super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 283 Let Me Find You Again [Part 1]

Chapter 283 Let Me Find You Again [First Update]

When those men walked out of the hotel, one of the leading middle-aged men, Wang Jian, took out his mobile phone and made a call. As soon as the call was connected, he immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Wu, I have already According to your instructions, we have acquired Chen Zheng's company, and then we can kill them!"

On the other end of the phone, this Young Master Wu is precisely Wu Guanxi, with a stern smile in his eyes: "Chen Zheng, he has already signed the purchase contract?"


"That's good, we can kill him slowly, this bastard, dare to stop me from dating Wang Ting? I want him to die, I want him to die!" Wu Guanxi became more excited as he spoke, and he immediately drove towards Science Kai came from the city, and soon called Wang Jian and others to come down: "Where's the contract for the purchase?"

"Here..." Wang Jian quickly handed over the acquisition contract.

Wu Guanxi picked up the contract, his eyes were full of excitement, he saw the signatures of Chen Zheng, Liu Li, and Wang Zhen at the signature place, he laughed loudly: "Chen Zheng was finally fooled, you guys went in and smashed this This company, this is my subsidiary company, you can smash it however you want, and move it however you want!"


The youths who looked like gangsters nodded quickly, followed Wang Jianjian, and walked towards Zhengzhen Trading Company. As soon as they entered the company, they immediately shouted: "You don't have to be busy, this company is already ours!" The Shanda Group belongs, you can go away!"

"What!" Everyone was shocked and froze there.

These employees just finished the meeting with Chen Zheng, because the order with Baoqi Group was successfully concluded, so they were very happy and encouraged, and they heard that the company had been acquired by Shanda Group, which made them work harder, But at this moment, when they saw a middle-aged man walking in with six or seven gangsters, they all frowned: "What's going on?"

"What are you doing?" Wang An came out of the office, and when she saw everyone, she frowned.

"Smash it immediately!" As soon as Wang Jian waved his hand, six or seven gangsters started to move, took out water pipes and machetes, and hacked the desk. Will it be the opponent of these punks?As a result, they were beaten to the ground within a few strokes, and they could only watch the gangsters copy the guys and smash the company's desk. The computers, keyboards, documents, materials, etc. on it were all smashed into tatters.

"What are you doing!" Wang An's complexion changed, she knew that Chen Zhenghe Dalizhen had gone out to look for Wang Ting, so she rushed in to look for Liu Li: "Sister Li, someone is making trouble!"

Liu Li also heard the sound of smashing, she came out, and when she saw Wang Jian, she frowned: "My lord, why did you call someone over to make trouble?"

"I'm here to make trouble!" Wang Jian smiled coldly.

Liu Li frowned, and she was not stupid, so she reacted: "So, you bought our company because you want to smash this place?"

"That's right! Zhengzhen Trading Company has been acquired by us and has become a part of the Shanda Group. It is our subsidiary, so we have the right to destroy this place..." Wang Jian said, yelling at the gangsters: "Don't stop, keep smashing me, keep smashing me, smash it all here, smash it all!"


In the office, it was loud and messy, and Liu Li quickly made a phone call to Chen Zheng. As soon as the call was connected, she immediately said: "Chen Zheng, something is wrong. We have been fooled by Wang Jian. They bought our company to kill us!"

On the other end of the phone, a murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes. He was not surprised at all, because he was standing at the door of the hotel and saw Wu Guanxi sitting in the BMW car, waiting for something with cold eyes. Chen Zheng put down the phone, Then he called Dalizhen: "Wang Jian and those people are here to cause trouble. They bought our company just to kill us!"

"What!" Dali Zhen's expression changed: "Damn these bastards are so idle!"

"No, they should have been instructed by Wu Guanxi!" Chen Zheng's expression was cold.

"Wu Guanxi? Could it be the young master who wanted to pursue Wang Ting last night? These bastards really have their own methods!" Dali Zhen quickly cursed.


Chen Zheng greeted Dali Zhen, and then ran into the building. When passing by the BMW, Chen Zheng stopped, and then turned his head to look coldly at Wu Guanxi in the car, which shocked Wu Guanxi, Wu Guanxi His face turned pale: "Oh, you won't be discovered, right?"

Chen Zheng and Dali walked into the company on the elevator, and saw those gangsters beating up, they looked at each other, and then started to fight, neither of them were kind, and when they met these gangsters, they were determined to die So they climbed up, and then beat people, vigorously picked up stools and benches, and then went up to pump, while Chen Zheng only used his fist, and when he hit up with one fist, he knocked a young man upside down, Chen Zheng Just like wolves entering a flock of sheep and killing all directions, when the fists are knocked down, someone will fall to the ground and cry out in pain.

Then Wang Jian's face was angry: "You two thugs, what are you doing? This company has been bought by me, and it is part of the Shanda Group. I will smash it at will. How dare you meddle in your own business?"

"Kill him!"

Chen Zheng walked up, slapped Wang Jian heavily on the face with two slaps, and knocked Wang Jian down on the ground. Chen Zheng stepped on it, and stepped heavily on Wang Jian's chest. Spitting out blood, trembling all over, he kept begging for mercy: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I was just instructed by others..."

"What about the purchase contract?" Liu Li walked up and asked coldly.

"It's not on me..." As soon as Wang Jiang finished speaking, Chen Zheng punched him down again, causing Wang Jian to spit out bloody teeth.

And the six or seven punks behind him couldn't stand any storms. Chen Zheng just took out four of them. Entangled with Dali Zhendou, Dali Zhen exerted all his strength and brought them all down.

For a while, all the people who came to make trouble fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

Chen Zheng kicked Wang Jian: "Everything you smashed here will be cleaned up for me. You will pay as much as you have broken or broken! If you lose a penny, I will let you get out of it." This door!"


That Wang Jian's face was pale, and he quickly ordered the gangsters to clean up the mess, and compensate them one by one at the original price for how much they broke up and how much they messed up. They ran away, and as soon as they got downstairs, they ran towards Wu Guanxi, their faces were pale and bloodless: "Mr. Wu, Chen Zheng just beat us up! They won't let us hit us!"

"Don't be afraid, the contract is still in my hands. This Zhengzhen Trading Company is our subsidiary company. Don't worry, we will call someone to come and take it down tomorrow!" Wu Guanxi's eyes flashed a murderous look.

Wang Jian climbed into Wu Guanxi's BMW: "Angkor, I helped you so much this time, do you finally regard me as a brother?"

"Haha, when I put the contract in the most complete place, we will go to Lele!"

With that said, the BMW started and drove outside, but none of them noticed that at the moment, Chen Zheng, Dalizhen, Liu Li, and Wang An were standing on the floor-to-ceiling windows of the building, and Dalizhen said suspiciously: "Brother Chen, Why let Wu Guanxi and the others go? They will definitely call the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to ban them when they go back, after all, this company has already been bought by them!"

"It's okay, we just need to get that contract! Liu Li, you and Xiao An are here, vigorously encourage us to go!"

At that moment, Chen Zhenghe went downstairs with Dalizhen, drove out the BMW, and followed Wu Guanxi. Along the way, Dalizhen was very curious about what happened last night, and kept asking questions, while Chen Zheng roughly After telling what happened last night, Dalizhen heard it, but was also surprised: "Brother Chen, you mean, last night that piece of family heirloom jade from the Wang family was smashed by this brother Guanxi? That's all right now, Ordinary big families pay great attention to their image, and they will definitely not let Brother Guanxi enter the Wang family and become his son-in-law."

"Of course!"

"It's just that I'm just curious, why did Brother Guanxi smash the jade into pieces? Could it be Brother Chen..." Dali looked at Chen Zheng with a smile.

And Chen Zheng smiled and didn't talk too much.

"Haha..." Dalizhen also laughed tacitly: "This brother Guanxi offended Brother Chen, this is definitely the beginning of his bad luck! Haha..."

During the conversation along the way, Chen Zheng and Dalizhen followed Wu Guanxi's car to the outside of a mansion. The car was parked far away. Chen Zheng closed his eyes, performed the see-through technique, and looked around. Seeing that Wu Guanxi walked into the mansion, took the purchase contract, walked into the basement, came to a safe, opened the safe, and put the contract in, after all this, Wu Guanxi and Wang Jian left here.

There are surveillance and cameras all along the way.

And there is a door every few meters, some are self-controlled, some are voice-activated, and some are embedded in the wall.

But for Chen Zheng, there was no problem at all.

Chen Zheng got down from the car and said, "Dalizhen, you wait here, I'll be back as soon as I go!"

"Success!" Dalizhen also knew that Chen was the ancient killer, and it would be great if he took the shot.And Chen Zheng walked into the mansion, and just about to go in, he heard an excited voice from behind: "Let me find you again!"

Chen Zheng looked back and saw the old man, he frowned: "Why are you here? Could it be that you are Wu Guanxi's running dog?"

"I'm in charge of guarding this place." The old man yelled happily, and then moved towards Chen Zhengyi. Suddenly, a strong and terrifying aura pressed towards Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng frowned, and he Knowing the horror of the old man, he is not capable of killing him. If he hadn't possessed mysterious martial arts, he would definitely not have been able to avoid the old man's attack, so his first thought was to leave, but when he just turned around and entered, the old man had already When he came to him, he smiled and said, "Boy, didn't I tell you to wait for me last night?"

Chen Zheng became nervous. If there was a real fight, he would definitely be killed by the opponent, because the old man is an ancient killer who has practiced for more than 200 years!
But the old man took out a scripture from his arms, and threw it to Chen Zheng: "Boy, I thought you could block my attack last night, so I was curious about your martial arts talent, and I went back last night to get this scripture just to think about it." Here it is, if you can make it within three days, I will not kill you!"

(PS: The first update, thanks to the book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for the reward of 1888 book coins, today's fifth update to repay him! The next chapter is expected to be in a few hours.)
(End of this chapter)

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