super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 293 Meeting That Old Man

Chapter 293 Meeting That Old Man

"This pair of country bumpkins, who are so poor, dare to come here to grab a diamond ring from us? It's simply ignorant!" A cold voice rang out, and a man and a woman came up behind him. Fat, with a beer belly, shiny hair, red face, a briefcase in his left hand, he can be seen as a pampered upper-class celebrity, and on his right hand is a young woman , about 25 years old, looks very coquettish, blows eyelashes and false pupils, rhinoplasty to moisturize the skin, red lips and white teeth, good looks.

"What did you say?" Chen Zheng looked at the middle-aged fat man coldly.

"I said you **** are a poor man, how dare you come to compete with me for diamonds? Don't take a piss and take a look at your face, and see how poor you are!" The middle-aged fat man said mockingly. When he saw Xia Xue next to Chen Zheng, his eyes lit up, and he mocked again: "Such a poor dick, but also has such a beautiful girlfriend? Really? It's a flower stuck in cow dung!"

"Oh shit!"

A murderous look flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he wanted to punch him, but Xia Xue held him tightly. Xia Xue shook his head and said, "Don't act recklessly, don't forget, I'm a policeman!"

Chen Zheng glanced coldly at the fat middle-aged man, but didn't make a move.

The middle-aged fat man was holding the girl on his arm. Seeing that Chen Zheng didn't dare to make a move, he was even more triumphant, and winked at Xia Xue: "Beauty, I think you are slim, youthful and beautiful, why don't you abandon this poor girl?" Come to me, Si, I will take good care of you."

A trace of disgust flashed in Xia Xue's eyes, and she said to the waiter, "We have already taken a fancy to this diamond ring, please wrap it up for us!"

The waitress glanced at the middle-aged fat man, but smiled, and said to Xia Xue, "I'm sorry, this diamond ring was chosen by the boss, and I can't give it to you."

Chen Zheng frowned: "If they were selected first, why are you still here? Isn't this deliberately causing conflicts? How can you do business like this? Call your manager immediately. If I don't do anything today, I will fight with you." Talk about the truth!"

"Speaking of reason?" But the middle-aged fat man smiled coldly, and said provocatively: "Yes, I did choose this diamond ring before, but I later thought it was inappropriate, so I didn't order it, but my female partner Now I want it again, so I came to pick it up again, what can you do to me? I’m poor, I’ll give you a [-]% discount, you can’t even afford it, come here to pretend!"

Chen Zheng smiled, took out a gold peony card from his pocket, and handed it to the waitress: "There is money in this card, see if you can pay for this diamond!"

The waitress didn't move, but looked at the fat middle-aged man next to her.

The middle-aged fat man nodded: "It's okay, just swipe his card for him, and see if there is any money in this card!"


The waitress took out an electronic credit card machine, made some simple operations, and then asked Chen Zheng to enter the secret. Soon, the balance on the card came out. There was a full 3000 million in the card. The waiter turned pale with fright, and quickly Changed a smiling face: "Sir, how about this, our store will launch another batch of diamond rings some other day, if you don't mind, you can come back in a few days, our store will repackage a set of diamond rings for you The diamond ring is exactly the same!"

"No, we came first today, and we want this one!" Chen Zheng's attitude was very firm.

The middle-aged fat man was also irritated, he slapped the counter angrily, and then shouted at the waitress: "Are you fucking stupid? This diamond ring is what we fancy. I have spent hundreds of millions here, believe it or not, I will sue your manager immediately!"

The waitress' face was pale. She knew the real identity of this middle-aged fat man, she was not something she could offend, and the net worth of this middle-aged fat man would definitely not be less than one billion, so she looked at Chen Zhenghe coldly. Xia Xue: "I'm sorry, this diamond ring has already been selected, please go back now!"

Now, even the calm Xia Xue was angry: "What do you mean? Didn't you just say that you already gave it to us? Now you have changed your mind? What business do you do?"

"Sorry, this diamond ring has already been ordered for this boss, please go back, if there is another similar style, we will notify you separately!" The waitress' voice was very cold.

"You..." Xia Xue also got a little hairy.

The middle-aged fat man next to him held his female partner's arm, stroked his female partner's thigh with his big hand, and let out a cheerful laugh: "Today's mood is as refreshing as touching this ****."

"Hehe, husband, I love you to death. In this East China Sea, no one dares to compete with you for a diamond ring..." The young girl smiled happily.

"Is it?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and two men came out from the manager's room. The man walking in front was an old man with a red face. Chen Zheng recognized it at a glance. The old man I met at the big health care in the red light district last night was almost blocked by the police and reporters. Fortunately, Chen Zheng took him and ran out, and Xia Xue and others were guarding outside. Chen Zheng did not confess the old man. Go out, let the old man keep it in mind, now the old man is talking with the manager of this jewelry store in the manager's office, when he saw Chen Zheng arguing with a middle-aged fat man, the old man hurried out.

The waitress, Xia Xue, and the fat middle-aged man all looked back at the old man suspiciously.

The waitress didn't know the old man, but she knew the man next to the old man, who was the lobby manager of the jewelry store. Seeing that the lobby manager respected the old man very much, the waitress had a flash of panic in her eyes, and felt something was wrong. Actively said: "Manager Wang, are you here?"

"What's the situation?" Manager Wang's expression darkened.

"It's like this..." The waitress said quickly: "This boss is an outstanding entrepreneur in Donghai. He took a fancy to this diamond ring, and this young couple also fell in love with this diamond, but I have already sold it to this boss." Already!"

"Presumptuous! I just heard that this diamond ring is for this young couple! What qualifications does an employee like you have to stay here?" The old man turned back to Manager Wang and said, "Xiao Wang, you were asked to come here at the beginning. To be on guard is to have faith in you, but right now, it disappoints me."

Manager Wang's expression changed, and he quickly yelled at the waitress: "You idiot, I invited you back to serve customers, not to offend customers, you can go now!"

"This..." The waitress was extremely pale, and she looked at the fat middle-aged man in horror.

The fat middle-aged man frowned, and shouted: "So, I'm not a customer anymore? This diamond is my favorite, and I'm willing to pay 600 million!"

Manager Wang didn't act in a hurry, but looked at the old man next to him. The old man smiled coldly and said coldly, "If you don't sell it for 600 million, you have to pay at least 3000 million! Are you willing to give it?"


The middle-aged fat man finally realized something, he snorted coldly, and then walked out with his female companion, but as soon as he reached the gate, he turned his head and saw the old man smiled, Walking towards Chen Zheng: "Brother, you had a lot to do last night, I never expected to see you here again!"

At that moment, the fat middle-aged man's expression changed.

Not only the fat middle-aged man, but even the waitress and Manager Wang's expressions changed.

(End of this chapter)

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