super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 289 An Outstanding Playboy [Part 2]

Chapter 289 An Outstanding Playboy 【Second Update】

"You!" When Wu Guanxi took out the diamond ring in his hand and burst out sulfuric acid, Wang Fu's face changed drastically. He had already stepped down the stairs just now, and felt that Wu Guanxi could be forgiven. He planned to let Wang Ting marry Wu Guanxi, and then continued. The political marriage between the Wu family and the Wang family, but what made his face change drastically was that Wu Guanxi actually wanted to destroy Wang Ting's face. When he thought of this, Wang Fu became angry: "Wu Guanxi, you bastard, you have bad intentions, and you want to destroy me. The appearance of your daughter! You are nothing but a waste, beast!"


Wu Guanxi's face was pale, and he stared fixedly at the diamond ring on the ground. The diamond ring had been cracked, and streams of sulfuric acid gushed out from it, corroding the entire gift box.

What's going on here?

Why did the big diamond ring break apart?

Why is sulfuric acid gushing out of a diamond ring?

Wu Guanxi froze there, his face pale, he saw Wang Ting's scared expression, and he walked forward, trying to explain something: "Tingting, listen to me, I..."

"Don't come here! You clearly want to harm me. Holding such a diamond ring, I thought you wanted to confess your love. Unexpectedly, the diamond ring would explode, and even more unexpectedly, sulfuric acid flowed out of it. Wu Guanxi, you wanted to kill me. It can be said to be deliberate, step by step, first smashing my dowry, and then disfiguring me with sulfuric acid, why did you do this? Is it because I rejected your invitation?" Wang Ting is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Seeing Chen Zheng asking her to back off, she knew that Chen Zheng had made a move. She thought that Chen Zheng would be tyrannizing Wu Guanxi, but it was really surprising that Chen Zheng made the diamond ring erupt with sulfuric acid. How did Chen Zheng did it?
Wang Ting reacted, and then it was worse!

Anyway, this diamond ring belonged to Wu Guanxi, and no one could find out if the responsibility was placed on him.

"I...I..." Wu Guanxi was anxious and wanted to walk towards Wang Ting.

"Stop immediately!" Wang Ting yelled, then stepped back, her face was icy cold, and everyone around her was watching all of this closely. They originally wanted to see Wu Guanxi propose, and then embraced It's a beautiful woman, unexpectedly, the diamond ring brought by Wu Guanxi would burst out with strong sulfuric acid. Wu Guanxi clearly wanted to kill Wang Ting.

"This Wu Guanxi is too vicious, isn't he?"

"Didn't he propose? Why did he ruin his face with sulfuric acid?"

"In my opinion, this guy has never been tempted. He just wants revenge!"

"So his character is like this? He must retaliate? He cares about every detail? He is a modern version of the poisonous queen mother!"

People talk like a tiger, no, Wu Guanxi and Wu Xianguang both got anxious, Wu Guanxi was a little terrified, but Wu Xianguang was furious, he stood up with a swipe, and shouted at Wu Guanxi: "Bastard, what are you doing? Why is it like this? "

Seeing that Wu Guanxi cried out in a hurry: "Grandpa, it's none of my business, I haven't done anything!"

"Yeah." Wu Xianguang nodded, and then said to Wang Fu next to him: "Brother Fu, my grandson would never do such a thing. It should be someone trying to frame him. This diamond ring is the one he spent a lot of money on. Made to order, he is sincere!"

"Sincerely?" Wang Fu smiled coldly: "Before I smashed my family heirloom, it hurt my Wang family's face; now I use sulfuric acid to ruin my daughter's face. If I don't care about you today, tell us about it. What face do we still have? Tell us, can our Wang family still be human? You are a bastard, you are born to be a villain, you must repay your kindness, and you will repay your kindness. You are simply a beast. Our Wang family treats him well and takes the initiative to marry you. Let my daughter marry me, but look, what did you do, you bastard? You smashed my family heirloom and wanted to ruin my daughter's appearance. How can you be human? You're just a bastard!"


A sharp light flashed in Wu Xianguang's eyes.

"Don't say anything. There is no way to make peace with today's matter. If I don't argue with you, my surname will not be Wang!" Wang Fu was also furious, thinking that his daughter was his sweetheart, the one he got in his later years. If I gave it to Wu Guanxi, the cabbage would be so painful that the pig would hurt it. Now that Wu Guanxi tried to kill his daughter again and again, he was completely angry: "This bastard is full of rubbish, because my daughter If you are indifferent to him, he will use such a cruel method!"

"That's enough for you, one beast per bite, no matter how big your Wang family is, it's just jewelry! Let me tell you, your Wang family is just a small jewelry country in the Yangtze River Delta. In the whole of China, there are bigger jewelry groups. The Ling’s Jewelry Group is better than you!” Wu Xianguang suppressed his anger and said: “If you continue to speak arrogantly, I can contact the Ling’s family and bring your Wang family out of business!”

"Is it?"

Wang Fu's face was also a little cautious. After all, their Wang Group can only be regarded as a small jewelry country in the Yangtze River Delta, and in the whole of China and the whole world, it is much better than the Baoqi Group. Among them, the Ling Group in the capital is about It has more strength than Baoqi Group.

The main reason is that Ling's Group occupies several large jewelry production basins.

Now that he heard Wu Xianguang pull out the Ling Group, Wang Fu's face was also a little displeased, he was a face-saving person, and he was provoked, so he said: "Okay, if you have the guts, go and unite with the Ling Family in the capital! "

Then Wu Xianguang also got angry. He just wanted to marry the Wang family politically. He wanted Wang Fu to calm down and sit back at the negotiating table. It exploded directly.This also made Wu Xianguang very embarrassed, he said coldly: "Your Wang family can't beat the Ling family!"

"Your Wu family can't be called the Ling family!"


For a while, both of them became stiff, and Xia Wei next to him couldn't talk, because Wu Guanxi was too messy, and wanted to use sulfuric acid to ruin Wang Ting's appearance, which made Xia Wei unsightly, so he also Did not say anything.

Wu Guanxi looked up and saw that his grandfather and Wang Fu had quarreled, his face was completely pale, knowing that it was irreversible, but he was full of doubts, why this diamond ring would explode, and why there was sulfuric acid in it ?He stood up and looked around, and soon he saw Chen Zheng, his eyes suddenly moved: "Could it be that this bastard did it?"

The more Wu Guanxi thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Chen Zheng was brought back by Wang Ting, there is no reason why he would not help Wang Ting, and last night at the Wang family banquet, Wu Guanxi was slapped by a ghost, it was very weird, but now the diamond ring he took out was missed It ruptured for no reason, gushing out sulfuric acid, all of this was very strange, but whether it was last night or tonight, Chen Zheng was there, so there was only one possibility, it was Chen Zheng's tricks!

Thinking of this, Wu Guanxi's eyes were full of anger, pointing at Chen Zheng and shouting: "He did it!"

Everyone was listening to Wang Fu and Wu Xianguang's quarrel, and when they heard Wu Guanxi's shout, they all turned their heads and looked back.

Chen Zheng smiled, walked out of the crowd, and said helplessly: "I am just a normal person, how could I make such a terrifying blow? And you kept saying it was me, may I ask, do you have any evidence?" ?”

"That's right, you said Brother Xiaozheng did it? Do you have any evidence?" Wang An also said arrogantly: "You obviously wanted to do evil on purpose. You couldn't get Sister Ting, so you wanted to kill her. You are simply a beast!"

Liu Li next to her smiled. She glanced at Wang Ting and then at Chen Zheng. She was sure that it was Chen Zheng who did it, because only Chen Zheng had this ability.

"You don't have any evidence, so don't spout blood. You clearly just want to kill me!" Wang Ting is not a kind person. At this time, she is even worse, wanting to ruin Wu Guanxi's reputation.


Wu Guanxi's eyes were full of anger, he was basically sure that it was Chen Zheng and Wang Ting's joint conspiracy, he secretly said in his heart, after I get Wang Ting, I will ruthlessly kill her, this stinky bastard, three Wanting to reject me four times, self-righteous, thinking that she is a high-ranking saint?
But at the moment, he didn't continue to get angry, but gave Chen Zheng a hard look, then stood up and said, "I ask everyone, do I have a motive for committing the crime?"

Everyone fell silent and listened carefully to Wu Guanxi.

Even Wu Xianguang and Wang Fu fell silent.

Wu Guanxi glanced at Chen Zheng coldly, and then said: "In your eyes, I am a beast, I want to get Wang Ting's beast! I am indeed a beast! Yes, I want to get Wang Ting, I want to love her well, yes She is good, I am indeed a beast like this, but even if I really want to do evil, it will be after I get her. I haven't even touched her hand now, why should I ruin her face? Even if I am a wicked person, I will After chasing her, playing with her for a while, kick her away, and then disfigure her!"

Everyone quieted down, Wang Ting frowned.

Wu Guanxi continued: "So I have no motive to commit the crime! So I didn't do it!"

Everyone looked at each other and felt that what Wu Guanxi said was very reasonable. Even if Wu Guanxi was really a beast, he would play Wang Ting before doing evil, and the most important thing is that he would not do evil in public. Because this will expose him extremely!

Thinking of this, everyone nodded.

And Chen Zheng's eyes flashed a glint of admiration for Wu Guanxi, unexpectedly, this guy has a brain, not the kind of rich second generation who only knows how to play with women, but the kind of young man who knows how to play with women!

A flash of anxiety flashed in Wang Ting's eyes. She felt that the general situation was about to turn against Wu Guanxi, but Wu Guanxi took advantage of the fire and fell to his knees in front of him with a snap, excitedly saying: "Tingting, I am definitely not a beast, I want to get You are just a wolf, please give me a chance, let me protect you with my life, I really love you, I will never do such a thing, I am willing to go up the mountain of swords, into the sea of ​​fire, through the water for you If you put out the fire, you will not hesitate even if you die!"

The surroundings were peaceful, and everyone looked at Wu Guanxi seriously, thinking that Wu Guanxi was very good at being a man, whether it was logic, discrimination, or confession, it was very reasonable.

Even Chen Zheng couldn't help nodding: "Brother Guanxi is really an outstanding dude!"

But at this time, in the peaceful surroundings, a tiger roared, and the tiger in the iron cage suddenly bumped into it, smashing the iron cage with a bang, and then rushed out fiercely with a roar, with a bang It fell between Wu Guanxi and Wang Ting.

"The came out..."

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they fled around.

At that moment, Wu Guanxi's brain was also roaring. Damn it, Chen Zheng was right. The iron cage was already crumbling after being hit by tigers and lions so many times. Now this beast really jumped out. , Wu Guanxi's face was pale and bloodless, seeing the tiger staring at Wang Ting fiercely, Wu Guanxi was trembling all over...

"Brother Guanxi, now is the time for you to act, go up to the hero and save the beauty! Didn't you just say that you are willing to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire for Wang Ting? Now is your chance!" Behind Chen Zhengxiao road.

"This..." Brother Guanxi turned pale, and looked around, seeing that everyone was running away, he gritted his teeth and fled, "I was talking nonsense just now!"

"This..." A sneer flashed in Wang Ting's eyes...

(PS: The second update, thank you book friend Wu Chen for your 1888 book coin reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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