super almighty son-in-law

Chapter 298 You Are My Brother

Chapter 298 You Are My Brother
Hearing Wang Ting say that her mother fainted on the ground, Chen Zheng was very nervous. Hasn't Wang Ting's mother Wu Li been healed?There was a lump of rotting blood near Wu Li's heart, which had been cleared away by Chen Zheng. Could it be happening again now?

Chen Zheng jumped into the BMW, and then drove towards the rich villas outside the suburbs.

The car parked outside the villa, Chen Zheng jumped out of the car, ran towards the villa, and saw Aunt Ling's pale face from a distance, confused: "This is terrible, madam has never had an attack like today, just now It's just a flashback, her illness is already terminally ill, and there is no cure for it..."

"Don't panic!" Chen Zheng said in a deep voice.

Aunt Ling turned her head and saw that it was Chen Zheng, as if grasping at straws: "Young Master Chen, you're finally back? Go and see Madam, you cured her before, but it didn't help, and now she's starting to have seizures again!"

Chen Zheng walked in quickly, and saw a middle-aged woman lying there on the sofa in the lobby, it was none other than Wang Ting's mother Wu Li.

"Chen Zheng, are you back? Look at mom..."

Wang Ting was very excited when she saw Chen Zheng. Just now she was discussing the upcoming marriage with her mother. What did her mother say that she wanted to watch her and Chen Zheng give birth to a child, and then hand it over to her to take care of it. She had never seen her mother smile so much Happy, but before I finished speaking, my mother fainted on the ground.

How can this not worry her?


Chen Zheng nodded his head, performed the see-through technique, and probed into Wu Li's body. He soon discovered that the blood in Wu Li's body had already been polluted. After the black blood mass exploded, wasn't the toxin completely gone? cleared?Why is the blood polluted?

Wait, suddenly, Chen Zheng was shocked, he clearly saw the white blood cells in the blood.

It turned out that the ball of dirty blood was used to block the mechanism of mutated white blood cells from invading Wu Li!
Chen Zheng hurriedly said: "The tainted blood is not infected, but the accumulation of drugs and genes, which are used to block the mutation of white blood cells. After I cleared the tainted blood, all the mutated white blood cells flooded out. Come out, devour and infect Auntie's body, quickly occupy it in a short time, and destroy Auntie's mechanism!"

"Doesn't that mean that you messed up your mother just now?" Wang Ting looked at Chen Zheng with a pale face.


Chen Zheng nodded, and he didn't care about it. Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse. He used the spiritual energy in his body, and then poured into Wu Li's body. Activated all the white blood cells and became even more violent.


Seeing that Wu Li was trembling all over, she opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of putrid blood, her face was pale.


Both Wang Ting and Aunt Ling turned extremely pale, and their eyes were full of tension.

Chen Zheng failed the first time, so he hastily carried out the second time. This time, he used the spiritual breath in his dantian, passed through the mysterious martial arts in the princess Peiyu for a while, and then quickly burned up and entered Wu Li's body. All the white blood cells boiled up and were eliminated continuously at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a moment, all the mutated white blood cells in Wu Li's body were wiped out.

Wu Li returned to normal in an instant.

Her pale face gradually returned to rosy, and her hands were no longer so cold. She stretched out her hand and held Wang Ting's palm tightly: "Daughter, is something wrong with me?"

"No, Chen Zheng is back, he is the one who rescued you!" Wang Ting said hastily.

"Is it?"

Wu Li turned her head and looked seriously at Chen Zheng who was on the side.And Chen Zheng didn't say a word, and continued to check the situation in Wu Li's body. He found that there was no blood, no mutation, and the physiological mechanism inside returned to normal. I was wrong!"

"what happened?"

Wu Li, Wang Ting and Aunt Ling all looked at Chen Zheng in surprise.

And Chen Zheng knelt there, with a very painful expression on his face: "I shouldn't carelessly remove the dirty blood for you, because of my recklessness, which caused your mutated white blood cells to explode on a large scale, tonight it was almost because of me And I lost my life, Auntie, I’m really sorry, I shouldn’t have messed around!”

When Aunt Ling saw it, she couldn't help cursing in her heart: My mother, if it wasn't for you, my wife would not be saved in this life. She was pale and cold before, she didn't have a good rest, and her face was not good, it was because of you Only by saving her life can my wife survive, my mother, you actually said that you shouldn't mess around?Without you, Madam would definitely die!
Wang Ting on the side also smiled and said: "Chen Zheng, don't blame yourself, the reason why my mother was able to recover is because of you!"

"No, I shouldn't have cleaned up that mass of blood indiscriminately. If not, the mutated white blood cells in my aunt's body would not have exploded, and she would not have nearly died!" Chen Zheng blamed himself.

Aunt Ling on the other side was mad: If you hadn't cleaned up the blood stain, would it have induced mutated white blood cells?If these mutated white blood cells are clogged in the body, Madam's lifespan will be shortened by several decades. You take action now, but you say you shouldn't mess around?Can you make people live?
Wu Li smiled: "Xiaozheng, I want to thank you! Get up quickly!"


Chen Zheng stood up.

And Wang Ting next to him glanced at Chen Zheng with a smile. For some reason, she remembered that she had a scar under her armpit. It had been there since she was a child. She had consulted a doctor before and said that she didn't need to pay attention to it, but she always wanted to be beautiful. Hoped that one day the scar would be healed, but there was no way to seek medical treatment.

Now that she saw Chen Zheng making such powerful shots, she was a little bit more puzzled: I wonder if Chen Zheng can get rid of the scars on my Xiang's armpits?But how can you say it under the armpit?
"Auntie, you guys have a chat, my cell phone is ringing." Chen Zheng said something, and then walked out with his cell phone, but he called vigorously: "Brother Chen, I saw that Wu Guanxi went to find Xiao Shang !"

"No need to worry about it!"

"it is good!"

At the same time, in a certain community in Tianhe District, a BMW was parked on the side of the road, and a young man walked into Unit A. This young man was none other than Wu Guanxi.He is here to find Xiao Shang. He and Xiao Shang were classmates when they were in college. The relationship between the two is very strong. Now he intends to invite Xiao Shang to come to his company to be an executive. Xiao Shang is not stupid and should not leave alone , but today he received a call from Xiao Shang, saying that Xiao Shang would take the initiative to withdraw.

This surprised Wu Guanxi.

He came directly to Xiao Shang's home, walked in and said, "Xiao Shang, why didn't you do it? I just need you to help me kill the Baoqi Group. Why did you quit halfway? Aren't we brothers? "

Xiao Shang turned around and saw that it was Wu Guanxi, so he cried, walked up quickly, and then hugged Xiao Shang: "Brother, you are my brother, I have AIDS... Chen Zheng and the others did it..."


Wu Guanxi's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously pushed Xiao Shang out: "You fucking have AIDS and still want to call me brother? Get out of here!"

"What are you doing here? Don't you want me to go back and help you? Yes, I'm willing to go back and help you."

"Get out!" Wu Guanxi kicked Xiao Shang out, and cursed: "You don't even look down on you, an AIDS dog is also qualified to cooperate with me? Get out immediately!"

"You are heartless!"

(End of this chapter)

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