super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 288 Using Diamonds to Propose [Part 1]

Chapter 288 Proposing Marriage With Diamonds [Part [-]]

God, what's going on?Xia Wei is a well-known existence in the Jiangnan area, stepping on the ground, the whole Jiangnan will be shaken, Wu Xianguang is a businessman, it took a lot of energy to reluctantly invite such a big man like Xia Wei, and Wang Fu is also watching It was because of Xiawei's face that they were willing to come to negotiate peace. The parents of these two big families were very respectful to Xiawei, let alone Wu Guanxi and Wang Ting.

Wu Guanxi wanted to curry favor with Xia Wei.

Even if Wang Ting is a proud existence, she still has to respect Xia Tian.

But now, Chen Zheng came up, patted Xia Wei on the shoulder, and called out, "Smelly old man!"

Wu Guanxi, Wu Xianguang, Wang Ting, and Wang Fu were all frozen there. They didn't expect that when Chen Zheng faced a big man like Xia Wei, he didn't show any respect at all, and he just called a stinky old man. This is too surprising, isn't it? ?

Originally thought that Xia Wei would get angry, but what surprised them even more was that instead of getting angry, Xia Wei smiled and patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder: "Xiao Zheng, I didn't expect to see you here again, we really Destiny, I heard you came out of the armed police trial training base a few days ago, and I have been following your news, how are you doing now?"

Wu Guanxi, Wu Xianguang, Wang Ting and Wang Fu behind them were all shocked. Could it be that Xia Wei and Chen Zheng knew each other?

Especially Wu Guanxi, who wanted to curry favor with Xia Wei, but now, as soon as Chen Zheng came over, he got into a fight with Xia Wei, which made him angry, but he didn't dare to explode. Guessing, wait until today to get Wang Ting, and then find a way to kill Chen Zheng.

"It's nothing, but I beat Ye Shihao before, and I'm afraid that something will happen later." Chen Zheng said.

"Haha..." Xia Wei smiled, and patted Chen Zheng on the shoulder: "I already know what happened to you, and you did nothing wrong. Ye Shihao bribed the instructor to attack you, which violated the police regulations. I discussed it with Superintendent Huang and decided to expel Ye Shihao and those instructors. Although you were a little ruthless in your attack, you did it for the sake of your comrades in arms, and the other party was fighting with weapons. Save yourself!"

Chen Zheng smiled inwardly, if Xia Wei made a move, nothing would happen!
Xia Wei praised again: "Not only will we not blame you, but we will also praise you. It was you who cleaned up the garbage in the armed police. I will give you a medal later!"

"There is no need for medals..." Chen Zheng didn't want to publicize this matter either.

On the other hand, Wu Xianguang, Wang Fu, Wu Guanxi, and Wang Ting, who were behind them, had been listening to their conversation. Wu Xianguang and Wang Fu looked at each other, and soon thought of an incident that had been circulating among the armed police in the past few days, saying that a student beat him up. The instructor beat more than a dozen instructors, assistants, students and the sons of the captain into disabilities. This incident is a scandal in the East China Sea Armed Police, and it has never been rumored. As the patriarchs of the two major families in the East China Sea, Wu Xianguang and Wang Fu, the news But he is a little savvy, and he naturally understands something.

But what surprised them was that the student who beat the instructor was Chen Zheng!

For a moment, they all felt a little emotional in their hearts. They dared to hit the instructor, and they retreated safely from there, and they were praised by Xia Wei, which showed that Chen Zheng had the aura of a king!

Wang Fu smiled: "Commander Xia, this Xiaozheng is indeed a dragon and phoenix among men. Last time in the hotel, if Xiaozheng hadn't made a move, it would have been difficult for me to deal with it."

"Xiaozheng is an indispensable talent!" Xia Wei smiled, and then looked at Wu Xianguang: "Xianguang, I was invited here to participate in the peace talks tonight, but I didn't expect to meet Xiaozheng here. When the wind and cloud meet here, there must be joy."

Then Wu Xianguang also hit the snake with the stick: "That's right, that's exactly the case! Tonight's banquet has not only a big man like Xia Ling, but also a noble person like Xiao Zheng. It is indeed a happy thing for our Wu family! Haha ..."

Wu Guanxi frowned behind him. He was very upset when he heard his grandfather say that Chen was a nobleman, but he didn't lose his temper. After all, tonight was really about making peace. Chen Zheng died.

At that moment, at the invitation of Wu Xianguang, everyone went inside and came to a huge back hall. The Wu family's mansion is very huge, surrounded by mountains and rivers, next to the prairie, and behind the mountain is the beach. The scenery is beautiful, the mountains are high and the air is refreshing, and the wind is gentle.But this banquet was different from the Wang family's banquet last night. The Wang family's banquet was for celebration and it was Wang Fu's birthday, while tonight's banquet was used to mediate conflicts.

So tonight, in the center of the back hall, there is a large iron cage, and inside the iron cage, two tigers and lions are trapped in small iron cages, but they roar at each other.

The tiger's roar was deafening.

The lion roared and cracked the sky.

"Why did you set up a big iron cage and put two tigers and lions?" Wang An came to Chen Zheng's side and asked suspiciously.

Chen Zheng smiled and said: "It's very simple. They want to describe the dispute between Wang Fu and Wu Xianguang as a tiger and a lion. Later, they will let these two tigers and lions fight each other. After they are both half dead and half alive, they will talk about the reasoning." Yes! Don't forget, the theme of tonight is peace!"

Wang An suddenly realized: "The tastes of merchants are really too elusive! If it was our capital city, we could solve the problem with just a reception, but what kind of tiger-lion fight do they have? They really know how to play."

Chen Zheng smiled and patted Wang An on the head: "Just look carefully!"

And in such a scene, I saw a number of high-level celebrities entering the seat. Wu Xianguang, Wang Fu, and Xia Wei were sitting in the middle hall, representing the Lord, while other high-level celebrities could only sit on both sides, even Wu Guanxi and Wang Ting. They could only sit on the seats one step lower. They raised their heads and looked into the huge iron cage in the back hall. With the sound of beasts singing, they saw the two tigers and lions growl, and then rushed to the ground. towards each other.


The crowd burst into cheers, unexpectedly to see a competition between tigers and lions up close tonight.

There was a loud noise, and the tiger and the lion were confronting each other. The tiger slammed the lion back a step, but the lion jumped up, bit the tiger's neck, rolled over on the ground, and kept biting. , bursts of blood splashed out, and saw the tiger break free from the shackles of the lion, and then pounced back heavily, but the lion suddenly retreated, and the tiger bumped directly into the iron cage .

With a bang, the iron cage was shaken.

Afterwards, the two animals kept confronting each other, sometimes colliding with each other, sometimes biting each other, sometimes fighting each other, but every once in a while, the two animals would hit the iron cage hard. Constantly being hit, but with a shaky posture.Of course, these upper-class celebrities have already fallen into the state of mad dogs, so they don't care about this, they just want to see the strong confrontation between tigers and lions.

And Chen Zheng used the clairvoyance technique to clearly see that the iron pipes around the iron cage were about to break, and then the two tigers and lions would pounce out!

So he stood up and said, "Okay, the tiger and the lion are done fighting, it's time to stop them!"

"Don't stop!" Wu Guanxi stood up with an angry face, this is his mansion, when will it be the turn of someone like Chen Zheng to come and point fingers?And everyone is excited to see it, if it is called to stop, wouldn't it be a disappointment?
"If you don't stop, these two tigers and lions will pounce!" Chen Zheng said.

"What do you know!" Wu Guanxi said angrily.

This made Xia Wei frowned, and Wu Xianguang next to him was always paying attention to Xia Wei's expression, and he said quickly: "Okay, let it stop!"

Seeing that the host waved his hand, an iron net was separated from the iron cage, separating the tiger and the lion. The host smiled and said: "The Wang family is the tiger, and the Wu family is the lion. In the mountains, if they compete like tigers and lions in an iron cage, both sides will be hurt, and any conflicts can be made peace, this is the theme of tonight!"

clap clap clap!
Everyone clapped their hands consciously.

In the high hall, Xia Wei smiled and said: "Wang Fu, I already know about Guanxi and Wang Ting. You have come here tonight for the banquet, so you might as well listen to me, what happened last night Forget about it, Guanxi definitely didn't mean it. The Wu family will pay back the broken Lingyu. You two are two big families in the East China Sea. You need to help each other and cooperate with each other. Everyone bows their heads and sees each other, so if possible, yesterday It's too late."

Wang Funeng came here to save Xia Wei's face, and he also wanted to marry the Wu family, but he couldn't let go of the face.

Now that I heard Xia Wei's words, I naturally took a step back: "Of course!"

"That's great!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Wu Xianguang's eyes, and he quickly winked at Wu Guanxi. Wu Guanxi smiled, glanced at Wang Ting, and then hurriedly walked into the back hall. He didn't know where he was going, but only knew that Wang Ting Ting's face was very pale. She looked into the crowd, looking for Chen Zheng's figure, but she frowned. When she saw Wang An and Liu Li, she couldn't see Chen Zheng's figure.

At this time, Chen Zheng had already followed Wu Guanxi into the back hall. He used the see-through technique to know that Wu Guanxi was taking out the gift box. Inside the gift box should be the big diamond ring, and he looked around again. Go, soon he saw the bottle of sulfuric acid, a smile flashed in his eyes...

"Making soup with your mother... aroused my desire..." Wu Guanxi hummed while preparing gifts, and after a while, he walked into the toilet and simply adjusted his image. Pick up the gift box and walk towards the lobby.

At this time, the lobby was quiet, and everyone was waiting.

And Wu Guanxi came out like a prince, holding the gift box in his hand, came to Wang Ting, knelt down in front of Wang Ting, took out a big diamond ring from the gift box, and said affectionately : "Tingting, I really love you, please marry me!"


When the female guests saw this big diamond ring, they all thought it was very romantic.

And the man also cast a ray of envy, even Wu Xianguang, Wang Fu and Xia Wei all looked at each other and smiled, only Wang Ting was pale and looked around, but she saw Chen Zheng's face in the crowd, and Chen Zheng also cast an encouraging and steady look at her, and asked her to take a step back. Her eyes trembled, she suddenly looked towards the diamond ring, and then took two steps back.

"Tingting, what's wrong with you? Are you still unwilling to accept my courtship?" Wu Guanxi's eyes were full of longing, and he raised the diamond ring on his hand.

But at this time, what was surprising was that the diamond ring suddenly exploded, and a stream of sulfuric acid flowed out of it, sticking to the inside of the gift box, corroding the entire gift box in an instant, Wu Guanxi subconsciously Throwing the gift box out, there was a cry of panic.

And the whole lobby erupted: "This is sulfuric acid! My God, is Brother Guanxi trying to ruin Wang Ting's appearance with sulfuric acid?"

Wang Fu stood up immediately, and looked at Wu Guanxi angrily: "You... You bastard, are you trying to kill my daughter!!!"

(PS: Thanks to the book friend [Wuchen Qingyi] for the two 1888 rewards!)
(End of this chapter)

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