super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 284 Is Simply a Madman [Part 1]

Chapter 284 Is Simply a Crazy [Second Update]

The old man took out a scripture from his arms and threw it to Chen Zheng: "Boy, if you refine this scripture, I won't kill you!"


Chen Zheng felt speechless for a while. It's really a bad time. Why did he meet such a lunatic when he returned to the East China Sea?Fighting with you, seeing that you can block his attack, he ran back and took a scripture, and then handed it to you, telling you that if you can practice within three days, then he will not kill you.

This is not a human being, he is simply a lunatic!

Chen Zheng was speechless.

He wanted to go out, but the old man seemed to have already felt Chen Zheng's desire. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and a gust of wind was torn apart. , he had no choice but to bite the bullet and quickly slash to the back side, and the gust of wind blew up and shattered Chen Zheng's collar into pieces. He laughed and said: "If you can't refine this scripture within three days, I will kill you!"

Chen Zheng froze there.

"You have just stepped into the ranks of ancient killers, but I have practiced for 200 years. As long as I want, no matter how weird you are, I can kill you!" The old man said with a cold face.

Chen Zheng also knew very well that if the old man really wanted to kill, he would have nowhere to escape.

The old man handed the scripture to Chen Zheng, and said with a cold face: "I will give you three days, if you can't make it, I will come back and kill you!"

Chen Zheng knew that it was impossible to escape, so he could only pick up the scripture and observe it carefully. When he saw **** was written on it, he frowned. What kind of scripture is this?Looking up, he found that the old man was sitting not far in front of him, with his eyes closed, sitting on the ground and panting. It was probably useless to ask. He could only open this scripture. Although the scripture is not thick, it is Sealed with ancient sheepskin, it is very sacred. When you open the page, you will see a line of small characters: "This scripture was written by the Jade Maiden, and it began in the 15th year of Yuanzong." Chen Zheng frowned. The scriptures of the Tang Dynasty?
It seems that this is definitely a classic scripture.

Chen Zheng glanced at the old man, the other party probably did not come to harm him, maybe the old man saw that Chen Zheng could block his attack, so he felt that Chen Zheng was a martial arts genius, so he asked him to practice with a scripture, if he could practice Is success a true genius?
So this scripture is definitely a classic?
Chen Zheng picked up this scripture and read it carefully. From the first page, there were no illustrations, examples, or annotations. They were all ancient texts, but all of them were made up of characters and creatures. Therefore, Chen Zheng could barely read it. In fact, he could guess the general meaning of it, but when he spent two hours reading the entire scripture, he felt that his head was too big and he had no clue about everything.

It's as if everything has never been read.

He was speechless, glanced at the old man in the distance, and then activated the spiritual breath in his dantian, poured into the Princess Jade, and after being spiritualized by that mysterious martial art, he then acted on his eyes, and performed the see-through eye technique , Probing towards the front, after such a probing, he could clearly see the contents of this scripture.He read from top to bottom, and gradually, his whole body fell into it. All the words in this book are messy and have no real meaning, but the essence is contained in the structure of the words, and the words are piled up one by one. Get up, and it will form a huge palace map of jade girls, and Chen Zheng's soul is soaked in it, and gradually begins to lose himself.

But he also triggered the mystery in this scripture.

I saw that the scriptures quickly shone with divine light.

"This..." The old man opened his eyes and looked at all this in surprise. He didn't expect that Chen Zhengzhen had already integrated into this scripture: "In less than two hours, you have already found the way? Very good, very good." Okay, but, I really want to know if you can understand its mystery in the future!"

This **** is a scripture that the old man got, and it is the most difficult to practice.

It took him a full 150 years to comprehend the mysteries. Since then, he has advanced by leaps and bounds, and in just 150 years, he has reached a terrifying height.Seeing that Chen Zheng could block his attack last night, he was full of doubts about Chen Zheng. He brought this scripture just to see if Chen Zheng had this talent.

Seeing that Chen Zheng actually entered it now, he was also surprised.

But he wanted to know whether Chen Zheng could comprehend the mystery in it. It took him 50 years to enter the Jade Maiden Heavenly Palace in this scripture, but it took him 100 years to get out. Now, he wants to see Look, how long it will take for Chen Zheng to walk out of the Jade Girl Heavenly Palace.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Seeing Chen Zheng sitting there quietly, the maze formed by the sacred characters appeared in front of him. Chen Zheng threw himself into it, and then started to walk along these mazes, but after that, he walked around several times in a hurry , couldn't get out of this maze, on the contrary, he was completely trapped, stuck in it.

Now, Chen Zheng finally felt the horror of the Jade Maiden Temple.

There are so many complicated passages, walking in them, 1000 million percent will go the wrong way, and it is very likely that they will not be able to come back, and the whole person will be lost in it, which will cause all the credits to be invalid.According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least 200 years to walk through the passages one by one. No wonder the old man gave him this scripture to practice. It turns out that this scripture is indeed terrifying.

This Jade Maiden Heavenly Palace is like a maze.

But every step is a phantom sentient beings. One second, it was a spring and thousands of miles of grassland, and the next second, a world of ice and snow emerged, making people unpredictable.

Chen Zheng walked for a while, and finally returned to the starting point. He stood there with puzzled eyes. He used the spiritual energy in his dantian, transformed it into a mysterious martial art, and then acted on his eyes, performing the see-through technique. , Now, all the scenes in front of him become real and clear, whether it is phantom or stacked barriers, they are all presented one by one, and in it, there is still an extra passage, which can directly reach the end of the Jade Maiden Heavenly Palace. at the center.

Chen Zheng stood up with excitement in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious martial arts in this piece of princess jade is also too powerful, and the spirit-transformed see-through eye technique allows you to see farther, more precisely and more accurately!
There was a flash of a smile in his eyes, and then he walked forward, along this passage, within an hour, he came to the end point, the surrounding scene changed, and holy and jade girls appeared one after another. In front of him, lying down, sitting, leaning, standing, walking, moving, practicing, or exercising... etc., all the phantoms are presented, making the whole world boil.Chen Zheng glanced at it and was fascinated. He walked into it and began to practice.


Outside, the old man stood up and looked at Chen Zheng in amazement, his eyes full of shock: "I didn't expect him to understand the mystery? How is this possible? He is just a trainee who has just stepped into the ranks of the ancient assassins. Why did you realize it so quickly?"

Seeing that Chen Zheng was constantly cultivating in that sacred light, the old man completely believed that Chen Zheng had already comprehended the true meaning of the Jade Girl Scripture.

"He is indeed a martial arts genius!"

Chen was practicing, but gradually, he realized that something was wrong. Why was his body getting hotter and hotter?Could it be that this **** is an evil skill?And when he was puzzled, he saw a woman walking out from the sacred light, it turned out to be a jade girl, she leaned forward, and then put an arm around Chen Zheng's waist, and soon the two hugged each other , and then did something...

By the time Chen Zheng realized it, he had already mastered this practice.

He came out of the Jade Maiden Heavenly Palace and stood there, staring blankly at his hands. After practicing Tiangong, he felt that he was different and the same, but he was still so mysterious.However, he clearly felt the passion burning in his body, yearning for a woman...

"You are indeed a martial arts prodigy!" The old man glanced at Chen Zheng, his eyes full of shock: "You have already practiced **** in less than three hours, which shows that You are a terrifying existence! I will not kill you, because there is no such a gifted existence in this world!"

Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't mastered this kind of magic, he would definitely be killed by the old man with one blow.

Because this old man is an existence that has cultivated for 200 years, even Tang San is not a match for this old man.

But now, the old man finally gave up chasing and killing him.

"Old man, what are you guarding here?" Chen Zheng asked.

"It's not much, so don't ask, you're here to do something, just leave!" the old man said coldly, and then his figure flashed and disappeared into the distance.As soon as the old man left, a gleam of light flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he walked into the mansion...

Then Wu Guanxi and Wang Jian went to fool around for a while, and then turned back. The car was parked in the mansion, and Wu Guanxi walked towards the basement. After going through all the checkpoints and passages, he soon came to the exquisite basement. The door to the basement was closed, and there was a sneer in his eyes: "Chen Zheng, I can kill you with this contract!"

As he said that, he made a phone call, which was to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and informed the other party to prepare, and then went to kill Chen Zheng. After doing all this, he opened the safe, and what appeared in front of him were the gold bars. , Check the coins, gold cards, and the purchase contract.

He was about to pick up the contract, but right here, a hand moved towards him...

(PS: For the second update, thank you book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for the 1888 book coin reward.)
(End of this chapter)

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