced on him again. He quickly activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, and then poured it into the piece of princess jade on his chest. Acting on the eyes, he used the see-through eye technique to look towards the old man. This time, he could clearly see the old man's attacks and martial arts.

All the old man's attacks were slowed down.

Chen Zheng felt excited, now he can block the old man's attack.

He stepped back, and saw the old man pounced up, and hit Chen Zheng hard in the face, but Chen Zheng quickly avoided it.

"Ah!" The old man looked surprised: "How did you avoid it?"

Chen Zheng smiled coldly.

"Kill!" The old man rushed forward, and hit Chen Zheng with another blow, and this palm hit Chen Zheng's chest.But all these attacks slowed down in Chen Zheng's eyes, and Chen Zheng could dodge them quickly, because the clairvoyant eye technique he used was spiritualized by mysterious martial arts.As soon as he dodged like this, the old man shouted excitedly: "As expected, you dodged again! Haha, you are indeed a martial arts genius!"

A sneer flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, he quickly dodged, and then wanted to wait for an opportunity to play a sneak attack, but the old man was too powerful, Chen Zheng could not sneak attack.

Chen Zheng hit him a few times, and then stepped back, only to see the old man standing there with excitement in his eyes: "Young man, you are too powerful, I won't kill you now, you wait for me, I'll go out, you are here Wait for me here!"

After saying a word, the old man's figure flashed, and then disappeared. As soon as he left, Chen Zheng quickly got into the car, and said to Dalizhen, Wang An, and Tiangong who were stunned on the other side: "Don't be in a daze. Here we go, get in the car, let's get out of here!"

"it is good!"

The three quickly got into the car, and Wang An's dark eyes flashed a gleam: "Brother Xiaozheng, aren't you going to fight that old man again? He told you to wait here for him."

"I'm a fool to wait for him!"

That old man was a terrifying existence. Chen Zheng was not stupid enough to stand here and wait for him to come back before calling. At that moment, everyone started the car and drove towards the outside. After a while, he had disappeared on the top of Phoenix Mountain. After this commotion, Everyone was no longer interested in going to the food stalls, so everyone went back to rest.There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Chen Zheng, Wang An, and Liu Li got up and went to work. The three of them walked into the office and started to get busy.

During this period of time, the company's operation is still OK, because there is the list of Baoqi Group here, as long as it continues to follow this list.

So Chen Zheng called the staff and held a meeting.

But Liu Li didn't come to the meeting, because in the VIP room, a few mysterious men came. These men were dressed in suits and leather shoes, elegant, holding briefcases in their hands, and stretched out their hands: "Hello, we are here to discuss the acquisition .”

"Acquisition?" Liu Li sat down with doubts in her eyes.

"Haha, Miss Liu, didn't you recognize us?" The middle-aged man next to him smiled and said, "We talked at the banquet last night..."

"I recognize you, you are the prince!" Liu Li offered to stretch out her hand: "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Hehe..." The prince said with a smile: "We talked last night, and you said that your company is developing, and you have made a deal with Baoqi Group, so we decided to come over to see your company today. situation, and then carry out acquisitions and investments, etc., to make the entire operation bigger!"

"Really? That's great!" Liu Li smiled, and then said, "Everyone, excuse me!"

"Go, go..." These men also knew that Liu Li was going to find the company's board of directors, and it was true. Liu Li went out, and then called Chen Zheng: "Chen Zheng, how many people are here?" A customer came over for an acquisition, saying that he wanted to invest in us and make our company bigger!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes: "Why did someone come over to buy it just after I came back?"

"Oh, it's the high-level celebrities I met last night." Liu Li smiled.

"That's it!" Chen Zheng smiled. He knew Liu Li's gaze, and the people she could get acquainted with were definitely not ordinary people, so when these people came to discuss the acquisition, Chen Zheng was also moved. He and Liu Li walked into the VIP room. The nobles quickly stood up and said with a smile: "If it's true, this is Chen Zheng, the chairman of Zhengzhen Company. We already knew him at last night's banquet!"

"Haha..." Chen Zheng smiled, stretched out his hand actively, and shook hands with these noble people.

"Then, we're going to deal with the acquisition!" These nobles sat down and introduced the situation of their company in detail. It turned out that it was the Dongxin Group, which ranked fourth in the East China Sea. They knew that the other party was a large group. Moreover, he wanted to take this opportunity to climb up the Baoqi Group. Chen Zheng just smiled. Recently, the company's bonuses have been a little bit unfavorable, and they want to expand greatly. If there is really a big group willing to buy it, Chen Zheng can also let Chen Zhengda play tricks .

"Chen Zheng, what do you think?" Liu Li looked at Chen Zheng with a smile.

"I think it's good!" Chen Zheng nodded, and saw Dali Zhen running in from outside, and said excitedly when he saw Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen, is there a big group coming in to buy? Let's agree! In this way we It will grow even faster!"


Chen Zheng nodded, then discussed with Liu Li and Dalizhen, signed a contract with Prince Wang, and established the procedures. Now there were bursts of laughter in the VIP room. Chen Zheng, Liu Li, Dalizhen The three of them hurriedly accompanied the nobles to the big hotel opposite for a meal. Until five o'clock in the evening, the nobles stood up quickly: "It's rush hour later, the road is very congested, we have to go first gone back!"


Now, Chen Zheng and the others hurriedly sent these nobles out.

It's just that they didn't know that after these Eastcom Group people went out, they quickly took out their mobile phones and made a call...

(PS: I have something to do at home today, so it’s too late to come back. There is only one update, and the fifth update will be tomorrow, so I can repay the book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for two 1888 rewards!)
(End of this chapter)

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