super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 294 Brother, You Are Amazing

Chapter 294 Brother, You Are Amazing

When the old man walked towards Chen Zheng, the fat middle-aged man, the waitress, and Manager Wang all froze there. Does this Chen Zheng know this old man?The middle-aged fat man and the waitress didn't know who the old man was, but Manager Wang knew very well that the old man was the chairman of the jewelry store.

"Haha, where is there no friend in the world? We were destined last night, but today we meet again." The old man held Chen Zheng's palm with one hand, patted Chen Zheng's shoulder with the other, and said with a smile: "I Ling You are a very loyal person, brother, you helped me last night, you did not confess to me, save some face for me, I will treat you as my brother! I have traveled all over my life, relying on my friends and brothers, In this jewelry store, you can take whatever you like, and you don’t need money for it all!”

"How is this possible?"

Chen Zheng shook his head. This store is located in the most prosperous center of Tianhe District, which means that the status here is very good and the price is very high. Any piece of jewelry is priceless. If Chen Zheng takes one, it will definitely cause heavy losses to the other party. He is not a greedy person either, so he took out the big red stone ring and put it on for Xia Xue himself. Seeing that it was very suitable, he smiled and said: "Brother, although you are very hospitable, after all your business I still have to do it, just give me a [-]% discount on this one!"

"No! No!" The old man was very firm: "This one is for you for free!"

"I can't have it!"

"If you don't want to, say it, how can I show my face when I insult someone? I insult someone. This person has a clear grievance and resentment. Anyone who offends me will be punished. Double repayment, serve him like a brother! If you don't accept this red treasure ring today, I won't be able to hang around with someone in the future!" The old man's tone was very tough, and Chen Zheng would force him if he didn't accept it. Plan to stuff it in.

Chen Zheng also knew that the words of these rich people were hard to follow.

So he accepted the red treasure ring and said, "Then brother, I'd rather obey my orders than be respectful!"

"Apart from this ruby ​​ring, do you have anything else you like?" The old man looked at Chen Zheng seriously: "If you like something, just ask and take as much as you want! Brother, you will never treat him badly!"

"there is none left!"

Chen Zheng shook his head, determined not to take it.

It is his problem that others are hospitable, but if he takes it himself, he will be sorry for his conscience.

The old man looked at Chen Zheng with a smile. Seeing that Chen Zheng insisted on not taking it, he was also very helpless, so he said: "Well, brother, I wonder if you are free? I, Ling, want to buy you a drink to repay last night. yes!"

When it comes to drinking, Chen Zheng is also very happy. After all, this old man should be a rich man at a glance. There is nothing wrong with making more friends like this. It's just that when he wanted to ask Xia Xue, he found that Xia Xue was staring at him angrily and delicately. Looking at him, as if blaming him for messing around last night and obstructing her work, she recognized the old man with Chen Zheng from the red light district last night. Needless to say, it must be Chen Zheng's Zhu Pengjiu friend.

Looking at Xia Xue's angry and delicate eyes, Chen Zheng was not stupid, he reacted immediately, and smiled awkwardly: "Xia Xue, don't think about it!"

Xia Xue glared at Chen Zheng, and pulled Chen Zheng away. After all, he wanted to go back and interrogate slowly, but Chen Zheng made a helpless gesture, and said to the old man: "Brother, let's talk about it when we have time."

The old man wanted to invite Chen Zheng, but when he saw Xia Xue, he realized, isn't this Xia Xue the policewoman from last night?He smiled and cast a look of "brother, you are amazing".

Chen Zheng and Xia Xue walked out of the jewelry store.

"Tell me honestly, who is this old man?" Xia Xue asked coquettishly.

"I rescued them from the red-light district last night!" Chen Zheng confessed: "He and Dali Zhen took care of them together. I was afraid that if they were caught, it would be bad if they were exposed, so I brought them out."

"Then do you have health insurance?" Xia Xue asked the most concerned thing.

"Absolutely not! I went in with you last night!"

"Okay, I believe you!"

The two held hands, and walked out, but just as they walked out of the door, they saw a middle-aged fat man standing there with four young gangsters, and when they saw Chen Zhengshi, they waved: "Go up and kill him, the men beat you!" Die, take the girl in the car!"

The four young men rushed forward.

"It's been a long time since I've had a group fight!" Chen Zheng snorted, then pounced on him, swung his fist, and knocked out a young man at the front with one punch, causing the opponent to bleed wildly, and his nose hurt It was broken, the other party lowered his head and before he had time to react, Chen Zheng kicked him hard on the lower abdomen, kicking him upside down. This kick, within half a minute, was very smooth, and the remaining three gangsters were kicked. They were all taken aback. They looked at each other, knowing that they had gotten into trouble, they took out a fruit knife and greeted Chen Zheng.

"When the knife is out of its sheath, there will be blood!"

Chen Zheng snorted coldly, bullied himself up, his body was like a swimming dragon, his body was like Mount Tai, he raised his knife and fell, blood spattered three feet forward, spattering a pool of blood.

There was a burst of painful cries, and the three gangsters couldn't even cut off Chen Zheng's hair, so they fell to the ground by Chen Zheng. Seeing that the middle-aged fat man's face changed drastically, he just wanted to pull out his mobile phone to call the police, when he saw Xia Xue came up and clasped the handcuffs, and the handcuffs clasped the middle-aged fat man's wrists, and then locked them on the tail of the car. Xia Xue snatched the middle-aged fat man's mobile phone: "Do you want to call the police? ? No need to report, I am the police!"

"You!" The fat middle-aged man's expression changed drastically.

"Wife, get out of the way!" Chen Zheng drank, and then slammed a beer bottle on the middle-aged fat man's face, causing the middle-aged fat man to let out a scream like killing a pig. He just wanted to say something , but Chen Zheng hit the middle-aged fat man with a knife, and directly beat the middle-aged fat man into a concussion, causing him to pass out.

Soon the surroundings became dead silent.

Chen Zheng said to Xia Xue: "My wife, you should call the police! Tell other colleagues to come over and deal with it. We have to go back and continue living the world of two people."

At the same time, in the Wang's Baoqi Group, in the general manager's office, Wang Ting held a document in her hand and began to study it carefully, while her secretary He Yan stood quietly opposite her without saying a word. , but there was a murderous look in those eyes.

Wang Ting put down the materials, thinking only about Chen Zheng, she stood up: "He Yan, I have to go back beforehand, I'm not here, I'll leave it to you to take care of it, if you have any important matters, please let me know immediately!"


He Yan nodded, and then sent Wang Ting out in person. When Wang Ting's car left the Science City, she immediately went back and called a man who was in the Wang's Baoqi Group. It is a well-known existence, the general manager of the collection department, his name is Xiao Shang.As soon as He Yan found Xiao Shang, she said straight to the point: "Mr. Xiao, I want to cooperate with you and kill Wang Ting!"

"What did you say?" Xiao Shang looked surprised.

"Northern Ling's Group, Donghai Shanda Group..." He Yan suddenly reported the names of the two groups, which surprised Xiao Shang, and quickly asked: "He Yan, what do you have to say? Say it as soon as possible."

"Don't be in a hurry..." He Yan smiled, picked up the teacup, walked to the water dispenser, and made a cup of coffee, but when she bent down, she revealed the meat stockings and panties under the lady's wrapped skirt, Seeing that Xiao Shang's heart was agitated, he gave a low drink, then rushed towards He Yan, hugged He Yan with both hands, and said anxiously: "My dear He Yan, please speak quickly."

"Ling's Group and Shanda Group want to kill Wang Ting and Baoqi Group..."

"Ling's Group? Lead me to see him immediately. As long as he makes a move, I won't do anything!"


When Wang Ting found Chen Zheng, it was already five o'clock in the evening. Chen Zhenggang bid farewell to Xia Xue, and after sending Xia Xue to the night shift, he planned to go back and ask Dalizhen, Tiangong, Wang An, and Liu Li to go out for dinner. But I saw Wang Ting at a glance. As soon as he got out of the car, Wang Ting rushed up and hugged Chen Zheng tightly. Her sexy and moist lips kissed Chen Zheng's big mouth, and she let go after a while. Chen Zheng then smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"is it?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Chen Zheng's eyes, and he wanted to drag Wang Ting into the car, and then jolt him into the car, but Wang Ting stopped him: "Chen Zheng, what are you going to do?"

"Talk about life in the car."

"You are too rascal!"

"Is it not because of this reason that you are so excited to see him?" Chen Zheng asked seriously.

"Bah, do you think that when I saw you, I wanted to do something with you? Are you too that?" Wang Ting was a little angry.

"Haha..." Chen Zheng smiled, hugged Wang Ting, and slapped his own mouth: "I was thinking too much, I was thinking too much, I'm sorry, Tingting, let's go have dinner now. "


Wang Ting nodded, then walked forward with Chen Zheng, and soon ran into Wang An, Liu Li, Dali Zhen and Tiangong, among them, Dalizhen and Tiangong brought the girl they had just met, all of them It's a female colleague from the company, and Wang An's face turned pale when he saw Wang Ting. If it wasn't for Liu Li next to him to comfort Wang An, she would have lost her temper a long time ago. She looked at Chen Zheng with a pitiful face : "Brother Xiaozheng, why did you bring this Wang Ting here?"

"Oh, she's here to talk to us about business." Chen Zheng winked at Liu Li.

The clever Liu Li realized that Chen Zheng and Wang Ting were lovers. She smiled and took Wang An's little hand: "Xiao An, don't be angry, the two of them have nothing to do with each other."

Under Liu Li's comfort, Wang An calmed down quietly.

Next, everyone started to eat dinner. During the whole process, Wang An kept staring at Chen Zheng and Wang Ting closely, for fear that they would make eye contact, but seeing that they were both very normal, she breathed a sigh of relief.

And Wang Ting has been paying attention to Wang An. Seeing that Wang An has calmed down, she is also secretly relieved. She was about to say something, but at this moment, there was a rush of phone calls. It was from the company's security room. Said: "Manager Wang, there are thieves who say that important documents from the general manager's office have been stolen!"


(End of this chapter)

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